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YF04 测试仪使用说明

模式 00-测 A7800/7840,AMC1200,ACPL-782L 等。这类光耦也有好多型号,共
性是输入-0.200—+0.200V,输出是输入的 8 倍,线性变化。
模式 01-测 A7860,A786J 等。这二种是相同功能不同的引脚封装,共性是输入
模式 10-测 A788J。这种 IC 比较复杂,有三个检测量输出。
模式 11-测 A7510。非常规线性输出
Q: Which models can be tested?
Answer: The same properties and functions can be test
ed in the same mode. The models listed are only repre
sentative of this type of common use.
Mode 00-test A7800/7840, AMC1200, ACPL-782L and so on.
This type of optocoupler also has many models, the c
ommonality is input -0.200-+0.200V, output is 8 times
the input, linear change.
Mode 01-Test A7860, A786J and so on. These two types
are different pin packages with the same function, an
d the commonality is the input
-0.200—+0.200V, the output is pulse data.
Mode 10-Test A788J. This kind of IC is more complicat
ed and has three detection output. Mode 11-Test A7510.
Unconventional linear output

问:测试过保证 100%合格吗?
如温漂稳定性等是测不了的,任何模拟手段只能接近而无法达到理论值 100%。
模式设定:SW 改动后一定要重上电,否则还是默认改动前设定,务必注意。拔码开
关打下(OFF)表示 0 打上(ON)表示 1,在上电时有显示提示。前期设计的 SW
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2 位,后期设计的是 3 位,实际都是用右边 2 位,左侧那位是备用。
示器;2、IC 均是正放,即下对齐,左上方是 1 脚。
显示器(图 1)的面积很有限,为了显示比较直观,将其分为四个区(A-
Q: Has it been tested and guaranteed to be 100% qualified?
Answer: It can be said that it cannot be achieved responsibly. The tester only detects the cor
responding proportional relationship between input and output. Others such as temperature drif
t stability cannot be measured. Any simulation method can only be close to 100% of the theoret
ical value.
Input power: DC15-24V, this tester is a little different from other models, it can work as lon
g as it displays. Mode setting: After the SW is changed, the power must be re-powered, otherwi
se it is still set by default before the change, so be sure to pay attention. Pull code to ope
Turn off (OFF) means 0 and turn on (ON) means 1, and a prompt will be displayed when power is
on. The SW designed in the early stage is
2 digits, 3 digits were designed in the later stage. Actually, 2 digits on the right are used,
and the one on the left is a spare.
Conversion base: Various conversion bases follow the same rule: 1. The bottom surface of the b
ase is marked with an arrow, and the arrow is facing the display when installed; 2. The IC is
placed in the front, that is, aligned at the bottom, with a pin at the top left.
Display description:
The area of the display (Figure 1) is very limited. In order to display more intuitively, it i
s divided into four areas (A-upper left, B-lower left, C-lower right, D-upper right, that is,
make a circle in a counterclockwise direction). In different test modes, the display values of
these four areas have the same meaning.


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A— 输入量,由电位器产生。转动电位器时此值在-0.250—+0.250V 左右变
化(超出这个范围精度变差),电位器逆时针转动 A 变小,顺时针转

A 变大;测试仪上 IN-/IN+两点电压与之对应。与装不装 IC 无关
B— 实际输出值。测试仪检测到的输出值
C— 理论输出值。根据 IC 特性在输入 A 值时应该对应的输出值,供参考。
D— 偏差量(百分比),是最重要的判断值,前面的 A/B/C 最终都是为了产
生 D,用户可以对前面三个量不理解但对 D 一定要理解。设计上定义 10
0%为理论点,符合人的一般思维,显示值减去 100%就是偏差量,偏得越
多表示质量越差。如 D 显 101%表示偏差 1%,99%表示偏差-1%,负号表
示实际值小于理论值。对于不同的测量模式,D 值的计算方法相同 D=(B
A— Input quantity, produced by potentiometer. When the potentiometer is t
urned, the value will change around -0.250—+0.250V (beyond this r
ange, the accuracy will become worse), and the potentiometer will
turn counterclockwise and A will become smaller. Turn clockwise
A becomes larger; the voltage of IN-/IN+ on the tester corresponds to it.
It has nothing to do with installing or not installing IC
B— actual output value. The output value detected by the tester
C—Theoretical output value. According to the IC characteristics, the corr
esponding output value when inputting the value of A is for refere
D- Deviation (percentage) is the most important judgment value. The previo
us A/B/C are ultimately to produce D. Users may not understand the
first three quantities but must understand D. In the design, 100%
is defined as a theoretical point, which is in line with people's
general thinking. The displayed value minus 100% is the deviation,
and the more deviation, the worse the quality. For example, if D s
hows 101%, it means the deviation is 1%, 99% means the deviation i
s -1%, and the negative sign means that the actual value is less t
han the theoretical value. For different measurement modes, the ca
lculation method of D value is the same D=(B/C)*100%

