Eia - 1430 For Farm Extension at Aquila
Eia - 1430 For Farm Extension at Aquila
Eia - 1430 For Farm Extension at Aquila
………………………………… ……………………………….
Signature / Date
NEMA Acknowledgement:
………………………………….. ………………………………
This is to certify that the environmental experts hereunder as per the requirements of the
National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) Kenya carried out an Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA) for the Proposed Project and declare that the information given
herein is true to the best of our knowledge.
Name of expert Details Signature
Name Contact person and telephone Signature
Ms. Lilian
CDM Clean Development Mechanisms
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EMCA, 2015 Environmental Management and Coordination Act 2015
EMMP Environmental Monitoring and Management Plan
EMP Environmental Management Plan
Ha Hectares
KM Kilo Meters
KPLC Kenya Power and Lighting Company
NEAP National Environmental Action Plan
NEMA National Environmental Management Agency
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PR Project Report
TBD To Be Determined
TOR Terms of Reference
Project design considerations for the dam........................................................ 25
We would like to acknowledge the management of Aquila Development Company Limited for
providing all the necessary support to facilitate the undertaking of this EIA of the proposed
farm extension in Aquila Development Company Limited.
We also express our gratitude to the Company’s Management and staff for their cooperation
and responses during on-site assessment activities at the company and the immediate neighbors
consulted for their candid and invaluable comments. This goes a long way in showing a high
level of commitment by Aquila Development Company Limited in protecting and maintaining
a healthy and sustainable environment.
i. County: NAKURU
Situation of Workplace
ii. Town: NAIVASHA
In Kenya, an EIA must be carried out prior to any project that is likely to have an impact(s) on
the environment and on social and economic well-being of the community involved. The two
projects (farm extension and water reservoir construction) to be undertaken are among such
developments that require the critical and strategic assessment as stipulated in the
Environmental Management and coordination (amendment) Act, 2015 and Environmental
Impact Assessment and audit regulation (2003). This is done so as to ensure sustainable
environmental management.
The project involves the extension of farming land to 40 acres plus construction of 5000m3
water reservoir. Environmental experts who are registered by the National Environment
Management Authority (NEMA) conducted the EIA study and prepared this report for approval
by the same.
For a long time, the world over, policy makers directed all the efforts in economic development
without due regard to the resource base on which the economic development depend on. As a
result, there has been unprecedented environmental degradation due to lack of environmental
conservation resulting to unsustainable development. More recently investors and developers,
spurred on by regulators world over, have recognized the need for change in order to safeguard
the environment.
In reference to the above, environmental concerns have now been integrated in the planning an
implementation processes of any proposed project in Kenya. The key objective is to mitigate
conflicts with the EIA to be undertaken on projects of such nature and magnitude; to enhance
Sustainable Environmental Management as well as controlling and revitalizing the much
degraded environment. The environmental management is coordinated by NEMA in Kenya.
Pursuant to the prevailing legal requirements as envisaged in the EMCA,2015 and to ensure
sustainable environmental management, the project proponent commissioned undertaking of
the EIA study for the proposed project; and incorporated substantial environmental aspects as
advised by NEMA.
The main objective of the EIA study is to evaluate the effects/impacts of proposed development
in relation to the general environmental aspects i.e. physical, biological, and socio-economic
environments. It aims at influencing g the protection and coexistence of the development with
the surroundings as well as the compatibility of the proposed development to the area; to ensure
and enhance sustainable environmental management during implementation and operational
1.1 SCOPE.
The scope of the assessment study covered the physical extent of the project’s site and its
immediate environs, construction works of the proposed development, installation of basic
utilities and services as required by the physical planning act. The output of the study was the
production of an EIA project report for submission to NEMA for the purposes of seeking
approval and subsequent acquisition of an EIA license to proceed with the project.
The environmental Impact Assessment Study of the developments was conducted in order to:
Determine the Impacts the project may have on the Environment.
Assist decision makers arrive at a decision whether to grant or deny a license for
the proposed project.
Propose cost-effective mitigation measures for the significant negative impacts of
the project on the environment.
Coming up with an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) to address
environmental and social impacts of the project to the affected population during
construction, operational and decommissioning phases of the project.
Evaluation of the technology, procedures and processes to be used, procedures and
processes to be used in the implementation of the project.
Evaluation of the materials to be used in the construction and implementation of the
project and their extended sources.
Description, evaluation and analysis of the foreseeable potential environmental effects
of the project broadly classified into physical, ecological/biological and socio-
economic aspects (direct, indirect, cumulative, irreversible, short-term and long-term
effects anticipated)
Evaluation of waste management.
Evaluation and analysis of alternatives including the proposed project, no project
alternative, project site, design and technologies.
An Environmental Management Plan (EMP), proposing the measures for eliminating,
minimizing or mitigating adverse impacts on the environment.
Propose measures to prevent health and safety hazards and to ensure security in the
working environment for the employees and the management in case of emergencies.
This encompasses prevention and management of the foreseeable accidents and during
both the construction and operational phases.
Such other matters as NEMA may require.
Site Survey and Observation
This was done during the Aquila Development Company Limited visit. The expert was allowed
to personally scrutinize, identify environmental concerns that may arise from the project,
interpret the situation on the ground and make judgment.
Public Consultation
This was carried out to gather the opinion of the neighbors and relevant stakeholders
concerning the proposed greenhouse extension and dam construction project at Aquila
Development Company Limited. The general trend was that consulted persons were made to
understand that the consultants were not speaking on behalf of Aquila Development Company
Limited, but that the meeting was part of the data gathering process for an EIA study. Both
closed and open ended questionnaires were administered to the business neighbors (Copies
All the findings of the assessment have been documented in this report as per the provisions
of NEMA stated in the Environmental Management and Coordination (Amendment) Act 2015
and as stipulated in the Legal Notice No. 101, Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit)
Regulations of 2003.
EIA Regulations stipulates the general criteria for undertaking EIA studies. The
Environmental Impact Assessment criteria are further enhanced through endorsement of recent
EHS and related legislations.
Subsequently, the criteria for the EIA focused on the:
Environment Management and Coordination (Environmental Impact and
Assessment) Regulations, 2003
Environment Management and Coordination (Water Quality)
Regulations, 2006
Environment Management and Coordination (Waste Management)
Regulations, 2006
OSHA 2007
Local Government Act
Water Act
(b) Aquila Development Company Limited EHS Policy which the farm is required to
comply with.
According to the Kenya National Environment Action Plan (NEAP, 1994) the Government
recognized the negative impacts on ecosystems emanating from economic and social
development programs that disregarded environmental sustainability. Following on this,
establishment of appropriate policies and legal guidelines as well as harmonization of the
existing ones have been accomplished or is in the process of development. The NEAP process
introduced environmental assessments and auditing in the country culminating into the
enactment of the Policy on Environment and Development under the Sessional Paper No. 6 of
1999. An EA is a tool used on ongoing development projects commenced prior to the coming
into force of the EIA/EA regulations and new projects undertaken after completion of an EIA.
It is a legal requirement in Kenya and provided for under section 47 of EMCA 2015.
The following is a summary of some laws and regulations that protect the environment from
environmental degradation. The Sectoral acts are still applicable, however, for the purpose of
this report, special attention should be given to the provisions in EMCA. According to Kenya
subsidiary legislation, 2003 Part V of the EIA and EA regulations, Environmental Audit and
Monitoring is mandatory. This mainly covers;
On-going Projects commenced prior to the coming into force of these regulations; or
New projects undertaken after completion of an Environmental Impact Assessment
study report.
