Design and CFD Analysis of Centrifugal Compressor For A Microgasturbine
Design and CFD Analysis of Centrifugal Compressor For A Microgasturbine
Design and CFD Analysis of Centrifugal Compressor For A Microgasturbine
Purpose – This paper aims to show how a good compressor can be designed and modeled with CFD steady models and to explain reasons for
discrepancies between experiment (1D design) and 3D CFD analysis.
Design/methodology/approach – A model with only one impeller channel was used to compare 1D design data, which were obtained from
centrifugal compressor design code, written and developed by the authors. The often used model for CFD analysis of turbo machinery, known as
“frozen-rotor” model, only yields satisfying results for efficiency and pressure ratio, at and near the point of best efficiency. For this case, the static
pressure shows a nearly uniform circumferential distribution at the inlet of the diffuser, which numerically leads to more homogeneous flow rates
through the single vane channels, and thus to a more realistic time averaged flow distribution.
Findings – The numerical results with respect to performance data showed quite good agreement with experimental data at and near the operating
point of best efficiency.
Originality/value – This paper offers a combined 1D and 3D numerical approach in turbo machinery design, especially in radial compressible turbo
machines design.
Design and CFD analysis of centrifugal compressor for a microgasturbine Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal
Reza Aghaei tog, A. Mesgharpoor Tousi and M. Soltani Volume 79 · Number 2 · 2007 · 137 –143
Aerothermodynamics properties at different position of ends of the control volume. The depth of the control volume
impeller wheel. is b2 and gradients in the X-direction are not considered.
Main geometry parameters, specific speed and power Hence, integration is very, very small but finite angle. Hence,
consumption. there are no variations in the f direction to be considered.
Isentropic efficiency and pressure ratio in each point, diff. However, the velocities are time-dependent entering the
pressure recovery. control volume (Figure 1b and c). Integration will be over a
Velocity triangles, deviation angle and relative Mach period t and hence, for example, Cm is Cm2p during the time
number (inlet outlet). interval 0 to (1 2 1)t and it is Cm2s during the time interval
(1 2 1)t to t Parameters on the r þ dr side are space and time
This program able to calculate the off-design performance
averaged by definition, hence yielding the so-called mixed-out
and produces the compressor performance parameters for
state. The historical assumption of an unloaded tip is used,
further studies on the performance map.
hence P2s ¼ P2p ¼ P2. Thus, we get:
2.1 Basic equations for one-dimensional design Z t Z D f Z b2
A further important step is necessary before design 2 rðtÞCðtÞCm ðtÞr 2 dfdx
0 0 0
optimization calculation can be conducted, that is a Z D f Z b2 Z tX ð4Þ
complete description of the flow process, in term of the þ r2m C 2m C m2m r 2 dfdx dt ¼ FðtÞdt
basic governing equations. The basic governing equations are 0 0 0
presented here, but only for mixed out flow (Japikse, 1996).
Using the proper control volume shown in Figure 1 (Japikse, This reduces to radial momentum:
1996). mp C m2p þ ms Cm2s ¼ mCm2m þ ð p2m 2 p2 Þ2pr 2 b2 ð5Þ
Mixed-out state equations (m):
Z t Z tX By the same approach, the tangential component of the
trðtÞCðtÞ½CðtÞdA dt ¼ FðtÞdt ðmomentumÞ ð1Þ momentum equation becomes:
0 c:v: 0
Z t r2p C u2p ðC m2p A2p Þ þ r2s Cu2s ðC m2s A2s Þ
trðtÞCðtÞdA dt ¼ m ðmassÞ ð2Þ ð6Þ
0 2 r2m C u2m ðC m2m A2 Þ ¼ 0
Z t X
tDh0 ½rðtÞCðtÞdA dt ¼ Pi ðenergyÞ ð3Þ This reduces to tangential momentum:
0 c:v:
mp C u2p þ ms C u2s ¼ mC u2m ð7Þ
where CðtÞ ¼ C m ðtÞi^ m þ C u ðtÞ^i u and dA ¼ dxrdu^i m and Pi
includes all parasitic power terms (2 ) and the overall shaft Similarly the energy equation (3) above becomes to energy
power (þ ), where ^i m and ^i u are unit vectors in the meridional equation:
and tangential directions. Hence, CðtÞdA ¼ ^C m rdAdx. mp C P T 02p þ ms C P T 02s þ ðP disc_friction þ P recirc Þ ¼ mC P T 02m
The control volume (Figure 1a) has an infinitesimal radial
extent (dr), hence there are no shear stresses on the sides or ð8Þ
Design and CFD analysis of centrifugal compressor for a microgasturbine Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal
Reza Aghaei tog, A. Mesgharpoor Tousi and M. Soltani Volume 79 · Number 2 · 2007 · 137 –143
And the continuity equation (2) above becomes: 3. Three-dimensional design and CFD calculations
m ¼ 2pr 2 b2 C m2m r2m ðconservation of massÞ ð9Þ In radial turbomachines, the first blade passage measurements
were published by Eckardt (1976) for a centrifugal
C 22m compressor. The computation methods which have been
T 2m ¼ T 02m 2 ðstagnation temperatureÞ ð10Þ devised and published, large in number and diverse in type to
2C P
combination with Eckardt useful results to have detail
p2m information about flow field in centrifugal impeller passages.
