Eeu Boq
Eeu Boq
Eeu Boq
Bill No. 1.1 Construction of Ground Type-I Public Toilet/Shower building
Gezachew Azene GC LOT 3
Unit Rate
Bill No. Description Unit Quantity
Amount ETB
1 Building
1.1 Earth works Mass concrete class C-20 Roof Concrete to make slope m3 0 6,000.00 - Reinforced concrete class C-20 to floor slab m3 9.13 4,500.00 41,085.00 Reinforced concrete class C-25 to - Column footing m 3 0 - Column m3 3.8 4,500.00 17,100.00 Grade beam m3 8.09 4,500.00 36,405.00 Top tie beam m 3 5.77 4,500.00 25,965.00 Lintel m3 0.55 4,500.00 2,475.00 Roof Slab m 3
7.4 4,500.00 33,300.00
1.2.4 Block Work -
Supply and Construct Class B-(200 X 200 X 400)mm thick hollow block wall uniform to fixture and free of m2 225 850.00 191,250.00
cracks in cement mortar 1:3 Ditto, but inner partition (150 X 200 X 400)mm m2 65 850.00 55,250.00 Ditto, but inner partition (100 X 200 X 400)mm 2 0 -
1.2.5 Reinforcement bars - Supply and fix zigba wood ceiling button m2 29.47 20.00 589.40
Supply and fix 8mm thick chip wood ceiling fixed to 50x40 mm zigba battens m2 65.43 900.00 58,887.00
1.2.7 Roofing -
Supply and fix roof cover in G-30mm corrugated galvanized iron sheet fixed into zigba wood purlin with m2 40 1,000.00 40,000.00
dome headed galvanized nails
Supply and fix back wall and end rafter cover G-28 flat sheet coping with development length 85cm properly m 14.48 450.00 6,516.00
fixed with dome headed galvanized nails Ditto, but 0.90m width and 2.10m height No. 9 12,500.00 112,500.00 Ditto, but 0.90m width and 2.10m height No. 0 - Ditto, but 0.70m width and 2.10m height No. 6 9,800.00 58,800.00 Ditto, but 1m width and 0.45m height No. 8 3,000.00 24,000.00 Ditto, but 1.6m width and 0.8m height No. 4 3,500.00 14,000.00
2 Electrical Installation -
Distribution board (DB), flush mounted with lockable
2.1 door consisting of :
3 Sanitary works
Note: All fixtures which specified below are subjected to
3.1 the owner's or consultant's approval, based on samples,
catalogues and brochures presented by the contractor.
3.1.16 Ditto as item No 2.11.15 but diameter 32mm No. 1 600.00 600.00
3.1.17 Ditto as item No 2.11.15 but diameter 40mm No. 1 700.00 700.00
3.1.18 Ditto as item No 2.11.15 but diameter 50mm No. 1 800.00 800.00
3.1.21 Supply and fix Diameter 110mm uPVC Vent Caps No 2 500.00 1,000.00
Supply and fix 5m3 fiber glass roof tank made out of
approved quality material (used for drinking water). The
tank shall have diameter 32mm inlet with bronze gate
valve, diameter 63mm outlet with bronze gate valve,
3.1.24 diameter 32mm approved quality float valve, diameter
No. 1 30,000.00 30,000.00
63mm drainage bronze gate valve, diameter 63mm
over flow valve with stainless steel strainer at the out let
diameter 80mm uPVC vent pipe with cape
3.2.4 Apply two coats of plaster to internal walls m2 154.7 300.00 46,410.00
Painting plastered surfaces with one coat of sealer and
3.2.5 two coats of emulsion paint
m2 154.7 120.00 18,564.00
3.3.12 Ditto Item No 3.3.11, but drop Manhole No. 1 60.00 60.00
4 Miscellaneous Work -
1 Building
1.1 Painting work
1.1.1 To all internal and m2 5985 130.00 778,050.00
1.1.2 itto but to external wall m2 6694.96 130.00 870,344.80
1.1.3 Ditto But in chip wood ceiling m2 1906.72 130.00 247,873.60
1.1.4 Ditto But in G-28 CIS m2 3206.4 130.00 416,832.00
1.1.5 Ditto But in metal windows for main residence m2 971.84 130.00 126,339.20
1.2 Sanitary work
All water supply pipes shall be tested two times the working pressure or 50
meters head, whichever is greater and shall be flushed and disinfected with
chlorine. Provide 500mm thick granular materials such as red ash, coarse sand, aggregate, selected materials, etc, around the vertical walls of the
manholes, catch pits, valve box. All pipes, valves and fittings shall satisfy
Ethiopian Standards