Causes of Drinking Alcohol
Causes of Drinking Alcohol
Causes of Drinking Alcohol
Practical Research 1
A lot of people tell you that alcohol is bad for you, that it
makes you say or do dumb things, that you can get overly emotional
or get into fight. Nowadays, some of the students has an experience
in drinking alcoholic beverages, Why do they choose to get drunk
than doing activities and homeworks in school? even though that the
alcohol has a diseases in our body.The main psychoactive in
alcoholic drinks is Ethanol(reffered as alcohol),generally ethanol is
the substance that makes you drunk. Alcohol can have powerful
effects on your mood and mental state.Drinking too much even once
can cause people to make poor life choices. When individuals
drink,alcohol begins to interface with the communication pathways in
the brain which can cause mood swings,memorylapses,change in
behavior,lost of coordination and an inactivity to think clearly.
Practical Research 1
blood flow)alcohol can reduce your risk of diabetes. Alcohol is
depressant which is low doses causes euphoria reduces anxiety,
and improve sociability. In higher doses it causes drunkness,
consciousness or death,long term use can lead alcohol
abuse,cancer,physical dependence and alcoholism. Alcohol is one
of the most recreational drugs in the world with about 33℅ of people
being current drinkers. In the present, most of the student is addicted
in alcoholic drinks. They choose to get drunk than attending in
school, it is cause of the ditching of the students In school. Serious
alcohol are use among youth has significant neurogical
consequences, alcohol damages areas of the brain that responsible
for learning, memory,verbal skill and visual spatial cognition.
Scientist know that the alcohol problems are tied to lower grades,
poor attendance and increases dropout rates. The 2002 National
Household Survey on Drug Abuse, a federal study found that as
rates of alcohol use by 12 to 17 year old increases grade point
average decrease 3 middle schools student whose peers avoids
using alcohol and other drugs score higher on state. Why do student
drink alcoholic beverages? What are the cause? Maybe because of
the problem in their family,social status or because of the schooling.
How does problem drinking affect young people in schooling?
Drinking can affect the biological development at young people as
well as their school related achievement and behavior.
In this research the researcher will find out the main reasons and
causes of alcoholism in a student we will study their opinions. Why
does most of the student are addicted to it.
Practical Research 1
Practical Research 1
The only research in this book—indeed in the alcoholism field
at large—that substantially predicts actual human drinking are the
interactional models that rely heavily on the social level; that is,
ethnic, family, and peer group behavior. However, as Sadava
indicates, this research reveals that "problem drinking tends to be
self-correcting and reverses well short of clinical syndromes of
alcoholism." This is because aberrant, excessive behavior lessens
with the growth in real-world options people experience for the most
part as they mature. Unfortunately, research and theory at this level
is noticeably absent from this book. Although several chapter—on
personality, social learning, self-awareness, self-handicapping—
indicate the need for problem drinkers to develop alternate means of
coping, they say little about how people move in this direction. Such
a model fits well with the expectations and environmental and social
effects shown conclusively to play a role in drinking and alcoholism.
Reciprocal determinism describes how problematic drinking, despite
its negative consequences, paradoxically exacerbates the motivation
to drink. ." At the same time, they urge consideration of simultaneous
excessive behaviors that often accompany alcohol abuse:
"Alcoholics are known for their prodigious use of coffee and
cigarettes. Among adolescent problem drinkers, the use of other
drugs is quite common." The editors and many of the contributors
seem to be calling for a consideration of individual and social values
in excessive drinking and related behavior. Yet, reflecting a
deficiency in modern psychology, the book says little about the
values that determine such life choices. Social learning theory has
by now been classified as a "traditional approach," and ends the first
section of the book.. : Cognitive variables "play an integral role in
determining drug effects and in an individual's choice to use or not
use a drug." Happily, given the centrality of this chapter's topic, it is a
model of strong writing, explication of theory and research, and
Practical Research 1
application. It also melds survey and epidemiological data with
laboratory experimentation.
The researcher conducted some words or key terms that are
related in this data it helps the reader to have knowledge and
understanding in this research.
Alcoholic - containing or relating to alcoholic liquor.
Attitude -a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or
something, typically one that is reflected in a person's behavior.
Behavior - way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially
toward others.
Beverage- a drink, especially one other than water.
Community- .a group of people living in the same place or having a
particular characteristic in common.
