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Kinematic of Marine Piston-Crankshaft System: Lech Murawski

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Journal of KONES Powertrain and Transport, Vol. 22, No.

2 2015

ISSN: 1231-4005
e-ISSN: 2354-0133
DOI: 10.5604/12314005.1165424


Lech Murawski

Gdynia Maritime University

Faculty of Marine Engineering
Morska Street 81/87, 81-225 Gdynia, Poland
tel.: +48-58-6901481

Two-stroke, slow speed main engines are often installed on merchant ships, because of its very high efficiency.
That kind of engine has an output of about 5500 kW per cylinder. The mass of piston-crankshaft system reaches over
a dozen tons. That reciprocating masses are source of high level of dynamic inertia forces (mass forces). Those forces
have big influence on engines working parameters and characteristics. One of them is instability of crankshaft
rotational speed, which leads to dangerous torsional vibrations of propulsion system. Some inconsistency can be
observed during analysis of piston-crankshaft system kinematic. In the theoretical engine books, the piston speed
and acceleration has only two harmonic components, the inertia forces are depended on engine rotation speed and
they doubled rotation speed. However, empirical formulas, published by engines producers, give us at least five
harmonic components of mass forces. The author tries to find out the theoretical reason of existing (measured) higher
harmonic orders of engines inertia forces. It is a first step for developing monitoring system of propulsion system’s
torsional vibrations coupled with axial vibration, dynamic shaft line alignment and crankshaft springing. In the paper
two analytical methods of piston displacement, speed and acceleration are presented. Well-known (from literature)
equations are compared with more-detailed analytical procedures. The analysis was performed for one of the biggest
marine MAN B&W engine, type 7K98MC. A discussion about the analysis results was included in the final part of the
Keywords: marine propulsion system, piston-crankshaft kinematic, slow speed engines, inertia forces, propulsion
system vibrations

1. Introduction

Nowadays, mostly two-stroke, slow speed main engines have been installed on merchant
ships [6]. The engines are connected to a directly driven propeller by a relatively short shaft line.
These engines are powerful and heavy. The cylinder diameter reaches a diameter value equal to
960-980 mm. That kind of engine has an output of about 5500 kW per cylinder. The crankshaft pin
is greater than 1000 mm. An example of FEM (Finite Element Method) model of crankshaft of
MAN B&W engine, type: 7K98MC (seven cylinders, bore diameter – 980 mm) is presented
in Fig. 1. The mass of piston with piston rod is approximately equal to 6 ton; the mass of
connecting rod (all set) is approximately equal to 8 ton. Therefore, reciprocating motion of piston-
crankshaft system generates high level of dynamic inertia forces [1]. Those forces have big
influence on crankshaft springing [11] and torsional vibration of power transmission system [12].
Torsional vibrations of the marine power transmission system are usually most dangerous for the
shaft line and the crankshaft [1]. What is more, some authors [3] try to use crankshaft’s rotational
speed as a diagnostic data for damage monitoring, for instance, of elements of exhaust system.
This is a reason, why detailed, mathematical description of piston motion is important.
Some inconsistency can be observed during analysis of piston-crankshaft system motion. In the
theoretical engine books [13-17], the piston speed and acceleration has only two harmonic
components. It is mean that inertia forces are depended on engine rotation speed, and doubled
rotation speed. However, empirical formulas, published by engines producers, give us five
L. Murawski

harmonic components [1, 2]. The author tries to find out the theoretical reason of existing higher
harmonic orders of engines inertia forces. It is a first step for developing monitoring system
[4, 5, 10] of propulsion system’s torsional vibrations coupled with axial vibration [7], dynamic
shaft line alignment [8, 9] and crankshaft springing [11].

Fig. 1. Detailed 3-D FEM model of a crankshaft of 7K98MC main engine

2. Basic assumptions

Changing in oscillating movement of piston on the rotatable of crankshaft is main task of

piston-crankshaft system. Piston movement is caused by fuel combustion (gas forces), but during
analyses of propulsion system dynamic characteristics, also inertia forces (mass forces) should be
taken into account. Both these forces are periodical but not harmonics. After simple analysis
(e.g. FFT – Fast Fourier Transformation) we can decompose dynamic forces functions on several
harmonic components. The components are depended on engine rotational speed multiplied by
natural numbers (there are half-components for four-stroke engines). Usually, 24 harmonic compo-
nents of gas forces are determined for two-stroke marine engines and 5 harmonic components for
mass forces [1].
Piston is connected with crankshaft by piston rod (only for slow-speed marine engines), slider,
connecting rod and crank pin. Kinematic scheme of piston-crankshaft system is presented in
Fig. 2. Piston rod has no effect on the system kinematic. Therefore, the x value determining the
location of piston is associated with slider. The starting point of the axis is located in the piston top
dead centre.
Constant rotational speed of the crankshaft (dα/dt= ω = const.) is the main assumption, in the
paper. The system is moving without any frictions and without any excitations, only by inertia.
Determination of the function of piston location, speed and acceleration is the target of this paper.
Crankshaft location angle (α ) is independent variable of the function. Knowledge of the accele-
ration function of piston allows us to determine the function of system inertia forces. And then, the
natural (without excitations) instability of rotational speed of engine can be determined.
The piston is moved between top and bottom dead centre. The stroke (S=2×R) is the distance
of the piston moving. Very important coefficient describes dependence between crankshaft radius,
length of connecting rod and it is defined as:
λ =R L, (1)
λ – piston-rod coefficient,
R – crankshaft radius,
L – length of connecting rod.
λ value of the analysed engine (7K98MC) is equal to 0.413. Slow speed marine engines have
greater λ coefficients in comparison to other engines (usually λ = 0.2-0.35).

