As028 PSS 1895
As028 PSS 1895
As028 PSS 1895
Intended Use
Lincomycin L(2mcg) mcg discs are used for antimicrobial susceptibility testing of bacterial cultures as per Bauer-Kirby
Antimicrobial susceptibility tests are either quantitative or qualitative. Disc diffusion test is a qualitative test method.
The National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS), now known as Clinical Laboratory Standards
Institute (CLSI) has published comprehensive documents regarding the disc diffusion systems. The agar disc diffusion
test is the most convenient and widely used method for routine antimicrobial susceptibility testing. In subsequent and
current practice, antimicrobial impregnated paper discs are applied onto the agar surface. Based on the Bauer-Kirby
Method, standardized reference procedures for the disc systems were published by WHO and FDA and are periodically
updated by the CLSI (formerly NCCLS)(2). For any antimicrobial testing, Quality control or clinical testing, the method
to be followed is the same as mentioned below.
Ingredients Concentration
Lincomycin 2 mcg/disc
1. For Laboratory Use only.
2. On receipt the discs are to be immediately stored at the recommended temperature.
3. Medium preparation, Inoculum preparation and incubation to be done as specified.
Appearance: Filter paper discs of 6 mm diameter with printed "L" on each side of the disc.
Expected Cultural Response: Average diameter of zone of inhibition observed on Mueller Hinton Agar (DM172) after 18
hours incubation at 35-37°C for standard cultures.
Sr. Organisms Standard zone Diameter in mm
1. S. aureus ATCC 25923 15-22
Test Procedure
1. Prepare plates with Mueller Hinton Agar (DM172) for rapidly growing aerobic organisms as per Bauer-Kirby
Method. The medium in the plates should be sterile and should have a depth of about 4 mm.
2. Inoculate 4-5 similar colonies with a wire, needle or loop to 5 ml Tryptone Soya Broth (DM277) and incubate at 35-
37°C for2-8 hours until light to moderate turbidity develops. Compare the inoculum turbidity with that of standard
0.5 McFarland (prepared by mixing 0.5 ml of 1.175% barium chloride and 99.5 ml of 0.36N sulfuric acid). Dilute the
inoculum or incubate further as necessary to attain comparative turbidity. Alternatively, the inoculum can be
standardized by other appropriate optical method (0.08 - 0.13 OD turbid suspension at 625 nm)
3. Dip a sterile non-toxic cotton swab on a wooden applicator into the standardized inoculum and rotate the soaked
swab firmly against the upper inside wall of the tube to express excess fluid. Streak the entire agar surface of
the plate with the swab three times, turning the plate at 60° angle between each streaking. Allow the inoculum to
dry for 5 - 15 minutes with lid in place.
4. Apply the discs using aseptic technique. When using cartridges, the discs can be applied using the specially
designed applicator. When the vials are used, apply the discs using sterile forceps.
5. Deposit the discs with centers at least 24 mm apart. For fastidious organisms and for Penicillins and
Cephalosporins, the discs should preferably be deposited with centers 30 mm apart.
6. Incubate immediately at 35 ± 2°C and examine after 16-18 hours or longer, if necessary. For fastidious organisms
incubate at appropriate temperature and time.
7. Measure the zones showing complete inhibition and record the diameters of the zones to the nearest millimeter
using a calibrated instrument like zone scales.
Discs should always be stored at -20°C to +8°C under dry conditions, along with the dessicator provided in individual
Refer to the expiration date stamped on the container. Expiry applies to discs vial when stored as directed.
Product Name : Lincomycin Discs (L)
Product Code : AS028
Available Pack sizes : 1vial
1. Bauer, Kirby, Sherris and Turck, 1966, Am. J. Clin. Path., 45: 493
2. Performance standards of Antimicrobial Disc Susceptibility Tests, CLSI Vol. 32 No.3, Jan 2012.
Further Information
For further information please contact your local MICROMASTER Representative.
All Products conform exclusively to the information contained in this and other related Micromaster Publications. Users must ensure that
the product(s) is appropriate for their application, prior to use. The information published in this publication is based on research and
development work carried out in our laboratory and is to the best of our knowledge true and accurate. Micromaster Laboratories Pvt Ltd
reserves the right to make changes to specifications and information related to the products at any time. Products are intended for
laboratory, diagnostic, research or further manufacturing use only and not for human or animal or therapeutic use, unless otherwise
specified. Statements included herein should not be considered as a warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, and no liability is
accepted for infringement of any patents.