Disease- a structure or function in a human, animal, or plant,
especially one that produces disorder of specific signs or symptoms
Practical Research 1
or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of
physical injury.
1.What is the
demographic profile
of the participants in
terms of:
1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
2.What are the
cause of drinking
alcohol to the
Practical Research 1
This Literature review paper is about underage drinking and driving and
the truth behind it. It goes into depth on how the drinking age in the United
States effects the youth when they visit other countries who have the drinking
ages lower then in the U.S. It also answers the question if binge drinking has
more impact on a persons health at a younger age such as 12-16 vs the ages
of 15-21? It tells what the government is doing to prevent underage drinking
in the United States.
Practical Research 1
half of underage drinkers have some form of false identification to obtain
alcohol making the parties and gatherings they have with friends more
dangerous (Wagenaar). Kevin Moritsugu from the U.S. Department of Health
states, “ Kids are drinking in varies places do to the fact that it is illegal,
causing them to get into more trouble”. Studies have shown that 13-15 year
olds are at higher risk to begin drinking depending on the people they
hangout with and their lifestyle. Some even find that alcohol can affect the
brain in a positive by drinking on a regular basis (Nixon). Studies have also
shown that long-term binge drinking affects women more than men making
women more vulnerable to the effects of alcohol (S.J. Nixon). Conclusions
such as that have also been proven to be inaccurate because women have
been reported to be drinking excessively for about half as long as most men
have been. People who binge drink run the risk of developing serious and
persistent changes in the brain. It may be a result of the direct effects of
alcohol on the brain or may result indirectly, from a poor general health status
or from severe liver disease (Crowne).
Practical Research 1
social inequalities include not only SES but also age, gender, ethnicity, and
living arrangements.Consistent with previous studies, our final logistic
regression models found significant differences in alcohol use and alcohol-
related problems between the genders; male students had a higher level of
alcohol use and alcohol-related problems than female students. These
findings agree with a similar report conducted as part of the Youth Risk
Behavior Surveillance Studies in the United States that showed that gender
differences were significant for current alcohol use and that boys may be
more likely to use alcohol repeatedly they were also consistent with a
previous study in Taiwan that reported that the rate of alcohol use among
boys was considerably higher than that among girls. This gender difference is
most likely related to the fact that, unlike girls, boys are more likely to engage
in certain risky behaviors and dangerous activities, such as alcohol use.
In the United States, one in four individuals between the ages of 12 and 20
drinks alcohol on a monthly basis, and a similar proportion of 12 th graders
consumes five or more drinks in a row at least once every two weeks. This
question is fundamental and timely, given recent research showing that
underage drinkers are susceptible to the immediate consequences of alcohol
use, including blackouts, hangovers, and alcohol poisoning, and are at
elevated risk of neurodegeneration (particularly in regions of the brain
responsible for learning and memory), impairments in functional brain activity,
and neurocognitive defects (Zeigler et al., 2007) Alcohol use could
conceivably affect a student’s quality of learning and academic performance
regardless of its impact on school completion. This possibility is suggested
by Renna (2008), who uses a research design similar to that used by and
finds that although binge drinking does not affect high school completion
rates, it does significantly increase the probability that a student graduates
with a GED rather than a high school diploma. Drinking could affect learning
through a variety of mechanisms. Recent neurological research suggests that
Practical Research 1
underage drinking can impair learning directly by causing alterations in the
structure and function of the developing brain with consequences reaching far
beyond adolescence (Brown et al., 2007) Negative effects of alcohol use can
emerge in areas such as planning and executive functioning, memory, spatial
operations, and attention Alcohol use could also affect performance by
reducing the number of hours committed to studying, completing homework
assignments, and attending school.
People The evidence suggests that there are a number of risk factors
associated with alcohol misuse by children and young people. These include:
• a genetic predisposition (generational transmission)
• physical and sexual abuse in childhood, which may lead to later drinking
early behavior problems in children, which may place them at especially high
risk of alcohol problems, particularly if there is a family history of alcohol
Practical Research 1
• heavy and binge drinking by young people can be a mechanism for coping
with stress or anxiety
The findings of this study show that alcohol marketing strategies in the
Philippines through providing free alcohol to youth and through print and
television media appear to reach a relatively large population of youth. These
findings regarding the association between provision of free alcohol to youth
and self-reports of drunkenness, These alcohol marketing practices, aimed
directly to children, have been banned in other countries and have important
policy implications for countries where such bans do not exist. The
implications of the empirical findings from the current study clearly indicate
that stricter policies to prevent underage alcohol advertisements are needed.
