Modelling of A Pressure Regulator
Modelling of A Pressure Regulator
Modelling of A Pressure Regulator
the stability and to simulate the main characteristics of the dynamic behaviour of any type of pressure regulator. The modelling of a
regulator andsimulationsare in goodagreementwith measurements. Thestudy showedthatthe operatingconditionsandinstallation
carried out to predict the behaviour of a current type of Pilot-controlled regulators work pneumatically with
pilot-controlled regulator and to determine the operating power autonomy and there are regulators in which the
conditions that avoid instabilities. Computer simulation net force required to move the actuator is supplied by a
results are compared with experimental measurements to pilot. The thrust is balanced by a controlled pressure: in
validate the mathematical model. this example, the auxiliary pressure (Pam) set in the lower
casing (Fig. 2).
Filter Meter
Shut-off Regulator
Fig. 2. Schematic of pilot controlled regulator (1: main regulator, 2: pilot
Fig. 1. Schematic of a pressure regulating station. supply regulator, 3: pilot, 4: creeper valve).
Thus, a pilot controlled regulator is composed of: feature of which is the possibility of formulating equations
implicitly and dealing with discontinuities.
! controlled valve: the movable part of the regulator which
is positioned in the flow path to restrict the flow through 4. The modelling of a pilot-controlled regulator
the regulator;
! actuator: the mechanism that makes the controlled valve The modelling consisted in developing an appropriate
move depending on the pressure in the two chambers; method to define the operating conditions that maintain a
! pilot: its role is to compare the downstream pressure suitable level of pressure for the regulator tested and then
(Pa) communicated to it by the sensing line. It operates to extend the conclusions to any regulator. The physical
on the main regulator by using the auxiliary pressure model of a pilot-controlled regulator requires several
(Pam) which makes the actuator move in the desired approximations that will have to be validated by compar-
direction; ison of simulations and measurements.
! pilot supply regulator: its role is to make the regulation The modelling of the gas behaviour in the different
independent of the upstream pressure and to provide a components of the regulator is quite complex because the
constant driving pressure (Pmc); physical phenomena involved (turbulence, compressibility,
! actuator case: the house of the actuator. When the fluid–structure interactions, unsteadiness, etc.) remain a
pressure in each chamber is different from atmospheric challenge in numerical simulation. The modelling applied
pressure, the chamber at the highest pressure is called corresponds to the usual approach: it consists in breaking
the ‘‘motorized chamber’’; and down the system to a set of subsystems reduced to their
! reject and sensing lines: the lines that connect impulse essential behaviours, making assumptions, approximations
points to the regulator. The line with no internal flow is and mixing empirical and analytical approaches. At the
called the sensing line; the one with an internal flow rate lowest level, the main subsystems are:
is called the reject line.
! fluid domain,
! mechanical elements of the regulator,
! flow through the valves.
3. The modeller
4.1. Generic equations of the hydraulic models
A model was developed by Allan.sSimulation [12]. This
is a general software program designed for modelling and Very few publications deal with the modelling of
simulation of technical and dynamic systems. It is a tool dynamic gas systems [7]. Most studies in fluid mechanics
developed in Gaz de France for design and analysis concern stationary problems or are based on linearised
purposes, to enable engineers to work in their natural approaches in the vicinity of a working point. This
language using differential algebraic equations and techni- modelling is not relevant to a gas pressure regulator since
cal diagrams. the flow direction in process lines is likely to change at any
Allan.sSimulation only deals with algebraic differential time.
equations and not with partial differential equations which Thus, the usual pressure drop approach is not sufficient
would require a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to simulate the oscillations, which are partly due to the
solver to be properly treated. However, a CFD approach time delay induced by gas inertia in pipes and chambers.
does not enable representation of the whole system, in Pressure drop and compressibility effects do not enable
particular as far as the motions of actuators are concerned. simulation of the oscillations. The method presented below
To enable the treatment of the Navier–Stokes equations, presents the modelling of flow in pipes.
conservation of mass and energy equations with Allan. The flow field is given by flow velocity u, pressure P,
Simulation the pipe lengths have to be considered as a density r and temperature T. The model is based on
collection of pieces using the following approximation for equations of one-dimensional flow of a compressible,
the gradients: viscous, Newtonian fluid that are derived from the
conservation of mass, momentum and energy completed
df f "f1
¼ 2 , with the equation of state.