The policy recommends the need for enhanced re-use/recycling of residues including
wastewater, use of low non-waste technologies, increased public awareness raising and
appreciation of a clean environment. It also encourages participation of stakeholders in the
management of wastes within their localities.
The key national laws governing the compliance for Environmental Management of Aquila
Development Company Limited are;
Environmental Management and Coordination (Controlled Substances) Regulation,
The Public Health Act (Cap. 242)
The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), 2007
The Factories and Other Places of Work (Medical Examination Rules), 2005
The Factories and Other Places of Work (Fire Risk Reduction Rules), 2007
The Factories and Other Places of Work (Safety and Health Committee Rules), 2004
The Factories and Other Places of Work (First Aid Rules), 1977
The air quality standards by the World Health Organization (WHO) and World Bank
The County Governments act
The Water Act, 2002 (Cap 372) including the Water Quality Regulation (2006) and the
Wetland Regulation (2009)
Energy Act, 2006
Energy Management Regulations (2012).
Environmental Management and Coordination (Noise and Excessive Vibration
Pollution Control) Regulations, 2009
Under the general provisions (PART I) of these rules:
Noise pollution means the emission of uncontrolled noise that is likely to cause damage to
human health or damage to the environment, Excessive vibration means the presence of
vibrations which: -
Is of such intensity, duration, frequency or character as to annoy, disturb, or cause or
tend to cause adverse psychological effects on persons, or to damages or tend to damage
personal or real property; and
Exceed 0.5 centimeters per second beyond any source property boundary or 30 meters
from any moving source.
Conservation and management of the natural resources of Kenya including air, water,
land, flora and fauna.
Promotion of environmental conservation through the sustainable use of natural
resources to meet the needs of the present generations while preserving their ability to
meet the needs of future generations
Meeting national goals and international obligations by conserving bio-diversity,
arresting desertification, mitigating effects of disasters, protecting the ozone layer and
maintaining an ecological balance on earth.
Wetlands, River Banks, Lake Shores and Sea Shore Management Regulation, 2009
This Act applies to all wetlands in Kenya whether occurring in private or public land. It
contains provisions for the utilization of wetland resources in a sustainable manner compatible
with the continued presence of wetlands and their hydrological, ecological, social and
economic functions and services.
Occupational Health and Safety Act, 2007
This is an Act of Parliament to provide for the safety, health and welfare of workers and all
persons lawfully present at workplaces, to provide for the establishment of the National
Council for Occupational Safety and Health and for connected purposes. The Act has the
following functions among others:
Secures safety and health for people legally in all workplaces by minimization of
exposure of workers to hazards (gases, fumes & vapors, energies, dangerous
machinery/equipment, temperatures, and biological agents) at their workplaces
Prevents employment of children in workplaces where their safety and health is at risk.
Encourages entrepreneurs to set achievable safety targets for their enterprises.
Promotes reporting of work-place accidents, dangerous occurrences and ill health with
a view to finding out their causes and preventing of similar occurrences in future.
Promotes creation of a safety culture at workplaces through education and training in
occupational safety and health.
Failure to comply with the OSHA, 2007 attracts penalties of up to KES 300,000 or 3 months
jail term or both or penalties of KES 1,000,000 or 12 months jail term or both for cases where
death occurs and is in consequence of the employer.
regard to human health and ensures that the health of the surrounding community isn’t
jeopardized by the activities of the project.
The Forest Act, 2005 was enacted in November 2005 to repeal the Forest Act, Cap 385. The
Act provides for the establishment, development and sustainable management, including
conservation and rational utilization of forest resources so as to enhance their role in the
stabilization of soils, ground water, protecting water catchments, moderating climate by
absorbing greenhouse gases, provide the main locus of Kenya’s biological diversity and a
major habitat for wildlife. Its provisions apply to all forests and woodlands on state, local
authority and private land of the country declared as provisional forest by the Minister. The
administration of forests is headed by the established Kenya Forest Service managed by a
board, regional forest conservation committees work under and community participation is
integrated through forest community associations and forest user associations. The Act also
establishes the forest management and conservation fund headed by a finance committee. The
Act requires formulation of forest management plans for use in management of state, local and
provisional forests, joint management of forests is allowed but governed by management
agreement with the forest service. Indigenous forests and woodlands shall be managed on a
sustainable basis and presidential decree for protection of trees can be issued. Variation of
forest boundaries or revocation of state or local authority forests and state forest concession are
subject to an independent EIA and public consultation. Director of Kenya Forest Service (KFS)
is required to maintain register of all licenses issued under the Act. Provisions of part VI and
part XII of EMCA’99 shall apply mutatis mutandis to and in respect of a license under this Act
and any EIA as well as reference to the National Environment Tribunal required under this Act.
The provisions of EMCA’99 regarding reference to the Tribunal established under that Act
shall apply to the settlement of disputes arising under Forest Act, 2005. Offences under the Act
are punishable under the law and citizens can petition High court for a declaration of
contravention of the Act provisions. Thus the Act directs, regulates and harmonizes
development and use of forests in the country. In addition, the Act provides a vital link with
the Environment Management and Coordination Act.
Land Control Act, Cap. 302
The proposed project will be carried out on private land. It is worth noting that the
Government can compulsorily acquire private land for public interest.
National Construction Authority Act 2011.
The national construction act is set to streamline, overhaul and regulate the construction
industry in Kenya for sustainable development. The NCA establishes the authority and confers
on its power to register contactors within the construction industry. The act requires all the
contractors, both foreign and local contractors to be registered with the authority. The act also
regulates the practices of foreign contractor by limiting their work to only tender work. The
foreign contractors are licensed for only a specific period and once they satisfy they are in
Kenya for that specific time. The foreign contractors must also produce a certificate of
compliance. Furthermore, they must lodge an affidavit with the NCA that once the project they
have been licensed is over, they shall wind up their business. This prevents them from engaging
in any other construction in the country.
The Agriculture Act CAP 318
This is the principle law governing agricultural production in Kenya and the proponent must
adhere to all the provisions of this Act in his day to day operations.
4.3.16 Wildlife Conservation & Management Act Cap 376 (Amended, 2010)
The Act and its related amendments regulate wildlife conservation within the country. The Act
also created the Kenya Wildlife Service in 1997 and gives the agency the power to oversee the
establishment and management of the Parks and reserves in Kenya and undertake to protect the
fauna and flora within the National parks including entering into agreements with organizations
of person to ensure that wildlife corridors continue to be provided for migration of wild- life.
Alienation of any park can only be undertaken by a resolution from parliament. The Act gives
KWS the powers to maintain an armed wing and pro-vides the sweeping powers for the
organization to enter into premise search and arrest anybody handling live or dead animal or
part of animal and prosecute in a court of law.
Kenya is party to a number of Multi-Lateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) on
environmental protection. Aquila Development Company Limited must therefore comply with
these agreements. These include;
African Convention on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources,
1968(revised in 2003.
Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar convention)1971
UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Culture and Natural
Heritage (1972)
Kyoto Protocol
Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer Supplemented by The 1987
Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete The Ozone Layer(1985)
Basel Convention on the Control of Trans-Boundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes
and Their disposal (1989)
Bamako Convention on the Ban of the import into Africa and the Control of Trans-
Boundary Movement and Management of Hazardous Wastes within Africa (1991)
Convention on Biological Diversity (1992) Biodiversity
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC, 1992)
Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain
Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade (1998)
Aquila Development Company Limited is located in Nakuru County, Naivasha Sub county.
