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CIVIL/EEE – I Semester (2018-19)

1. (a) Explain about various input and output devices of a computer (5m)
(b). What is Central Processing Unit (CPU) in a computer? Explain about various components
and their functions of CPU. (5m)
2. (a) Explain about algorithm and its characteristics (5m)
(b). Discuss the steps in program development (5m)
3. (a) Explain about Application and System Software (5m)
(b). Explain about Procedure oriented programming languages in detail (5m)
4. (a) Explain about Object Oriented Programming languages in detail(5m)
(b) Discuss about different computer languages with examples (5m)
5. Explain the steps in software development process (10m)


1. (a) (a) List the basic data types, their sizes and range of values supported by ‘C’ language.
(b) What do you mean by operator precedence and associativity? How one can override the
Precedence defined by C language? Give illustrative examples (5m)
(b) Explain the various data types available in C-language (5m)
2. (a) Explain all arithmetic operations available in C-language with examples (5m)
(b) Explain about type conversion and casting with suitable examples. Also write the type conversion
rules in C-language (5m)
3. (a) Explain about Assignment operator in C-language with suitable examples (5m)
(b) Explain about conditional operator in C- language with suitable examples (5m)
4. (a) Explain about the various Unary operators available in C-language with suitable examples (5m)
(b) Explain about the various logical operators available in C-language with suitable examples (5m)
5. (a) Explain about the various relational and equality operators available in C-language with suitable
Examples (5m)
(b) Write a constant? Explain the different constants available in C-language with suitable examples. (5m)

1. (a) a) What is meant by type conversion? Why is necessary? Explain about implicit and explicit
type conversion with examples.
(b) Explain different relational operators available in C language with examples. (5m)
(b). Explain different looping statements with syntax and examples (5m)
2. (a) Differentiate between else-if and switch? Explain with an example? (5m)
(b) Write a C-program to swap the given two numbers without using a third variable(5m)
3. (a) What is the purpose of do-while and while loops? Discuss about their usage. Distinguish between
Both of them (5m)
.(b) An integer is divisible by 9 if the sum of its digits also divisible by 9. Write a C program (5m)

4. (a) Write a program to verify whether the given number is prime number or not? (5m)
(b) Write a program to find the single digit sum of a given number (5m)
5. Explain the switch –case-default control statements with various options along with suitable examples. 10M


1. (a) Explain the terms user defined functions and predefined functions(5m)
(b) Differentiate between iteration and recursion (5m)
2. (a) Explain the auto and register storage classes with suitable examples(5m)
(b) Explain the static and extern storage classes with suitable examples (5m)
3. (a) Explain about recursive functions with suitable examples (5m)
(b) Write a C program to find factorial of a given number using recursive functions (5m)
4. (a) Write a program to for Tower’s of Hanoi using recursion? (5m)
(b) Define a function for determining whether a given character is a vowel or not(5m)
5. (a) Write a program to find largest of three given numbers using functions? (5m)
(b) Explain about function prototypes and function scope rules with suitable examples? (5m)


1. (a) Write a program to check whether the given string is palindrome or not? (5m)
(b) What is an array? How to initialize 1D and 2D arrays? Discuss about the advantage and
disadvantages of arrays (5m)
2. (a) Write a program to find the biggest and smallest elements of an array with their positions? (5m)
(b) Explain about 2-Dim array initialization in C-language with suitable examples (5m)
3. (a) Write a program to traverse a single dimensional array (5m)
(b) Write a C program for matrix multiplication with sufficient conditions (5m)
4. (a) Write a program to create an array of 10 cells. Accept the data into the first 9 cells and store the
sum in the 10th cell using functions (5m)
(b). Write a program to traverse a two dimensional array (5m)
5. Explain the following string functions with suitable examples or programs
strcat () , strcmp(), strcpy(), strlen(), strrev(). (10 m)