dx dx
where dx represents the length of one piece and fi the values 4.1.1. Conservation of mass
of the function f at each end. The difference between the mass flow rate entering and
This approach does not lead to an accurate spatial leaving a control volume induces changes in density. This
distribution, but is sufficient to take into account the main leads to the equation:
fluid dynamics phenomena involved in gas pressure
The algebraic differential equations corresponding to the dr dðruÞ
þ ¼ 0. (1)
global model were solved by NEPTUNIX [13], the specific dt dx
4.1.2. Motion momentum The general energy equation can be written
The equation of motion derives from Newton’s law; the ! "
qT qT qj dP qui
product of mass and acceleration is equal to the sum of rC p þ ui ¼ " i þ Tb þ tij . (10)
qt qxi qxi dt qxj
external forces. We consider here only the pressure and
friction forces, which act on the boundary of the fluid The last term represents the contribution of viscous
domain. The forces acting on the mass of fluid such as friction that has been neglected. In our first approach, the
gravitational effects are not taken into account. We then walls are adiabatic and the only conductive heat flux comes
obtain the following simplified form of the Navier–Stokes from both ends of the pipe. Thus, for one-dimensional flow
equations: in an adiabatic pipe, the integral formulation of Eq. (10) is
Z Z Z Z ! "
qr~u qT qT dP
dO þ rð~ u~ u dS ¼
nÞ~ n dS þ t~
"P~ n dS. (2) rC p þU ¼ "Sðjout " jin Þ þ Tb . (11)
O qt S S S qt qx dt
This equation can also be written in the local form:
dðruÞ dðru2 Þ dP l
þ ¼" " rjuju. (3) 4.1.4. Equation of state
dt dx2 dx 2:D The above equations do not give a complete description
The first two terms represent the inertia of the gas, the of the motion of compressible gas. The relationship
third, pressure forces and the fourth, friction forces. between pressure variations and changes in temperature
However, and density needs to be set through an equation of state.
l x We use the usual form:
¼ and q ¼ ruS, (4)
¼ ZRT, (12)
where x is estimated using the Idel’cik correlation [8]. r
Thus for an element for which cross sectional area is S, where R is the gas constant and Z the compressibility
and characteristic length L, by using the two previous coefficient. The well-known perfect-gas (Z ¼ 1) approx-
Eq. (4), the generic equation of motion conservation used imation may not be suitable for this application since the
for the hydraulic models is written in the form: pressure varies quite widely between upstream and down-
1 dq 1 dðquÞ dP x stream. For that reason the equation of state derived by
þ ¼" " rujuj. (5) Peng–Robinson [10] has been used:
S dt S dx dx 2L
Z3 " ð1 " BÞZ 2 þ ðA " 3B2 " 2BÞZ " ðAB " B2 " B3 Þ ¼ 0,
4.1.3. Conservation of energy with
The energy balance comes from the first law of aaP bP
thermodynamics. Change in total energy consists in A¼ and B¼ for T ¼ 0:7T c ,
changes in internal energy and in kinetic energy that
correspond to the quantity of heat added and of the T 2c
performed work that can be written in a local formulation a ¼ 0:45724R2 ,
! " Tc
b ¼ 0:0778R ,
qe qui qPui qtij uj qji Pc
r þ ui ¼" þ " . (6) h $
qt qt qxi qxi qxi pffiffiffiffiffiffi%i2
a ¼ 1 þ ð0:37464 þ 1:54226w " 0:26992w2 Þ 1 " T r ,
This formulation completed with the balance of kinetic ! "
energy (the product of Eq. (2) by the velocity) yields P0
w ¼ " log10 " 1,
! " Pc
qe qP quj qji T
r ¼ "ui þ tij " . (7) Tr ¼ .
qt qxi qxi qxi Tc
Last introducing the enthalpy defined by (where Pc, Tc are pressure and temperature of the critical
! " point, respectively).
e¼hþ and dh ¼ de " d
r r
4.2. Generic equations of mechanical models
¼ Cp dT þ ð1 " TbÞ dP, ð8Þ
where b represent the coefficient of thermal expansion There are two different mechanical models for the three
! " regulators since the same model is used for the pilot and the
1 dr pilot supply governor, which are direct acting regulators.
