Kundalini Final PDF
Kundalini Final PDF
Kundalini Final PDF
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Kundalini means spiritual energy that is coiled like a snake at the base of the spine .Kundalini
is illustrated as a sleeping serpent coiled three and half times .. In the traditional descriptions
of kundalini awakening, it is said that kundalini resides in mooladhara in the form of a coiled
snake and when the snake awakens it uncoils and shoots up through sushuman.
The goal of Kundalini yoga is to unravel that coiled energy at the base of the spine and
unleash it up through the six other chakras.
The yoga which emphasizes the forceful or wilful practice of yoga is called Hatha yoga in
general sense. However, Hatha Yoga absorbs the deeper meaning. Hatha also has been
defined as HA which represents prana(vital force), THA which represent manas , the mental
energy. In other word, it can be stated that hath yoga is the practice which unites and
harmonizes the mental and pranic energy.
Hatha Yoga is mainly focused on awakening the kundalini Shakti, the dormant force coiled at
the base of the spine. Hatha also has been formulated as the combination of sun, the Pingala
and the moon, the Ida. The former denotes the active and hot whereas the latter connotes
receptive and cool.
The union of Ida and Pingala energy channels with Sushumna nadi at Ajna chakra (third eye)
leads the energy flow at the top of the head i.e. crown chakra. When the kundalini Shakti
reaches at the crown chakra, the state of kundalini occurs.
In this manner, hatha yoga is mainly concerned on how to activate the Kundalini Shakti. When
it gets activated and reaches at the top of the head, the state no longer remains as Hatha Yoga.
It rather is realized as a yoga.
The reference of Hath yoga goes back to thousands years. In practice and documents it has
been stated in the books like Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Goraksha Samhita, Hatharatnavali and
Gherand Samhita which dates back as early as 6th century to 15th century AD.
Nevertheless, the miniscule reference of Hatha Yoga also has been mentioned to be found in
the Holy Scriptures such as Upanishads and Puranas along with Srimada Bhagvada which
records the era of 6th century BC. It means to say that Hatha Yoga has been practicing since
In this study we will present how Hatha yoga pradeepka explain kundalini Shakthi ,and
the method of wakening According to text. We will use all the Sanskrit sutra in Hatha
yoga pradeepika ,Trayopadesha(3rd Chapter) and Chaturthipada (4th chapter )as a
A Theoretical study by: Nimali Thakshila Withanage. (Ph.D. yoga )Research scholar
What is Hatha Yoga Pradeepika
The Haṭha Yoga Pradīpikā is a classic Sanskrit manual on haṭha yoga, writtenby Svātmārāma
in15th century. He introduces his system as a preparatory stage for physical purification
before higher meditation or Raja Yoga. It is among the most influential surviving texts on
haṭha yoga, being one of the three classic texts alongside the Gheranda Samhita and the Shiva
Different manuscripts offer different titles for the
tetext,including Haṭhayogapradīpikā, Haṭhapradīpikā, Haṭhapradī, and Hath-
PradipikaSvātmārāma incorporates older Sanskrit concepts into his synthesis.
The Hatha Yoga Pradīpikā lists earlier Haṭha Yoga masters (siddhas), including Ādi
Nātha, Matsyendranāth and Gorakṣanāth.
The work consists of 389 shlokas (verses) in four chapters that describe topics including
purification (ṣaṭkarma), posture (āsana), breath control (prāṇāyāma), spiritual centres in the
body (chakra), coiled power (kuṇḍalinī), force postures (bandha), energy (śakti), channels of
the subtle body (nāḍī), and symbolic gestures (mudrā).
• Chapter 1 :deals with setting the proper environment for yoga, the ethical duties of a
yogi, and the asanas.
• Chapter 2 :deals with pranayama and the satkarmas.
• Chapter 3: discusses the mudras and their benefits.
• Chapter 4 :deals with meditation and samadhi as a journey of personal spiritual growth.
According to Hatha Yoga pradeepika (HYP) is mainly focused on awakening the kundalini
Shakti, the dormant force coiled at the base of the spine. Hatha also has been formulated as
the combination of sun, the Pingala and the moon, the Ida.