例一:实测 A7800/7840,封装有分贴片(SOP)和直插(DIP)二种。
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首例描述详细些,以后公共注意事项不再赘述,A7800/7840 比较常见,属同一
性质,在精度等一些参数略有不同,模式选 00,输入电源 DC15-24V(左负右正按标
号接对极性),贴片 IC 需加上转换座 DIP8-SOP8(图 1-2),叠加在测试仪的锁紧
座上然后压紧手柄,IC 下对齐正放,即视图上左上角为 IC 的 1 脚。如果是直插 DI
P8 则不需要转换座,直接装在锁紧座上下对齐即可。(设计上锁紧座脚位默认 A780
Example 1: Measured A7800/7840, there are two types of packages: SOP
and DIP.
The description of the first example is more detailed, and the publi
c precautions will not be repeated in the future. A7800/7840 are relativ
ely common and belong to the same nature. Some parameters such as accura
cy are slightly different. For polarity), the chip IC needs to add the c
onversion seat DIP8-SOP8 (Figure 1-2), superimpose it on the locking sea
t of the tester and then press the handle, the IC is aligned and placed
under the right, that is, the upper left corner of the view is the IC 1
foot. If it is a straight DIP8, there is no need for a conversion seat,
just install it directly on the locking seat and align it up and down.
(The design of the locking seat defaults to A7800)

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图 1- 图 1-
1 2
打上电源开关,此时测试仪自动进入测量状态,显示如图 1-1。
转动电位器调节 A 值,逆时针方向变小,顺时针方向变大。这时只需
察 D 值即可判断 IC 是否正品。正常来说 D 很接近 100%,常有人问偏离多少不合格?
A7840 技术资料给出的精度是 5%,对应显示的 D 值是 95—105%,7800 精度更高,

Turn on the power switch, and the tester will automatically enter the measuremen
t state at this time, as shown in Figure 1-1.
Turn the potentiometer to adjust the value of A, the counterclockwise direction
becomes smaller, and the clockwise direction becomes larger. At this time just
Check the value of D to judge whether the IC is genuine. Normally D is very clos
e to 100%. People often ask how much deviation is unqualified?
The accuracy given in the A7840 technical data is 5%, and the corresponding disp
layed D value is 95-105%. The 7800 has a higher accuracy.

它型号大多资料有说明。转动电位器,理论上来说不论输入的 A 是多少 D 恒定不变,

实际上当 A 较接近 0 时 D 的偏差明显增大,主要是因为测量误差引起的(误差的绝
对值不变,相对值在减小)。测量时输入量尽量离开-0.030—+0.030V 区间。
例二:实测 A7860/A786J
Most of its models have instructions. Rotating the potentiometer, theoretically speaking, no m
atter how much A is input, D is constant. In fact, when A is closer to 0, the deviation of D i
ncreases significantly, mainly due to measurement errors (the absolute value of the error is u
nchanged, and the relative value is Decrease). When measuring, the input should be as far away
as possible from -0.030-+0.030V.
Example 2: Measured A7860/A786J

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模式选 01,A786J 是 16 脚贴片唯一封装,A7860 有二种封装,贴片 SOP8 封装

A7860SOP 座(图 2-2)。DIP8 封装用 A7860DIP 座(图 2-3)。Mode selection

图 2- 图 2- 图 2-
1 2 3
01, A786J is the only package of 16-pin SMD, A7860 has two kinds of packa
ges, SMD SOP8 package is used
A7860SOP seat (Figure 2-2). A7860DIP socket is used for DIP8 package (Fig
ure 2-3).

