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Academic Burnout and Its Relationship On The Anxiety of The Senior High School Students Amidst The Online Learning Modality

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Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.

Research Article

Academic Burnout and Its Relationship on the Anxiety of the Senior High School
Students Amidst the Online Learning Modality

Sherrie Leigh Gomez*, Christiana Jane Sison, Maris Criselda Gavino, Jhoselle Tus
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a significant impact to people; most especially, among the
students. This has resulted in numerous changes, particularly in the students' learning styles. Thus, in
the midst of the pandemic, online learning has posed a significant challenge to all levels of the
educational system. This is because of the abrupt transition from face-to-face learning to online
classes. Hence, this required the students to adjust and adapt to a new learning modality to which they
were not accustomed. Academic burnout was one of the most significant challenges that these
students faced; it is due to the excessive amount of academic tasks and pressure that they were
subjected to. As a result, their experience with academic burnout had resulted to anxiety. Thus, this
study aimed to investigate the relationship between academic burnout and anxiety among the senior
high school students here in the Philippines. The findings revealed a significant relationship between
academic burnout and anxiety (r=0.121).

Keywords: Anxiety, Online Learning, Academic Burnout, Covid-19 Pandemic, Senior High School

Introduction 2019), burnout refers to the feeling of consumption of

one’s energy or exhaustion. Heavy workloads,
responsibilities, and obligation, as well as the pressure
COVID-19 has brought a great difference to each and and adjustment to online learning, has resulted in
everyone's life. This pandemic has brought positive stress, anxiety, and exhaustion, which leads to
and negative impacts that everyone was able to academic burnout for most of the students. Especially
experience. COVID-19 pandemic challenged not only since we are dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.
the health sector of our country but also the education By these means, they only have a limited social
sector of it. A study conducted by Dayagbil, support system given the fact that they were forced to
Palompon, Garcia, and Olvido (2021) has shown that stay indoors. This has been a significant issue in the
during the pandemic, professors have made present period of time. Especially for those students
adjustments in teaching with the help of the policies of who are having a hard time adapting and learning with
their institutions. Their study has also found that most the new learning modality. In fact, a study from Saudi
of the students experienced a hard time complying Arabia found that students have dealt with depression
with their activities and requirements with limited or and anxiety due to the academic pressure during online
no internet connection. Students got no choice but to classes. Their study has shown that 35% of the
adapt to the new learning environment, which was respondents have dealt with moderate to extreme
through online learning (Alam et al., 2021). Thus, levels of anxiety during online learning (Khoshaim et
Alam et al. (2021) stated that with the immediate and al., 2020). Additionally, a study in the Philippines has
unexpected shift from face-to-face learning to online discovered that during online classes, most of their
learning from being stuck at home due to the college respondent experienced mental health issues,
pandemic, students weren’t able to adjust easily. specifically, burnout. Results have shown that
Having the students being accustomed to face-to-face respondents experienced moderate to high risks of
learning, the sudden shift to online learning has burnout (Ramos et al., 2021).
created mental disturbance among the students. Hence,
online learning and emotional intelligence have a The current situation that the world is facing, as well
significant effect on the stress, burnout, and academic as the daily challenges in online learning that the
performance of the students. Their findings have also students are dealing with, this resulted in the students
shown that online learning can influence the said experiencing academic burnout and anxiety amidst the
factors of the students. pandemic. According to the study conducted by Kocak
and Secer (2018), there is a significant relationship
According to the World Health Organization (WHO, between school burnout and anxiety. It was also stated

