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Iso Iec Guide 15

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First edition - 1977-10-01

ISO/IEC code of principles on

“reference to Standards”

UDC 006.065 Ref. No. ISO/IEC GUIDE 154977 (E)

Descriptors : reference to Standards.

Price based on 2 pages


The ISO/IEC Code 6f principles on reference to Standards was drawn up by a

joint ISO/IEC ad hoc group, set up in 1973. The Code was approved by ISO
Council, in September 1973 and by I EC Council in January 1974. In August 1977
it was decided to publish the Code in the lSO/IEC Guide series. ’

o International Organkation for Standardkation ,977 ;

International Electrotechnical Commission .

Printed in Switzerland
ISO/IEC code of principles on “‘reference to Standards”

The advantages of the principle of “reference to Standards” in legislation and regulations are by now weil-known among
governmental agencies; for example, a document drawn up by a group of experts of the UN Economic Commission for
Europe in May 1973, makes clear that if technical requirements are expressed in Standards :
a) The legislative work is simplified and accelerated.

b) The elimination of barriers to trade is facilitated.

d The results of the work of international Standards organizations tan be more easily taken into account.

d) Technical regulations tan be changed more easily to take account of technological advance.

e) Technical requ irements are better observed as technical staff are more accustomed to using Standards in their daily
work than laws.
f) All technical regulations could be arranged within one, unified systematic collection, if the method is applied consist-

9) The i mplementation of national technical regulatio ns is better secured and discorda nces b etween the national
sta ndard S of different countrie 1sare avo ided if all i nterested part ie s partic ipate in the preparatio n of th e Standards.

The Standards-making procedures of ISO and IEC and their members are at the disposal of intergovernmental organizations
and national governmental agencies wishing to use the principle of reference to Standards. With a view to guiding the work
of ISO and IEC and their members towards Standards which tan be referenced in legislation or regulations the ISO and IEC
Councils have adopted principles 1 to 5 below.

1 ISO and IEC will give special attention to work requested by intergovernmental organizations which plan to recommend
enactment of national legislation or regulations making reference to Standards. Target dates for the completion of such work
will be established on request. Similar principles will be observed by members of ISO and IEC in relations with national
governmental authorities.

2 The national c ommittees and th e ir delegat ions engaged in the relevant standardization work should be fully representative
of the vi ews of all interested Parties governm ent, public authorit ies, Producers, distributors, users, etc.

3 With a view to ensuring wide-spread governmental acceptance of ISO or IEC Standards for reference in conjunction with
legislation and regulations, ISO and IEC technical committees will pay special attention to preparing international Standards
which have the widest possible geographical support.

soon as and as far

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5 If a regional intergovernmental authority should call upon a regional Standards organization for the preparation of
Standards to which national governments refer in conjunction with regulations, the ISO and IEC members belonging to that
regional organization shall ensure that relevant ISO and IEC Standards are taken into consideration in the development of a
regional Standard, preferably, wherever possible, by direct adoption of the ISO or IEC Standard as a regional Standard.

ISO/IEC GUIDE 15-1977 (E)

Succesful application of the principle of “reference to Standards” requires close collaboration between government and
Standards bodies, and the ISO and I EC Councils have therefore also drawn up principles 6 to 10 below, setting out certain
desiderata for such collaboration. ISO and IEC members are requested to draw these to the attention of their respective
governmental authorities, inviting acceptance of them.

6 When national authorities or intergovernmental organizations wishing to refer to international Standards in their
regulatory work put requests to ISO and IEC or through member bodies for such Standards, understanding should be sought
from the beginning on the scope of the standardization work requested.

7 In such case s the interested national authorities or intergovernmental organizations should consider agreeing that during
a certain period they would abstain from regulatory action which could harnper the work of developing the Standard.

8 The interested national authorities should be willing to offer appropriate assistance in the standardization work thus
undertaken; their experts are invited to participate in the work together with the other delegates and should be willing to
envisage any appropriate modifications of their national legislation or regulations in the field in question.

9 Wherever international sta ndards exist, national authorities and intergovernmental organizations should refer thereto in
thei r regulatory texts either dir )ectly 0 r through harm onized national Standards.

10 National and international Standards are revised in the light of experience and technical progress. When choosing among
the various techniques of reference to Standards it is desirable that governmental authorities adopt a technique which will
take advantage of these revisions with the least delay.
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International Organkation for Standardkation International wElectrotechnical Commission
Case postale 56, 1211 GENEVA 20, Switzerland 3, rue de‘Varemb& 1211 GENEVA 20, Switzerland

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