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FOC Unit-1

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INTRODUCTION: Historical development, The general system, Advantages of
Optical Fiber communications, OPTICAL FIBER WAVEGUIDES: Introduction,
RAY THEORY TRANSMISSION: Total internal reflection, Acceptance angle,
Numerical Aperture, Skew rays. CYLINDRICAL FIBER: Modes, Mode coupling,
Step index fibers, Graded index fibers, Fiber materials.

 Communication may be broadly defined as the transfer of information from
one point to another.
 When the information is to be conveyed over any distance a communication
system is usually required.
 Within a communication system the information transfer is frequently
achieved by superimposing or modulating the information onto an
electromagnetic wave which acts as a carrier for the information signal. This
modulated carrier is then transmitted to the required destination where it is
received and the original information signal is obtained by demodulation.
 Sophisticated techniques have been developed for this process using
electromagnetic carrier waves operating at radio frequencies as well as
microwave and millimeter wave frequencies.
 However, ‘communication’ may also be achieved using an electromagnetic
carrier which is selected from the optical range of frequencies.
 Fiber-optic communication is a method of transmitting information from one
place to another by sending pulses of light through an optical fiber. The light
forms an electromagnetic carrier wave that is modulated to carry
 Fiber Optics is a branch of optics that deals with the study of propagation of
light through transparent dielectric waveguide.
 An optical fiber is a glass or plastic fiber that carries light along its length.
 Fiber is preferred over electrical cabling when high bandwidth, long
distance, or immunity to electromagnetic interference are required.
 This type of communication can transmit voice, video, and telemetry
through local area networks, computer networks, or across long distances.
Historical Development:
 The use of visible optical carrier waves or light for communication has been
common for many years. In 1880 Alexander Graham Bell reported the
transmission of speech using a light beam.
 its use was limited to mobile low-capacity communication links. This was
due to both the lack of suitable light sources and the problem that light
transmission in the atmosphere is restricted to line of sight and is severely
affected by disturbances such as rain, snow, fog, dust and atmospheric
 A renewed interest in optical communication was stimulated in the early
1960s with the invention of the laser. This device provided a powerful
coherent light source, together with the possibility of modulation at high
 The invention of the laser instigated a tremendous research effort into the
study of optical components to achieve reliable information transfer using a
lightwave carrier. The proposals for optical communication via dielectric
waveguides or optical fibers fabricated from glass to avoid degradation of
the optical signal by the atmosphere were made almost simultaneously in
1966 by Kao and Hockham and Werts. Such systems were viewed as a
replacement for coaxial cable or carrier transmission systems. Initially the
optical fibers exhibited very high attenuation (i.e. 1000 dB km−1 ) and were
therefore not comparable with the coaxial cables they were to replace (i.e. 5
to 10 dB km−1 ). There were also serious problems involved in jointing the
fiber cables in a satisfactory manner to achieve low loss and to enable the
process to be performed relatively easily and repeatedly in the field.
Nevertheless, within the space of 10 years optical fiber losses were reduced
to below 5 dB km−1 and suitable low-loss jointing techniques were
 In parallel with the development of the fiber waveguide, attention was also
focused on the other optical components which would constitute the optical
fiber communication system. Since optical frequencies are accompanied by
extremely small wavelengths, the development of all these optical
components essentially required a new technology. Thus semiconductor
optical sources (i.e. injection lasers and light-emitting diodes) and detectors
(i.e. photodiodes and to a lesser extent phototransistors) compatible in size
with optical fibers were designed and fabricated to enable successful
implementation of the optical fiber system. Initially the semiconductor lasers
exhibited very short lifetimes of at best a few hours, but significant advances
in the device structure enabled lifetimes greater than 1000 h and 7000 h to
be obtained by 1973 and 1977 respectively.
 Later in 1980, optical systems operates at 90Mbps.Todays systems operate
at 10Gbps and beyond. Advancement in technology and introduction of
DWDM(Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing) and EDFA (Erbium-
Doped Fiber Amplifier) data rates go beyond terabit per sec. over distance
in excess of 100km.
The general System:

Fig.(a) : The general communication system. Fig.(b): The optical fiber communication system