1 .(a) Write about call by value mechanism with suitable example? (5m)
(b). Write about call by reference mechanism with suitable example? (5m)
2. (a) Explain about malloc() and calloc() functions with suitable example(5m)
(b). Explain about realloc() and free() functions with suitable example(5m)
3. (a) Explain about dangling memory and memory leak with suitable examples (5m)
(b). Write a C program to explain the concept of pointer arithmetic 5m)
4. (a) Define a structure in C language? Explain the storage of structure elements in memory(5m)
(b). Define a union in C language? Explain the storage of union elements in memory (5m)
5. (a) Explain about fread() and fwrite() functions with suitable example? (5m)
(b).Write a program to merge any two files? (5m)
6. (a) Discuss various valid arithmetic operations that can be performed on pointers in C.
(b) Explain the following functions in file operations:
(i) getw( ) (ii) putw() (iii) fscanf( ) (iv) fprintf( )
I B.Tech Question Bank

Subject : Engineering Chemistry Branch:CIVIL


1. (a) Write the Suspension and Emulsion polymerisation? 6M

(b) Explain the stereo specific polymers? 4M
2. (a)Write the differences between thermo plastics and thermosetting plastics. 4M
(b)Explain the fabrication methods of Plastics? 6M
3. Write the (a) Preparation and properties of Bakelite and BUNA-S 6M
(b) Vulcanisation 4M
4. Explain the (a) Biodegradable polymers? 5M
(b) Fibre Reinforced plastics? 5M
5. Explain the mechanism of (a) Free radical polymerisation 4M
(b) Ionic Polymerisation 3M
(c) Compounding of plastics? 3M


1. (a )Define the CalorificValue, LCV and HCV of a fuel? 4M

(b) Describe how the Calorific value of a solid fuel is determined using a bomb calorimeter?6M
2. Explain the a) Proximate analysis of coal? 5M
b) Ultimate analysis of coal? 5M
3. (a)Write a note on (a) Octane Number and Cetane Number? 4M
(b) Find HCV and LCV of a coal sample containing: 75% C; 10% H2; 8% O2; 5% N2 and 2%S and remaining is ash.
Assume latent heat of steam.6M
4. Define the (a)Petrol Knocking and Diesel Knockig ?4M
(b)Refining of petroleum.6M
5. (a)Write a brief note on RDX and TNT ?4M (b)Explain
the Natural gas, LPG and CNG? 6M

1. Explain the (a) Standard hydrogen electrode and Calomel electrode.7M

(b) Electrochemical series?3M
2. Define the (a) Single electrode potential and give its significance?3M
(b) Lithium cells? 7M
I B.Tech Question Bank

Subject : Engineering Chemistry Branch : CIVIL

3. (a)Explain the galvanic cell? 5M

(b)Define corrosion? Write the factors effecting the corrosion? 5M
4. Discuss the mechanism of corrosion?10M
5. Explain the (a) Cathodic protection?6M
(b) Galvanization and Tinning? 4M


1. Explain the (a) BET and TEM for the preparation of Nano materials? 6M
(b) Applications of Nanomaterials3M
2. Write a detailed account on the (a) Types of superconductors.6M
(b) R4M4 principles in green chemistry?4M
3. Write a detailed account on the (a)Preparations, and properties of carbon nano tubes.6M (b)Preparations of
Fullerene 4M
4. (a)What is the green Chemistry? Write the principles of green chemistry?6M
(b) Write any two methods of synthesis of compounds by using green chemistry? 4M
5. Write the (a) Sol-gel method for the preparation of Nano materials? 5M
(b) Engineering application of superconductors? 4M
1. (a)What are boiler troubles? 6M
(b)Explain how to minimize the problems that are obtained by Caustic embrittlement.4M
2. Explain the Electrodialysis and Reverse Osmosis methods for the desalination of brackish water?(5M+5M)
3. (a)What is the Hardness of water? Explain the types of Hardness of water softening water? (b)How can
determine Hardness of water using by E.D.T.A?10M

