Sample Research
Sample Research
Sample Research
This study aimed to determine the acceptability of squash as a halaya. Specifically, this study
aimed to determine the following: (a) Is squash halaya acceptable? (b) Is the squash acceptable in terms
of taste, aroma and appearance? (c) Are you satisfied with the acceptability of the squash halaya?
The study employed experimental research to determine the level of acceptability of squash
Halaya among respondents in terms of taste, appearance, aroma, and satisfaction. A modified sensory
evaluation score sheet, anchored on a 5-point Likert scale, was used by the respondents to assess the
finished products. Means and percentages were utilized as statistical tools.
The participants in the study were 20 college students from CITI Global College, conveniently
chosen. The researcher used convenient sampling, which is non-probability sampling. The results
indicated that squash halaya was acceptable in terms of taste, aroma, and appearance. The majority of
respondents expressed high satisfaction with the squash Halaya. Therefore, it can be concluded that
squash can be successfully used to make halaya.
Halaya is a dessert that I think all Filipinos love. The classic ingredients for
Halaya are purple yam, coconut milk, condensed milk, and butter. You mix them all
together and stir them regularly for about 30 to 40 minutes until a soft, sticky dough
forms. Ube halaya has many uses. It can be used as a topping for Halo-Halo, as a filling
for bread or turon, or simply eaten as a snack. However, only a few people know about
squash halaya, and there are no or only a few studies about it. Hence, this study aims
to determine the acceptability of squash halaya and introduce it to different people.
Squash (Cucurbita maxima) is a popular vegetable in the Philippines and is
often used in many Filipino recipes. It is a cheap and nutritious vegetable that can be
found everywhere in the markets of the Philippines. According to Ken Fern (2014),
Cucurbita maxima is a vigorous annual climbing plant that produces stems up to 5
meters long that tend to scramble along the ground but can grow into the surrounding
vegetation and support themselves by means of tendrils. The plant is widely cultivated
from the warm temperate zone to the tropics, mainly for its edible fruit but also for its
leaves and seeds, plus its vaunted medicinal use. Locally, it is known as "Kalabasa."
According to the squash production guide (Feb 2017), the shoots, flowers, and young
fruits of squash can be cooked as dinengdeng, bulanglang, sauteed with meat, fish, or
shrimps, and mixed with other vegetables. Aside from its uses as a vegetable, squash
fruits can also be made into catsup, pastillas, leche flan, flour for bread, chips, and
curls. The seeds can also be made into kutchi. Like other cucurbits, squash is
recognized as an excellent source of vitamins A, C, B1, B3, and B5, as well as minerals.
Squash contains beta-carotene, which is a powerful antioxidant for cholesterol in the
body. It also contains potassium, which reduces urinary calcium excretion.
RATIONALE or the reason why we conduct the research. We chose this
study because we think there are a lot of people who don't like squash, despite its many
health benefits. It is also more affordable and readily available on the market than
purple yam. We also aim to determine the level of acceptability of squash halaya. So by
doing this research, we think we can help people like squash and include it in their diet.
This study aimed to identify the acceptability of squash (Cucurbita halaya).Specifically, the study will
seek to answer the following questions.
1. Squash is not acceptable as a Halaya.
2. Squash is not acceptable as a halaya in terms of taste, aroma, and appearance.
The research study indicates the use of the local crop product squash as a Halaya, which benefits the
Consumer. To taste the squash halaya, be informed of the health benefits of the product; this could also
help them make a new product using squash.
Local Farmers. To sell more squash and earn a bigger income, and also to make squash halaya to sell.
To unemployed members of the community—for them to be aware of the entrepreneurial potential of
the squash.
Food Industry. To offer a new flavor of halaya in the market so that they can welcome more customers.
The instructors: This study will help the instructors give their students an idea of how to innovate a new
product that is made from squash.
Future Researchers. This will give them a reference and a basis for students and other researchers
conducting related studies.
This study was limited to the acceptability of squash Halaya. The researcher conducted a survey
of 20 conveniently chosen students from Citi Global College for the pilot test. The survey happened at
The Citi Global College in Cabuyao. This study used an evaluation score sheet to determine the
acceptability of squash Halaya, indicating the following criteria: taste, aroma, appearance, and
The following terms are defined to facilitate a better understanding of the study:
Prepare the materials.
