Semi Finals in Grade 7 Science
Semi Finals in Grade 7 Science
Semi Finals in Grade 7 Science
Department of Education
Directions: Read and analyze the statement/questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on
your paper.
2. Which of the following does not belong to the special names of latitude?
A. Equator C. Tropic of Cancer
B. Prime Meridian D. Tropic of Capricorn
7. Which among the following fossil fuels produces the least carbon when burned?
A. Coal C. Crude oil
B. Solar D. Natural gas
10. Which of the following were formed from decayed plants and animals that lived on Earth millions of
years ago?
A. Solar and crude oil C. Geothermal and coal
B. Natural gas and coal D. Hydropower and wind
11. Which energy resource comes from the heat derived from magma within the sub surface of the earth?
A. Geothermal C. Wind
B. Solar D. Fossil fuels
12. Which energy resource comes from the heat of the Sun?
A. Geothermal C. Wind
B. Solar D. Fossil fuels
14. Why does atmospheric temperature increase with altitude in the stratosphere? Because
A. it is closer to the sun.
B. it is under a lot of pressure.
C. of the presence of the ozone layer.
D. it is less dense than the troposphere.
16. What is the correct sequence of the layers of the atmosphere from the ground up to the space?
A. Troposphere – Stratosphere – Mesosphere – Thermosphere – Exosphere
B. Exosphere – Thermosphere – Mesosphere – Stratosphere – Troposphere
C. Troposphere – Stratosphere – Thermosphere – Mesosphere – Exosphere
D. Exosphere – Mesosphere – Thermosphere – Stratosphere – Troposphere
19. During daytime, the warm air rises and the cold air from the sea blows toward the land to replace
the rising warm air. What is being referred to by the statement?
A. Corioli’s Effect C. Land Breeze
B. Earth’s Rotation D. Sea Breeze
Land Sea
21. Adjacent land and sea surfaces have the same temperature at sunrise on a clear sunny day. The land
and water are heated by the sun. Which cross section shows the direction of surface winds that will develop
at the sea shore?
22. Why do breezes occur?
A. It occurs due to the differences in the composition of gases.
B. It occurs due to the uneven heating of the earth’s surface.
C. It occurs due to the presence of air pollutants.
D. It occurs due to the differences in resources.
28. Which pole is pointed towards the Sun when the northern hemisphere is experiencing winter?
A. North Pole C. Both Poles
B. South Pole D. None of the two poles
29. What season does the southern hemisphere experience when it is winter in the northern hemisphere?
A. Fall C. Summer
B. Spring D. Winter
31. Which month of the year the Philippines is likely to experience longer days than nights?
A. April, Dry Season C. December, Dry Season
B. April, Wet Season D. December, Wet Season
32. What season is taking place in the southern hemisphere when Earth is in location 1 on the illustration
A. Fall C. Summer
B. Spring D. Winter
33. Which statement is TRUE if an oblique angle of the sun’s rays hits the ground?
A. The rays are vertical or perpendicular to the ground.
B. It will result to more heat being absorbed by the Earth’s surface.
C. Each square meter of the ground receives a lesser amount of solar energy.
D. Each square meter of the ground receives a greater amount of solar energy.
34. Which of the following best describes the tilting or slanting position of the Earth in the Northern
hemisphere when it is summer in southern hemisphere?
A. Away from the Sun C. Towards or away from the Sun
B. Towards the Sun D. Neither toward or away from the Sun
35. Which hemisphere receives direct rays from the Sun in the month of June?
I. Northern hemisphere
II. Southern hemisphere
III. Northern and Southern hemispheres
A. I only C. III only
B. II only D. I,II, and III
36. What angle do “direct rays” of the sun hit the ground?
A. 30 degrees C. 90 degrees
B. 60 degrees D. 120 degrees
39. When the Earth has moved farther along its orbit, the North Pole will then be tilted away from the Sun.
Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE to happen in the Northern hemisphere?
A. Nighttime will be longer than daytime.
B. Nighttime will be shorter than daytime.
C. The result is winter in Northern hemisphere.
D. It has a shorter time for heating up and longer time to cool down
46. What do you see when the Earth is in the moon’s umbra?
A. Partial lunar eclipse C. Total lunar eclipse
B. Partial solar eclipse D. Total solar eclipse
47. Which phase of the moon can a solar eclipse take place?
A. First quarter C. Last quarter
B. Full moon D. New moon
49. What is the correct alignment of celestial bodies during a lunar eclipse?
A. Earth – Sun – Moon C. Sun – Earth – Moon
B. Moon – Sun – Earth D. Sun – Moon – Earth
50. During a lunar eclipse, a dark circle seems to cover up the Moon. What is being referred to by the dark
A. Sun C. Sun’s shadow
B. Earth D. Earth’s shadow