Nakuru County is one of the counties found in the former Rift Valley Province. It is bordered
by Baringo and Laikipia counties to the North, Nyandarua and Kiambu counties to the West,
Kajiado and Narok counties to the South and Kiricho and Bomet Counties to the East. It lies
between 0°34’ South and 1° 07’South and longitudes 0°30 ‘S and 36°0 ‘East
Aquila Development Company Limited is located in Ndabibi village, Kongoni Division in
Nairobi Subcounty. The farm can either be accessed either through Nairobi-Naivasha-Moi
South Lake road or Nairobi-Mai Mahiu- South Lake road. The farm lies North of Lake
Naivasha, South of Gathonia residential village, West of Shalimar, Bila Shaka, Butyline farms
and East of Rainforest farms.
There are several geographic features in the Nakuru County namely Lake Naivasha and Lake
Nakuru. These features have an adverse effect on the climatic and weather patterns experienced
in the county however climate change and global warming also affects the weather components
in the region. The average altitude of the county is approximately 1850 metres above the sea
level and this explains the temperature regimes experienced in the county. The average
temperatures range between 10 degrees Celsius and 20 degrees Celsius, the cold season is
experienced in July and August while the hot season is experienced in January and March. The
rains are received in two seasons whereby the long rains are experienced in April, May and
August while the short rains are experienced between October and December. The average
annual rainfall is approximated to be 850mm per year and this enables the farmers in Nakuru
County to practice crop farming. The predominant soil type is loam and contains all the plant
nutrients required for plant growth. Due to the good soil cover in the region, soil erosion is not
major problem here.
The County’s total area is 2,325.8 km², a total population density of 1,603,325 as per the year
2009 National population census. It has eleven constituencies: Nakuru town West, Nakuru
town East, Kuresoi South, Kuresoi North, Molo, Rongai, Subukia, Gilgil, Bahati, Njoro and
Naivasha Constituencies.
The geology of Nakuru county comprises mainly of volcanic soils and rocks (lava and
pyroclastics) of Tertiary – Quaternary age, which has been affected by a series of faulting, and
are overlain by recent sediments. The most extensive soils in the area are volcanic soils with
few thin layers of organic soils in few places. The landscape is of tectonic origin resulting from
tectonic volcanic activity and erosion. The soils in the county vary in both fertility and
distribution. Shallow soils are formed in hilly areas while deep well drained soils are found on
the slopes and plateaus.
3.1.6 SOCIO-ECONOMIC PROFILE Population and human settlements
Nakuru County is home to 1, 603, 325 people (male - 50.2% and female - 49.8%), according
to the 2009 National Census. It is a cosmopolitan county, with its population originating from
all the major tribes of Kenya.
The population density in Nakuru County has been increasing in the last 40 years. The density
was 52 persons per Km2 in 1969. It increased to 69 persons per Km2 in 1979 and then to 102
and 145 persons in 1989 and 1999 respectively.
The current settlement patterns have historical origin from colonial times. The pattern is
dichotomous in nature i.e. urban and rural with difference in both economic and spatial
characteristics. The rural settlements are generally homogenous and engage in primary
production with agriculture as the dominant economic activity. Urban settlements are
heterogeneous, densely populated and engage in non-agriculture economic activities such as
commerce and industry and also service delivery.
The settlement schemes in Nakuru County were initiated in 1960’s and 1970’s. One of the
factors that have had a major impact in settlement development in the county is the rapidly
growing population without corresponding development of off-farm economic opportunities.
Roads network also attracts a lot of settlements along the main highways and all weather roads.
Agriculture is the backbone of Nakuru's economy. The county's weather is conducive for large-
scale farming, horticulture and dairy farming. Food crops grown in Nakuru County include
maize, wheat, beans, peas, cabbages, tomatoes, kales and carrots. The produce is consumed
locally and sold to consumers in neighboring towns and cities.
There are 898 primary schools and 334 secondary schools in Nakuru County, serving 358,556
pupils and 25,475 students respectively. The county's Teacher to Pupil Ratio is 1: 49 for public
primary schools and 1:36 for public secondary schools.
The County falls in the highland Savannah zone, characterized by few scattered trees with
expansive grass cover. Most of the natural vegetation has been cleared giving way to manmade
environmental hazards. There are four gazetted forests, which have both natural and planted
The entire farming extension project will incorporate environmental guidelines as well as
health and safety measures.
Disposal of the resulting debris/ waste materials.
Electrical, civil, mechanical engineering and sanitary works: to be done by
Excavation at the of the water reservoir.
Fixing of the lining polyethylene paper.
Commitment associated with this alternative would ensure that potential negative impacts are
avoided or reduced to levels of insignificance.
Prior to the choice of the proposed project, the following alternatives were considered and these
No Project Alternative
This was rejected as it counters development, since the farm needs more water to cater for its
increasing demand for the resource. In addition, the socio-economic impacts resulting from the
proposed project would not be realized and the other hand, the anticipated insignificant
environmental impacts resulting from the construction would not occur.
Exploitation of groundwater
This is not feasible as investigations revealed that further exploitation of groundwater was
much expensive as compared to dam construction. In addition, the ground water will reduce
faster than the rate of recharge. Therefore, use of the dam will be more logical since it will
depend on harvested rain water from the green houses and storm water.
Reservoir Construction
This is the proposed project in which the project report will be presented to NEMA. This report
will evaluate and examine the impacts of the project on the environment. After the evaluation,
an EIA License would be issued, signifying NEMA’s approval of the project’s implementation.
However, the development will ensure that all environmental measures are complied with
during all stages of the project.
This option was considered the best option since it shall guarantee sustainable water supply to
the flower farm, utilize rain water that would otherwise be wasted.
associated with this alternative would ensure that potential negative impacts are avoided or
reduced to levels of insignificance.
Figure1. Project Drawing
4.4 The Proposed Location of the Project
The proposed location of the two projects is within the Aquila Development Company Limited
vicinity. The portion of land to be developed measures approximately 40 acres. The land is
owned by Aquila Development Company Limited. The certificate of title is as annexed. The
area is covered with grass and small bushes. The fauna observed on site were insects, birds,
camels, antelopes and zebras. The type of soil is volcanic soil. Drainage issues and soil
conservation will therefore be highly addressed during the planning and design of the proposed
5.1Project design considerations for the open field farming
5.1.1General considerations
The design considerations incorporate aspects of modern architecture, and modern open field
farming activities including:
- Clearing of the vegetation on the site (these include the thickets currently on site and
- Ground leveling and earth moving and excavations for the construction works of the
site proposed offices, Power room, main store and pump room.
- Transportation of construction materials
- Construction of the pump house, landscaping, paving and fittings of finishes and other
utilities in the facilities of the farm
- Cultivation and harrowing of the farm
- Barbed wire perimeter fencing
- Laying of drip pipes for the drip irrigation
- Planting of the proposed produce
5.2.1 Dam
General considerations
In the realization of the designs for the proposed project, the following was considered:
1. Excavation of the site to the desired length, width, depth and elevation.
2. Construction of embankment and related facilities;
3. The construction of spillway and related facilities;
4. Construction of drains to harvest storm water and
5. Construction/installation of Pump House, pump assemblage and pipeline for
transporting water to the greenhouses for irrigation
The environmental impact assessment study report prepared under this subsection shall
be submitted to the Authority in the prescribed form, giving the prescribed information
and shall be accompanied by the prescribed fee.