Sherrie Leigh Gomez

Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6534581
Research Article

that burnout was a big factor in depression and and the feeling of ineffectiveness and lack of
anxiety. Additionally, a study conducted by Tomaszek achievement.
and Muchacka-Cymerman (2022) concluded that
academic burnout and anxiety are significantly related According to Zhang et al. (2007) as cited by Charkhabi
to each other. Thus, these two are factors of high post- et.al (2013), burnout among tertiary students is
traumatic symptoms. referred as the feeling of tiredness that is caused by
academic demands, lack of enthusiasm in doing
However, some research found that there is no direct academic duties, and the feeling of incompetence as a
relationship between academic burnout and anxiety. student. Moreover, a study has found that people or
According to Talih, Daher, Daou, and Ajaltouni students who are dealing with burnout academically
(2018), there is an indirect relationship between may experience things such as: disinterest towards
burnout and depression or anxiety among the 4 years academic tasks, absenteeism to classes continuously,
of medical school. Additionally, a study conducted by and the feeling of inadequacy in doing academic tasks
Koutsimani, Montgomery, and Georganta in 2019 (Yang & Farn, 2005 as cited Charkhabi, Abarghuei &
investigated the association of burnout and anxiety. Hayati, 2013).
Burnout is the outcome of stress and it triggers anxious
reaction. Thus, this made them to investigate the In the present time, education is considered as the key
relationship between these two factors. Results have to success. It has become one of the essentials to have
found out that burnout and anxiety is not directly a prosperous and wealthy nation. Education is a
associated with each other. Moreover, the study of stepping stone towards any development. Thus,
Andriyani et al. (2017) that is conducted a study to academic achievement has become one of those
high school students showed that burnout and anxiety challenges that students are facing. Academic
is not directly associated on student’s well-being. achievement has become the standard to a student's
ability, their ability to enter college, and determines
Moreover, this study investigates the relationship their careers and job in the near future. Due to this
between academic burnout and anxiety among senior reason, students experienced academic pressure in
high school students amidst online learning modality. order to get good academic grades (Oyoo, Mwaura,
Further, it will provide awareness on how the school Kinai, & Mutua, 2020).
and parents can help their children towards having
positive well-being. Based on the study of Pascoe, Hetrick, and Parker
(2019), previous research has shown that academic
Research Question stress can reduce a student's achievement when it
comes to doing academic work. This can cause
This study investigates the relationship between students to lose motivation and increase their chances
academic burnout and anxiety of senior high school of dropping out of school. Lin and Huang (2014)
students amidst online learning modality. Specifically, found out that stress has been a great factor on students
this sought to answer the following question: to have a negative impact when it comes to learning.
Thus, poor academic performance is highly associated
1. Is there a significant relationship between academic with academic burnout. A study conducted by Jung et
burnout and anxiety of senior high school students al. (2015) found out that there is a positive correlation
amidst online learning modality? between academic stress and academic burnout.

Literature Review According to Rahmatpour et al. (2019), students with

academic burnout were incapable of participating in
their classes regularly. They also showed signs of
Academic Burnout incapability to learn new lessons and a sense of
insignificance. As a result, their GPA, interest in the
A study of McCormack, Macintyre, O'Shea, Herring field of study, and time spent studying has been
and Campbell (2018), burnout was caused by chronic affected. Additionally a study has found that students
stress. This has caused negative consequences to the with high levels of burnout were more likely to be less
physical and mental well-being of a person. Maslach satisfied with their performance academically and
and Leiter (2015) defined burnout as a psychological achieve lower performance outcomes. Moreover, a
syndrome response that emerged from chronic study found that academic burnout is a common
interpersonal stressors. Some of the responses are problem among students, and has a great impact on
overwhelming exhaustions, cynicism and detachment, their well-being. This includes their functionality,