उ#घाटम(के ऩाटॊतुमथाकॊ0चचकमा2हात।
As a door is opened with a key, so the Yogî opens the door of mukti by opening
Kundalinî by means of Hatha Yoga. (HYP:3:105)
What is kundalini?
Kundalini means spiritual energy that is coiled like a snake at the base of the spine .Kundalini
is illustrated as a sleeping serpent coiled three and half times .. In the traditional descriptions
of kundalini awakening, it is said that kundalini resides in mooladhara in the form of a coiled
snake and when the snake awakens it uncoils and shoots up through sushuman.
सशरै वनधाLीणाॊमथाधायोऽ0चहनामक् ।
Saśailavanadhātrīnām yathādhāroahināyakah
As the serpent (Sheshnaga) upholds the earth and its mountains and woods, so
kundalini is the support of all the yoga practices. (HYP:3:1)
According to hata yoga Kundalini is the basis of the tantra and Yoga. It is working on all
yoga system and practices .
“Yogi Swatmarama has compared the existence of kundalini to the serpent which upholds the
earth. According to Hindu belief, there is a thousand-headed snake wound around the earth
resting on a tortoise and apparently maintaining the earth in its respective orbit. Of course,
this is a symbolic explanation of the function of the earth’s axis, north and south poles and
equator. It represents the distribution of cosmic energy in and around the earth. Without this
force there could be no earth, no vegetation, nor inhabitants, etc. Similarly, every being has a
central axis and center of balance created by the internal energy force. Without kundalini
shakti, without prana, there could be no consciousness and no life.” (HYP: Swami
Muktibodaananda: pg: 279)
And in HYP explaining about literary meaning of kundalini .sususmna and ida ian dpingala.
अथ श0चQतचारनभ ्
कु0चटराRगीकुS0चरनीबजु Rगीश0चQतयी0वयी।
Atha śaktichālanam
Kutilāngghī kundalinī bhujangghī śaktirīśvarī
Kutilanga is refers to the great force and its route through the body which eliminates the
functions of ida and pingala. Kundalini is made up of the roots kund which is a particular
type of pit for preserving fire, and kundalin is a snake. Mooladhara is the kund and the fire
released rises like a snake. Kundalini, bhujangi, nagi, phani, sarpini are all names of a female
serpent. Shesha is also a snake but it is particular to Vishnu for he reclines on Shesha. Shakti
is the cosmic energy. Ishwari is the creative force of Ishwara, the cosmic causal body.
Arundhati is made up of the words arun which means ‘dawn’ and dhati which means ‘to
generate’ or ‘create.’ Arundhata means ‘unobstructed.’ - (HYP: Swami Muktibodaananda:
pg: 279)
what is the relationship Ida, pingala and kundalini .
Ganaga is ida and Yamuna is pingala and Thapasvini or young widow is kundalini.
Ida/pingala are the two major nadis sustaining the individual body/mind. A third,
subterranean river, Saraswati, is also described.
This is sushumna nadi, the hidden channel conducting spiritual energy .Ganga is fathomless,
mysterious and raging like the mental force. The mythology of Ganga’s first descent on the
earth describes her as wild and uncontrollable, capable of demolishing anything standing in
her way. When she was released from her home ground in the Himalayan heavens, Lord
Shiva had to catch her in his matted locks. After some time, he released her and Bhagirathi
guided her gently down to the earth (through the body). Likewise the force of ida, if not
controlled, can make a person turn into a lunatic. The tendency of Ganga to spill her banks
and flood in every direction is an indication that she represents space, the unique quality of
ida and the right brain hemisphere. (HYP Swami Muktibodaananda:279)
फरा(कायेणगणॄीमा^0च#व_णो्ऩयभॊऩदभ ् १०९॥
Between Ganga and Yamuna is the young widowed, Balarandam practicing austerity.
She should be seized forcibly, then one can reach the supreme state of Vishnu. (HYP
Susumna nadi is most important as a Ida and Pingala to kundalini. According to HYP
susumna has multipul names.