The Minister may, on the advice of the Authority given after consultation with the
relevant lead agencies, amend the Second Schedule to this Act by notice in the Gazette.
Environmental Impact Assessment studies and reports required under this Act shall be
conducted or prepared respectively by individual experts or a firm of experts authorized
in that behalf by the Authority. The Authority shall maintain a register of all individual
experts or firms of all experts duly authorized by it to conduct or prepare environmental
impact assessment studies and reports respectively. The register shall be a public
document and may be inspected at reasonable hours by any person on the payment of a
prescribed fee.
The Director-General may, in consultation with the Standards Enforcement and Review
Committee, approve any application by an expert wishing to be authorized to undertake
Environmental Impact Assessment. Such application shall be made in the prescribed
manner and accompanied by any fees that may be required.
Environmental impact assessment shall be conducted in accordance with the
environmental impact assessment regulations, guidelines and procedures issued under
this Act.
The Director-General shall respond to the applications for environmental impact
assessment license within six months.
Any person who upon submitting his application does not receive any communication
from the Director-General within the stipulated time may within nine months of such
submission start his undertaking.
59.(1) Upon receipt of an environmental impact assessment study report from any proponent
under section 58(2), the Authority shall cause to be published in each of two successive weeks
in the Gazette and newspaper circulating in the area or proposed area of the project once at
least in each of two successive weeks in some one and the same a notice which shall state: -
(2) The Authority may, on application by any person extend the period stipulated in sub-
paragraph (d) so as to afford reasonable opportunity for such person to submit oral or written
comments on the environmental impact assessment report.
This was carried out to gather the opinion of the neighbors and relevant stakeholders
concerning the proposed project at Aquila Development Company Limited. The general trend
was that consulted persons were made to understand that the consultants were not speaking on
behalf of Aquila Development Company Limited, but that the meeting was part of the data
gathering process for an EIA study.
Considering the benefits that neighbors have got from the flower farm, more than 95% of the
respondents were in favor of the proposed project. Most people in the area are employed in
Aquila Development Company Limited and have benefited from different projects by the farm
such as the road connecting the farm to the Naivasha –Maai mahiu highway. The consultation
was done through administering of questionnaires to the residents around the farm and copies
of the same are attached. The respondents were in agreement that the following would be the
benefits of the project to the community;
Employment opportunities
Creation of income for investors, contractors, professional, technicians, artisans and
manual workers.
Increase in cultural and social interactions.
Better land utilization.
Increased business shall be realized.
Improvement of infrastructural systems within the neighborhood.
Transfer of skills to the locals.
Reuse of water resources for irrigation.
The health and safety of workers may be compromised due to accidents, pollution and
general disturbance.
Increased waste materials during construction phase.
Health and safety issues of the workers during all the stages.
Pollution of the nearby river.
Exhaust emission.
Oil leaks
Waste generation.
Impact to soil especially when laying the foundation (earthworks) of such development.
Increased noise and vibration mostly during construction phase.
Irrigation and soil drainage can cause soil acidification and increased PH whilst the use of
chemical fertilizers and pesticides contributes to reducing soil capillarity (runoff) as well
as its consistency
Impact/pressure to the existing infrastructure i.e. water, power and drains and access roads.
Air pollution as a result of dust particles emanating from demolition, earthworks and
construction activities. Exhausts from the involved machinery will lead to increased levels
of hazardous gases such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides.
However, it was made clear that mitigation measures would be proposed to deal with all the
negative issues identified.
7.1.2 Negative Impacts
The following negative impacts are associated with the implementation of the proposed
Loss of biodiversity-In the implementation phase, vegetation mainly grass and thickets will
be cleared to pave way for the proposed farm. The disturbance and destruction of vegetation in
the site will negatively affect the biophysical environment. In addition, most organisms will
lose their habitats. These include antelopes, zebras, warthogs and buffaloes. This impact is
moderate as the farm will require removal of much of the thickets.
The proponent is committed to replanting more grass in the unused areas of the farm and
planting of more indigenous trees and also living 15% of the farm under tree cover.
Create protected areas for conservancy of affected animals.
Increased water demand-During the implementation phase water will be used for dust
suppression, drinking by the workers, washing of machinery and the construction works. This
will increase demand for water in addition to the existing demand. Water will be mostly used
in the preparation of concrete for construction works.
Construction workers are likely to have injuries and be exposed to hazards as a result of the
construction of some of the proposed Project components. The construction works unavoidably
expose workers to occupational health and safety risks. Use of manual labor is expected to take
place resulting in increased occupational safety risks.
Mitigation Measures
Implement all necessary measures to ensure health and safety of the workers and the
general public during construction phase as stipulated in OSHA, 2007.
PPEs should be provided.
First Aid boxes be provided and trained first aiders be available in case of an accident.
Have a general register for recording of accidents and incidents.
Extraction sites and use of construction materials -Construction materials that will be used
in the construction such as; hard core, stones, cement and sand will be obtained from quarries,
hardware shops and sand harvesters who extract such materials from natural resource banks
such as rivers and quarries. Since substantial quantities of these materials will be required for
the construction of the facilities, the availability and sustainability of such resources at the
extraction sites will be negatively affected as some are not renewable in the short term. In
addition, the sites from which the materials will be extracted may be significantly affected in
several ways including landscape changes, clearance of vegetation and opening of depressions
on the surface leading to human and animal health impacts.
Noise, dust and exhaust emissions- noise pollution is likely to occur due to offloading of
construction materials at the proposed site, site preparation by use of tractors and earth moving
machines. Potential impacts on the air quality during implementation phase will be due to
exhaust emissions, noise and dust on site caused by the earth moving machines and offloading
trucks. These will cause a potentially significant air quality impact by emitting pollutants
through exhaust emissions and dust since most of the access roads are murram roads. Dust
emission is also likely to occur during site clearance and spreading of top soil during
implementation of the proposed Project.
The workers involved in the site preparation and construction will be required to wear
personal protective equipment such as nose masks and ear plugs to reduce the impacts of
dust and air emissions on their health.
Proper and prompt maintenance of construction plants and equipment to control emission
of hazardous fumes and noise emanating from machines.
Ensure that machines are switched off when not in use.
Workers need to be in their respective PPEs during working hours.
Sprinkle water on graded access routes when necessary to reduce dust generation by
construction vehicles.
Avoid excavation works during extremely dry weather if possible.
Waste management -Construction activities create solid wastes that need to be disposed. Such
wastes include: plastic containers, cement bags and other packaging materials; and Metal,
glass, plastic containers and other unwanted materials. These wastes may have a direct impact
on the neighboring areas, residents and domestic animals. Disposal of the same solid wastes
off-site could also be a social inconvenience if done in wrong places. The off-site effects could
be un-aesthetics view, pest breeding, unhygienic conditions and pollution of physical
Solid waste generation
Provide solid waste handling facilities such as waste bins.
Ensure that solid waste generated is regularly disposed of appropriately at authorized
dumping sites.
Ensure that the waste is managed efficiently through recycling, reuse and proper
disposal procedures.
Proper waste management will be taken into consideration and proper dumping done
according to the Environmental Management and Coordination (Waste Management)
Regulations, 2006.
Increased Motor traffic-during implementation phase of the project, there will be increased
traffic on the existing roads and this may lead to damage to the road.
Mitigation Measures
It imperative for the proponent to take this into consideration and repair any road that gets
damaged by the implementation vehicles to avoid conflict with the people neighboring the
project site.
Oil spills and leaks-these are prevalent in such construction activities and in areas where
petroleum products are used. Such products contain damaging elements to the environment
since they contain traces of heavy metals such as lead and mercury among others.
Mitigation Measures
Machines that utilize oil and petroleum products should be adequately serviced to ensure
they do not leak.
In case of any leak the affected soil should be collected and burned to get rid of the waste.
Positive Impacts
Creation of income for investors, contractors, professional, technicians, artisans and
manual workers.
Increase in cultural and social interactions.
Better land utilization.
Improvement of infrastructural systems within the neighborhood.
Transfer of skills to the locals.
Increase in the government revenue.
Reuse of water resources for irrigation.
The proposed farm will act as a catalyst to improve livelihoods among the community
members thereby alleviating poverty through provision of employment.
Increased income to the central and county governments through payment of various
Improved horticultural production and contribution to food security.
Increased market for goods and services around the area
It will also improve the value of the land around the site.
Increased water usage
Horticultural production is a water intensive venture, thus with the operation of the proposed
Project there will be increased water use. The following activities among others will lead to
increased water usage: irrigation of the farm, Cleaning and drinking and cleaning of vehicles.
Minimize water consumption and ensure more efficient and safe water use
Waste Management
During the operation of the farm, different kinds of waste will be generated. This will mainly
include organic waste from the plant remains and chemical waste through the spraying of the
plants. This will require a proper waste management system in order to minimize the impact
of the waste on the environment.
Solid waste generation
Provide solid waste handling facilities such as waste bins
Ensure that solid wastes generated in the farm are regularly disposed of appropriately at
authorized dumping sites.
Ensure that the wastes are managed efficiently through recycling, reuse and proper
disposal procedures
Liquid waste is likely to be generated from the irrigation activities in the farm. Wastewater
treatment method for the proposed project is the use of a septic tank and wetland respectively.
The effluent in the wetland will be biologically treated and be reused for irrigation where
Incorporation of collective liquid waste management. The project is designed such that
there will be provision of a designated spot for the waste water which is well protected
from rain and animals. This wastes will thus be channeled to the dam through drainage
channel from the site in bulk and as one unit such that the careless disposal and hence
proliferation of wastes within the surrounding areas will be curbed.
Conduct regular inspections for drainage pipe blockages or damages and fix appropriately
Activities such as adding of fertilizers and pest and weed control will lead to pollution of the
soil, Water bodies that are nearby and ground water.
Mitigation Measures
Polyculture. Research has proved that, growing different kinds of plants in one piece of
land reduces the susceptibility of pests and herbs. For instance, planting of different
varieties of flowers or herbs will see to it that less chemicals are used for pest or weed
Crop rotation
Introduction of Biological pest control, such as Pheromones. Entomopathogenic fungi.
Bacteria and viruses. The release of other organisms, such as natural pest predators and
parasites. Genetic engineering practices, such as insect breeding interference.
Introduction of trap crops, which attract pests away from the valuable crops (flowers and
Organic farming such as use of manure is highly encouraged to reduce chances of soil
Minimization of health and safety impacts by implement all necessary measures to ensure
health and safety of the workers and the general public during operation of the project as
stipulated in OSHA, 2007.
Mitigation Measures
Implement all necessary measures to ensure health and safety of the workers and the
general public during operation of the project as stipulated in OSHA, 2007.
Ensure the general safety and security at all times by providing day and night security
guards and adequate lighting within and around the premises.
Mitigation Measures
Ensure the general safety and security at all times by providing day and night security
guards and adequate lighting within and around the premises.
The proposed Project will require energy for lighting, and even pumping water. These could
be in the form of using generators, electricity. Energy from manual labor will also be needed.
In addition, transportation will also require use of fuel. This will eventually have an effect on
the amount of money spent on energy.
Mitigation Measures
Minimize energy consumption by switching off electrical equipment, appliances and
lights when not being used.
Monitor energy use during the operation of the project and set targets for efficient
energy use.
Investing in solar energy as an environmental best practice so that the company saves
on electricity bills.
Oil spills
The machinery used in the farming and operation of the project may lead to accidental oil spills
and contamination of the environment.
Mitigation Measures
Machines that utilize oil and petroleum products should be adequately serviced to ensure
they do not leak.
In case of any leak the affected soil should be collected and burned to get rid of the waste.
Increased soil Erosion and pollution
Intensive agriculture and tillage reduces the soil organic matter, making soils less able to
absorb and retain water and thus more prone to erosion and run off.
The operation of the farm may lead to increased occupational accidents to the workers and also
lead to health and safety problems.
Mitigation Measures
Implement all necessary measures to ensure health and safety of the workers and the
general public during construction phase as stipulated in OSHA, 2007.
PPEs should be provided.
First Aid boxes be provided and trained first aiders be available in case of an accident.
Have a general register for recording of accidents and incidents.
Upon decommissioning of the proposed project, rehabilitation of the project site will be carried
out to restore the site to its original status or to a better state than it was originally. This will
include replacement of topsoil and re-vegetation which will lead to improved visual quality of
the area.
Employment Opportunities
For demolition to take place properly and in good time, several people will be involved. As a
result, several employment opportunities will be created for the demolition staff during the
demolition phase of the proposed project.
Revenue Generation
Useful materials such as metal frames can be recovered and sold thereby generating revenue.
The materials can also be reused in other projects and as a result saving on the cost that would
otherwise be used to purchase these materials.
Mitigation Measures
Such noise emissions should be minimized as much as possible from the source point
while workers should be provided with appropriate personal protective wear especially
if the levels exceed 85dB for a continuous eight hours exposure.
Ensure that machines are switched off when not in use.
Mitigation measures
A comprehensive waste management plan shall be put in place during this phase. The plan
shall, as much as possible utilize the principle of waste reduction, reuse, recycling, and
Large quantities of dust will be generated during demolition works. This will affect demolition
staff as well as the neighboring residents.
Mitigation Measure
Workers need to be in their respective PPEs during working hours.
Sprinkle water on graded access routes when necessary to reduce dust generation by
construction vehicles.
Avoid excavation works during extremely dry weather if possible.
Employment opportunities
Creation of income for investors, contractors, professional, technicians, artisans and
manual workers.
Increase in cultural and social interactions.
Better land utilization.
Increased business shall be realized.
Improvement of infrastructural systems within the neighborhood.
Transfer of skills to the locals.
Rain water harvesting for irrigation.
During construction there will be a risk of injuries from machines, inhalation of dust during
excavation and risk of falling in the excavated area.
Mitigation Measures
Workers should be provided with full personal protective equipment (PPE) to beef up
their health and safety standards.
Well stocked first aid boxes should be availed in case of any incidents or accidents
and a general register should be available to record such occurrences.
The area should be fenced off to keep away unwanted persons.
42 Generation of Waste
During excavation, a lot of soil will be excavated. Some of the excavation material will be
rendered unusable and thus will have to be disposed of. This also applies to some of the
soil/rocks which may not be reusable after excavation processes are complete. All these
materials need to be collected, transported and disposed of appropriately in approved
designated areas. It is encouraged that other alternative uses of these materials should be found.
Mitigation Measures
The soil generated will be used to level the area of land around the dam as well as
landscaping some areas in the farm.
Waste bins need to be provided for collection of wastes such as cement packaging
The construction works on site will most likely have noise emission due to the moving
machines and other normal construction activities. This may prove to be a potential source of
disturbance to the surrounding neighbors and a health hazard to the workers themselves.
