Advancements in Full Authority Digital Engine Electronic Controller (FADEC) Technology
Advancements in Full Authority Digital Engine Electronic Controller (FADEC) Technology
Advancements in Full Authority Digital Engine Electronic Controller (FADEC) Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- The Full Authority Digital Engine Electronic II. BLOCK DIAGRAM
Controller (FADEC) is an essential Computerized
system utilized in managing aircraft engine operation. Its
importance lies in ensuring the safety and reliability of
air travel, making it a critical component of modern
aviation. Compared to traditional engine control
systems, the FADEC system offers increased efficiency,
accuracy, and reliability. The continuous research efforts
aimed at enhancing its capabilities make it an
indispensable technology in the aviation industry. This
paper provides an overview of FADEC technology,
highlighting its advantages, block diagram,
advancements, and anticipated future advancements.