转动电位器调节 A 值,这时只需观察 D 值即可判断 IC 的质量。输入与输出是

一一对应关系即 B=A,显示器上没有 C 值,实际是 C=A 没必要显示了,理论上不论输
入的 A 是多少 D 应恒定不变,实际上当 A 较接近 0 时 D 的偏差明显增大,主要是
因为测量误差引起的。测量时输入量尽量离开-0.030—+0.030V 区间。
测 量 A786J 只要用对转换座(图 2-5),显示如图 2-4 测量方法同上。

Turn the potentiometer to adjust the value of A, then only need to observe the value of D to j
udge the quality of the IC. There is a one-to-one correspondence between input and output, tha
t is, B=A. There is no C value on the display. Actually, C=A is not necessary. In theory, D sh
ould be constant regardless of the input A. In fact, when A is closer to 0 The deviation of D
has increased significantly, mainly due to measurement errors. When measuring, the input shoul
d be as far away as possible from -0.030-+0.030V.
To measure A786J, just use the conversion socket (Figure 2-5), as shown in Figure 2-4, the mea
surement method is the same as above.

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图 2- 图 2-
4 5
例三:实测 A788J
这种 IC 比较复杂,有三个输出量,所以测试仪必须测出三种输出状态。① 12 脚
对应 VOUT 值,在电路中一般是检测电流用;② 13 脚对应 ABSVAL 值,在电路中一般
是检测过载;③ 14 脚对应极限报警,是一个开关量。
Example 3: Measured A788J
This kind of IC is more complicated and has three output quantities, so th
e tester must measure three output states. ① Pin 12 corresponds to the VOUT v
alue, which is generally used to detect current in the circuit; ② Pin 13 corr
esponds to the ABSVAL value, and generally detects overload in the circuit; ③
Pin 14 corresponds to the limit alarm, which is a switch value.

图 3- 图 3-
1 2
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图 3- 图 3-
3 4
模式选 10,上电后会出现界面 1(①状态)和界面 2(②状态),每间隔 2
测①状态:界面 1(图 3-1),显示区的中间上下行无#号标记(#号就是为了区分
界面 1、2 无其它意思),A 值在 0—+0.220V 时测试,超出此区间不测试。
观察 D 值偏差量
测②状态:界面 2(图 3-2),显示区的中间上下行有#号标记,A 值在+0.050—+0.2
20V 时测试,超出此区间不测试。观察 D 值偏差量
测③状态:如图 3-3,不论中间上下行有无#标记(即无论任何状态),只要 A 小于-0.
256 或大于+0.256V 右下角会亮起*号,如无则表明极限保护失效。
好坏判断需看二个界面的 D 值和右下角*号。
例四:实测 A7510
模式选 11,安装同例一的 A7800/7840,上电显示图 4-1
Select mode 10, interface 1 (①status) and interface 2 (②status) wil
l appear after power-on, and the two interfaces will be displayed alt
ernately every 2 seconds for easy observation
Test ①Status: Interface 1 (Figure 3-1), there is no # mark on the up
per and lower lines in the middle of the display area (# is to distin
guish between interface 1 and 2 and has no other meaning), and the va
lue of A is tested when it is 0—+0.220V. This interval is not tested.
Observe the deviation of D value
Test ②Status: Interface 2 (Figure 3-2). There are # signs on the upp
er and lower lines of the display area. The A value is tested when th
e value is +0.050—+0.220V, and the test is not performed beyond this
range. Observe the deviation of D value
Test ③Status: As shown in Figure 3-3, regardless of whether there is
a # mark in the upper and lower lines (that is, no matter in any stat
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e), as long as A is less than -0.256 or greater than +0.256V, the low
er right corner will light up *, if not, the limit protection is inva
lid .
To judge whether it is good or bad, you need to look at the D value o
f the two interfaces and the * sign in the lower right corner.
Example 4: Measured A7510
Select mode 11, install the A7800/7840 in the same example 1, and dis
play Figure 4-1 after power-on

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