4. Explain the softening water by (i)Lime-Soda process.5M

(ii) Ziolite process.5M
5. a) Calculate the total hardness of a sample of water having the following analysis:
I B.Tech Question Bank

Subject : Engineering Chemistry Branch: CIVIL

Ca(HCO3)2: 20 mg/litre, Mg(HCO3)2 : !5 mg/lit., CaCl2 : 11 mg/lit, & Ca(NO3)2 : 16 mg/lit. Express the
results as ppm and OClarke. 6M
(b) Write notes on ‘Priming and Foaming’ and ‘Caustic embrittlement’. 4M


1. What is Refractory? Give the charecterstics and properties?10M

2. Write the (a)Composition of Portland cement?5M
(b)Setting and hardening of cement?5M
3. Write notes on the decay of cement concrete?10M
4. Write the (a)Applications of Electrical and Thermal insulators?5M (b)Working of
Methyl alcohol–Oxygen alkaline fuel cell ?5M

5. What is a fuel cell? Describe the working of Methanol –Oxygen fuel cell ?(2+8)M

UNIT – 1
1. a. List coloumb’s laws of fry friction? [3M]
b. State and prove Varignon’s Theorem [4M]
c. Differentiate between static friction and kinetic friction [3M]
2. a. Explain the term force and list its characteristics [5M]
b. State and explain law of transmissibility of forces [5M]
3. a. Define cone of friction and explain it with a neat diagram? [4M]
b. Define and explain
i. Angle of friction
ii. Angle of repose
4. a. Discuss about position vector of a given point? [4M]
b. write a brief to find the resultant of parallel forces? [6M]
5. a Define
i. Limiting Friction
ii. Coefficient of Frcition [2+2]
b. Explain
i. Moment of a force
ii. Couple [3+3]
6. Forces P1,P2,P3,P4 of magnitudes 10KN, 20KN, 25KN and 40 KN are concurrent in space and
are directed through the points A(3,2,5), B(1,7,4), C(4,-2,4) and D(-2,4,-3) respectively.
Determine the resultant of system of forces. Given the system of forces are concurrent at origin
7. a. What is friction and give the different types of friction? Explain in detail [6M]
b.What do you mean by coplanar concurrent force system? Explain with suitable example [4M]

UNIT – 2
1. a. What is converse law of triangle law of forces? [3M]
b. what is converse law of polygon law of forces? [3M]
c. Discuss free body diagrams with example [4M]

2. a. State and prove Lami’s theorem? [6M]

b. Discuss the graphical method to find the equilibrium of coplanar forces? [4M]
3. a. Discuss the analytical method to determine the resultant of forces with the help of an
example [6M]
b. What is Triangle law of forces? Explain [4M]
4. a. How do you find the resultant when the parallel forces are not acting in the same direction?
Explain with neat diagram [5M]
b. What are the equations of equilibrium of forces for coplanar system? List and discuss [5M]
5. a. What are the types of parallel forces? And also explain [5M]
b. What is method of Resolution of forces? [5M]
6. The resultant of two forces, one of which is double the other is 260N. If the direction of the
larger force is reversed and the other remains unaltered, the resultant reduces to 180N. Determine
the magnitude of the forces and the angle between the forces [10M]
7. a. What are copalar forces? Classify them and explain them in brief [6M]
b. Define
i. Resultant
ii. Force System
iii. Dynamic Equilibrium
iv. Concurrent

UNIT – 3
1. a. State and prove Pappus Thorem – I [7M]
b. Discuss about Centroids [3M]
2. a. How do you find the centroid of a composite figure? Explain with a diagram [5M]
b. State amd prove Second theorem of Pappus [5M]
3. a. Determine the centroid of a triangle [7M]
b. Define axis of symmetry and explain it with neat diagram [3M]
4. a.Determine the centroid of Semi Circle [5M]
b. Determine the centroid of a Sector [5M]
5. a. Determine the centroid of a parabolic spandrel [6M]
b. Determine the centroid of a rectangle [4M]
6. a. What is centre of gravity of a body? Explain in detail [5M]
b. What are the differences between centroid and centre of gravity of a body [5M]
7. a . How do you determine the centroid of a body? Write down the formulae [6M]
b. Where does the centroid of the following figures lie theoretically?
i. Triangle
ii. Rectangle
ii. Circle
iv. Rod [4M]
UNIT – 4

