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Volume: 6
Pages: 1360-1366
Document ID: 2022PEMJ432
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7451971
Manuscript Accepted: 2022-13-12
Psych Educ,2022 , 6: 1360-1366, Document ID: PEMJ432, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7451971, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

The General Acceptability of Chili Sweet Potato Pie

Mary Jean S. Zaldariaga*, Girlie B. Chavez, Raffy B. Chavez,
Matt Numer Ofalla, Teresita L. Castor
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.

The Philippines is rich in natural resources as a good source for culinary arts. Thus, this study was formulated
to determine the acceptability of chili sweet potato pie. This study was conducted last August to December
2021 using experimental research methods. The researchers invited 30 bakers out of 50 available in the
Municipality of Sara, Iloilo, Philippines, as evaluators. The finished sweet potato pies were subjected to
organoleptic evaluation. The three categories are taste, general acceptability, and texture. Descriptive analyses
were utilized. The results revealed that all thirty 30 selected bakers of pastries, pies, cookies, and cakes
participated in the study. Fifteen were female, and fifteen were male. The mean scores were 4.5, 4.2, and 4.4,
respectively, in taste, general appearance, and texture. The results showed very satisfaction in description and
were verbally interpreted as "Highly Acceptable." Sweet potato pies enhanced with "siling labuyo" have great
dessert potential. Northern Iloilo State University (NISU) should support the innovation by providing support
and motivation. Also, this is a call for a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture in NISU Barotac Viejo and Batad
Campuses to concentrate on producing sweet potatoes and "siling labuyo" on their available land areas. The
availability of raw materials in the regions is essential in product or food development.

Keywords: acceptability, sweet potato, bakers, "siling labuyo", pie, bakers

Introduction jackfruit, and fried pinipig. Another famous dessert is

the "buko pandan," a tropically perfect treat. This
simple, delicious dessert has the recipe of shredded
Desserts are known in many cultures and are served at young coconut, screwpine leaves, gelatin, cream, and
the end of every meal. Desserts are commonly sweet condensed milk. The ingredient makes the dessert
and creamy food but are high in sugar and fat (Alija creamy and aromatic but best served if cold on a hot
and Talens, 2012). Most people enjoy desserts. Milk- Philippine day. Leche flan, the Philippines' version of
based desserts can be a healthy, enjoyable way of caramel pudding, is daring sweetness and richness that
getting vitamins, minerals, protein, and calories is silky on the palate. Sweet steamed rice cake is
(kilojoules) (Inverell Meals on Wheels, 2019). Cakes another delicacy in the Philippines. Puto in the local
and pies are also considered desserts. Many people dialect is perfect for savory pork blood stew. Since the
love to eat desserts after a full meal. Philippines is well-known for rice, another steamed
rice cake is the sticky soft, spongy, and slightly
Appropriately, the sweet, sugary confections that most rubbery called "Kutsinta."
of us love to eat are often considered unhealthy and
avoided. Dessert is delicious, but it also helps you Additionally, they are not usually found in the
keep a balanced diet. Eating healthy doesn't mean only restaurant because street vendors carry two aluminum
eating tons of vegetables. Modifying cakes with buckets shouting "Taho." "Taho" is a morning snack of
vegetables, consumer-type and expert panelists Tufo, syrup from brown sugar, and sago pearls.
consider nutrients and aesthetic appeal for Typical street desserts are "turon" and banana or
acceptability of the proposal (Lumiked, 2015). Dessert camote cues (Escalona, 2017).
can help you receive your daily amount of required
nutrients (Barry-Smith, 2022). Thus, desserts can also But in this study, the researchers focused on making
provide nutritional value. pies enhanced with local raw materials. Pies were
already available in ancient Egyptians made of
In the Philippines, desserts are also one of the main meats—however, the Romans spread pies around
attractions in restaurants and on any occasion. For Europe. Today's pies are based on American culture –
instance, the infamous halo-halo is an easy crowd- the apple pie (American Pie Council, 2019). But
pleaser. "Halo" is a Tagalog for a mix; hence, Halo- through the years, pies evolved drastically by
halo is a mixture of various ingredients. Form crushed innovation using local resources. Nowadays, we have
ice tapped with nata de coco, beans, sago pearls, jelly, 25 varieties of pie, from strawberry to coconut,
sweetened saba banana, sweet potato, coconut, purple pumpkin and blueberry, and more (Smith, 2021). In
yam jam, evaporated milk, Leche flan, ube ice cream, the Philippines, buko pie is the famous one. The

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Psych Educ,2022 , 6: 1360-1366, Document ID: PEMJ432, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7451971, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

abundance of coconut in the country pushed Filipino A study about cookies from a sweet potato-maize flour
bakers to venture into buko pie (Mack, 2013). Buko blend revealed reduced proteins, moisture, crude fiber,
pies are everywhere; every city has its version of and fat. The sugar content for sweet potato flour
mouth-watering creamy, delicious buko pies. substitution is higher. Thus, the study results have
significant value for the bakery industry. With 40%
Sweet potato is locally known as "camote" in the optimum level substitution for sweet potato flour, the
Philippines. Ipomoea batatas L. or sweet potatoes are results showed a favorable view for practicability.
highly-produced staple foods in Asian countries Furthermore, a study about the substitution of sweet
(Ramirez, 2021). A dicotyledonous plant that belongs potato flour revealed that ash sugar contents were
to the family of Convolvulaceae is the most precious increased. At the same time, the calorific value of the
tasting root vegetable. Furthermore, it is considered cookies decreased. Thus, the negative side
one of the most important due to its health benefits acceptability changed significantly. But, sweet potato
found in the tubers and leaves (Giango and Naero, flour makes superior to imported flour like wheat
2017). The thickened roots are rich in carbohydrates, (Sadeyeye and Akingbala, 2015).
starch, minerals (Ca, Mn, Cu Fe, P, K), and vitamins
Sweet potato, specifically the purple one as the main
(ß-carotene, vitamin C, B6) (Dinu and Rodica, 2015).
ingredient for Filipino delicacies "Puto," showed
In the Philippines, sweet potato production increased
highly acceptable aroma, nutritional values, and
from 516 thousand metric tons in 2011 to 547
presentation. Thus, the level of acceptability of sweet
thousand metric tons in 2020 (Statistia Research
purple potato for "puto" was outstanding (Vagilidad et
Department, 2021). Sweet potato is native to Central
al., 2020).
America but later introduced by the Spanish in the
Philippines. Thus, it became the widely grown crop Table 1 shows the major sweet potation producing
product in the country. Sweet potatoes can develop regions in 2019 (Department of Agriculture, 2021)
any time of the year and require a little fertilizer and
other farm inputs. Thus, the Philippines facilitated Table 1. Major sweet potation producing regions in
sweet potation production economically and 2019 (Department of Agriculture, 2021)
environmentally (DOING HOLDING, 2019). Hence,
sweet potato as a raw material for pie is a trend in
Filipino delicacies.

Sweet potato can be further developed as a sustainable

crop for various nutritionally enhanced and value-
added food products to promote human health (wang
and Zhu, 2016). Many prior culinary arts of sweet
potato include sweet potato bread, sweet potato The availability of sweet potatoes in the market has
cupcakes, sweet potato jam, sweet potato puree, and excellent potential for local delicacies with a twist. All
candied sweet potato (Ramirez, 2017). Sweet potato is the major producers of sweet potatoes can provide
one of the primary staple food nowadays. Thus, it has enough resources for any product development. Also,
found its niche in the global market. Filipino farmers Northern Iloilo State University offers a Bachelor of
saw potential in sweet potato farming. In Camarines Science in Agriculture. The vast land available in
Sur, the Philippines, a study examining the factors Batad Campus and Barotac Viejo has great potential
affecting the profitability of sweet potato production for sweet potato production. Thus, this study was
showed a higher financial return of 144%, or formulated. But in this study, the researchers utilized
P48,000.00 per hectare (Lirag, 2019). the sweet orange potato. This sweet potato is rich in
Vitamin A (Benguet State University, 2019). Orange-
The Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) fleshed sweet potatoes (OFSP) are considered a
introduced the enhanced nutribun (e-nutribun) with resilient crop. Aside from vitamins, it is also rich in
sweet potato as the main ingredient with a sweet and carbohydrates and minerals. OFPS is high-yielding
milky taste. The serving of each nutribun has 507 that can create edible energy compared to wheat, rice,
calories, 356 mg. of calcium, 17 grams of protein, 5 or cassava per unit area (Mahmud et al., 2021). OFSPs
mg. of iron, and 612 micrograms of Vitamin A. The are also commonly available in the Province of Iloilo.
primary purpose of this innovation is to alleviate
malnutrition caused by COVID 19 pandemic (Arayat,

Zaldariaga et al. 1361/1366

Psych Educ,2022 , 6: 1360-1366, Document ID: PEMJ432, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7451971, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Sweet potato pie made a debut in the 18th century as a

beloved dessert by the Black community. But history
revealed sweet potato pies originated in Peru, where Methodology
the sweet potato was first cultivated (Miller, 2015).
The richness of soils in the Philippines is suited for
sweet potato planting. Hence, sweet potatoes are Research Design
everywhere, even in the Provine of Iloilo. The
abudance of the resources has potential for pie- This study used the experimental method of research.
Materials, Tools, and Equipment
Furthermore, the proposed research is enhanced with
The tools and equipment were a pastry brush, wooden
"siling labuyo," or wild chili in English. Capsicum spoon, pastry blender, rolling pin, food blender,
frutescens belongs to the Solanaceae family, a measuring cups, pie pan, measuring spoon, mixing
pantropic plant. Siling Labuyo, or Red bird's eye chili bowl, glazen paper, and peeling knife. The raw
in Thailand, is commonly identified in the Philippines materials for the pie crust were all-purpose flour,
but originated in Central and South America (Casio et iodized salt, margarine, sugar, and cold water. The
al., 2021; San Jose, 2021). The pepper is rich in filling is sweet potatoes (cooked), evaporated milk,
Vitamin A, calcium, iron, and phosphorous. They are condensed milk, sugar, chili, and egg wash.
mainly the ingredient in "sinamak," a local Filipino
All these materials, tools, and equipment are found in
vinegar sauce or condiment (Sunstar, 2014).
the Hotel and Restaurant Management Laboratory of
Northern Iloilo State College, Victorino Salcedo
Abundantly in the Philippines, Cayenne pepper can
Campus. A letter of request was submitted to the
give health benefits to a person with a phlegmatic
College Administrator and addressed to the laboratory
temperament. It contains anti-cancer, anti- in charge for approval. The facilities were utilized for
inflammatory, antioxidant, immunologic, anti-diabetic, five months, from August to December 2021.
and hypoglycemic properties (Guyamin et al., 2016).
Furthermore, "siling labuyo" is used as local medicine Preparation of the Main Ingredients
and dubbed "one of the most powerful medicinal
plants in the world." (Bolido, 2016). Thus, "siling Figure 1 represents the preparation of sweet potato.
labuyo" has excellent potential as a food enhancer.
This study was formulated.

Furthermore, "siling labuyo" as dessert was already

invented and introduced by the 1st Colonial Grill in
2004. "Siling labuyo" and coconut milk are local
symbols in Bicol. The ice cream has become a hit with
local and foreign tourists (Borja, 2019; Jaucian, 2016).

Sweet potatoes are easily cultivated in Northern Iloilo,

Philippines. The abundance of these raw materials is Figure 1. Showing the Flow and Sequence of
commonly found during market days around the preparation of Sweet Potato.
district. But the "siling labuyo" are expensive and hard
to find. This study also recommends that Northern The good quality sweet potato was brought from the
Iloilo State University campuses with the course of Municipalities of Lemery and Barotac Viejo and during
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture focus on producing the market day in the Municipality of Sara, Iloilo,
"siling labuyo" in their vast land area. Also, this will Philippines. There were enough supplies because many
farmers were into sweet potato farming in Northern
become local raw materials in the Northern Iloilo, Iloilo. Sweet potatoes. The price for sweet potatoes is
Philippines. Hence, this study determines the P65.00 per kilo.
acceptability of chili sweet potato pie.

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Psych Educ,2022 , 6: 1360-1366, Document ID: PEMJ432, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7451971, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

margarine and pour in enough cold water. Knead until

Then, the sweet potatoes were peeled using a peeler desired consistency and smoothness and rest for 20 to
and placed inside a bowl with water to avoid 30 minutes. Divide the dough into two (2) parts and set
discoloration. Wash the peeled sweet potatoes and put it aside. Preheat the oven to 350 ®F degrees for 15
them inside a casserole for boiling. After they are minutes. Bake the dough using a pie pan for formation
boiled for desired minutes, slice them into small sizes for 15 minutes.
before mashing and set aside.
Table 4 shows the preparation of the pie.
Figure 2 shows the flow and sequences of preparation
of Chili Paste

Figure 4. Showing the Flow and Sequence of

preparation of Pie.

The blended sweet potatoes are mixed in evaporated

milk, condensed milk, sugar, and vanilla. Add the
desired amount of chili. Blend well. Use one part of
the flattened dough as an underliner in a pie pan. Then
Figure 2. Showing the Flow and Sequence of put pie filling. Top with the other part of the flattened
preparation of Chili Paste dough and close the edges of the dough. Glaze with
egg wash for a golden brown finish. The pie was
baked for 25 to 35 minutes at 375 0F. It may be served
hot or chilled.
"Siling labuyo" was also bought from Sara market
imported from Munipality of Leon, Iloilo, Philippines
for 200 pesos per kilo. A good quality "siling labuyo" Results and Discussion
was selected to have good products. At that time, upon
arriving in the laboratory, the chili was blanched and
ground. The seed was removed. Table 2 shows the distribution of frequencies and
percentages of the respondents. All respondents were
Figure 3 shows the preparation of the dough. found to be the bakers of pastries, pies, cookies, and
cakes of the municipality of Sara in the northern town
of Iloilo of the sample size.

Table 2. Distribution of Respondents

Figure 3. Showing the Flow and Sequence of

preparation of Dough for Pie.

Measure the all-purpose flour before sifting. Add salt

and sugar and mix well by kneading. Then, add There were 42 barangays in Sara; thus, around 50
bakers exist in the municipality. Thirty of them
specialized in pastries, pies, cookies, and cakes. They

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Psych Educ,2022 , 6: 1360-1366, Document ID: PEMJ432, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7451971, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

were selected randomly because of their expertise The study showed 4.5, 4.2, and 4.4, respectively. The
which could significantly help this study. means revealed the product was interpreted as "Highly
Acceptable." Based on the preceding results, we
One of the main reasons consumers purchase bread concluded that the mainstream bakers in the
and pastry is quality and freshness. Also, the quality of Municipality of Sara, in the northern town of Iloilo,
the dough is essential (Talens, 2016). Thus, these are open to new products and innovations that use
thirty experts were chosen because they can help locally available ingredients such as sweet potato,
evaluate the product. They can also help in pricing the integrating chili to give a spicy flavor.
products because of their experiences.
Sweet potato pastry has a natural, earthy vibe. The
Table 3 shows the distribution of frequencies and
sweet flavor from the sweet potato balances the
percentages of the respondents in terms of gender.
texture. The general appearance of the pie is also
Respondents were categorized as male and female.
contributed by the sweet potato (Richard, 2021).
Table 3. Distribution and Percentage of Respondents
Furthermore, the nutritional value of sweet potato and
according to their gender
chili are significant factors in the pie. This aspect
contributed to the evaluation of the thirty bakers on the
acceptability of the chili sweet potato pie.