Susumnâ, Sunya Padavî, Brahma Randhra, mahâ Patha, Śmaśâna, Śambhavî, madhya
mârga, are names of one and the same thing. (HYP:3:4)
Sushumna functions at the time when there is a changeover from one brain hemisphere to the
other. Then the whole brain is active and the mind is neither fully extroverted not introverted;
it operates in both states and there is equilibrium between mental and physical energy. It is
the period between the dream and waking states, when person is awake but beyond empirical
consciousness and control is drifting. This condition is known as the path of void or ‘shoonya
padavi,’ the great pathway maha patha; cremation ground shmashan; the attitude of Shiva
shambhavi; the middle pathway madhya marga.
“ Sushumna is associated with the subtlest aspect of existence, the soul or Atma, and it is
related to the faculty of wisdom. Sushumna is the central point, state, or condition between
all extreme conditions, internal and external. It is the period when day meets night at sunrise
or sunset, known as sandhya. In tantra it is related to the subterranean river called Saraswati.”
(HYP: Swami Muktibodaananda pg .285)
Susumnâ (Sûnya Padavî) becomes a main road for the passage of Prâna, and the mind
then becomes free from all connections (with its objects of enjoyments) and Death is
then evaded.(HYP:3:3)
When the chakras are activated, subhuman is clear and kundalini shakti awakens in
mooladhara, there is only one way for it to move, straight up the centre. At that time the mind
becomes unsupported or free of all connections. With the awakening of kundalini, the
elements of the mind are separated, one’s perception alters and the consciousness undergoes
a different experience. And awakening of kundalini, both hemispheres and the dormant
areas of the brain become active, perception becomes independent of the sense organs, deeper
states of consciousness are entered, and then there is cosmic experience. When individual
consciousness has been transcended and only cosmic experience exists, there is no
comprehension of individuality. Death is an experience of the individual mind and body.
Because consciousness exists in the body as a whole, It will not feel this momentary
death/birth process. Therefore, when experience the cosmos as a whole, there can be no death
and no birth, only experience of the process in its entirety.
In HYP explain the connection with Guru and shishyas (teacher and student ) .According to
HYP the main path of awakening kundalini is guru grace .
Indeed, by guru's grace this sleeping kundalini is awakened, then all the lotuses
(chakras) and knots (granthis) are opened. (HYP: 3:2)
The key word given in this sloka is ‘guru.’ He is the one who can show the pure essence of
life and give experience of the universal self or atman. He is the link to the guru within and
the detonator of kundalini.
Guru may be external or internal, but for most people it is easier to follow the verbal
instruction of one who is physically present. But both the inner guru and the outer guru guide
the disciple through ajna chakra. If kundalini is to travel up to the higher brain centers, ajna
must already be functioning.
Mooladhara is the negative energy pole and ajna is the positive. If the negative pole is
awakened, then the positive pole must also be awakened to create the force of attraction. It is
the law of nature that energy of the negative pole is attracted to the positive. Therefore, when
ajna awakens, the energy which resides in mooladhara will be drawn towards it.