1. Derive the transfer forumula or tranfer theorem or parallel axis theorem? [10]
2. a. Express the mass moment of interia of a thin plate in terms of its area moment of interia [5]
b. Derive the transfer formula for product of interia [5]
3. a. What is polar moment of inertia? [3]
b. Derive the Mass Moment of inertia of a rectangular plate [7]
4. a. Derive the moment of interia of a triangle about the centroidal axis, x-x parallel to the base using
parallel axis theorem [7]
b. What is radius of gyration? Explain it briefly [3]
5. a. Derive the moment of interia of circle about its diametral axis [8]
b. What is mass moment of interia? Expain in detail [2]
6. Derive the moment of inertia of a rectangle about the
a. Centroidal axis [5]
b. Base [5]
7. Derive the moment of inertia of a semicircle about the
a. Diametral axis [5]
b. Base [5]

UNIT – 5:

1. a. what is the relation between linear velocity and angular velocity [4]
b. what are motion curves? Explain [6]
2. A ball is dropped from the top of a tower 30m high. At the same time a second ball is thrown
upwards from the ground with an initial velocity of 15m/s. when and where do they cross each other and
with what relative velocity? [10]
3. a. Discuss the kinetics of bodies rotating about fixed axis [7]
b. write about D’Alembert’s principle [3]
4. a. what is the relation between linear acceleration and angular acceleration [3]
b. write the conditions for skidding and overturning on a level road [7]
5. derive the conditions for skidding and overtuning for banked roads [10]
6. a. discuss kinetics of rolling bodies [5]
b. discuss with diagrams
i. banking of roads [2]
ii. super elevation [3]
7. a. A stone is vertically thrown upwards from the top of a building with a velocity of 20m/s. if it
reaches the ground after 5 seconds, determine the geight of the building [5]
b. the maximum range of a projectile is 2000m. what should be the angle of elevation so as to obtain
a range of 1400m if the initial velocity remains unchanged? [5]

UNIT – 6:
1.a.Determine the workdone in streching a spring to an elongation of x from its unstreched position [5]
b. state and explain the work energy equation for plane motion of a rigid body [5]
2. Discuss the impulse momentum principle [10]
3. a. what is the work energy equation for translation [5]
b. discuss about connected bodies [5]
4. a. Discuss ( i) work
(ii) power [4+2]
b. what is the work energy equation in the case of fixed axis rotation [4]
5. A flywheel weighing 50KN and having radius of gyration 1m loses its speed from 400RPM to
280RPM in 2 minutes. Calculate
i. The retarding torque acting on it
ii. change in its kinetic energy during the above period [10]

6. A 1500N block is in contact with a level plane, the coefficient of friction between two contact
surfaces being 0.1. If the block is acted upon by a horizontal force of 300N, what time will elapse before
the block reaches a velocity of 16m/sec starting from rest? If 300N force is tjem removed, how much
longer with the block continue to move? Solve the problem using impulse mmomentum equation? [10]

7. A 20KN automobile is moving at a speed of 70kmph when the brakes are fully applied causing all four
wheels to skid. Determine the time required to stop the automobile
a. on cocnrete road for which coefficient of friction is 0.75
b. on ice for which coefficient of friction is 0.08 [10]


1. Human beings migrate for various reasons. Write any five reasons for their migration.(5M)
2. Why do people call Mr.Neave’s family as an ideal family? (3M)
3. Fill the blank with the suitable verb.(2M)
a) The train had________(leave) before he reached the railway station.
b) She ______ (read) since morining

1. What evidence do you find in the text to support the statement that Ramanujan was an
unusual mathematical genius? (5M)
2. What is the underlying irony in the story, ‘An Ideal Family’? (3M)
3. Fill the blank with the suitable verb. (2M)

a) Summer________(come) after winter.

b) Malathi ______ (pay) the fee before the teacher announced.