Mitigation Measures
Such noise emissions should be minimized as much as possible from the source point
while workers should be provided with appropriate personal protective wear especially
if the levels exceed 85dB for a continuous eight hours exposure.
Ensure that machines are switched off when not in use.
Exhaust emissions are likely to be generated during the construction period by the various
construction machinery and equipment. Motor vehicles used to mobilize the work force and
materials for construction would cause a potentially significant air quality impact by emitting
pollutants through gaseous exhaust emissions.
Mitigation Measures
Proper and prompt maintenance of construction plants and equipment to control
emission of hazardous fumes and noise emanating from machines.
Ensure that machines are switched off when not in use.
43 Storm water
Storm water runoff either from the site or from the neighboring compounds may run into the
site thereby causing interference to the construction operation.
Mitigation Measure
Drainage channels should be dug on the area lying on the upper side if the dam to ensure
storm water does not enter the excavated area in case of rain
Particulate matter pollution is likely to occur during the site clearance, excavation and loading
and transportation of the construction waste.
Mitigation Measure
Workers need to be in their respective PPEs during working hours.
Sprinkle water on graded access routes when necessary to reduce dust generation by
construction vehicles.
Avoid excavation works during extremely dry weather if possible.
These are prevalent in such construction activities and in areas where petroleum products are
used. Such products contain detrimental elements to the environment since they contain traces
of heavy metals such as lead, mercury and sulphur among others.
Mitigation Measures
Machines that utilize oil and petroleum products should be adequately serviced to
ensure they do not leak.
In case of any leak the affected soil should be collected and burned to get rid of the
The excavation works will make soil loose hence making it prone to being eroded by wind or
Mitigation measures
Compacting the embankment so as to reduce chances of erosion
The excavated soil to be deposited around the dam area also needs to be compacted to
reduce erosion.
Have soil erosion prevention mechanisms in place
The project will lead to increased pressure on existing infrastructure such as roads, service lines
etc. due to the increased number of people who will be using these facilities which will directly
translate into increased in volume of the relevant parameter.
Mitigation Measures
Have designated routes for people and vehicles so as to reduce the conflict that may
arise such as pressure on soil.
Sprinkle water in the specific routes to reduce erosion and air pollution.
There will be minimal impacts on Flora since the proposed site has only grass on it.
During operation of the dam, there is a possibility of mosquitoes breeding in some parts of
the dam.
Mitigation Measures
Monitor and control the possible creation of mosquito breeding site.
45 Accumulation of Aerobic and Anaerobic Waste.
Wastes would find their way in the dam either through run-off or by being carelessly dumped.
Aerobic wastes would undergo decomposition and trigger growth of algae and loss of dissolved
oxygen in the dam which would not favor fish farming. Anaerobic wastes will accumulate in
the dam and occupy space that would otherwise be occupied by water.
Mitigation Measures
Ensure no wastes enter the dam especially due to run-off by having a point to sieve
all incoming wastes.
Wastes that find their way in the dam should be removed.
During rain seasons, water will flow towards the direction of the dam considering the gradient
of the area. If water overflows from the dam, it may erode the embankment and the adjacent
Ensure that the dam has a spillway/Outlet to drain excess water especially during rain
seasons so that the embankment is not tempered with.
During the operational stage of the dam, if the area is left accessible to everyone, it would
pose a risk of someone falling in it or acts of suicide.
Fencing off the dam to ensure it is only accessible to the required personnel.
Put warning signs (written in English and Kiswahili languages) at strategic sites.
Some plants may grow in the dam and can either be on the surface or submerged. They would
include water lily etc. Such plants are important in removing nitrates and phosphates in water.
However, in this case, if at all the water has such wastes due to surface run-off from
greenhouses, the water can still be reused since its only purpose is irrigation.
Mitigation measures
Monitor for any unusual floral species.
Remove such species when seen.
The project will lead to increased pressure on existing infrastructure such as roads, service lines
etc. due to the increased number of people who will be using these facilities which will directly
translate into increased in volume of the relevant parameter.
Mitigation Measures
Have designated routes for people and vehicles so as to harmonize the conflict that may
arise. Siltation
When it rains the run-off will contain particles of soil etc. There is therefore a need for having
a mechanism of removing such sediments before entering the dam so that no space in the dam
will be occupied by unwanted material other than water.
There will be minimal impacts on ground water since an impermeable plastic paper will be laid
at the base and embankment of the earth dam to prevent water loss to the ground. However
once the dam is full and the excess water is released, it should be collected at a common point
to be tested before being released to the immediate environment. If the water will be found to
contain such parameters such as pH, color, odour, suspended solids etc that are not up to
required standards, it should be treated before release.
8.3.2 Negative Impacts and Mitigation Measures
The refilling works will lead to significant deterioration of the acoustic environment within the
project site and the surrounding areas. This will be as a result of the noise and vibration that
will be experienced as a result of depositing the soil in the dam and compacting the soil.
Mitigation Measures
Ensure the workers are in their PPEs to reduce effects of noise to their health.
Demolition of the wire fence will result in large quantities of solid waste. Other waste will
include the impermeable paper laid at the base of the dam.
Mitigation measures
A comprehensive waste management plan shall be put in place during this phase. The
plan shall, as much as possible utilize the principle of waste reduction, reuse, recycling,
and recovery. Dust
Large quantities of dust will be generated during refilling of the dam. This will affect the
workers as well as the neighboring residents.
Mitigation measures
The workers should be provided with respirators to counter the effect of dust.
Health and Safety Workers should be provided with full Contractor/ Aquila Throughout the 5,000
of Workers Development Construction
personal protective equipment (PPE) to
Company Limited’s Period
beef up their health and safety standards. Management
Well stocked first aid boxes should be Contractor/ Aquila Throughout the 5,000
Development Construction
availed in case of any incidents or
Company Limited’s Period
accidents and a general register should be Management
available to record such occurrences.
The area should be fenced off to keep Contractor/ Aquila Throughout the 20,000
Development Construction
away unwanted persons.
Company Limited’s Period
Generation of The soil generated will be used to level Contractor/ Aquila Throughout the None
Development Construction
Waste the area of land around the dam as well
Company Limited’s Period
as landscaping some areas in the farm. Management
Waste bins need to be provided for
collection of wastes such as cement
packaging bags.
49 | P a g e www.kaileysconsortium.com
Noise Pollution Such noise emissions be Contractor/ Aquila
should Throughout the None
Development Construction
minimized as much as possible from the
Company Limited’s Period
source point while workers should be Management
provided with appropriate personal
protective equipment especially if the
levels exceed 85dB for a continuous eight
hours exposure.
Ensure that machines are switched off Contractor/ Aquila Throughout the None
Development Construction
when not in use.
Company Limited’s Period
Generation of Proper and prompt maintenance of Contractor/ Aquila Throughout the 5,000 per
Development Construction Month
exhaust emissions construction plants and equipment to
Company Limited’s Period
control emission of hazardous fumes and Management
noise emanating from machines.
Ensure that machines are switched off Contractor/ Aquila None
when not in use.
Company Limited’s
Storm water Drainage channels should be dug on the Civil Engineer 2 Months 5,000
Mechanical engineer
area lying on the upper side if the dam to
and Aquila
ensure storm water does not enter the Development
excavated area in case of rain Company Limited’s
50 | P a g e www.kaileysconsortium.com
Dust emissions Workers need to be in their respective Contractor/ Aquila 2 Months TBD
PPEs during working hours.