b¼" . (9)
r dT P In fact, the nature of the forces acting on the diaphragms of
these regulators are identical: pressure force in the upper Eq. (13) can then be rewritten for sonic flow:
casing (the motorization chamber) and spring stiffness in ! "1=ðg"1Þ sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
the lower casing. The pre-stressed spring of the pilot 2 2g r' T '
q¼ K 0G P1 with K 0G ¼S and
governor allows regulation of the pilot feed pressure gþ1 g þ 1 P' T 1
whereas the characteristic of the pilot’s spring is modulated q ¼ r1 uS. ð19Þ
to adjust the downstream pressure. The approach is
somewhat different for the main regulator that integrates The values of the parameters KG and K 0G depend
pressure forces on both sides of the diaphragm. significantly on the shape of the plug which is usually
Taking into account pressure forces, spring stiffness and quite complex. They had to be determined for each valve
damping, the motion of the plug is governed by by experiment. In practice, for natural gas it is usually
considered that K 0G ¼ K G =2.
M x€ ¼ DP s " Kðx " x0 Þ " Mg " F m _
" C f x. (14)
jx_ j 4.4. The modelling of the state variation of the gas in
DP denotes the pressure difference between both sides of
the diaphragm, s the diaphragm’s area, Fm the friction The equations selected to describe the gas in the
force resulting from the relative motion between the chambers come from the equations of hydraulic models.
actuator and an O-ring seal. This is assumed to be As the chambers have only one entry, Eqs. (1), (5) and (11)
Coulomb friction. are written as follows:
¼ qe , (20)
4.3. Generic equations of valve models
1 dqe P " Pe 1
¼" " xjuju, (21)
There are two different models to represent the flow S dt Dch 2Dch
through the valves based on the pressure on both sides of
the valve. The flow conditions vary widely whether sonic dT
MC p ¼ qe C p ðT e " TÞ þ j, (22)
conditions are reached or not. The modelling for both dt
sonic and subsonic valves are based on classical results and where Pe, qe and Te are gas characteristics at the entry of
specific assumptions for a global approach. The model is the chamber. The equation of state of the gas is similar to
based on established isentropic flow of a perfect gas. Eq. (12):
Following Liepmann and Roshko [11], the energy equation P
leads to ¼ ZRT, (23)
! "ðg"1Þ=g ! where Z is calculated with Eq. (13).
1 2 g P1 P2
u ¼ 1" . (15) In this model we calculate also:
2 g " 1 r1 P1
So assuming isentropic flow ! the chamber volume (Vh): This depends on the volume
taken by the chamber when the plug is closed (Vh0), on
! "g ! "g=ðg"1Þ the position of the controlled valve (X) and on the
P2 r2 T1
¼ ¼ (16) actuator’s surface (s):
P1 r1 T2
V h ¼ V h0 ( sX , (24)
and considering that the pressure loss is quite small P2/
P1 ¼ 1+e, Eq. (15) leads to
! gas density:
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi r' T ' M
q ¼ K G P1 ðP1 " P2 Þ with K G ¼ S 2 ' , (17) r¼ , (25)
P T1 Vh
where S denotes the flow area at the plug; P*, T*, r*, ! fluid velocity:
respectively, stand for pressure, temperature and density at q
the reference conditions. u¼ e , (26)
Sonic conditions are reached at the plug if the pressure
downstream is lower than the critical pressure Pk [11]
defined by
! conductive heat flux:
! "g=ðg"1Þ
Pk 2 lcond SðT e " TÞ
¼ . (18) j¼ . (27)
P1 gþ1 Dch
L/2 L/2
1 2
Fig. 4. Schematic of a pipe.
Fig. 3. Schematic of a Tee.
First part:
! "
4.5. The modelling of the gas flow in a Tee 1 dq1 1 $q2 u2 " q1 u1 % P " P1
þ þ
S dt S L 0:5L
In this model, we represent the flow in a Tee (Fig. 3) r1 u1 ju1 j
without prejudging the direction of the flow in any of the þ ðx1 þ nc xc þ ncb xcb Þ ¼ 0. ð32Þ
three branches. Mass conservation can be written as
Second part:
dM ! "
¼ q 1 þ q2 þ qb . (28) 1 dq2 1 $q1 u1 " q2 u2 % P " P2
dt þ þ
S dt S L 0:5L
Energy conservation is written the following way: r2 u2 ju2 j
þ ðx2 þ nc xc þ ncb xcb Þ ¼ 0, ð33Þ
dT L
MC p " C 1 q1 C p ðT 1 " TÞ " C 2 q2 C p ðT 2 " TÞ
dt nc, ncb, xc and xcb are cancelled where the pipe is without
dP an elbow. Mass conservation can be written as
" C b qb C p ðT b " TÞ ¼ j1 þ j2 þ jb þ V T Tb , ð29Þ
dt dM
where C1, C2 and Cb are coefficients equal to 0 if the gas is ¼ q1 þ q2 . (34)
outgoing, and equal to 1 if the gas is entering.