1. What is a visa? Write any five eligibility requirements for H1-B visa. (5M)
2. Summarize the story, ‘An Ideal Family’. (3M)
3. Fill the blank with the suitable verb. (2M)
a) They______ (watch) T.V when the postman came.
b) She_____ (see) the movie many times.

1. What factors attract the Indian youth while selecting a job.(5M)

2. What is the shadowy meaning Mr.Neave has at the end of the story? (3M)
3. Fill the blank with the suitable verb. (2M)
a) She_____(write) a letter when her father came.
b) Kiran_______ (go) to the canteen just now.
1. Write the telephonic conversation between you and your friend Mr.Kiran about your return
to your village from the city. (5M)
2. Why do people call Mr.Neave’s family an ideal family? (3M)
3. Fill the blank with the suitable verb. (2M)
a) She______ (wait) for the principal for two hours when he came.
b) Kiran_____ (come) to the college on foot.

1. Why rural people migrate to cities and why they plan to return to their village after few
months? (5M)
2. Explain the characters Mr.Neave and Harold? (3M)
3. Fill the blank with the suitable verb. (2M)
a) They _____ (visit) Taj Mahal one year ago.
b) Krishna_______ (loss) the key just now.

Unit -II

1. You are an official from the Finance Department and are not very enthusiastic about
spending money on road safety schemes. You feel that a few road safety posters on the
main roads are sufficient. Explain your views to support your statement. (5M)
2. What is the central theme of the story, ‘War’? (3M)
3. Write the meanings of the following phrases. (a) backdrop of pines (b) mists of the fall
morning. (2M)

1. You are an official from the Transport Department and want to spend money on improving
road intersections and on a new bypass. Explain your views to support your statement. (5M)
2. What are the different views that passengers articulate regarding war? (3M)
3. Write the meanings of the following phrases. (a) checkerboard of farms (b) white clouds of
bloom (2M)
1. You are an official from the police department. You want to double the number of traffic
policemen so that laws can be enforced with on-the-spot fines. Explain your views to
support your statement. (5M)
2. What is the message that the author wishes to convey through this story? (3M)
3. Write the meanings of the following phrases. (a) backdrop of pines (b) mists of the fall
morning. (2M)

1. You are a representative of the Citizen’s Welfare Association, and would like to introduce a
road safety training week in all school, colleges, factories and offices. Explain your views
to support your statement. (5M)
2. What are the fat man’s feelings towards sending children to war? (3M)
3. Write the meanings of the following phrases. (a) checkerboard of farms (b) white clouds of

1. Explain the reasons why there is a need to enforce traffic rules and regulations strictly.(5M)
2. Summarize the story, ‘War’. (3M)
3. Write the meanings of the following phrases. (a) backdrop of pines (b) mists of the fall
morning. (2M)

1. Traffic hazards are increasing day after day. Suggest some ways by which these may be
countered. (5M)
2. Why was the woman who entered the carriage upset? How are the other passengers
affected by war? (3M)
3. Write the meanings of the following phrases. (a) checkerboard of farms (b) white clouds of

1. Does consumption of bio-mass affect forest resources? How? (5M)

2. What is the unexpected twist in the story, ‘Verger’? (3M)
3. Write the synonyms for (a) Stringent (b) Hazard (2M)

1. It is sometime towards the end of the twenty-first century. Imagine you are living in an
Indian village. Write a paragraph describing what the village looks like under the impact of
technology over the years. (5M)
2. Explain the character of Albert Foreman. (3M)
3. Write the synonyms for (a) change (b) Hazard (2M)

1. What is the advantage of the new ‘Print and copy online’ service? (5M)
2. Narrate the discussion between bank manager and Foreman. (3M)
3. Write the synonyms for (a) educate (b) mysterious (2M)