Sherrie Leigh Gomez

Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6534581
Research Article

satisfaction, and perspectives and point of views about also related to coping (Oducado et al., 2021).
their future (Atalayin et al, 2015).
According to Alkandari (2019), students who are in
According to the study conducted to 249 students the higher education face many challenges. Students are
Philippines, workload is correlated positively to most likely to experience anxiety. Students face
exhaustion or burnout. Also, academic achievement anxiety when they think or feel that they are incapable
influences academic efficacy that can also lessen the of achieving their academic or non-academic purposes.
chance of a student to experience exhaustion or Based on the prevalence study conducted by Zhang et
burnout (Velasco, 2019). Another study that is al. (2020), a number of high school respondents
administered by Ramos et al. (2021) found out that experienced depression and anxiety symptoms during
people experienced mental health issues; specifically, the COVID-19 pandemic. Results have found out
burnout during the surge of pandemic. College almost one-third of their high school students
students are at higher risk of experiencing this respondents have dealt with anxiety symptoms.
phenomenon. Results have shown that 245
respondents have moderate to high risks of dealing Based on the study of Reddy et al. (2018), adolescents
with burnout. Additionally, resilience and academic are at a high risk of being vulnerable to the problems
burnout is directly associated with each other. Results related with academic. Additionally, Zhang et al.
have found out that most of the students from 605 (2022) found out that anxiety symptoms, as well as
respondents have experienced moderate levels of other factors such as hopelessness and depressive
academic burnout (Tus et al., 2021). symptoms has a direct relationship between academic
stress. According to Ladejo (2021), social and
Anxiety academic risk factors can cause students to feel
anxious. Factors such as balancing out priorities and
Anxiety, according to Sharma and Sharma (2015), is fear of failing are likely to improve or worsen the
derived from the Latin word "angere" which means "to feeling of distress or anxiety. Moreover, Mofatteh
cause distress”. Knight and Depua (2019) defined (2021) discovered that untreated poor mental health
anxiety as the prolonged state apprehension or can lead to students to experience anxiety. Thus, this
uneasiness that is brought by an uncertain event that is could affect their quality of life and academic
considered a possible threat. Anxiety is associated with performance in the long run.
the word fear. Fear is described as a phasic response to
the presence of threat. Anxiety, according to the DSM Students who are experiencing higher level of anxiety
V, is the anticipation of a future threat and is is more likely to demonstrate more negativism related
frequently associated with muscle tension and to emotions and have a lower level of academic self-
vigilance in preparation for future danger, as well as efficacy (Alemany-Arrebola et al., 2020). A study
cautious or avoidant behaviours. (American conducted by Rabei, Ramadan, and Abdallah (2020)
Psychiatric Association, 2013) have found out that self-efficacy and future anxiety
have been shown to have an impact on student
According to Demir (2020), the COVID-19 pandemic performance. It was also discovered that anxiety
caused widespread anxiety among people worldwide. among students is significantly related to self-efficacy.
A study conducted by Santabarbara et al. (2021), the Anxiety and self-efficacy is a vital role in academic
world is experiencing crisis due to the COVID-19 performance of a student. It was found out in a study
epidemic. Especially, health related crisis. The as well that students with high level of test anxiety are
transmission of COVID-19 virus has threatened more vulnerable to experience negative influence in
physical, as well as mental well-being of the people their ability to do well academically (Barrows, Dunn,
worldwide. Results have found out that 7.3% is the & Lloyd, 2013).
rate of anxiety disorders worldwide, and it could be
increased three times higher during the pandemic. According to Adeoye (2015), students can be easily
affected by anxiety, which also can affect their
A study conducted in the Philippines found out that academic performance. A study of Mirawdali (2018)
one-fourth of the respondents experienced moderate to concluded that students who are experiencing anxiety
severe anxiety during the COVID Pandemic (Tee et are unable to perform at their full potential.
al., 2020). In addition, a study conducted among 203 Chernomas and Shapiro (2013) have found out that
graduated students in the Philippines have shown that stress, depression, and anxiety can influence students’
COVID-19 stress, anxiety, and fear due to pandemic learning and academic performance. Studies have
have significant relationship with resilience, that is shown a general increase of mental health problems