An optical fiber communication system is similar in basic concept to any type of

communication system. A block schematic of a general communication system is
shown in Fig.(a), the function of which is to convey the signal from the
information source over the transmission medium to the destination.
1. The communication system therefore consists of a transmitter or modulator
linked to the information source, the transmission medium, and a receiver or
demodulator at the destination point.
2. In electrical communications the information source provides an electrical
signal, usually derived from a message signal which is not electrical (e.g.
sound), to a transmitter comprising electrical and electronic components
which converts the signal into a suitable form for propagation over the
transmission medium.
3. The transmission medium can consist of a pair of wires, a coaxial cable or a
radio link through free space down which the signal is transmitted to the
receiver, where it is transformed into the original electrical information
signal (demodulated) before being passed to the destination.
4. However, it must be noted that in any transmission medium the signal is
attenuated, or suffers loss, and is subject to degradations due to
contamination by random signals and noise, as well as possible distortions
imposed by mechanisms within the medium itself.
5. Therefore, in any communication system there is a maximum permitted
distance between the transmitter and the receiver beyond which the system
effectively ceases to give intelligible communication.
6. For longhaul applications these factors necessitate the installation of
repeaters or line amplifiers at intervals, both to remove signal distortion and
to increase signal level before transmission is continued down the link.

Optical Fiber Communication system is shown in fig.(b)

In this case the information source provides an electrical signal to a transmitter

comprising an electrical stage which drives an optical source to give modulation of
the lightwave carrier. The optical source which provides the electrical–optical
conversion may be either a semiconductor laser or light-emitting diode (LED). The
transmission medium consists of an optical fiber cable and the receiver consists of
an optical detector which drives a further electrical stage and hence provides
demodulation of the optical carrier. Photodiodes (p–n, p–i–n or avalanche) and, in
some instances, phototransistors and photoconductors are utilized for the detection
of the optical signal and the optical–electrical conversion.

The optical carrier may be modulated using either an analog or digital information
signal. In the system shown in fig.(b) analog modulation involves the variation of
the light emitted from the optical source in a continuous manner. With digital
modulation, however, discrete changes in the light intensity are obtained (i.e. on–
off pulses). Although often simpler to implement, analog modulation with an
optical fiber communication system is less efficient, requiring a far higher signal-
to-noise ratio at the receiver than digital modulation. Also, the linearity needed for
analog modulation is not always provided by semiconductor optical sources,
especially at high modulation frequencies. For these reasons, analog optical fiber
communication links are generally limited to shorter distances and lower
bandwidth operation than digital links.
Fig.(c):A digital fiber optic link

Initially, the input digital signal from the information source is suitably
encoded for optical transmission. The laser drive circuit directly modulates the
intensity of the semiconductor laser with the encoded digital signal. Hence a digital
optical signal is launched into the optical fiber cable. The avalanche photodiode
(APD) detector is followed by a front-end amplifier and equalizer or filter to
provide gain as well as linear signal processing and noise bandwidth reduction.
Finally, the signal obtained is decoded to give the original digital information.

Advantages of Optical Fiber Communications:

1. Enormous potential bandwidth:

Information carrying capacity of transmitter system is directly proportional to
carrier frequency of transmitted signals.
The optical carrier frequency in the range 1013 to 1016 Hz yields a far greater
potential transmission bandwidth than metallic cable systems (i.e. coaxial cable
bandwidth typically around 20 MHz over distances up to a maximum of 10 km) or
even millimeter wave radio systems (i.e. systems currently operating with
modulation bandwidths of 700 MHz over a few hundreds of meters).

2. Small size and weight:

Optical fiber have very small diameter which are often no greater than the diameter
of human hair. Small size and light weight property of an optical fiber is somewhat
advantageous in various applications like aircraft, satellites and even ships.

3. Electrical isolation:
Optical fibers which are fabricated from glass or sometimes a plastic polymer are
electrical insulator, they do not exhibit earth loop and interface problems. Hence
no hazards of short circuit as in metal wires.
4.Immunity to interference and crosstalk:
Optical fibers form a dielectric waveguides and are therefore free from
electromagnetic interference (EMI), radio frequency (RF), etc. Hence the operation
of an optical fiber communication system is unaffected by transmission through an
electrically noisy environment and fiber cable requires no shielding from EMI.
5.Signal security:
The light from optical fibers does not radiate significantly and therefore they
provide a high degree of signal security:
6.Low transmission loss:
Fibers have been fabricated with losses as low as 0.2dB/km and this feature has
become a major advantage of optical fiber communication.
7.System reliability and ease of maintenance:
The low loss property of optical fiber cable reduces the requirement for
intermediate repeaters or line amplifiers to boost the transmitted signal strength.
Hence with fewer repeaters the system reliability is greatly enhanced. High
reliability reduces its expenditure on maintenance.
8.Ruggedness and Flexibility:
Optical fibers have a very high tensile strength. The fibers may also be bent to
quite small radii or twisted without damage.
9.Low cost and availability:
The fibers are made from silica which is available in abundance. Hence there is no
shortage of material and its cost is also less. So optical fiber offers a very low cost
Disadvantages of Optical Fiber Communications:

 Fiber optic cables are difficult to splice. Fiber optic splicing is the joining
two fiber optic cables together. There can be data loss due to fiber optic
cable splicing.
 Because of the physical nature of fiber optic cables, it can be damaged
 If you bend fiber optic cables beyond a limit, it will break.
 Fiber optic cable is expensive to install. It needs costly splicing machines
and trained specialists to install fiber optic cables.
 Its economical only when the entire bandwidth is fully utilized.
 Only point to point communication is possible.

Applications of Optical Fiber Communications:

The optical fibers have many applications. Some of them are as follows –
a. Used in telephone systems
b. Used in sub-marine cable networks
c. Used in data link for computer networks, CATV Systems
d. Used in CCTV surveillance cameras
e. Used for connecting fire, police, and other emergency services.
f. Used in hospitals, schools, and traffic management systems.
g. Fibre optic cables transmit large amounts of data at very high speeds. This
technology is therefore widely used in internet cables. As compared to
traditional copper wires, fibre optic cables are less bulky, lighter, more
flexible, and carry more data.

h. With the high level of data security required in military and aerospace
applications, fibre optic cables offer the ideal solution for data transmission
in these areas.

i. Fibre optic cables are widely used in the fields of medicine and research.
Optical communication is an important part of non-intrusive surgical
methods, popularly known as endoscopy. In such applications, a minute,
bright light is used to light up the surgery area within the body, making it
possible to reduce the number and size of incisions made.

Structure of Optical fiber:

1. An optical fiber is a cylindrical waveguide operating at optical frequencies.

2. Dielectric cylinder of radius ‘a’ and refractive index n 1 is known as core of

3. Core is surrounded by glass of slightly lower refractive index n 2 (n2<n1)
known as cladding.

4. The cladding performs the following functions:

• Reduces loss of light from the core into the surrounding air • Reduces
scattering loss at the surface of the core • Protects the fiber from absorbing
surface contaminants • Adds mechanical strength.

5. For extra protection, the cladding is enclosed in an additional layer called the
coating or buffer.

6. The coating or buffer is a layer of material used to protect an optical fiber

from physical damage. The material used for a buffer is a type of plastic.
The buffer is elastic in nature and prevents abrasions. The buffer also
prevents the optical fiber from scattering losses caused by microbends.
Microbends occur when an optical fiber is placed on a rough and distorted

Refractive Index

The refractive index is expressed as the ratio of the velocity of light in free space to
the velocity of light in the medium.

The refractive index for vacuum and air is 1.0 for water it is 1.3 and for glass
refractive index is 1.5

Total Internal Reflection:

When a ray is incident on the interface between two dielectrics of differing

refractive indices (e.g. glass–air), refraction occurs, as illustrated in Figure 2.2(a).
It may be observed that the ray approaching the interface is propagating in a
dielectric of refractive index n1 and is at an angle φ 1 to the normal at the surface of
the interface. If the dielectric on the other side of the interface has a refractive
index n2 which is less than n1, then the refraction is such that the ray path in this
lower index medium is at an angle φ 2 to the normal, where φ2 is greater than φ1.
The angles of incidence φ1 and refraction φ2 are related to each other and to the
refractive indices of the dielectrics by Snell’s law of refraction which states that:


It may also be observed in Figure 2.2(a) that a small amount of light is reflected
back into the originating dielectric medium (partial internal reflection). As n1 is
greater than n2, the angle of refraction is always greater than the angle of incidence.
Thus when the angle of refraction is 90° and the refracted ray emerges parallel to
the interface between the dielectrics, the angle of incidence must be less than 90°.
This is the limiting case of refraction and the angle of incidence is now known as
the critical angle φc, as shown in Figure 2.2(b).

From equation (1) ,we can say that

Φ1 = φ c , φ2 = 90°

Φc= sin-1(n2/n1)

At angles of incidence greater than the critical angle the light is reflected back into
the originating dielectric medium (total internal reflection) with high efficiency
(around 99.9%). Hence, it may be observed in Figure 2.2(c).
Figure 2.3 illustrates the transmission of a light ray in an optical fiber via a series
of total internal reflections at the interface of the silica core and the slightly lower
refractive index silica cladding. The ray has an angle of incidence φ at the interface
which is greater than the critical angle and is reflected at the same angle to the

The light ray shown in Figure 2.3 is known as a meridional ray as it passes
through the axis of the fiber core. This type of ray is the simplest to describe and is
generally used when illustrating the fundamental transmission properties of optical

It must also be noted that the light transmission illustrated in Figure 2.3 assumes a
perfect fiber, and that any discontinuities or imperfections at the core–cladding
interface would probably result in refraction rather than total internal reflection,
with the subsequent loss of the light ray into the cladding.