Such measures need to be urgently considered and applied given the
frequency and levels of exposure to alcohol marketing, in particular, the free
distribution of alcohol to youths
Practical Research 1
Some students may attend college with conventional drinking habits, and the
thrill in the college atmosphere itself aggravates the problem. In fact, statistics
say around 20% of college students suffer from Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)
Drinking has negative effects on college students, their families, and their
respective colleges. According to an extensive research from the National
Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAA) in 2015, drinking has been
prevalent among 86.4% of students ages 18 and above. The same report
noted that 1,825 college students 18 to 24 years old lost their lives due to
alcohol-related road accidents. Roughly 97,000 students in the same age
range have been involved in sexual assaults and rape due to excessive
drinking. Don’t hangout with drinkers Furthermore, spontaneous drinking is
more common among students who stay in dormitories as well as those who
are members of fraternities and sororities compared to students who live with
their families.Parental influence is also considered as one of the factors
affecting the student’s tendency to drink impulsively. Reports have also
shown that students avoid drinking because their parents have properly
oriented them regarding the adverse consequences of impulsive alcohol
consumption. Alcohol, when taken in moderation, is associated
with some health benefits. Numerous prospective studies have established
the effect of moderate alcohol drinking in lowering the risk of heart attack,
ischemic stroke, peripheral vascular disease and cardiovascular mortality.
This chapter clearly defines the research methods used to conduct the study.
The researcher explains how the necessary data and information to address
the research objectives and questions was collected,
presented and analyzed.
Practical Research 1
This study is an example of Qualitative Reaseach it focuses in the
opinions, views, and experiences of a students about alcohol this data
help us understand social life through the study.
This research study focuses in the Senior High Students who has an
experience in alcoholic beverages there are 10 students of Saint Vincent
College City of Cabuyao .
The researchers ask first the concent of the participant s and their advisory
teacher class of each different section of grade 11/12 students of SVCC for
the interview and made a letter for the approval to conduct a study. The
interview will occur at 11am and 5 pm.The proponents makes use of a
written questionnaire and ask the interviewee some various question about
The researcher observes that the respondents answers the questionnaire not
with their full attention because that time they had a lot of work papers to
do.The researcher notice that the some female respondennts is confuse with
their answers.
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Chapter 4
Practical Research 1
chapter also contains the presentation of data in tabular form along with their
corresponding interpretation.
This table presents the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of, age,It
has 10 participants,9 respondents with age 16 -17 yrs old and 1 respondents with
age 18.
This table presents the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of,
gender it has 10 respondents 4 male and 6 female respondents .
11-GAS 2
Practical Research 1
2.What are your reasons of drinking alcohol?
2 “family,problem,stress”
The researcher notice that the most of them answered “problem” and it represent the
highlight color yellow, there are 10 respondents and half of them answer problem as
Practical Research 1
a reason of drinking alcohol.The highlight color gray represent the answer of
respondents 3 and 9 that it is beacause of “influence of friend” To have some fun,is
the reason of 1 and 8 the researcher highlighted it color red.Broken,stress,to being
relax and to escape the reality is the reason of other respoondents too.
Respodents 2 “problem”
Respondents 3 “problem”
Respondents 6 “problems”
Respondents 9 “problema”
RRL: early exposure to drinking alcohol, which may increase the risk of problematic
drinking in adolescence.
1 “sick,lazy,fat body”
2 “nalalasing,nagwawala,aksidente”
3 “sickness,waste of money,hangover”
Practical Research 1
studies because of absentism”
7 “becomes aggressive,becomes
dizzy,your tummy became bigger”
8 “kidney prolem,highblood,cause heart
“masama sa
kalusugan,nakakapagbaya sa pag
9 aaral,mahirap pigilan pag natikman
“sasakit yung ulo,maaring
10 magkasakit atay,nakakabuo ng
bata,batang ama.”
Respondents 1 “sick “
Respondents 3 “Sickness”
Respondents 3 “hangover”
Respondents 5 “hangover”
Respondents 6 “hangover”
Practical Research 1
RELATED RRL:This question is fundamental and timely, given recent research
showing that underage drinkers are susceptible to the immediate consequences of
alcohol use, including blackouts, hangovers, and alcohol poisoning, and are at
elevated risk of neurodegeneration (particularly in regions of the brain responsible
for learning and memory), impairments in functional brain activity.