“However, guru’s instructions must be followed implicitly. The disciple must be like a
patient under anaesthesia in an operating theatre and let the guru be the surgeon. The patient
who screams and runs away in terror can never be helped. Likewise, a disciple has to be
subservient to the guru’s commands and his actions must be in accordance with the guru’s
will. “(HYP: Swami Muktibodaananda:282)
Tasmātsarvaprayatnena prabodhayitumīśvarīm
Therefore, the goddess sleeping at the entrance of Brahma’s door should be constantly
aroused with all effort by performing mudra thoroughly.(HYP:3:5)
2.Method of awakening
The sleeping Parameshwari rests with her mouth closing that door, through which is
the path to the knot of brahmasthana, the place beyond suffering. 3:(106) :
The kundalini shakti sleeps above the kanda. This shakti is the means of liberation to
the yogi and bondage for the ignorant. One who knows this is the knower of yoga. (107)
भ 0चनpाॊ0चवहामसाश0चQतyYवभत 0चु^_ठते2हात॥१११॥
Be seized through kumbhaka and rotated constantly for an hour and a half, morning
and evening. (112)
भदरु ॊधवरॊiोQतॊव0चे_टताcबयर}हणभ॥११३॥
The kanda, situated above the anus, one hand span high and four fingers breath wide, is
soft and white as if enveloped in cloth. (113)
Firmly seated in vajrasana, holding the ankles, one should squeeze the kanda close to
the anus. (114)
In the position of vajrasana, the yogi should move the kundalini. Having done bhastrika
pranayama the kundalini is soon aroused.(115)
बानोयाकुjचनॊकुमा(कत Oंचारम^े त ्।
भ(यॄ वQ
ु Lगत\या0चऩत\यभ(यॄ बम
ु ॊकुत ्॥११६॥
Contracting the sun in manipura, kundalini should be moved. Even if such a person
should be on the verge of death, where is the need to fear death? (116)
By moving the kundalini fearlessly for an hour and a half, it is drawn into sushumna
and rises up a little.(117)
तने कु[ण0चरनीत\या्सषc
ु नाु माभखॊु gवभ
ु ्
In this way, it is easy for kundalini to issue from the opening of sushumna. Thus the
prana proceeds through sushumna of its own accord. (118)
त\या्सचॊारननेवैमोगीयोगैiभsयु ते॥११९॥
Tasmātsamchālayennityam sukhasuptāmarundhatīm
In that way the sleeping kundalini should be regularly moved. By her regular
movement, the yogi is freed from disease. (119)
The yogi who moves the shakti regularly, enjoys perfection or siddhi. He easily
conquers time and death. What more is there to say?(120)
efमचमयतत\यवै 0चन(यॊ0चहत0चभता0चशन ्।
One who enjoys being brahmacharya and always takes moderate diet and practices
arousal of kundalini, achieves perfection in forty days. (121
For those who are alert and the mind one-pointed (disciplined) in samadhi, rudrani or
shambhavi mudra is the greatest mudra for bestowing perfection.( 125)
वUलबॊसव0चतस#धानाॊदरु बत भVताभ0चऩ॥८॥
Ādināthoditam divyamashtaiśvaryapradāyakam
Adinath said they are the bestowers of the eight divine powers. They are held in high
esteem by all the siddhas and are difficult for even the gods to attain. (HYP:3:8)
As far as siddhis go, there are eight major ones which a sadhaka
has to master before he is called a siddha:
1.Anima – the ability to become as small as an atom
2.Laghima – the ability to become weightless
3.Mahima – the ability to become as large as the universe
4.Garima – the ability to become heavy
5.Prapti – the ability to reach any place
6.Prakamya – the ability to stay under water and to maintain the body and youth
7.Vashitva – control over all objects, organic and inorganic
8.Ishatva – the capacity to create and destroy at will
perfection of mudras and bandhas results in attainment of this ‘major’ siddhis. Patanjali
emphasizes that siddhis should not be sought and, if they develop, they should virtually be
ignored and definitely not exhibited. They are obstacles on the path to samadhi and they can
completely hinder one’s spiritual evolution.
According to HYP yogis can awaken this Kundalini shakthi in 40 days. And whoever will
awaken Kundalini they can achieve Siddhis(Ashta siddhi), and they can conquer all dieses
and death .
Tasmātsamchālayennityam sukhasuptāmarundhatīm
In that way the sleeping kundalini should be regularly moved. By her regular
movement, the yogi is freed from disease. (HYP: 3 :119)
The yogi who moves the shakti regularly, enjoys perfection or siddhi. He
easily conquers time and death. What more is there to say? (HYP:3:119)
Kundalini is the path of liberation. According to HYP yogis can awaken this Kundalini
shakthi in 40 days. And whoever will awaken Kundalini they can achieve Siddhis(Ashta
siddhi) ,and they can concur all dieses and death .
कुOीकु0चटराकायासऩवत (प0चयक†0चतता।
The coiled kundalini described to be resembling a serpent in its feom the person who
can move this (sleeping) kundalini is undoubtedly liberated, there is no doubt in this.
(HYP: 3 :108)