Company Limited’s
Sprinkle water on graded access routes Contractor/ Aquila Throughout the 2,000 per
Development Construction Month
when necessary to reduce dust generation
Company Limited’s Period
by construction vehicles. Management
Avoid excavation works during extremely Contractor/ Aquila Throughout the None
Development Construction
dry weather if possible.
Company Limited’s Period
Oil spills and Machines that utilize oil and petroleum Contractor/ Aquila Throughout the 5,000 per
Development Construction month
Leaks products should be adequately serviced to
Company Limited’s Period
ensure they do not leak. Management
In case of any leak the affected soil should Contractor/ Aquila None
be collected and burned to get rid of the
Company Limited’s
waste. Management
Enhanced erosion / Have soil erosion prevention mechanisms Contractor/ Aquila 1 Month None
changes in in place, such as compaction of soil on
Company Limited’s
topography due the base of the reservoir and its Management
excavation. embankment to reduce chances of
51 | P a g e www.kaileysconsortium.com
Breeding Site for Monitor and control the possible creation Aquila Throughout the TBD
Mosquitoes Development operation Period
of mosquito breeding site.
Company Limited’s
Accumulation of Ensure no wastes enter the dam especially Aquila Throughout the TBD
Aerobic and Development operation Period
due to run-off by having a point to sieve
Anaerobic Waste. Company Limited’s
all incoming wastes. Management
Wastes that find their way in the dam Aquila Continuous TBD
should be removed.
Company Limited’s
Soil Erosion Ensure that the dam has a spillway/Outlet to Aquila 2 Months None
drain excess water especially during rain
Company Limited’s
seasons so that the embankment is not Management
tempered with as well as the immediate
Risk of Drowning Fencing off the dam to ensure it is only Aquila 2 Months 50,000
accessible to the required personnel.
Company Limited’s
52 | P a g e www.kaileysconsortium.com
Put warning signs (written in English and Aquila One-Off None
Kiswahili languages) at strategic sites.
Company Limited’s Throughout the TBD
Have floaters near the area. Management. operation Period
Opportunistic Monitor for any unusual floral species. Aquila Throughout the None
Development operation Period
growth of aquatic
Company Limited’s
macrophytes. Management
Remove such species when seen. Aquila Throughout the None
Development operation Period
Company Limited’s
Increased pressure Have designated routes for vehicles and Aquila 2 Months None
on infrastructure human in the site to avoid the conflict that
Company Limited’s
is likely to arise. Management
Health and Safety Workers should be provided with full Aquila Throughout the TBD
Development operation Period
of workers personal protective equipment (PPE) to
Company Limited’s
beef up their health and safety standards. Management
Well stocked first aid boxes should be Aquila Throughout the 2,000
Development operation Period
availed in case of any incidents or
Company Limited’s
accidents and a general register should be Management
available to record such occurrences.
Siltation The drains leading to the direction of the The Civil Engineer Throughout the TBD
and Aquila operation Period
dam are cemented so that no soil is carried
with it. Management.
53 | P a g e www.kaileysconsortium.com
Soil that would be deposited in the dam Aquila Continuous TBD
should be removed.
Company Limited’s
Impacts on Have a common point to collect excess Aquila Throughout the TBD
Development operation Period
Hydrology water from the dam so that it is tested and
Company Limited’s
treated before being released to the river Management.
54 | P a g e www.kaileysconsortium.com
Noise and Ensure the workers are in their PPEs to Contractor/Aquila Continuous TBD
Vibration Development
reduce effects of noise to their health.
Company Limited’s
Switch of Machines when not in use. Contractor/Aquila Continuous None
Company Limited’s
Solid Waste Waste that will be recovered need to Contractor/Aquila One-off None
Generation be reused since it will comprise of
Company Limited’s
plastic and metal waste from the Management
fencing wire.
Dust The workers should be provided with Contractor/Aquila Continuous TBD
respirators to counter the effect of
Company Limited’s
dust. Management
Health and Safety Workers should be provided with full Contractor/Aquila Throughout the TBD
Development Cycle
of workers personal protective equipment (PPE) to beef
Company Limited’s
up their health and safety standards. Management
55 | P a g e www.kaileysconsortium.com
Well stocked first aid boxes should be availed Contractor/ Aquila Throughout the
Development Cycle
in case of any incidents or accidents and a
Company Limited’s
general register should be available to record Management
such occurrences.
Rehabilitation Of Implement An Appropriate Re-Vegetation Contractor/Aquila One-off TBD
The Project Site. Programme To Restore The Site To Its
Company Limited’s
Original Status And Consider Use Of Management
Indigenous Plant Species In Re-Vegetation
56 | P a g e www.kaileysconsortium.com
57 | P a g e www.kaileysconsortium.com
for appropriate disposal at approved sites.
-Accumulate scrap metals in a scrapping yard
and contract a scrap metal dealer with a valid
license for appropriate disposal/recycling
- Minimize waste generated by adopting
cleaner operation methods such as
conserving materials, enabling recovery and
re-use of the waste product where possible
-Use durable, long- lasting materials which
will not need to be replaced as often, thereby
reducing the amount of construction waste
generated over time.
-Provide facilities for proper handling and
storage of materials to reduce the amount of
waste caused by damage or exposure to the
elements of nature i.e. sunshine, wind, rain
-Use materials that have minimal packaging
to avoid generation of packaging waste
- -Have an accurate budget & estimation of
actual material requirements in order to
ensure that
materials are not extracted or purchased in
excessive quantities.
-Consider reusing materials and use of
recycled ones in order to reduce the amount
of raw materials extracted from natural
resources as well as reducing impacts at the
extraction sites
Noise pollution - Minimize noise and vibration in the project During Contractor/ Implementation
& excessive site and surrounding areas through construction proponent budget
vibrations sensitization of drivers to switch off vehicle
engines while offloading materials.
- Instruct the drivers to avoid unnecessary
gunning of vehicle engines or hooting
when passing through sensitive areas such as
residential areas, wildlife areas and hospitals.
- Insulate all generators & heavy duty
equipment or place them in enclosures to
minimize high noise levels
58 | P a g e www.kaileysconsortium.com
Minimization -All excavations, shafts, pits or openings During site Contractor Implementation
of accidents & more than two meters deep should be covered preparation budget
hazards or barred by suitable means when access is
not needed.
- No materials should be stored near such
- All excavation walls over 1.2 meters deep
should be reinforced with timber to prevent
collapse to persons working inside.
Traffic impacts -The contractor shall take all possible During site proponent Implementation
precaution to safe guard the safety of preparation budget
wheeled traffic and pedestrian.
- Ensure strict enforcement of on and off -
site speed limits as well as limiting
unnecessary traffic within the project site
- Provide parking areas for the trucks.
- Provide entry and exit points into the site.
-Erect proper warning signs at a safe
distance on the access roads to warn
motorist of heavy vehicles turning.
-Ensure trucks do not damage the road
structures and drainage systems.
- Ensure only serviceable trucks are used
during transportation hence less break
-Ensure that transportation of the materials
take the shortest period possible.
-Transport most of the materials during off
peak hours when the traffic is low.
Occupational -Ensure that the contractor adheres to the During proponent Implementation
Health and occupational health and safety rules and operations budget
Safety regulations stipulated in the Occupational
Safety and Health Act 2007 and the
Factories(Building Operations and Works of
Engineering Construction) Rules of 1984.
- Provide workers with insurance cover such
as workmen’s compensation.