This study was formulated to determine the

Out of 30 bakers in the municipality of Sara who took acceptability of chili sweet potato pie. The results
the survey questionnaires, purposively selected 15 or revealed that all thirty 30 selected bakers of pastries,
50% male and 15 or 50% female of the sample size. pies, cookies, and cakes participated in the study.
This sample was chosen to collect ideas from the same Fifteen were female, and fifteen were male. Their long
gender. In the United States, the record showed in experiences in terms of dessert making helped a lot in
2020, 35.9 percent of bakers were men (Statista this study. The mean scores were 4.5, 4.2, and 4.4,
Research Department, 2022). respectively, in taste, general appearance, and texture.
The results showed very satisfaction in description and
Foodservice industry aspires to prove that gender no
were verbally interpreted as "Highly Acceptable."
longer impacts one's work, success, or recognition.
Sweet potato pies enhanced with "siling labuyo" have
Professionals must still recognize how gender roles
great dessert potential—the sweet earthy flavor of
affect individuals' interests, thoughts, behaviors, and
sweet potato to the texture and general acceptability of
workplace culture (Szmodis, 2018).
the pie. Also, the unique blend of "siling labuyo" adds
Table 4 shows the mean level acceptability of the chili to the curiosity of the evaluators. In addition, the
sweet potato pie as perceived by 30 bakers of pastries, nutritional values provided by sweet potato and chili
pies, cookies, and cakes of the municipality of Sara, in significantly contributed to the study results. Northern
the northern town of Iloilo in terms of Taste, General Iloilo State University (NISU) should support the
Appearance, and Texture. innovation by providing support and motivation. Also,
this is a call for a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture in
Table 4. Mean Distribution of the Respondents in NISU Barotac Viejo and Batad Campuses to
terms of Taste, General Appearance, and Texture concentrate on producing sweet potatoes and "siling
labuyo" on their available land areas. The availability
of raw materials in the regions is essential in product
or food development. Also, the local government units
(LGUs) in northern Iloilo should be tapped to be part
of this endeavor. They should be the instrument to
motivate local farmers to venture into sweet potato and
chili farming. That all local raw materials are easily
available in the district.

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Psych Educ,2022 , 6: 1360-1366, Document ID: PEMJ432, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7451971, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

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Sunstar. (2014). Siling labuyo: More than a hot spice. Available Affiliations and Corresponding Information
Mary Jean S. Zaldariaga
Northern Iloilo State University, Philippines
Szmodis, A. (2018). The feminization of baking and pastry work:
dissecting gender roles in the foodservice industry. Honors Theses - Girlie B. Chavez
Providence Campus. 25. Available from: Northern Iloilo State University, Philippines
Raffy B. Chavez
Talens, C. (2019). The hottest trends in bakery. Available from: Northern Iloilo State University, Philippines
Matt Numer Ofalla
Wang S, Nie S, Zhu F. Chemical constituents and health effects of Northern Iloilo State University, Philippines
sweet potato. Food Res Int . 89(Pt 1 ):90 -116 . doi:
10.1016/j.foodres.2016.08.032. Epub 2016 Aug 27. PMID: Teresita L. Castor
28460992 Northern Iloilo State University, Philippines
Wiber, A. (2018). A breakdown of consumer dessert preferences.
Available from:

Vagilidad, K., Baja, M., Palattao, R., Parane, J., Siena, R.,
Veneracion, K., and Tolato, A. (2020). Level of Acceptability of
Sweet Potato Puto.Ascendens Asia Singapore – Bestlink College of
the Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary Research. 2(1).

Zaldariaga et al. 1366/1366

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