Energy conservation is written as
Motion conservation in the Tee model is reduced in a
pressure loss equation. The inertia of gas contained in the MC p " C 1 q1 C p ðT 1 " TÞ " C 2 q2 C p ðT 2 " TÞ
Tee is not taken into account: dt
¼ j1 þ j2 þ jb þ VSTb , ð35Þ
! pressure loss Pdc1 between branch 1 and branch b is dt
written as where C1, C2 are equal to 0 if the gas is outgoing, and equal
1 to 1 if the gas is entering. The state equation is as before
Pdc1 ¼ Pb " P1 ¼ r1 u2B x1 , (30) and is applied at three points: the extremities and the
middle of the pipe.
The other equations of this model are equations
! pressure loss Pdc2 between branch 2 and branch b is
introducing variables:
written as
1 ! gas density:
Pdc2 ¼ Pb " P1 ¼ r1 u2B x2 . (31)
2 r ¼ M=LS, (36)
Amplitude Amplitude
(mbar) (x 1000) (mbar)
(x 1000)
0 0
7 7
200 200
Flow rate (m3 (n)\h)
Flow rate (m3 (n)\h)
400 400
5 5
600 600
4 800 4 800
900 900
1000 1000
3 3
1100 1100
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 1200
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 1200
Fig. 8. Amplitudes of oscillations of downstream pressure obtained by calculations and measurement. For: Pe ¼ 20 bar, Pmc ¼ 7 bar and opening of
creeper valve ¼ 0.75.
opening of the creeper valve for a small size of the 6.2. Quantitative validation
downstream volume (V ¼ 0.04 m3) reduces the amplitudes
considerably. It is generally noted that the numerical model simulates,
The other parameters considered have less influence on with a satisfactory level of accuracy, the oscillations
the regulator stability. For example lengths of sensing lines, observed on the test bench (Fig. 9).
diameter of the downstream volume and driving pressure To show the relevance and the robustness of the model
Pmc. Measurements and simulations have confirmed this performed with Allan. sSimulation, we used the calcula-
feature. tions to enable us find the configurations for which the
Downstream pressure (bar)
Downstream pressure (bar)
4.9 4.9
4.7 4.7
4.5 4.5
4.3 4.3
4.1 4.1
3.9 3.9
3.7 3.7
3.5 3.5
5 7 9 11 13 15 5 7 9 11 13 15
Time (s) Time (s)
Fig. 9. Simulation and measurement of downstream pressure. For: V ¼ 0.04 m ; Pe ¼ 20 bars, q ¼ 7000 m3(n)/h. 3
4.08 3.945
4.075 3.94
4.07 3.935
4.065 3.93
4.06 3.925
5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25
Time (s) Time (s)
Fig. 10. Simulation and measurement of downstream pressure. For: V ¼ 2.5 m3; Pe ¼ 20 bars, q ¼ 5000 m3(n)/h.
smallest amplitudes are observed (Fig. 10). So for big underway to take into account the fluid forces acting on the
downstream volume (V ¼ 2.5 m3), this pilot controlled plug.
regulator (Fig. 7) is considered in stability conditions. It is believed that these computer models are accurate
enough to be used to improve the design and the
performance of regulators. It is believed that this work
7. Concluding remarks will find some applications in a larger domain or for other
regulators to define working conditions or to design full
The final goal of the study presented in this paper is to pressure regulating stations.
improve the process control of pressure regulators. It is to
define the operating conditions that maintain a constant Acknowledgements
pressure with oscillations within a given tolerance. For that
purpose, numerical approaches have been performed. The authors wish to express their indebtedness to Ms.
The agreement between calculations and measurements Mode Laurent and Grenouilleau Pascal of the Research
indicates that the dynamic behaviour of a gas pressure and Development Division of Gaz De France for their
regulator can be modelled mathematically and simulated contributions toward the success of this work.
with good accuracy.
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increases dramatically for small volumes (V ¼ 0.04 m3).
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