Figure 2 shows the food choice process model (Source. Adapted from Sobal et
al. 2006, p.3)
This study was anchored on Theories of food choice. According to Furst et al.
(1996), who developed this theory, there are three main components of the model: the
life course, influences, and personal systems. According to the authors, the life course
includes the personal roles and the social, cultural, and physical environments to which
a person has been and is exposed. The second is influence. It states here that a
person’s life course generates a set of influences: ideals, personal factors, resources,
social framework, and food context. These influences inform and shape people’s
personal systems, including conscious values, negotiations, and unconsciously
operationalized strategies that may occur in a food-related choice situation. Finally,
personal psychological factors such as personality, mood, and beliefs can influence the
final food choice directly or indirectly by affecting attitudes.
The researcher chose this theory to know what things can affect the acceptability
of the squash Halaya. As we see, there are three components that affect people’s food
choices: life course, influences, and personal system.
Calabaza is the generic name in the Spanish language for any type of winter
squash. Within an English-language context it specifically refers to what is also known
as the West Indian pumpkin, a winter squash typically grown in the West Indies, tropical
America, and the Philippines. Anonymous (N.d) Cucurbita is Latin for gourd and
maxima is Latin for Largest, because these plants can produce fruits that are very large.
This large vine trails along the ground or climbs up structures using tendrils. It has
yellow fruit - bearing flowers that are produced in the fall. The fruits have a mild flavor
and can be fried, baked, added to pasta, used in soups, and more. Winter squash is an
aggressive grower and prefers moderately moist soil with full access to sunlight.
Squash has different types; they are:
Hubbard Squash. According to Food Network Kitchen (2022, January, 21) Hubbard
Squash is a large winter squash, typically about 1 foot wide and 15 to 20 pounds in weight. It
has very bumpy skin that comes in different colors: dark green, pale Blue green, orange or
yellow. Inside, the flesh ranges from yellow to orange, like most winter squash. According to
Levy, J. (2021, December, 3) Hubbard squash nutrition benefits include its high supply of
Vitamins A (beta – carotene), B6, C and E, as well as magnesium, potassium and manganese.
Buttercup Squash. According to nutrition and (n.d) Buttercups typically have
thick, dark – green skin with light stripes and a blockier shape than kabocha. Inside, deep yellow
to orange meat is pleasantly sweet. Buttercups have a protruding lighter gray – green
(Glaucous) “button” surrounded by a circular scar at the blossom end of the fruit. According to
Jones, K. (2020, November, 5) like other varieties buttercup is rich in Vitamins A and C as well
as magnesium. It’s rich in potassium, offering 26% of the recommend daily value. Potassium is
important for fluid balance and blood pressure. It also offer a variety of carotenoid antioxidants.
Big Max- According to Wikipedia (N.d) Big Max is a large type of pumpkin of the
species Cucurbita maxima that can exceed 150 pounds (68 kg) under ideal growing
conditions. They are often bright orange in color, with fine-grained, yellow-orange flesh.
The skin, deeply ribbed and slightly roughened, can grow to be 3 to 4 in (76 to 102 mm)
thick, making them favorable for storage. According to Anonymous (n.d) big max
pumpkins contain Vitamin A, Beta Carotene, magnesium, potassium, and some
According to Robbins, O. (2020) While each squash variety boasts a slightly
different nutritional profile, they share several strong health benefits. Squash is a good
source of vitamins A, C, and B; it's high in antioxidants; and it's rich in minerals such as
potassium, magnesium, and manganese. And of course, as whole plant foods, they’re
also rich in fiber and water, making them both hydrating and good for the gut. Those
nutrients help our bodies fight a number of chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes,
cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers.
According to Masa, R.M. (2023, June 3), squash has a lot of properties; the first
one is that it boosts our immune system due to its high levels of vitamins A and C.