1. Elaborate the statement- ‘Mass production or production by the masses. (5M)

2. How does Mr. Foreman overcome all his obstacles in life? (3M)
3. Write the synonyms for (a) danger (b) advantage (2M)

1. Write the benefits of technology or on the problems created by it. (5M)

2. What is the central theme of the story, ‘Verger’? (3M)
3. Write the synonyms for (a) direct (b) wander (2M)

1. Modern technology is a friend or foe. Explain with reasons? (5M)

2. How does Foreman expand his business? (3M)
3. Write the synonyms for (a) capital (b) urge (2M)

1 Write a short note on Pedal Power. (5M)

2 Describe Mriganko Babu’s reaction to the scarecrow? (3M)
3 Write the noun forms of (i) electricity (II) ferment.

1 Why is such intensive research being carried out to discover viable alternative sources of
energy? (5M)
2 Who was Mriganko Shekhar Mukhopadhyay? (3M)
3 Write the noun forms of (i) compose (II) protect.

1. List the problems involved in producing and using electricity in India. (5M)
2. Who was the scarecrow? (3M)
3. Write the noun forms of (i) construct (II) ferment.

1. You are a journalist writing a feature article on a village that makes use of alternative energy
sources. The people of the village are proud of their self-reliance. Prepare a list of questions
to ask the sarpanch of the village as well as a few other villagers. (5M)
2. Justify the title of the story ‘The Scarecrow”. (3M)
3. Write the noun forms of (i) pollute (II) destroy

1. What are DRE mini-grids? Describe some of its features and explain how they are different
from commercial grids. (5M)
2. Narrate the incident that occurred between Abhiram and Mriganko Babu? (3M)
3. Write the noun forms of (i) conserve (II) irrigate.

1. Write a short note on Solar Energy. (5M)

2. How did Mriganko Babu pass time while waiting for his driver? (3M)
3. Write the noun forms of (i) absorb (II) stimulate.
Unit- V

1. You and Student B live next door to each other. B is fond of dogs and has an Alsatian as a
pet. You want to tell B that it is not good to have pets in the house. Think of the points you
can make. (5M)
2. What is the message that the author conveys through the text- A Village Lost to the Nation’?
3. Write the synonyms for (i) annoying (ii) incessantly (2M)

1. Write a paragraph on Global warming. (5M)

2. What were the feelings of the author’s parents regarding their village? (3M)
3. Write the synonyms for (i) catalyze (ii) resist (2M)

1. Humans are responsible for the destruction of animal species, both directly and indirectly.
Explain the statement. (5M)
2. How are the villages affected by the Hirakud Dam? (3M)
3. Write the synonyms for (i) invade (ii) umpteen (2M)

1. Write a paragraph on deforestation. (5M)

2. What were the people forced to do because their homes were submerged? (3M)
3. Write the synonyms for (i) yell (ii) whisper (2M)

1. In what ways are birds useful to humans? In what ways are they harmful?
2. What were the author’s feelings for his lost home? (3M)
3. Write the synonyms for (i) teach (ii) danger (2M)

1. What are the efforts being made at present to preserve wildlife? (5M)
2. What is the theme of the passage- ‘A Village Lost to the Nation’? (3M)
3. Write the synonyms for (i) build (ii) copious (2M)
Unit -VI

1. Imagine that you are the chief engineer of a company. Write a set of safety measures to be
adopted to avert industrial accidents. (5M)
2. What is Martin Luther King’s second achievement according to the author? (3M)
3. Write the antonyms for (i) aggressive (ii) recluse (2M)

1. What are the objectives of training to employees? (5M)

2. What are the author’s views on racism? (3M)
3. Write the antonyms for (i) collect (ii) diurnal (2M)

1. Write a paragraph about the importance of computer training today. (5M)

2. What is James Baldwin’s view about African history? (3M)
3. Write the antonyms for (i) gather (ii) vanish (2M)

1. Describe the process of sedimentation. (5M)

2. According to author, Martin Luther King achieved two things. What is his first achievement?
3. Write the antonyms for (i) tamed (ii) destroy (2M)