-First aid facilities should be availed at the
site office. These include properly stocked
first ad boxes & trained personnel to handle
first aid.
- Provide proper scaffolds for construction at
high level
59 | P a g e www.kaileysconsortium.com
- Document and display on-site emergency
- Use appropriate signage to direct and
control flow of traffic
-The construction site should be registered as
per OSHA 2007 and the DOHSS should be
notified of the construction works before
- A general accidents register should be kept
on- site.
-Provide and enforce use of PPEs including
overalls, helmets, safety boots & gloves
others where necessary.
-Ensure proper storage of materials and
equipment to avoid accidents occurring from
-Provide temporally sanitary facilities during
- Water surfaces before and during
excavation and construction to reduce dust
- Restrict un-necessary movement of public
to the site in order to avoid accidents. All
access to the hazardous areas should be
secured with a fence and warning notices.
- Ensure portable fire extinguishers are
provided and in working condition near
ignition sources
Oil spills - Ensure that all equipment is in good During site Contractor/ Implementation
serviceable condition. preparation proponent budget
- Ensure that no fuels or oils are stored on
site but procure them when needed.
60 | P a g e www.kaileysconsortium.com
Dust -Dust emissions from piles of soil or from During site Contractor/ Implementation
generation & any other material during earthwork, preparation proponent budget
exhaust excavation, & transportation should be
emissions controlled by wetting.
-Piles and heaps of soil should not be left over
after site preparation is completed.
-Excavated sites should be covered with
suitable solid material and vegetation planted
around the compound.
-Minimize dust through strict enforcement of
onsite speed controls as well as limiting
unnecessary traffic within the project site.
- Ensure that traffic routes on site are
sprinkled with water regularly to reduce
amount of dust generated by the vehicles.
- Sensitize truck drivers to avoid unnecessary
racing of vehicle engines at
loading/offloading areas, & to switch off or
keep vehicle engines at these point
61 | P a g e www.kaileysconsortium.com
62 | P a g e www.kaileysconsortium.com
Occupational -Educate the staff on the occupational During proponent implementation
Health and health & safety rules and regulations operation budget
Safety stipulated in the
Occupational Safety and Health Act 2007
and the Factories Rules of 1984.
- Provide workers with insurance cover
for such as workmen’s compensation.
-First aid facilities should be availed at the
site office and strategic places in the farm.
These include properly stocked first aid
boxes & properly trained personnel to
handle first
- Provide ear muff, dust masks and other
PPEs to staff working in dusty and noisy
- Document and display emergency
- Use appropriate signage to direct and
control flow of traffic
- A general accidents register should be
maintained and all incidences and
recorded and reported as appropriate.
-Provide and enforce use of personal
protective equipment
-Ensure proper storage of materials,
products and equipment to avoid
-Provide adequate sanitary facilities to the
staff and visitors
- Ensure portable fire extinguishers are
provided and in working condition near
probable ignition sources
-Adequate and clean water supply for
63 | P a g e www.kaileysconsortium.com
Emergency/ -There must be a well-designed and Continuous proponent -
hazard response/ documented emergency preparedness
plans including fire emergency procedures.
preparedness -signage around the farm warning the staff
plan of possible danger and educate them on
how to respond to emergencies.
- installation and regular inspection and
servicing of fire extinguishers should be
undertaken by a reputable service provider
and records of such inspections
Fire protection - Fire safety signs should be prominently During proponent -
displayed within the buildings operation
-Have a designated fire assembly point.
Electrical Safety -Circuits must not be overloaded Continuous proponent -
-Distribution board switches must be
clearly marked to indicate respective
-There should be no live exposed
- Electrical fittings near all potential
sources of ignition should be flame proof
- All electrical equipment should be
Chemical -these need to be applied in the required During proponent -
fertilizers quantities and at the appropriate time to operation
reduce the amounts that seep into the soil
and potentially to nearby water bodies
Oil and grease -All servicing and maintenance of farm During proponent -
spills machinery must be done at the designated operation
garage and oil interceptors provided to
minimize the occurrence of such
accidental spills
Poisoning -All poisonous chemicals to be properly During proponent Project
protection stored and issued only to the people implementation budget
authorized to use them and only in the
required quantities. and operation
-Label all poisonous chemicals to reduce
the chances of ingestion.
-All people manning the chemical stores
must wear personal protective equipment
64 | P a g e www.kaileysconsortium.com
Noise and Ensure the workers are in their PPEs to reduce Contractor/Aquila Continuous TBD
Vibration Development
effects of noise to their health.
Company Limited’s
Switch of Machines when not in use. Contractor/Aquila Continuous None
Company Limited’s
Solid Waste Waste that will be recovered need to be reused Contractor/Aquila One-off None
Generation since it will comprise of plastic and metal
Company Limited’s
waste from the fencing wire. Management
Dust The workers should be provided with Contractor/Aquila Continuous TBD
respirators to counter the effect of dust.
Company Limited’s
Health and Safety Workers should be provided with full Contractor/Aquila Throughout the TBD
Development Cycle
of workers personal protective equipment (PPE) to beef
Company Limited’s
up their health and safety standards. Management
Well stocked first aid boxes should be availed Contractor/ Aquila Throughout the TBD
Development Cycle
in case of any incidents or accidents and a
Company Limited’s
general register should be available to record Management
such occurrences.
65 | P a g e www.kaileysconsortium.com
Rehabilitation of Contractor/Aquila Continuous TBD
the project site. Implement an appropriate re-vegetation Development
Company Limited’s
programme to restore the site to its original Management 2 M
status and Consider use of indigenous plant n
species in re-vegetation t
Trees should be planted at suitable locations Contractor/Aquila Continuous TBD
so as to interrupt slight lines (screen planting), Company Limited’s
between the adjacent residential area and the Management
66 | P a g e www.kaileysconsortium.com
The development of new projects is now preceded by critical analysis and assessment of the proposed
activities through the conduct of an EIA, as required by NEMA. An EIA identifies both positive and
negative impacts of the proposed development towards the environment and community, and provides
easing methods for the latter.
The analysis of this report has evidenced that the implementation and operation phases of the proposed
project will have positive impacts to the proponent and the community at large. These impacts will
include creation of jobs and business opportunities, compliance with the Public Health Act and Local
Government Act and general development of the site. However, there are some environmental
concerns associated with this development such as increased pressure on existing infrastructure (water,
drainage system, etc.), interference with air and soil quality mostly during the construction phase,
increased solid waste generation, among others. The report has therefore included a comprehensive
EMMP to mitigate these impacts effectively. The strategy will ensure sustainable execution of the
proposed activities and protection of the environment and the community.
The expert’s recommendation is that the project should be subjected to the outlined mitigation
measures and they should be strictly adhered to. The project proponent shall work closely with
NEMA, the County government and the general public to achieve these goals and embrace clean
production/development mechanisms (CDM)in the aim of realizing the 2030 agenda on Sustainable
On the basis of the mitigation measures developed, the project will have no adverse effects to the
environment and on social welfare of the surrounding community. The licensing authority is therefore
urged to issue a license for the commencement of the project.
67 | P a g e www.kaileysconsortium.com
1. Republic of Kenya (2015), The Environmental Management and Coordination (Amendment) Act
2. Republic of Kenya (2003), The Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations
3. Republic of Kenya (2009), Wetlands, River Banks, Lake Shores and Sea Shore Management
5. Republic of Kenya (2009), The Noise and Excessive Vibration Pollution Regulations
10. Aquila Development Company Limited. - policies and documents relating to safety, health and
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