AA-SM-101-008 Lamina Stress Analysis - Rev B
AA-SM-101-008 Lamina Stress Analysis - Rev B
AA-SM-101-008 Lamina Stress Analysis - Rev B
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Thickness (in)
0.02 Y - Di- 0.02
0.00 rection 0.00
-2000 -1000 Stress
-0.02 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 -100000 -50000 -0.02 0 50000 100000
-0.04 XY - -0.04
-0.06 Direc- -0.06
-0.08 Stress -0.08
-0.10 -0.10
Stress (psi) Stress (psi)
Thickness (in)
0.02 0.02
0.00 0.00
-200% 0% 200% 400% 600% -100000 -50000 0 50000 100000
-0.02 -0.02
-0.04 -0.04
-0.06 -0.06
-0.08 -0.08
-0.10 -0.10
Margin of Safety (%)
Stress (psi)
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The free version is available here: www.XL-Viking.com
HOT WET (160F, 95%RH) 0 1 2 3
0 Wet Laminate Carbon
Wet Laminate
Cloth Carbon Tapetest
Ftu1 = 0 90213.5 261329.0
E11 = 0 8702264.3 15954151.2
Ftu2 = 0 76434.9 1696.9
E22 = 0 8702264.3 917407.4
v12 = 0 0.0300 0.314
Fcu1 = 0 54824.3 81061.6
Compression Modulus, 1 - axis 0 8702264.3 15954151.2
Fcu2 = 0 50763.2 9790.0
Compression Modulus, 2 - axis 0 8702264.3 1030000.0
Fsu12 = 0 7106.8 8223.6
G12 = 0 391601.9 379998.9
ILS 0 - 0.0
Thickness 0.00925 0.02
Eav11 = 8702264.3 15954151.2
Eav22 = 8702264.3 973703.7
25/50/25 CAI Compression Strain = 3000.0 3000.0
25/50/25 Filled Hole Tensions Strain = 4500.0 4500.0
25/50/25 Open Hole Tension Stress
25/50/25 Open Hole Compression Stress 21329.2 23274.2
25/50/25 Filled Hole Tensions Stress
25/50/25 Filled Hole Compression Stress 33260.1 39969.5
25/50/25 50% Bypass Tension Stress
25/50/25 50% Bypass Compression Stress
25/50/25 25% Bypass Tension Stress
25/50/25 25% Bypass Compression Stress
25/50/25 Single Shear Bearing Stress 73216.5 77798.2
25/50/25 Double Shear Bearing 40413.3 37280.5
HOT (160F)
Wet Laminate Carbon
Wet Laminate
Cloth Carbon Tape 0
Ftu1 = 98045.5 273599.2
E11 = 8702264.3 15954151.2
Ftu2 = 97320.3 3524.4
E22 = 8702264.3 917407.4
v12 = 0.030 0.314
Fcu1 = 65412.0 134319.4
Compression Modulus, 1 - axis 8702264.3 15954151.2
Fcu2 = 60625.8 17230.5
Compression Modulus, 2 - axis 8702264.3 1030000.0
Fsu12 = 8412.2 12139.7
G12 = 391601.9 379998.9
ILS - 0.0
Thickness 0.01 0.02
Eav11 = 8702264.3 15954151.2
Eav22 = 8702264.3 973703.7
25/50/25 CAI Compression Strain = 3579.4 4971.0
25/50/25 Filled Hole Tensions Strain = 4890.7 4711.3
25/50/25 Open Hole Tension Stress
25/50/25 Open Hole Compression Stress
25/50/25 Filled Hole Tensions Stress
25/50/25 Filled Hole Compression Stress
25/50/25 50% Bypass Tension Stress
25/50/25 50% Bypass Compression Stress
25/50/25 25% Bypass Tension Stress
25/50/25 25% Bypass Compression Stress
25/50/25 Single Shear Bearing Stress
25/50/25 Double Shear Bearing
Wet Laminate Carbon
Wet Laminate
Cloth Carbon Tape 0
Ftu1 = 105152.4 291351.8
E11 = 8702264.3 15954151.2
Ftu2 = 99205.8 4177.1
E22 = 8702264.3 917407.4
v12 = 0.0 0.3
Fcu1 = 75129.5 135233.2
Compression Modulus, 1 - axis 8702264.3 15954151.2
Fcu2 = 69618.1 21146.5
Compression Modulus, 2 - axis 8702264.3 1030000.0
Fsu12 = 9717.5 15403.0
G12 = 391601.9 379998.9
ILS - 0.0
Thickness 0.01 0.02
Eav11 = 8702264.3 15954151.2
Eav22 = 8702264.3 973703.7
25/50/25 CAI Compression Strain = 4111.1 5004.8
25/50/25 Filled Hole Tensions Strain = 5245.2 5017.0
25/50/25 Open Hole Tension Stress
25/50/25 Open Hole Compression Stress 35714.1 38220.3
25/50/25 Filled Hole Tensions Stress 38011.5 64549.0
25/50/25 Filled Hole Compression Stress
25/50/25 50% Bypass Tension Stress 90277.3 99349.4
25/50/25 50% Bypass Compression Stress 92457.2 100680.8
25/50/25 25% Bypass Tension Stress 106946.5 185097.2
25/50/25 25% Bypass Compression Stress 168245.2 174863.3
25/50/25 Single Shear Bearing Stress 95733.6 96595.1
25/50/25 Double Shear Bearing 69679.0 65071.2
COLD (-65F)
Wet Laminate Carbon
Wet Laminate
Cloth Carbon Tape 0
Ftu1 = 110518.8 285738.8
E11 = 8702264.3 15954151.2
Ftu2 = 104717.2 4438.2
E22 = 8702264.3 917407.4
v12 = 0.0 0.3
Fcu1 = 75419.6 154943.8
Compression Modulus, 1 - axis 8702264.3 15954151.2
Fcu2 = 69618.1 28848.0
Compression Modulus, 2 - axis 8702264.3 1030000.0
Fsu12 = 11458.0 19188.5
G12 = 391601.9 379998.9
ILS - 0.0
Thickness 0.01 0.02
Eav11 = 8702264.3 15954151.2
Eav22 = 8702264.3 973703.7
25/50/25 CAI Compression Strain = 4127.0 5734.3
25/50/25 Filled Hole Tensions Strain = 5512.9 4920.3
25/50/25 Open Hole Tension Stress
25/50/25 Open Hole Compression Stress
25/50/25 Filled Hole Tensions Stress
25/50/25 Filled Hole Compression Stress
25/50/25 50% Bypass Tension Stress
25/50/25 50% Bypass Compression Stress
25/50/25 25% Bypass Tension Stress
25/50/25 25% Bypass Compression Stress
25/50/25 Single Shear Bearing Stress
25/50/25 Double Shear Bearing
MINIMUM Wet Laminate Carbon
Wet Laminate
Cloth Carbon Tape 0
23699.2 25860.2
36955.6 44410.6
81351.7 86442.5
44903.7 41422.8
39682.3 42467.0
42235.0 71721.2
100308.1 110388.2
102730.2 111867.6
118829.4 205663.5
186939.1 194292.6
106370.7 107327.9
77421.1 72301.3