Sherrie Leigh Gomez

Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6534581
Research Article

among tertiary students. correlation between burnout and anxiety. Thus, anxiety
is only a mediating factor of burnout. Moreover, a
Locally, a study conducted by De Paz, Armstrong, and study of Adabi and Ghafournia in 2020 conducted to
Mullon (2021) showed that most of the respondents the English teachers in Iran, it was proven through the
have dealt with mild anxiety, fatigue, and depression. results between the variables that there is a negative
However, some also experienced moderate-severe. and insignificant relationship between teachers’
According to Cleofas and Rocha (2021), anxiety is anxiety and teachers’ burnout.
common problem among Filipino college students.
Additionally, students from low-income households
were seen to experience increased level of Methodology
consequence-related anxiety. The rates of depression
and anxiety are increasing as years passes by. Results Research Design
have shown that students who struggle to cope with
their studies are five times more likely to suffer from To further understand the relationship between
depression and anxiety. (Alibudbud, 2021) academic burnout and anxiety among senior high
school students, this study employed descriptive-
Academic Burnout and Anxiety
correlational design. Thus, it is a type of non-
experimental research that investigates the relationship
According to Kocak and Secer (2018), there is a
and phenomenon that is already present among the
positive and significant correlation detected between
variables (Quaranta, 2017).
school burnout and depression-anxiety. Burnout was
also found related to depression and anxiety. Thus, Respondents
school or academic burnout can be considered as one
of the important factor for depression and anxiety. This study was conducted among 151 senior high
Based on the study of Pokhel, Khadayhat, and school students who are currently enrolled from
Tulachan (2020), depression, anxiety, and burnout private schools during 2021-2022. The respondents are
were observed among the respondents of their study. currently studying through the form of online learning
Most of these respondents have experienced academic- modality due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
related stress. According to Fernandez-Castillo (2021), Furthermore, this allowed the researchers to employ
there is a positive correlation between anxiety and convenience sampling method through the use of
burnout. The study conducted shown that students who Google forms. Convenience sampling is the most
faced the evaluation test during the COVID-19 common technique among non-probability sampling,
pandemic experienced anxiety and burnout. Thus, the wherein researchers uses respondents who are
two variables are concluded to be related to each other, convenient to them (Edgar & Manz, 2017). According
and eventually suggested to address anxiety to to Putnick and Bostein (2017), the use of convenience
decrease the occurrence of burnout among students. sampling technique provides a low-cost, systematic,
Moreover, the study of Koutsimani, Montgomery, and and easier way in data gathering.
Georganta (2019), found out that there is a significant
association between burnout and anxiety. In addition, a Research Instruments
cross-sectional study conducted by Ding et al. in 2014,
proven that there is a significant correlation between The researchers used two standardized instruments in
burnout and anxiety. The study was conducted through collecting specific data to determine the relationship
1,423 healthcare workers respondents in 52 health among academic burnout and anxiety. The researchers
centers in the communities in China. utilized the Maslach Burnout Inventory designed by
Maslach, Jackson, and Leiter (1996). In addition, the
However, in the study of Liasi et al. (2021), it was Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale developed by
shown that there is no direct correlation between Lovibond and Lovibond (1995) to measure the anxiety
academic burnout and anxiety. Instead, there is a direct that the students are facing.
correlation between anxiety and the distance between
one’s home and hospital. According to the study The Maslach Burnout Inventory was the most used
conducted among Chinese hospital staffs of intensive instrument to measure burnout. This type of instrument
care unit by Zhang et al. (2020), burnout was consist these 3 dimensions of burnout: emotional
indirectly associated with anxiety symptoms. exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal
Additionally, a network analysis study conducted by accomplishment. The MBI is a self-administered type
Ernst et al. (2021), have shown that there is no direct of questionnaire that is consists of 15 questions that is