r2m ¼ ðequation of stateÞ ð11Þ
RT 2m Many of researchers such Mc. Nally and Sockol (1985),
Japikse (1976-1996), were used CFD methods to
C 22m ¼ C 2u2m þ C 2m2m ðvector identityÞ ð12Þ turbomachines (Whitfield, 1990). Moore et al. (1984) used
C 2m 3D viscous CFD method to examine the flow in a medium
M 2m ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ðMach numberÞ ð13Þ pressure ratio impeller. The CFD results, although not
kRT 2m
directly compared with measurements, showed several aspects
of loss production in the impeller. Hirsch et al. (1996) using
T 02m k=ðk21Þ
P 02m ¼ p2m ðequivalanceeÞ ð14Þ Krain’s data (1981) and performed numerical simulations
T 2m quoted by theoretical notions concerning secondary flow
(Larosiliere and Skoch, 1997). In the most nearly years, the
Plus assorted dependent variables:
C u2m use of CFD for the computation of turbo machinery flows has
l2m ¼ ðswirl parameterÞ ð15Þ significantly increased, and by combination with
C m2m
measurements it provides a completely tool for simulation,
m2m ðl2m 2 tan b2b Þ design, optimization and most important of all, analysis of the
s2m ¼ ðslip factorÞ ð16Þ flow field inside the turbomachines (Tamma et al., 1999). The
main purpose of the presented work is to compare 1D and 3D
C u2m results to complete design process of a centrifugal compressor
m2m ¼ ðwork input factorÞ ð17Þ
U2 for a micro turbine.
Design and CFD analysis of centrifugal compressor for a microgasturbine Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal
Reza Aghaei tog, A. Mesgharpoor Tousi and M. Soltani Volume 79 · Number 2 · 2007 · 137 –143
hybrid cells. Using tetrahedral cells can save a lot of time walls in the inertia frame of reference, which are part of the
because the meshing of the volume works almost rotating reference frame, are treated as moving walls with a
automatically. The grids for compressor channel were rotational speed of absolute zero. The walls are adiabatic.
completely generated with the pre-processor GAMBIT,
which offers some CAD tools as well as meshing tools. 3D
3.4 Equation for a rotating reference frame
models of the machine described above were generated. In the
When the equations of motion are solved in a rotating frame
centrifugal compressor, due to rotational periodicity of the
of reference, the acceleration of the fluid is augmented by
blades, only one channel consisting of pressure and suction
additional terms that appear in the momentum equations.
side of the main blade had to be generated (FLUENT Inc.,
FLUENT allows you to solve rotating frame problems using
1998). The whole impeller is made up of 13 blades. The
either the absolute velocity, V, or the relative velocity Vr, as
whole impeller geometry had to be divided into several
the dependent variable. The tow velocities are related the
hexahedral volumes, each of which could be meshed with
following equation (FLUENT Inc., 1998):
hexahedral cells (Figure 3).
Vr ¼ V 2 V £ r ð23Þ
3.3 Numerical implementation
3.3.1 Model parameter Here, V is the angular velocity vector and r is the position
The impeller region was modeled as a reference rotating with vector in the rotating frame.
respective to rotary speed. The most appropriate The left-hand side of the momentum equation appears as
discretization scheme was the segregated implicit solver. It follows for an inertia reference frame:
immediately turns the initial backflow, and solution parameter
come to convergence. Turbulence is modeled using the ›
ðrV Þ þ 7 · ðrVV Þ ð24Þ
standard k 2 1 model without realizable modifications. Also ›t
the energy equation has to be solved additionally. The For a rotating reference frame, the left-hand side written in
medium is treated as ideal gas with viscous heating. terms of absolute velocity becomes:
The momentum equation is solved using the QUICK
scheme, the pressure correction with the SIMPLE scheme. ›
ðrV Þ þ 7 · ðrV r V Þ þ V £ V ð25Þ
The under relaxation factor pressure must be very ›t
conservative, about 0.3 or 0.2; otherwise the pressure In terms of relative velocities the left-hand side is given by:
correction might diverse.