Second, it can help promote weight loss because of its low calories, helping you feel
fuller for longer periods while promoting weight loss. Third, it can prevent cancer due to
its antioxidants, which can neutralize free radicals that damage DNA cells. Furthermore,
it can improve our vision because squash is known for its beta-carotene. It can enhance
our digestion due to its high fiber content, preventing constipation, bloating, and
cramping. It can lower our blood pressure because of its potassium, which regulates
blood pressure by reducing sodium levels in the body. It can also reduces inflammation
because of its anti – inflammatory properties. Can strengthen our bones due to its
minerals. Can maintain our heart health because of its folate properties that reduce
homocysteine levels (an amino acid linked to heart disease), and lastly, it can improve
our skin quality because of its Vitamin A, which is abundant on squash, which promotes
skin cell turnover, resulting in clearer-looking skin, while its anti-oxidant properties
protect fus from harmful UV rays, keeping your skin looking youthful.
According to Masa, R.M ( 2023, June, 3)
Dubey, S.D (2012) The used parts are seeds, pulp and fruit stalk. The seeds
shows anthelmintic, taenicide and diuretic. The shoots young leaves are used as a pot
herb, the seeds are eaten. Stuart, G., Jr., (2019) Dried pulp of the fruit is a remedy in
hemorrhages from the pulmonary organs, it is given in the form of a confection. In India,
fruit pulp is often used as poultice for carbuncles, boils and ulcers. For venomous insect
bites, the fruit stalk in contact with the ripe gourd is cut, dried, and made into a paste
and applied to venomous insect bites, especially centipedes. Seeds are eaten fresh to
expel worms from stomach. For tapeworms, seeds are given with sugar at bedtime,
followed with a does of castor oil in the morning. Oil from the seeds is a nervine tonic. In
Brazil, pumpkin seeds are used for stomach pain, as anti – inflammatory, antipyretic
and anthelmintic. In China, pumpkin seeds have been used for acute schistosomiasis.
In Thailand, seeds used for kidney stones.
The above-mentioned readings are related to the present study. Squash will be
used for the advent of the new flavor of Halaya.
Based on the researched information, we can see how nutritious squash is. We
learned that it contains a lot of vitamins that can help our bodies stay healthy and fight
against diseases. Additionally, we discovered that squash has many uses, and almost
all of its parts are useful for culinary and medicinal purposes, such as the seeds, leaves,
or even the flowers. This information can help readers understand the importance of
including squash in our diet, as well as the acceptability of squash halaya based on the
provided information.
According to Benayoun, M. (n.d) Halayang ube Is a dessert that is prepared from
boiled and mashed purple yam, that is mixed with condensed milk, butter and
sometimes coconut milk. This mixture thickens as it simmers, and sets in a container as
it cools down in the fridge. Ube Halaya is often topped with browned grated coconut,
condensed milk, or toasted coconut solids or latik.
The foregoing related study has influential to the present study because they
were all experimental investigated through different squash by products.
This chapter includes research design, sampling technique, respondents to the
study, research instrument, descriptions of the materials needed for the study, the step-
by-step procedure of how the product was made, data gathering procedure, and
statistical treatment.
The researcher used a quantitative research method. According to QuestionPro
(n.d.), quantitative research involves collecting and analyzing numerical data. It is ideal
for identifying trends and averages, making predictions, testing relationships, and
generalizing results for large populations. This study utilizes a descriptive research
design in order to describe the level of acceptability of squash halaya in terms of
appearance, texture, taste, and odor. This research aimed to study about the
acceptability of squash as a halaya.
The sampling design that the researcher will utilize is convenience sampling. We
use convenience sampling because it is hard for us to find people who are willing to be
respondents for our research, and we also see that there are a lot of college students
who are busy, so we only choose the college students who have free time to answer our
The study used a prepared evaluation sheet for the respondent and evaluations
that would rate the general acceptability of the research. The questionnaire, formulated
based on the said evaluation sheet, will be the guide for the researchers in computing
and analyzing the general acceptability of the research.
The following ingredients are:
1 kilo squash
50 gram butter
1 cup evaporated or fresh milk
1 can condensed milk
45 gram cheese
Kitchen utensils and equipment
Measuring cup Fork (For mashing the squash)
Pan Grater
1.Prepare all the materials and utensils needed to prepare the new recipe for halaya.