Acceptance angle:

It is the angle at which light ray must enter the optical fiber to undergo total
internal reflection.

The geometry concerned with launching a light ray into an optical fiber is shown in
Figure 2.4
It may be observed that ray ‘A’ enters the fiber core at an angle θ a to the fiber axis
and is refracted at the air–core interface before transmission to the core–cladding
interface at the critical angle.
Hence, any rays which are incident into the fiber core at an angle greater than θ a
will be transmitted to the core–cladding interface at an angle less than φ c, and will
not be totally internally reflected. This situation is also illustrated in Figure 2.4,
where the incident ray ‘B’ at an angle greater than θ a is refracted into the cladding
and eventually lost by radiation.

Thus for rays to be transmitted by total internal reflection within the fiber core they
must be incident on the fiber core within an acceptance cone defined by the conical
half angle θa. Hence θa is the maximum angle to the axis at which light may enter
the fiber in order to be propagated, and is often referred to as the acceptance angle
for the fiber.

Numerical Aperture (NA):

Numerical Aperture is the light gathering capability of an optical fiber.

Figure 2.5 shows a light ray incident on the fiber core at an angle ϴ 1 to the fiber
axis which is less than the acceptance angle for the fiber ϴ a. The ray enters the
fiber from a medium (air) of refractive index n0, and the fiber core has a refractive
index n1, which is slightly greater than the cladding refractive index n2

considering the refraction at the air–core interface and using Snell’s law

Therefore, ϴa = sin-1 (NA)
The NA may also be given in terms of the relative refractive index difference Δ
between the core and the cladding which is defined as
For Problems refer your class notes.

Meridional Rays & Skew rays

Two types of rays can propagate along an optical fiber. The first type is called
meridional rays. Meridional rays are rays that pass through the axis of the
optical fiber. Meridional rays are used to illustrate the basic transmission
properties of optical fibers. The second type is called skew rays. Skew rays are
rays that travel through an optical fiber without passing through its axis.

MERIDIONAL RAYS— Meridional rays can be classified as bound or

unbound rays. Bound rays remain in the core and propagate along the axis of the
fiber. Bound rays propagate through the fiber by total internal reflection. Unbound
rays are refracted out of the fiber core.

Figure 2-10 shows a possible path taken by bound and unbound rays in a step-
index fiber. The core of the step-index fiber has an index of refraction n 1. The
cladding of a step-index has an index of refraction n 2, that is lower than n1. The
below figure assumes the core-cladding interface is perfect. However,
imperfections at the core-cladding interface will cause part of the bound rays to be
refracted out of the core into the cladding. The light rays refracted into the cladding
will eventually escape from the fiber. In general, meridional rays follow the laws
of reflection and refraction.

Fig. Bound and unbound rays with in a step index fiber

 Skew rays propagate without passing through the center axis of the fiber.
 The acceptance angle for skew rays is larger than the acceptance angle of
meridional rays.
 Skew rays follow a helical path through the fiber. It may be observed from
Figure 2.6(b) that the helical path traced through the fiber gives a change in
direction of 2 at each reflection, where  is the angle between the projection
of the ray in two dimensions and the radius of the fiber core at the point of
 Acceptance angle for skew rays

Axial Rays:

A light ray that travels along the optical axis.

Mode Theory

 The mode theory uses electromagnetic wave behavior to describe the

propagation of light along a fiber.
 Waveguide mode stands for a unique distribution of transverse and
longitudinal components of the electric and magnetic fields. There are two
types of waveguide modes that can propagate in the waveguides: TE
(Transverse Electric) and TM (Transverse Magnetic).
 In TE modes only transverse (perpendicular to the direction of propagation)
electric field exists and there is no longitudinal (along propagation direction)
component, and the magnetic field exists in all directions.
 For TM modes we deal with only transverse magnetic field and the electric
field exists in all directions.

