SPX3819 Ldo
SPX3819 Ldo
SPX3819 Ldo
Specifications with standard type are for an Operating Junction Temperature of TJ = 25°C only; limits applying over the full
Operating Junction Temperature range are denoted by a “•”. Minimum and Maximum limits are guaranteed through test,
design, or statistical correlation. Typical values represent the most likely parametric norm at TJ = 25°C, and are provided for
reference purposes only. Unless otherwise indicated, VIN = VOUT + 1V (VIN = VOUT + 1.2V for 1.2V option), IL = 100µA, CL =
1µF, VEN ≥ 2.5V, TA= TJ = 25°C.
Pin # Pin # Pin #
Name Description
Part Number Operating Temperature Range Lead-Free Package Packaging Method
SPX3819M5-L-3-3/TR -40°C≤TJ≤+125°C Yes(2) Tape & Reel
1. Refer to www.maxlinear.com/SPX3819 for most up-to-date Ordering Information
2. Visit www.maxlinear.com for additional information on Environmental Rating.
Fig. 3: Ground Current vs Load Current Fig. 4: Ground Current vs Input Voltage
Fig. 5 Ground Current vs Load Current in Dropout Fig. 6 Output Voltage vs Input Voltage
Fig. 7 Dropout Voltage vs Load Current Fig. 8 Output Voltage vs Load Current
Fig. 9 Ground Current vs Temperature with 100μA Load Fig. 10 Ground Current vs Temperature with 50mA Load
Fig. 11 Ground Current vs Temperature with 500mA Load Fig. 12 Ground Current vs Temperature in Dropout
Fig. 13 ENABLE Voltage, ON threshold, vs Input Voltage Fig. 14 Output Voltage vs Temperature
Fig. 15 Output Noise vs Bypass Capacitor Value IL = 10mA, Fig. 16 Line Transient Response for 3.3V Device
10Hz - 100kHz
The SPX3819 requires an output capacitor for capacitor works in most application circuits, but
device stability. Its value depends upon the the same stability often can be obtained with a
application circuit. In general, linear regulator 1μF tantalum electrolytic.
stability decreases with higher output currents. With the SPX3819 adjustable version, the
In applications where the SPX3819 is sourcing minimum value of output capacitance is a
less current, a lower output capacitance may be function of the output voltage. The value
sufficient. For example, a regulator outputting decreases with higher output voltages, since
only 10mA, requires approximately half the closed loop gain is increased.
capacitance as the same regulator sourcing
Bench testing is the best method for
For fixed voltage options only. A 10nF capacitor
determining the proper type and value of the
on the BYP pin will significantly reduce output
capacitor since the high frequency
noise, but it may be left unconnected if the
characteristics of electrolytic capacitors vary
output noise is not a major concern. The
widely, depending on type and manufacturer. A
SPX3819 start-up speed is inversely
high quality 2.2μF aluminum electrolytic
proportional to the size of the BYP capacitor.
7/13 Rev. 2.0.5
500mA Low-Noise LDO Voltage Regulator
Applications requiring a slow rampup of the The SPX3819 in Figure 19 illustrates a typical
output voltage should use a larger CBYP. adjustable output voltage configuration. Two
However, if a rapid turn-on is necessary, the resistors (R1 and R2) set the output voltage.
BYP capacitor can be omitted. The output voltage is calculated using the
The SPX3819’s internal reference is available
through the BYP pin. VOUT = 1.235V x [1 + R1/R2]
Figure 18 represents a SPX3819 standard R2 must be >10kΩ and for best results, R2
application circuit. The EN (enable) pin is pulled should be between 22kΩ and 47kΩ.
high (>2.0V) to enable the regulator. To disable
the regulator, EN < 0.4V.
Revision Date Description
Reformat of Datasheet
2.0.0 08/23/12
Addition of SPX3819R2-L and SPX3819R2-L/TR part numbers
2.0.1 12/02/13 Added Storage Temperature Range and Junction Temperature in ABS MAX Ratings.
Updated package drawings and corrected DFN-8 package marking information
2.0.2 05/20/14
[ECN 1423-03 6/3/14]
2.0.3 08/31/16 Updated logo and Ordering Information table.
Update to MaxLinear logo. Updated format and Ordering Information. Clarified ADJ and
2.0.4 07/19/18
BYP pin. Correct y-axis on Figure 14. Updated ESD rating.
2.0.5 12/05/19 Corrected table alignment on last 5 specs of the Electrical Specifications table.
5966 La Place Court
Suite 100
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Tel.: +1 (760) 692-0711
Fax: +1 (760) 444-8598
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Authorized Distributor
SPX3819S-L/TR SPX3819M5-L-2-5/TR SPX3819S-L-5-0/TR SPX3819M5-L-3-3/TR SPX3819M5-L-1-8/TR
SPX3819M5-L-1-5/TR SPX3819R2-L-1-2/TR SPX3819M5-L-1-2/TR SPX3819M5-L-3-0/TR SPX3819R2-L/TR
SPX3819M5-L-5-0/TR SPX3819M5-L/TR