1. What is the need for training (i) a new employee, and (ii) an employee already in service?
2. In what way did Mahatma Gandhi influence Martin Luther King? (3M)
3. Write the antonyms for (i) slimy (ii) detail (2M)

1. Write the unspoken rules of civility at the workplace. (5M)

2. How did Martin Luther King embrace his African roots? (3M)
3. Write the antonyms for (i) emit (ii) accessible (2M)
Question Bank(2018-2019)

Subject-Environmental studies Branch: EEE/CIVIL


1. a) Discuss the scope of environmental education? 5m

b) What is the role of IT on environment and human health? 5m
2. Why is environmental studies considered as a multidisciplinary subject? 10m
3. Discuss the causes and effects of global warming. 10m
4. a) Discuss the causes and effects of Acid rains. 5m
b) Discuss the causes and effects of Ozone depletion. 5m
5. a) What are ecological pyramids? Write about different types of pyramids. 5m
b) Give an account of energy flow in an ecosystem. 5m
6. Write about structure and function of ecosystem. 10
7. a) Write a short note on food web. 5m
b) Discuss the phenomenon of ecological succession. 5m
8. Explain the structure and functioning of Forest or grassland ecosystem. 10
9. Describe the structure and functioning of a pond ecosystem. 10m
10. Effect of human activity on ecosystem.10m


1. What are renewable and non –renewable energy resources? Explain. 10m
2. What are the major causes and consequences of deforestation? 10m
3. a) Write about crises and conflict over water. 5m
b) Write a short note on Soil erosion. 5m

4. What is mining? What are the impacts of mining on environment? 10m

5. a) What is the role of an individual in conservation of natural recourses? 5m
b) Describe few modern agricultural methods and their consequences. 5m
6. a) Write a short note on Forest resources. 5m

b) Write a short note on Rehabilitation problems. 5m

1. a) Define biodiversity. Write about threats of biodiversity. 5m
b) What are the three levels of biodiversity? 5m

2. What are the hot spots of biodiversity? 10m

3. Explain in-situ and ex-situ conservation of biodiversity? 10m

4. a) What are the different values of biodiversity? 5m

b) Write about Endemic and Endangered Species. 10m


1. a) Mention briefly about the various types of pollution. 5m

b) Briefly describe sources, effects and control of noise pollution. 5m
2. Discuss adverse effects and control of water pollution. 10m
3. Briefly describe sources, effects and control of various Air pollutants. 10m
4. What are the various types of solid waste and methods of safe disposal of solid waste?
5. a) Role of an individual in the prevention of environmental pollution? 5m
b) Write a note on Bhopal Gas Tragedy. 5m
Unit -5

1. a) What do you understand by environmental ethics? 5m

b) Discuss the salient features of Wild life protection Act. 5m
2. a) Discuss the salient features of Forest Conversation Act. 5m
b) What are the major limitations to successful implementation of all environmental
legislation? 5m
3. What is rain water harvesting? What are the purposes served by it? 10m
4. a) Methods to propagate environmental awareness in society? 5m
b) Write a note on Water act. 5m

5. Write a short note on urban problems related to:

a) Energy 5mb) Water conservation 5m

Unit -6

1. Write about EIA, its significance at various stages. 10m

2. a) Explain about environmental audit? 5m
b) Discuss about environmental management plan. 5m
3. a) Discuss the concept of ecotourism, its principles and merits. 5m
b) Write a short note on EIS. 5m
4. Write a short note on Green business, green politics and green campus. 10m


1.(a) Solve the D.E + + = .

+ + + = , being

(b) Find the Orthogonal trajectories of the

family of circles the parameter.

2.(a) Solve the D.E+++−+=

(b) Find the orthogonal trajectory of =+

3.(a) Solve +=.