Normalized frequency or V-Number:

The normalized frequency determines how many modes a fiber can support.
Normalized frequency is a dimensionless quantity. Normalized frequency is also
related to the fiber's cutoff wavelength. Normalized frequency (V) is defined as:
Mode Coupling:

We have thus far considered the propagation aspects of perfect dielectric

waveguides. However, waveguide perturbations such as deviations of the fiber axis
from straightness, variations in the core diameter, irregularities at the core–
cladding interface and refractive index variations may change the propagation
characteristics of the fiber. These will have the effect of coupling energy traveling
in one mode to another depending on the specific perturbation.

Ray theory aids the understanding of this phenomenon, as shown in Figure 2.20,
which illustrates two types of perturbation. It may be observed that in both cases
the ray no longer maintains the same angle with the axis. In electromagnetic wave
theory this corresponds to a change in the propagating mode for the light. Thus
individual modes do not normally propagate throughout the length of the fiber
without large energy transfers to adjacent modes, even when the fiber is
exceptionally good quality and is not strained or bent by its surroundings. This
mode conversion is known as mode coupling or mixing.

Mode coupling affects the transmission properties of fibers in several important

ways, a major one being in relation to the dispersive properties of fibers over long

Based on propagation modes, optical fibers are classified into two types.

1. single mode fibers.

2. multimode fibers.

Based on R.I. profile, optical fibers are classified into two types.

1. Step index fiber

2. Graded index fiber

Step index fiber:

In step index fiber, the refractive index of the core is uniform throughout and
undergoes an abrupt change (or step) at the cladding boundary.

The refractive index profile may be defined as:

Figure 2.21(a) shows a multimode step index fiber with a core diameter of
around 50 µm or greater, which is large enough to allow the propagation of many
modes within the fiber core. This is illustrated in Figure 2.21(a) by the many
different possible ray paths through the fiber.
Figure 2.21(b) shows a single-mode or monomode step index fiber which allows
the propagation of only one transverse electromagnetic mode and hence the core
diameter must be of the order of 2 to 10 μm. The propagation of a single mode is
illustrated in Figure 2.21(b) as corresponding to a single ray path only (usually
shown as the axial ray) through the fiber.
The single-mode step index fiber has the distinct advantage of low intermodal
dispersion (broadening of transmitted light pulses), as only one mode is
transmitted, whereas with multimode step index fiber considerable dispersion may
occur due to the differing group velocities of the propagating modes. . Single mode
fibers have a lower signal loss and a higher information capacity (bandwidth) than
multimode fibers.
Multimode fibers offer several advantages compared with single mode fibers.

1. The larger core radii of multimode fibers make it easier to launch optical
power into the fiber and facilitate the connecting together of similar fibers.
2. Light can be launched into a multimode fiber using LED source, where as
single mode fibers must generally be excited with laser diodes. Although
LEDs have less optical output power than laser diodes, they are easier to
make, are less expensive, require less complex circuitry, and have longer
lifetimes than laser diodes, thus making them more desirable in certain

Multimode step index fibers allow the propagation of a finite number of guided
modes along the channel. The number of guided modes is dependent upon the
physical parameters (i.e. relative refractive index difference, core radius) of the
fiber and the wavelengths of the transmitted light which are included in the
normalized frequency V for the fiber.

An estimate of the number of guided modes propagating in a particular multimode

step index fiber.

The normalized frequency range for single mode step index fiber is

Graded index fibers:

In Graded index fibers, refractive index is made to vary as a function of the

radial distance from the center of the fiber. i.e., core has maximum value of
refractive index at its axis and the value decreases on radially moving away from
the axis and decreases to a constant value in the cladding.

The refractive index profile is given by

where Δ is the relative refractive index difference and

α is the profile parameter which gives the characteristic refractive index profile of
the fiber core.

If α = ∞, R.I. profile is step index profile

α = 2, R.I. profile is parabolic profile
α = 1, R.I. profile is triangular profile
 The graded index profiles which at present produce the best results for
multimode optical propagation have a near parabolic refractive index profile
core with α = 2.
 Multimode graded index fibers exhibit less intermodal dispersion than
multimode step index fibers due to their refractive index profile.

A multimode graded index fiber with a parabolic index profile core is illustrated in
Figure 2.23. Using the concepts of geometric optics, the gradual decrease in
refractive index from the center of the core creates many refractions of the rays as
they are effectively incident on a large number or high to low index interfaces.
This mechanism is illustrated in Figure 2.24 where a ray is shown to be gradually
curved, with an ever increasing angle of incidence, until the conditions for total
internal reflection are met, and the ray travels back towards the core axis, again
being continuously refracted.

Number of modes is given by

Hence for a parabolic refractive index profile core fiber (α = 2), Mg = V 2/4.

For problems see your class notes

For fiber materials topic see your class notes

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