American Wire Gauge System The largest diameter (1 cm) was once specified for
The diameter of cable wires or conductors is use as Ethernet backbone cable because it had a
commonly measured using the American wire greater transmission length and better noise
gauge (AWG) system. AWG is a U.S. standard for rejection characteristics than other types of cable.
measuring the diameter of primarily copper and This type of coaxial cable is frequently referred to
aluminum cable. Typical residential wiring is AWG as thicknet.
12 or 14. Coaxial cable with a diameter of 0.35 cm,
sometimes referred to as thinnet, was also
Twisted-Pair Cable frequently used in Ethernet networks at one time.
Twisted-pair cable is a type of cabling that is used Thinnet was especially useful for cable installations
for telephone communications and most modern that required the cable to make many twists and
Ethernet networks. A pair of wires forms a circuit turns. Because it was easier to install, it was also
that can transmit data. The pairs are twisted to cheaper to install. Thus, it was sometimes referred
provide protection against crosstalk, the noise to as Cheapernet.
generated by adjacent pairs.
LESSON 8:Optical and Wireless
Two reasons wire pairs are twisted Communication
Differential signals Fiber-optic cable is a networking medium that
uses modulated light for data transmissions through
b. Shielded Twisted-Pair Cable thin strands of glass. Signals that represent data
Shielded twisted-pair (STP) cable contains four bits are converted into beams of light.
pairs of thin, copper wires covered in color-coded
plastic insulation that are twisted together. Each If the diameter of a fiber’s core is large enough so
pair is wrapped in metallic foil, and then the four that many paths exist that light can take as it
pairs are collectively wrapped in another layer of passes through the fiber, the fiber is called
metallic braid or foil. This layer is wrapped with a multimode fiber. Single-mode fiber has a much
plastic outer jacket. smaller core that allows light rays to travel along
only one path (one mode) inside the fiber.
c. Unshielded Twisted-Pair Cable
Unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cable is a common Wireless Communication
networking media. It consists of four pairs of thin, Wireless signals are electromagnetic waves that
copper wires covered in color-coded plastic can travel through the vacuum of outer space or
insulation that are twisted together. The wire pairs through a medium such as air.
are then covered with a plastic outer jacket. The
a. Infrared (IR)—Very high data rates and Dual Band wireless LANs use both 2.4GHz and
lower cost, but very short distance. 5GHz
b. Narrowband—Low data rates and medium Single Band wireless LANs use either 2.4GHz or
cost. Requires a license and covers a 5GHz, not both.
limited distance.
c. Spread spectrum—Medium cost and high Wi-Fi Extenders
data rates. Limited to campus coverage. The technical term is wireless repeater and if you
Cisco Aironet products are spread live in a big house, these can help to cover your
spectrum. whole property if your Wi-Fi router doesn’t quite
d. Broadband personal communications reach.
service (PCS)—Low data rates, medium
cost, and citywide coverage. Sprint is an LESSON 9: WIRELESS NETWORK
exception; Sprint PCS provides nationwide Wireless Network
and international coverage. A wireless network can consist of as few as two
e. Circuit and packet data (cellular data and devices, two nodes with wireless NICs.
Cellular Digital Packet Data [CDPD])—Low
data rates, high packet fees, and national Authentication and Association Types
coverage. • Unauthenticated and unassociated
f. Satellite—Low data rates, high cost, and The node is disconnected from the network and not
nationwide or worldwide coverage. associated to an access point.
• Authenticated and unassociated
Modulation is the process by which the amplitude, The node has been authenticated on the network
frequency, or phase of an RF or light wave is but has not yet associated with the access point.
altered to transmit data. • Authenticated and associated
The node is connected to the network and able to
- Amplitude modulation (AM) transmit and receive data through the access point.
Modulates the height of the carrier wave
- Frequency modulation (FM) Signal and Noise
Modulates the frequency of the wave Narrowband—This is the opposite of spread
- Phase modulation (PM) spectrum technology.
Modulates the polarity (phase) of the wave All band—All band interference affects the entire
Effects of Distance on a Signal spectrum range.
As a receiver moves farther from a transmitter, the Weather—Generally, the RF signal is not affected
signal gets weaker, and the difference between the by even the most extreme weather conditions.
signal and noise becomes less.
Effects of Noise on a Signal WEP
Electronic noise and barriers negatively affect RF Wired equivalent privacy (WEP) is a security
efficiency. An exact transmission distance for mechanism, defined within the 802.11 standard,
WLAN products cannot be provided without going that is designed to protect the over-the-air
to the site and actually testing the environment. transmission between wireless LAN access points
Radio Frequency Bands and NICs.
Most radio frequencies are licensed by government
agencies, such as the Federal Communications Extensible Authentication Protocol
Commission (FCC) in the United States. Using EAP, the access point does not provide
WIFI (Wireless-Fidelity) authentication to the client but passes the duties to
Wi-Fi allows you to connect to a wireless network, a more sophisticated server designed for that
also called a Wireless LAN and is usually purpose.
broadcasting on a frequency of 2.4GHz and 5GHz
radio bands.
Virtual Private Network
Using an integrated VPN server, VPN technology
creates a tunnel on top of an existing protocol such
as IP.
Bluetooth is a wireless technology for exchanging
data over short distances using a frequency of 2.4
to 2.485 GHz. This is often referred to as a PAN (or
personal area network)
Cellular Networks
A cellular network or mobile network is a wireless
network distributed over land and is divided into
areas called cells. This is how a cell phone or
mobile phone network operates.