(b) Find the orthogonal trajectory of =

4.(a) The temperature of a cup of coffee is ° , when freshly poured the room temperature being ° . In one minute it was coaled to ° . How long a period

must elapse, before the temperature of the cup becomes ° .

(b) The number of N of bacteria in a culture grew at a rate proportional to N. The value of N was
initially 100 and increased to 332 in one hour. What was the value of N after 3/2 hours?

5.(a) Find the orthogonal trajectory of = .


(b) Suppose that an object is heated to ° and allowed to cool in a room maintained at ° . If after 10
minutes, the temperature of the object is ° , what will be its
temperature after 20 minutes?
1. (a) Solve + = by the method Variation of parameters.
(b) Solve + = by the method Variation of parameters.

2. S olve+ =− + −

3. (a) Solve + + =.

(b) Solve + =+.

4. (a) Solve ′′
− ′
+ = ++ .

′′ ′
(b) Solve − + =.

5 .(a) Solve + =+.

(b) Solve + + = −
+ +.

6. (a) The charge q(t) on the capacitor is giving by D.E + + =

.At time zero the current in zero and the charge on the capacitor is 1/2000 coulomb. Find the
charge on the capacitor for t >0 .
(b) In an L-C-R circuit, the charge q on a plate of the condenser is given by
+ + =,= . The circuit is tuned to resonance so that

= .If < = , == , show that


= − + +

1. (a) Using the expression= − !
+ !
− !
+ ⋯ … .. show that

= / −/

(b) (i) Show that the function = is of exponential order 3.

(ii) Find the Inverse Laplace Transform of −


2. (a) Show that = .

(b) Evaluate ∞ − −.

3.(a) Solve the D.E ′′ − ′

+ = = , ′
= using Laplace

transforms method.
(b) Solve the D.E ′′ + ′ + =+, if = , ′
= using
Laplace transforms method.
4. (a) Find − −

( + )( +) (− )

(b) Find − − ( − )

+ +

5. (a) Solve the following differential equation by the transform method

+=+ , == .

< <1
(b) Find [ ] where=

6. (a) Find − using convolution theorem.

( ( +)

(b) State convolution theorem and use it to evaluate −

+ +

1.(a) Find + if =

(b) Find the extreme values of , = +− − + .

2. (a) Expand , =+in powers of − , − upto second

degree term.
(b) Discuss the Maxima and Minima of , =− − .

3. (a) Show that the functions u= , =

are functinally dependent and

find the relation between them.

(b) Find the dimensions of a rectangular parallelopipid box open at the top of
max capacity whose surface area is 108 sq inches.
4.(a)Prove that ′ = 1 If = , = , = .
(b) Find the point in the plane + − = which is nearest to the origin.
5. (a) If u = and x= r , = prove that = ′′

( ).

(b) Find the maximum and minimum values of =− − + + .
6. (a) If = , = , = , =, =, =

Then find ,,


(b) Expandin powers of , .

1. (a) Form the Partial differential equation by eliminating arbitrary constants from
= + + ,= + + +

(b) Form the Partial differential equation by eliminating & from

=+ ( + ).

2. (a) Solve the PDE − + − = ( − ).

(b) Solve the PDE ( + )+( + )= .

3. (a) Solve ++ − = + .

(b) Solve the PDE+ = .

4. (a) Solve + −+ =− .

(b) Solve the PDE +=+ .

5. (a) Solve the PDE += .

(b) Solve the PDE +− + = −

6. (a) Solve the PDE+ ++ = .

(b) Solve the PDE + = .

1. (a) Solve +′ − ′
+ .

(b) Solve + ′
− ′
=+ .

2. (a) Solve − ′

(b) Solve− ′ −=+ .

3. (a) Solve − + =++


(b) Solve − − =( − )

4.(a) Solve − ′ =.

(b) Solve −′ = + .

5.(a) Solve −′ + ′ =.

(b) Solve − ′ =+ .

6.(a) Solve + + =−.

(b) Solve − + = + .

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