Sherrie Leigh Gomez

Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6534581
Research Article

used to assess one’s experience with regards to The survey form was disseminated through the use of
burnout (Maslach & Jackson, 1981). social media posting through various online platforms.
This allowed the researchers to gather data from
On the other hand, the Depression, Anxiety, Stress respondents who are qualified for the criteria of the
Scale 21 was utilized to assess the mental well-being study. The consent to participate the study was strictly
status of the respondents. The DASS-21 designed by implemented. Respondents were given a choice to
Lovibond and Lovibond in 1995 is the most frequent agree with the terms and conditions or ignore the
instrument in measuring depression, anxiety, and stress survey form. Furthermore, the respondents’ personal
scale. This instrument is consists of 42 questions details and information were used for research
related to depression, anxiety, and stress scale (Jiang et purposes only. Thus, their personal privacy were
al., 2020). Researchers made use of 7 questions; protected and not compromised throughout this study.
specifically, those questions that is used to assess an
individual’s experience of anxiety. With the factors stated above, allowed the researchers
to use the English language in creating the survey form
Procedures that is suited for both Filipino and English speakers.
Therefore, ethical considerations were absolutely
Prior to the data collection, researchers made sure that implied.
ideas and concepts of this study are thoroughly
understood in determining the relationship between the
two variables. Therefore, researching and considering Result
different viewpoints with regards to academic burnout
and anxiety was done. An online survey through This section reveals the study's findings through the
Google forms was created by the researchers for the use of a research question. Further, making use of
data gathering. Researchers administered 15 questions SPSS, the Pearson correlation coefficient was
through the use of Maslach Burnout Inventory to computed. With this, comparing and determining the
assess one’s experience of burnout, and 7 questions mean and the relationship between variables was
through the use of DASS-21 to determine the concluded.
respondents’ experience with regards to depression,
anxiety, and stress. Relationship between Academic Burnout and
Before answering the actual questionnaire, the
respondents were required to answer consent in The study primarily focuses on the relationship
participation. Therefore, the data collected through the between academic burnout and anxiety. As seen in
help of the respondents were able to conform with the table 1, the statistical analysis demonstrated that the
Data Privacy Act of 2012 (RA 10173). This is used to variables which are academic burnout and anxiety are
protect the confidentiality of the respondents. significantly correlated with each other. Therefore, the
Following the data gathering is the compilation of the null hypothesis is rejected.
data accumulated through the survey form. Researcher
made use of Microsoft Excel and Statistical Package Table 1
for the Social Sciences (SPSS) in compiling, Relationship Between Academic Burnout and Anxiety
calculating, and interpreting the results.

Ethical Consideration

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the current

situation of the Philippines, researchers conducted the
data gathering through the use of Google form. This is
to ensure the safety of the researchers, as well as the
respondents that made this study possible.

Moreover, ethical considerations were highly practiced

In the study by Fernandez-Castillo (2021), it was
with this study. To start with, the study itself was
proven that burnout and anxiety are related to each
consented by the research professor of the researchers.
The instruments used, as well as the approach in
collecting data are also under the permission of the
research professor.

Sherrie Leigh Gomez

Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6534581
Research Article

other. Further, the results found that students who took the students are facing in the present period of time
access tests in universities during the COVID-19 plays a vital role in students’ mental well-being. Thus,
pandemic faced high levels of burnout and anxiety. increasing the chances of them experiencing academic
Moreover, Fernandez-Castillo also found out that the burnout also increases their risk to experience anxiety.
COVID-19 pandemic contributed to the students As stated in the findings of this study, there is a
experiencing higher levels of anxiety at least 2 months significant correlation between academic burnout and
prior to the actual exam. Thus, it is concluded that anxiety among students in the Philippines, indicating
burnout and anxiety correlate with each other. that the null hypothesis is rejected. With the reliable
number of respondents ascertained amidst the
In addition, according to a meta-analysis study COVID-19 pandemic, there was an alteration in their
conducted by Koutsimani, Montgomery, and mental well-being and coping capability.
Georganta (2019), burnout is highly associated with
anxiety. The findings of the study have shown that Therefore, researchers strongly recommend the
individuals who are more vulnerable to experiencing parents, as well as the school to check up and monitor
high levels of anxiety are more likely to develop and their children’s condition. Thus, avoidance of the
experience burnout as well. Thus, the two variables are student's experience of burnout should be practiced
proven to have a relationship. and prioritized. The study suggests the school conduct
occasional breaks or health breaks and consideration in
giving and assigning academic tasks among the
Discussion students; particularly, with the current situation of the
pandemic, they are facing. Thus, this will help the
students to avoid the risk of experiencing burnout
Various studies came up with different results resulting in them experiencing anxiety as well. In
regarding the relationship between academic burnout conclusion, creating a healthy learning environment
and anxiety. However, some studies tend to neglect the amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as
significance of the two variables as to how it correlates implementing rules and consideration with regard to
with each other. The response of the participants has giving academic tasks will lessen the risk of the
become the indicator to make a final decision with students experiencing burnout that will eventually
regard to academic burnout and anxiety. Thus, this result in them dealing with anxiety. Hence, students
analysis reveals that academic burnout is significantly will be able to maintain healthy mental well-being
correlated with anxiety. The results showed that even with online learning modality amidst the
students who experience burnout are most likely to pandemic.
experience anxiety as well. Additionally, this study
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