Kinematic of Marine Piston-Crankshaft System

Fig. 2. Scheme of piston-crankshaft system movement

3. Piston kinematic

The location of the piston can be described (see Fig. 2) by the following equation:
x = R (1 − cos α ) + L (1 − cos β ) . (2)
Piston moving parameters should be described as a function of crankshaft rotational speed. The
speed is depended directly on crankshaft piston angle (α ). If the crankshaft speed is constant, the
dependence between crankshaft speed and location is obvious. Dependence between crankshaft
position angle (α ) and connecting position angle (β ) is also necessary, and can be described (with
using equation 1) as:
cos β= 1 − λ 2 sin 2 α . (3)
In most theoretical engines books [13, 14] the right side of the equation 3 is simplified to the
following form:
1 − λ 2 sin 2 α ≅ 1 − λ 2 sin 2 α . (4)
Therefore, two different equations can be derivate on the base of equations 1-4. First one (well
known) is approximation road of piston (equation 5), and second one – exact equation 6.
Equations 5 and 6 were used to solving motion of piston of engine type 7K98MC.
 1 
R 1 − cos (ω t ) + λ sin 2 (ω t )  ,
xapp = (5)
 2 

{ }
xex = L 1 + λ [1 − cos (ω t ) ] − 1 − λ 2 sin 2 (ω t ) , (6)

xapp – approximated piston displacement,
xex – exact piston displacement.
The piston road was compared with clear sinusoid trajectory which was named “x”. The piston
displacement as a function of crankshaft rotation angle was presented in Fig. 3.

L. Murawski

Fig. 3. Piston displacement as a function of crankshaft rotational angle

Approximated and exact piston displacements are nearly overlapped – the differences reaching
values of the half of one percent. The values of relative errors were shown in Fig 4.

Fig. 4. Relative errors of piston displacement determination

Commonly used approximation (equation 4) is acceptable from quasi-static analysis of engine

working parameters. In the next step, piston speed and acceleration should be determined, and they
have the form as:
dx  1 
= = R ω sin (ω t ) + λ sin (2ω t )  , (7)
dt  2 
 1 
= vex R ω sin (ω t ) + λ sin (2ω t ) ⋅ [1 − λ 2 sin 2 (ω t )]−1/2  , (8)
 2 
= = R ω 2 [cos (ω t ) + λ cos (2ω t )] ,
aapp (9)
 1 
=aex R ω 2 cos (ω t ) + λ cos (2ω t ) ⋅ [1 − λ 2 sin 2 (ω t )]−1/2 + λ 3 sin 2 (2ω t ) ⋅ [1 − λ 2 sin 2 (ω t )]−3/2  , (10)
 4 

Kinematic of Marine Piston-Crankshaft System

vapp – approximated piston speed,
vex – exact piston speed,
aapp – approximated piston acceleration,
aex – exact piston acceleration,
The piston speed (approximated and exact) was also compared with clear sinusoid trajectory,
which was named “v”. The piston speed as a function of crankshaft rotation angle was presented
in Fig. 5. The errors values between approximated and exact piston speed is a little bit greater
(up to 1.2%) but it is still not very high.

Fig. 5. Piston speed as a function of crankshaft rotational angle

Similar (like displacement and speed) comparison was performed for piston acceleration. Clear
harmonic trajectory was marked by “a”. The piston accelerations as a function of crankshaft rota-
tion angle were presented in Fig. 6. Noticeable differences between acceleration determined on the
base of exact and approximated equations can be observed. The relative error reaches 3%. It is
mean that acceleration is determined with absolute error, which exceeds 5 m/s2, for the analysed
slow-speed engine. The values of absolute errors were shown in Fig 7.

Fig. 6. Piston acceleration as a function of crankshaft rotational angle

L. Murawski

Fig. 7. Absolute errors of piston acceleration determination

The values of piston acceleration are very high (up to 200 m/s2). Those accelerations, together
with high piston-crankshaft system masses give us very high level of dynamic mass forces. During
vibrations analyses of propulsion system (and also ship hull and deckhouse), not only excitations
amplitudes are important. Forces frequencies are even more important due to resonance vibration
threat. Especially, during torsional vibration analysis of power transmission system, frequencies of
gas and mass forces are essentials. Frequencies characteristics (FFT) of piston accelerations, for
both assumptions, were presented in Fig. 8. Logarithmic scale of vertical axis was used to
highlighting higher harmonic components.
First two harmonic components are similar for both analysis methods. However, exact equation
gives us additionally 4th, 6th and even 8th harmonic components. This is consistent with engines
producers data based on experience. Piston kinematic analysis cannot be based on approximated
equations, if vibrations analyses of propulsion system are our target.

4. Conclusions

In the theoretical engine books based on simplified equation of the piston movement (kine-
matic), its speed and acceleration, have only two harmonic components. Inertia forces are
depended on engine rotation speed and they doubled rotation speed. Analysis based on exact
equations (No. 6, 8 and 10) show that movement disorders are more complicated. At least five
harmonic orders should be taken into account. This is in line with empirical formulas published by
engines producers. Inertia force error of the analysed engine, coming from one cylinder, is greater
than 50 kN, if our analysis is based on simplified equations. Forces values and frequencies are
very important during propulsion system vibrations analyses.
Presented work is a first step for developing monitoring system of marine propulsion system’s
torsional vibrations coupled with axial vibration, dynamic shaft line alignment and crankshaft
springing. In the next step, the mathematical model of the piston-crankshaft system will be
improved. Real rotational speed of the crankshaft is not constant, and mass moment of inertia of
the system is also variable. Specialized software will be developed for solving those problems.


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Kinematic of Marine Piston-Crankshaft System

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L. Murawski

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