2.Peel the skin of the squash and cut it into smaller pieces.
3.Boil the 1-kilo squash to soften it.
4.Next, mash the squash using a fork if you don’t have a potato masher or blender until
it is smooth.
5.After being mashed, add the 50 grams of butter, 1 cup of evaporated or fresh milk,
and 390 grams of condensed milk and mix it before putting it on the stove or fire.
6.Mix it continuously with a medium-heat fire until it is thick and creamy.
7.Transfer it to the container, and you may grate cheese on top if you want.
The following statistical procedures were used to interpret the data gathered from
the respondents of the study.
2. Mean – Used to get the average or central value (e.g. level, extent, etc.)
For the scaling system, we use the 5-point Likert scale, and this scale will help us
determine the acceptability of the squash Halaya. According to Mcleod, S. (June 16,
2023): The 5-point Likert scale is a five- or seven-point scale that is used to allow an
individual to express how much they agree or disagree with a particular statement.
3 - Neutral
Age of the respondents
18 4 20%
19 10 50%
20 and above 6 30%
Total 20 100%
The age of the respondents is shown in Table 1. Four (4) respondents are 18
years old. Ten (10) are 19 years old. Six (6) are 20 and above.
Sex of the respondents
Male 7 35%
Female 13 65%
Total 20 100%
Response of the Male Female Percent
YES 7 13 100%
No 0 0 0%
Total 7 13 100%
Responses on the acceptability of squash as a halaya were presented in Table
3. Everyone answered yes, which gave 100% acceptance of squash as a Halaya.
Presents the computed mean of the squash halaya in terms of taste.
Response of the MALE FEMALE
Very satisfied – 4.21 – 5.00
Satisfied – 3.41 – 4.20
Neutral – 2.61-3.40
Dissatisfied – 1.81 – 2.60
Very dissatisfied – 1.00 – 1.80
Based on the gathered data, in terms of taste, Question 1 “ It is sweet and
creamy” received a weighted mean of 4.85 from male students and a weighted mean of
4.71 from female students, both of which are verbally interpreted as “very satisfied.”
Moving on to Question 2, “The squash really fits well with this recipe,” male students
obtained a weighted mean of 4.71, while female students received a weighted mean of
4.92, both of which are verbally interpreted as “very satisfied.” For Question 3, “It has a
rich flavor and a well-balanced taste,” male students achieved a weighted mean of 5,
while female students obtained a weighted mean of 4.62, both of which are verbally
interpreted as “very satisfied.” The average in terms of taste among male students was
4.85, while the average among female students was 4.75, and both are verbally
interpreted as “very satisfied.” Therefore, the acceptability of squash as a halaya in
terms of taste is “very satisfied.”
Presents the computed mean of the squash halaya in terms of aroma .
Response of the MALE FEMALE
Presents the computed mean of the squash halaya in terms of appearance.
Response of the MALE FEMALE
Response of the Male Female Percent
Very satisfied 5 9 70%
Satisfied 2 4 30%
Neutral 0 0 0%
Dissatisfied 0 0 0%
Very dissatisfied 0 0 0%
Total 7 13 100%
The researcher aimed to determine the acceptability of squash halaya. In this section of the
study, the researcher will discuss the summary of findings from the data gathered from the respondents
and will formulate conclusions regarding what the respondents have found out. From the conclusions,
the researcher will be able to prepare recommendations for the beneficiaries of the study.
The purpose of the study is to solve and answer the study’s problem, which is to know the
acceptability of squash as a halaya. To meet the primary concern of the study, the researchers
conducted a survey. The researchers used the data gathered from 20 college students conveniently
chosen at CITI Global College.
The overall percentage of acceptance of squash as a halaya is 100%, which means squash can be
made as a halaya. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected.
The overall average of taste is 4.85 for males and 4.75 for females, which are both verbally
interpreted as very satisfied. It means that the taste of the product is delicious.
B. Color
The overall average of color is 4.57 for males and 4.20 for females, which is verbally interpreted
as very satisfied for males and satisfied for females. It means that color is acceptable, though it needs
some improvement.
