Transmission Characteristics of Optical Fibers
Transmission Characteristics of Optical Fibers
Transmission Characteristics of Optical Fibers
Attenuation, Material absorption losses in silica glass fibers, Linear scattering losses, Non-Linear
scattering losses, Fiber bend losses, Dispersion, Intramodal dispersion, Intermodal dispersion.
alignment and joint loss, Fiber splices, Fiber Connectors, Expanded beam connectors, Fiber
Optic couplers.
• Attenuation represents the reduction in amplitude of signal
• It is called as the transmission loss and it represents the reduction in intensity
of the light rays propagating through it.
• It is measure with respect to the distance travelled by light rays in optical
• Attenuation is usually expressed in decibel (dB).
The decibel, which is used for comparing two power levels, may be defined for
a particular optical wavelength as the ratio of the input (transmitted) optical
power Pi into a fiber to the output (received) optical power Po from the fiber as:
Intrinsic Extrinsic
Absorption loss:
• Material absorption is a loss mechanism related to the
material composition and fabrication process for the
• Due to this some of the transmitted optical power is
dissipated in the form of heat.
• The absorption of the light may be in two types
• 1.Intrinsic:
caused by the interaction with one or more of the
major components of the glass.
• 2.Extrinsic:
caused by impurities within the glass.
Intrinsic Absorption loss:
• Pure glass has little intrinsic absorption due to the basic
material structure in the near infrared region.
• A low intrinsic absorption window over the 0.8 – 1.7 μm.
• This window shows a possible optical attenuation against
wavelength characteristic for absolutely pure glass.
• This is due to the simulation of electron transitions within
the glass by higher energy excitations.
• Wavelengths above 7 μm, fundamentals of absorption bands
from interaction of photons with molecular vibrations within
the glass occur.
• Then the absorption is extended to this window
• The strong absorption bands are occur due to oscillations of
structural units
B-O, Ge-O, Si-O, P-O within the glass
Intrinsic Absorption loss:
This extrinsic absorption loss may reduced using vapor phase oxidation method
Non Linear Scattering Loss:
where d and λ are the fiber core diameter and the operating wavelength,
respectively, both measured in micrometers, αdB is the fiber attenuation
in decibels per kilometer and ν is the source bandwidth (i.e. injection
laser) in gigahertz.
• The above equation allows the determination of threshold optical
power which must be launched into a single mode optical fiber
before SBS occurs.
• Hence non linear scattering losses may be avoided by inducing
optical input signal below threshold optical power.
Stimulated Raman Scattering losses:
• Dispersion of the transmitted optical signal causes distortion for both digital
and analog transmission along optical fibers.
• When considering the major implementation of optical fiber transmission
which involves some form of digital modulation, then dispersion
mechanisms within the fiber cause broadening of the transmitted light pulses
as they travel along the channel. The phenomenon is illustrated in Figure
3.7, where it may be observed that each pulse broadens and overlaps with its
neighbors, eventually becoming indistinguishable at the receiver input. The
effect is known as intersymbol interference (ISI).
• signal dispersion alone limits the maximum possible bandwidth attainable
with a particular optical fiber to the point where individual symbols can no
longer be distinguished.
Figure 3.9 shows the three common optical fiber structures, namely multimode
step index, multimode graded index and single-mode step index, while
diagrammatically illustrating the respective pulse broadening associated with each
fiber type.
It may be observed that the multimode step index fiber exhibits the greatest
dispersion of a transmitted light pulse and the multimode graded index fiber gives
a considerably improved performance.
Finally, the single-mode fiber gives the minimum pulse broadening and thus is
capable of the greatest transmission bandwidths which are currently in the
gigahertz range, whereas transmission via multimode step index fiber is usually
limited to bandwidths of a few tens of megahertz.
1. Chromatic dispersion
2. Intermodel dispersion
Chromatic dispersion
For a single mode whose propagation constant is β, the fiber exhibits waveguide
dispersion when d2β/dλ2 ≠ 0.
Intermodal dispersion
Multimode step index fiber
Multimode graded index fiber
which is simply the addition of the material dispersion DM, the waveguide
dispersion DW and the profile dispersion DP components.