› ›V
3.3.2 Boundary conditions ðrV r Þ þ 7 · ðrV r V r Þ þ 2V £ V r þ V £ V £ r þ r £ r ð26Þ
For the compressible flow, mass flow rate normal to boundary ›t ›t
was used as the inlet boundary condition. At the inlet total where 2V £ V r þ V £ V £ r is the Coriolis force. Note that
temperature, turbulent intensity and length scale must be FLUENT neglects the rð›V=›tÞ £ r term, so it cannot
defined too (Tu ¼ 1.5 per cent, L ¼ 10 mm, FLUENT Inc., accurately model a time-varying angular velocity (FLUENT
1998). A velocity at the outlet, the static pressure and backflow Inc., 1998).
properties must be defined. All in inertia reference frame Using the relative velocity formulation for flows in rotating
moving walls are part of the rotating reference frame. These domains, the equation for conservation of mass, or continuity
walls are treated as moving walls with rotational speed of 0 equation, can be written as follows for both the absolute and
relative to the adjacent cell zone, which is rotating. Non-rotating the relative velocity formulations:
Design and CFD analysis of centrifugal compressor for a microgasturbine Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal
Reza Aghaei tog, A. Mesgharpoor Tousi and M. Soltani Volume 79 · Number 2 · 2007 · 137 –143
Design and CFD analysis of centrifugal compressor for a microgasturbine Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal
Reza Aghaei tog, A. Mesgharpoor Tousi and M. Soltani Volume 79 · Number 2 · 2007 · 137 –143
compressor or for a new design. By using CFD results, also it interaction of rotating and stationary parts is the frozen
is possible to describe impeller passage flow phenomena. rotor method, which is useful when the circumferential flow
variation of each blade passage experiences is large during a
full revolution. With this option, computations are again
5. Conclusions performed in a steady state mode, based on the assumption of
The centrifugal compressor for a micro turbine has been quasi steady flow around the rotating component at every
designed completely. 1D design was complete with CCD rotating angle. The detailed CFD model of compressor and it
code, which written and developed by authors, then by using comparison with the experimental data are explained and
FLUENT code, CFD analyses base on 1D data have been shown in this work. A good match between CFD and 1D data
done. The common CFD package offers different approaches was seen for a centrifugal impeller of approximately 4:1
to simulate systems with both stationary and rotating pressure ratio. Overall, the CFD gave a good prediction of the
components. With the general single or multi frames, using performance and resolved enough of the local flow details. By
local reference frames, which are stationary or rotating as using this information of flow phenomena, it is possible to
appropriate, can steady state analyses in turbo machinery be improve compressor performance, or make a new design of
performed. One of these different ways to model the centrifugal compressor for different machines.
Design and CFD analysis of centrifugal compressor for a microgasturbine Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal
Reza Aghaei tog, A. Mesgharpoor Tousi and M. Soltani Volume 79 · Number 2 · 2007 · 137 –143
Table II Comparison of 1D and numerical analysis data Pitkanen, H. and Esa, H. (2000), Centrifugal Compressor
Design and Testing in the Finnish High Speed Technology,
1D CFD (average) Department of Energy Tech., Lappeenranta.
Impeller Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet Tamma, A., Gurge, M. and Stoffel, B. (1999), Experimental
and 3-D Numerical Analysis of the Flow Field in
Static pressure (kpa) 84.099 241.643 92.05 242.185
Turbomachines Part One and Two, Darmstadt.
Radial velocity (m/s) 0 298.24 0 332.203
Whitfield, A. (1990), Design of Radial Turbomachines,
Tangential velocity (m/s) 28 361.309 44.53 335.021
Longman, Harlow.
Relative velocity (m/sec) 243 363.36 275.75 416.35
Further reading
References Niazi, S., Stein, A. and Sankar, L.N. (1998), Development and
Application of a CFD Solver to the Simulation of Centrifugal
FLUENT Inc. (1998), Fluent5 User’s Guide and GAMBIT
Compressors, School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia
Modelling Guide, FLUENT Inc., Lebanaon, NH.
Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA.
Ibaraki, S., Matsuo, T. and Kumo, H. (2003), “Aerodynamics of
Pitkanen, H., Esa, H., Sallinen, P. and Larjola, J. (1999),
a transonic centrifugal compressor impeller”, ASME, Vol. 125. Time-Accurate CFD Analysis of a Centrifugal Compressor,
Japikse, D. (1996), Centrifugal Compressor Design and Department of Energy Tech., Lappeenranta.
Performance, ETI, Wilder, VT.
Larosiliere, L.M. and Skoch, G.J. (1997), “Aerodynamic
synthesis of a centrifugal impeller using CFD and
Corresponding author
measurements”, 107515, AIAA-97-2878. Reza Aghaei tog can be contacted at: