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Formative Assessment -I

1. For a given program change the title to your project name and add names of your team
mates with roll number. Design page 1 and index for your project with chapters to be
designed : Abstract , Background , Motivation, Scope of the Project Proposed work and
Literature Review.
Ans -
Code -
Part 1:

\author{Akshata Sharma - 41\\Janani Menon - 23\\Swati Khanna - 20}
\title{Automotive Battery Management System in EV}

This is a document


Part 2:


\title{Automotive Battery Management System in EV}

\author{Akshata Sharma 41\\Janani Menon 23\\Swati Khanna 20}



This is the introduction of Creating table of contents in Overleaf\index{Overleaf}
LATEX\index{LATEX} in this section\footnote{This is my footnote}.

\section{Proposed Work}
\section{Literature Review}




Formative Assessment -II
1. Create document class book and add various packages. Make All pages before chapter 1
with roman number, empty page (page break)before starting chapters along with
assigning page dimensions properly, add footer note at least one place, Change the Font,
or size of Font / make it BOLD ,Italic as per requirement. Align the text as per your
requirement. Adjust the spacing in various Chapter/ subsection content as per your
requirement, change the color of some words with at least two different colors.

Code -
\geometry{ a4paper,
total={170mm,257mm}, left=20mm,
\author{\emph{Akshata Sharma 41, Janani Menon 23, Swati Khanna 20}}
\title{\textbf{Automotive Battery Management System in EV}}
\verb|\footnotetext{Here's the footnote.}|. \footnotetext{Here's the footnote.}
\section{Overall Description}
\paragraph{ }

Output -
Formative Assessment -III

1. Make the first page of the BE report along with addition of the institute logo, university
of mumbai logo and the figures should also be not reflected in the table of figures.Make a
chapter as Project implementation where in this chapter add a table of Hardware and
software requirements with its specifications.
Ans -
Code -
\setmarginsrb{3 cm}{2.5 cm}{3 cm}{2.5 cm}{1 cm}{1.5 cm}{1 cm}{1.5 cm}
\title{Final Research Report} %
\author{Akshata Sharma} %
% Date
\vspace*{0.4 cm}
\includegraphics[scale = 0.45, width = 15 cm, height = 4.5 cm]{header2.jpg}\\[.8 cm]
\includegraphics[scale = 0.45, width = 15 cm, height = 4.5 cm]{image.png}\\[.8 cm]
\textsc{\Large University of Mumbai}\\[.3 cm] % University Name
% Course Code
\textsc{\LARGE Automotive Battery Management System in EV}\\[0.5 cm]
% Course Name
\rule{\linewidth}{0.2 mm} \\[0.2 cm]
{ \huge \bfseries \thetitle}\\
\rule{\linewidth}{0.2 mm} \\[.8 cm]

\emph{Author 1:}\\
\emph{Author 2:} \\ Janani
\emph{Author 3:} \\ Swati

{\large \thedate}\\[8 cm]




\chapter{Project Implementation}
\setlength{\parindent}{5ex} Any electronic system that operates on a rechargeable battery is
called to protect it from operation outside its safe operating area, monitor its condition, calculate
secondary data, report that data, control its environment, verify and / or balance it.
The system is developed keeping in mind the achieving of 2 aims – safety and reliability of the
EV. The maintenance of the same is done by considering the amount and effect of input and
output parameters. The input parameters include voltage, temperature, current and sensors

The output to the same is State of Charge (SOC), State of Health (SOH), Safety Envelope (SOE)
and faults detected. The SOC indicates the current battery level status, SOH indicates the battery
efficiency degradation from initial value, SOE tells the safety limit between charge and discharge
and faults are the status signals. The BMS performs the function of monitoring the voltage of
each individual cell and collectively, followed by measurement of current through the
introduction of shunt resistance in the flow path. It consists of a master disconnect which allows
to disconnect the circuit to load and connect it to the charge station when plugged in.
The external terminals provide for load addition like the motor for wheels in case of EV. There is
an additional communication interface used to update the BMS with the performance and
behavior of EV.

Research puts forward all the parameters that can be put forward for use when developing a
system model. Important factors to consider are proper maintenance of the cells to meet the
requirements of low maintenance and battery pack design.
Various sensors are used to detect temperature, speed, humidity and many other factors that
interfere with EV performance. This current paper focuses on the study of BMS and optimizing
the power performance of electric vehicles. In addition, much of the goal of reducing greenhouse
gases can be achieved by using battery management systems in EVs.
\caption{Hardware Requirements} \\
\textbf{Components} & \textbf{Specifications} \\
Arduino Uno & ATMEGA328P\\
Water Pump & 3-6V\\
DC Motor & 12 Volt DC Motor – 200 RPM\\
Output -
Formative Assessment -IV
1. Make a document based on Controlling the placement of figures and tables, typesetting
math symbols such as roots, operators, Greek letters, and arrows, building fractions,
stacking expressions, Building matrices.


Code -

%Table-related commands
\newcolumntype{s}{>{\columncolor[HTML]{AAACED}} p{3cm}}
SOH for an EV BMS is the state of health of the system. It is defined as the Total capacity life
today w.r.t Capacity at the beginning of life SOH = Total Capacity now (Ah) / Beginning of Life
Capacity (Ah) (7). In the case of SOH, we observe two kinds of measurements obtained which
are – State of Health in terms of capacity (SOHc) and State of Health in terms of impedance
(SOHi). When we consider the SOH measurement it is observed that in case of SOHc there is a
decrease in the capacity as the number of charge and discharge cycles increases. This means that
over a period of time for the EV the charging and use will affect the circuit components
especially the impedance. The graph of SOHc vs Cycles is observed as the following
\begin{tabular}{ |s|p{0.5cm}|p{0.5cm}| }
\rowcolor{lightgray} \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{SOH Determination} \\
Quantity&Value&Units \\ BOL Range&200&km \\
Cell BOL Capacity&80&NA\\ Current Range&160&km\\
\caption{Calculation of SOH using current}

The SOHi is the impedance factor considered which has to be considered because more charge
and discharge cycles cause an increase in the voltage drops across the resistor and hence the
resistance increases which also triggers the increase in thermal output. This might become a
possible cause of fire. The graph of SOHi vs cycles is as follows: The SOH value is used to
calculate the estimated range for an EV which is also used to estimate the SOC. The following
factors are considered for the same – Beginning of life(BOL) capacity, Total capacity now. For
example, consider an E with BOL capacity = 100% and Capacity now = 80%.
Hence , If the BOL range initially was 200 km
Now the range = BOL range x Capacity now(8)
To know the range remaining we have to consider the SOC as well, let us say it is 70%
Range remaining = now range x SOC now (9)
The SOH also helps to determine the cooling system performance where the max speed is not
reached as the thermal protection is there to prevent the same as may lead to a fire.
The SOC stands for the state of charge of BMS in an EV. The definition of the same is the
capacity remaining of the pack w.r.t the total capacity of the pack now. In terms of a formula, it is
represented as,
SOC = Current Rating or Capacity / Total Rating or Capacity
For example, if the SOC of a pack or cell is 70 percent it means that if the total capacity of the
cell is 100Ah then 30Ah has been used hence 70Ah is remaining for use. The SOC has 2 parts
associated with it – SOC for capacity and SOC for Energy which is used in maximum EV. The
SOC for a vehicle is plotted at 50 percent in the below graph of voltage vs Ah discharge.For the
calculation of SOC there are different methods but most importantly a few factors have to be
considered before performing the process. The 3 types of methods to find SOC are – OCV
method, Kalman Filter, Neural network.
In the first method of OCV we have to calculate the current which is measured across the shunt
resistance connected to the BMS in EV which will have some amount of drift hence a little error.
Due to this we use a factor known as OCV which is open cell voltage to compare integration of
actual voltage difference or electric potential between two cells when disconnected from a cell.
The calculation of the same is through the area under curve, which is given by integration, hence
the formula becomes\parSOC(t) = SOC(t-1) + \(\int_{to}^{t} i(t)/V(n) \,dt\) \end{document}

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