5 problema”
“lightheaded,always lauhghing,addiction”
6 “wala naman advantage ang alak kase
masama ito sa kalusugan”
7 “gumaganda and daloy ng
dugo,nagpapatanggal ng
8 “release problem,
9 “malilimutan mo ang problema,
nakakapagbigay ng lakas ng
loob,pamatay ng germs sa katawan”
10 “magiging masaya,makakalimutan ang
problema’magpafunction ng maayos ang
Practical Research 1
Respondents 4 “marelax”
Respondents 7 “nakakapagpa relax”
Respondents 8 “makapagsaya”
Respondents 10 “magiging masaya”
RRL: Alcohol can make you relax and forgets some problems, when taken in
moderation, is associated with some health benefits. ... Numerous prospective
studies have established the effect of moderate alcohol drinking in lowering the risk
of heart attack, ischemic stroke, peripheral vascular disease and cardiovascular
Practical Research 1
Most of the respondent answered that they should avoid their friends with bad
habits, respondents 7 answered that we should drink moderately,and occationaly
and don’t drink while youre going to drive to avoid accidents.
Practical Research 1
This chapter presents the summary or the research work,undertaken.The conclusion
drawn and the recommendation made as an outgrowth of this study.This is an study
of the students causes of drinking alcohol perceived of SHS students.
Summary of Findings
There are 9 respondents with age 16-17 years old and 1 respondents with age 18
years old,In terms of gender there are 5 male and 5 female respondents while in
terms of grade and strand there are 8 participants of 11-HE and 2 from 11-Gas.
The most mention answer in the question what are your reasons o dring alcohol is
“problem” half of the respondents answer it as a reason while the most reasonable
answer is from Mia she said that “to escape from reality and temporarily forget the
problem and accusations” 2 respondents said that they get drunk to have
fun,because of friends,family,stress,broken,celebration,to being relax is answered by
the respondents too,the most common answer “influence of friends”is answered by 2
Practical Research 1
It can helps to circulate our blood,releasing problem,stress removal,respondents 9
said that it can helps us build self-confidence and kill germs in our body,most of
them answered that it can make them happy and helps them to forget.Resp#10 said
that it can helps our brain to function properly,gave us long life but respondent #6
believes that alcohol doesn’t have advantage because it is bad for our health.
Most of them answered that we should avoid drinking or circle of friends who are
drinking but respondent 10 said that we shouldn’t get in a relationship to avoid
According to the experience of the respondents and the findings of the study they
seems to problematic but they always choose to get drunk than solving their
problems ,having fun with their friends is one of the goals of teenagers ,in terms of
celebrations and gatherings alcohol can’t replace because in this generation alcohol
is part of our life.In the age student nowadays they encounter to be broken hearted
in a relationship and when they can’t express their feelings they get drunk to boost
their confidence.Family can cause of of drunkness because of pressure of family..
The most common effect of alcohol is hangover,headache and lack of sleep to the
respondents that affects their studies too because of absents and lates that make
them skip their classes that damages their grades in school.Physical appearance
can classified as a good or bad effects of alcohol,fat body is advantage for the
resp.but it can make our tummy bigger.Kidney failure,heart attack,highblood is the
sickness or diseases alcohol can gaves,accidents is the common effect of
alcohol,being a father or mother is a part of accident alcohol gives too.
Practical Research 1
To forget,maybe the respondents cant carry their problems and thoughts properly so
they taking advantage in alcohol,being happy for bad happenings that the
respondents encounter.Alcohol can also help our body,circulates our blood function
our brain properly and gave us long life,alcohol doesn’t have advantage according to
respondents6 because she only feels disadvantage when she get drunk.
The respondents choose to avoid or stay away in their friends who are addicted in
alcohol and avoiding drinking
1 The researchers recommends that they should solve their problem first and don’t
be so confident that alcohol is the one that can helps them.
2.They should be aware in the disadvantage of alcohol because it cant solve our
problems and challenges that the respondents alwalys encounter.
3.The respondents shouldn’t be so hopeful that alcohol can help them don’t always
believe in the sayings.
4.The respondents should avoid in alcohol and in their friends who are drinking.
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