C. Appearance
The overall average of appearance is 4.81 for males and 4.49 for females, which are both
verbally interpreted as very satisfied. It means the appearance of the squash halaya is nice.
The overall percentage of acceptance in squash halaya is 100%, and the weighted mean in terms
of taste is 4.85 for boys and 4.75 for females. In terms of aroma, the weighted mean is 4.57 for males
and 4.20 for females. In terms of appearance, the weighted mean is 4.81 for males and 4.49 for females.
Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected.
(Based on the results, the null hypothesis is rejected.) may write this too if you like
3.Are you satisfied with the acceptability of the squash halaya?
The overall percentage of satisfaction is 70% (very satisfied) and 30% (satisfied), which means
they're satisfied with the overall properties of squash halaya.
In this section of the study, the researchers will discuss their conclusions based on the data
analyzed and interpreted from the findings of the study.
Based on the results of our study, both males and females were very satisfied with the
acceptability of squash as halaya. Therefore, we conclude that the squash is acceptable as halaya, and
they accept the squash as halaya in terms of taste, aroma, and appearance.
The researcher conducted this study not only to identify the problems but also to find solutions
to them. The essence of the study is to come up with the best solution to a problem and to contribute
not only to the field of knowledge but also to the community. Here are the recommendations of the
1. Housewives, mothers, or parents may utilize the squash as Halaya, which is nutritious for
their local consumption.
2. The community may utilize the products as small businesses to enhance their income.
3. The schools, especially the higher education institutions, may utilize the new products as an
income-generating project or livelihood training for the community as an extension.
4. Further researchers may add some ingredients to squash Halaya or utilize another ingredient
for Halaya.
Cantiga, G., Tumandao, C. A., Alice Tolato, M. E., & Boncodin, M. A. (2020).
Assessment on Level of Acceptability of Squash Crinkles. Ascendens Asia
Singapore–Bestlink College of the Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary
Research, 2(1).
Bitun et al., (2020). Acceptability of Soya Milk Squash cupcake. Ascendens Asia
Singapore— Bestlink College of the Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary
Research, 2(1).
Basuga et al., (2020). Acceptability of Squash ‘Desal. Ascendens Asia Singapore—
Bestlink Collegeof the Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2 (1)
Cabana C.N (2019). Sensory Acceptability of Localized Squash Graham Product.
Ascendens Asia Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Abstracts, 3(2N).
Moreno, R.B (2015). Snesory Acceptability of Squash (Cucurbita Maxima) in Making Ice
cream. Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research ,3(1), 18-24
Dubey, S.D (2012). Overview on Cucurbita Maxima. International Journal of
Phytopharmacy 2(3). Retrieved from:
Stuart, G., Jr., (2019). Kalabasa Cucurbita maxima duchesne. StuartXchange Retrieved
Robbins, O (2020). Top health Benefits of Squash + How to prepare and eat it. In Food
Revolution Network. Retrieved from:
Masa, R.M (2023, June, 3). Kalabasa 10 Health benefits of squash. Agraryo. Retrieved
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Masa, R.M (2023, June, 3). Kalabasa 10 Health benefits of squash. Agraryo. Retrieved
Please note that if there is no specific publication date available, you can use “n.d.” (no
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Age:________ Sex:______
Directions: Please put a check (✔️) on the box that is appropriate for your answer in the
1. Is squash acceptable as a halaya?
( ) Yes ( ) No
2. Is the squash halaya acceptable in terms of taste, aroma, and appearance?
Acceptability Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very
Indicators dissatisfied
5 4 3 2 1
1.It is sweet
and creamy.
2.The squash
really fits well
with this recipe.
3.It has a rich
flavor and a
1.The aroma of
squash halaya
is distinct and
unlike any other
2.The aroma of
squash halaya
has a rich
3.The aroma of
squash halaya
adds to the
enjoyment of
the dessert.
1.The color of
the squash
halaya is
appealing to
the eyes.
2.The squash
halaya is well
formed and
3.It has a good-
and looks tasty.
Question No. 5 4 3 2 1
ROMA F W F W F W F W F W Tf Tw WM Description
Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissa- Very
tisfied Dissa-
Question No.