Education of Science During Medieval Bengal A Historical Perspective
Education of Science During Medieval Bengal A Historical Perspective
Education of Science During Medieval Bengal A Historical Perspective
Volume 7 Issue 3, May-June 2023 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
KEYWORDS: Science and Technology, Education, Literature, Copyright © 2023 by author (s) and
Sultanate, Mughal, Medieval Bengal, Natural Science International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
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During medieval period, some development was The reference of Zenana education during medieval
experienced in the field of education of science and Bengal have been greatly depicted by Mukundaram in
technology1, As far as available sources of medieval his book Kabikankan-chandi. The reference of the
Bengal is concerned, it covers a time period from lahana, Khullana and Lilabati have been depicted for
1303 to 1757 A.D. Which takes into account the their drafting and also reading7.
sultanate Bengal and also Subah Bengal2. The start of
According to Abul Fazl the curriculum at the
founding of a new rule in Bengal in early 13th century Madrasah included ethics, arithmetic, agriculture,
by Ikhtiaruddin Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar Khalji who
geometry, astronomy, medicine, and logic, economic,
defeated Sena king Laxmana Sena, established an the art of administration, the physical (Tabil),
independent Sultanate in Eastern India3. The mathematical (Riyazi) and divine science and history.
development occurred under both the Sultanate
In medieval Bengal, Arabic and Persian educational
Bengal (1204-1576 A.D.) and the Mughal Bengal in
institution are found is silapur8. Bakhtiyar Khalji and
(1576-1757 A.D.). Education made rapid progress
Sultan Ghiyassuddin Khalji built up many mosques,
both for the Hindu and the Muslim communities
Maqtabs and Colleges in different parts of Bengal
during medieval Bengal4. The rulers of Medieval
including Lakhnawati9. The remnants of a College
Bengal patronized education for male and Zenana. (Darasbari) dated to the period of Yusuf Shah had
These rulers made all possible arrangements for
been discovered in village Umarpur. The contribution
education in Royal Harem5.Sultan Alauddin Husain
of Alauddin Hussain Shah is remarkable as he
Shah also patronized and contributed for the
endowed some pieces of lands for the maintenance of
development of Bengali literature. The important
the tomb of Saint Qutbul Alam with a College and
name of Bengali writers who sat in the court of
Hospital10.Asadullah Khan, a Zamindar Birbhum
Husain shah are Maladhar Basu, Bipradasa, Vijay have largely endowed Madrassas and dedicated half
Gupta (Chhota-Vidyapati) and Jasaraj Khan6. of the income for the support of education. The
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instance of patronization of education is recorded in Methodology of the study:
Riyaz-us-Salatin and Siyar-ul-Mutakherin11… The research methodology enables the researcher to
As far as education of Science and Technology is organize the research problems and efforts into one
concerned, it covered instructions in Natural and cohesive and conceptual product of an idea. Historical
Physical science such as 1.Agriculture12. 2. research aims to reach the zenith on the truth of the
Astronomy. 3. Earth science. 4. Alchemy 5. Physics facts. Though within social science research,
6.Medicine 7.Life sciences in 8. Botany and complete objectivity is not possible. Comparison is a
9.Zoology13. bunch of data that helps the researcher to verify
another set of data. To prepare the present articles,
Literature Review:
descriptive research, historical analytical research,
As far as the historian Ghulam Husain Tabatabai is
concerned an importan Persian chronicle, “Siyar al- historical method, comparative and summarization
Method have been used.
Mutakhherin” is an important source material which
deals with science and technology during Alivardi Critical Analysis/Discussion/Result and Findings:
Khan’s time14. He referred Astronomy, Mathematics Education is an influential tool for individual and
and Medicine in Nawwabs Court15. Muhammad social development20. It is difficult to construct a
Budai Alias Sayyid Mir Alwi is another important paper on education of science and technology during
writer in sultanate Bengal during the rule of sultan Medieval Bengal mainly due to scarcity of sources, to
Ala-al-Din Husain Shah’s reign 1493-1519 AD. The trace even in outline, the system of education that
work entitled “Hedayat al-Rami” provides flourished in Bengal from the distant past21. The
information about the Military science illustrating in sultanate Bengal encouraged the spread of education
various drawings16. The book with the title ‘The rise in academic or elementary to realize their duties22. It
of Islam and the Bengal Frontier 1204-1760 written is to note that, the rulers, the Sufis, Ulamas, the Noble
by R.M Eaton is another important source materials man, chieftains, scholars, philosophers, Islamic
provides information regarding the Science, theologians and patrons all contributed in this regard.
technology and Medicine (Ayurveda and Unani) in During this period, provisions were made for
Medieval Bengal17. Mirza Nathan his another Vocational, technical and professional education23.
important Persian work titled ‘Baharistan-i-ghaibi’ Ain-i-Akbari states that every boy ought to read
which talks about the science technology and books on morals, arithmetic, the notation, peculiar to
Medicine in Medieval Bengal18. S.M. Jaffar’s book is arithmetic, agriculture, mensuration, geometry,
another important source with the title ‘Education in astronomy, physiognomy, household matters, the
Muslim India: Being an Inquiry into the states of rules of government, medicine, logic the tabi’I riazi
Education during the Muslim Period of Indian and ilahi sciences, and history24. The post of kazis
History (1000-1800 A.C.)’Provides information and wazirs required good education25.
regarding the Muslim education, science and
It is important to note that a large number Maqtabs
technology in Sultanate and Mughal period. Historian
and Madrasas were established for the purpose of
Abul Fazl Allami Ibn Mubark’s Ain-i-Akbari education or mainly religious education, but these
provides information on science and technology
madrasas also imparted secular and scientific
during sultanate and Mughal Bengal. He referred the, education26. As far as available sources are
the development of scientific education through
concerned, the two Holy Sufi Saints Shaikh Jalal-al –
different Centres19. Din Tabrizi and Shaikh Sharfuddin Abu Tawama at
Objectives of the Study: Sonargaon and Dhaka established an educational
The Major objectives of the Study are learning academy which imparted instruction in
1. To trace out the major development of education different branches of Sciences with many diverse
specially in the field of education of Science and subjects such as 1. Agriculture 227. Astronomy
technology in Medieval Bengal 3.Mathematics 4. Geography (Earth sciences) 5 along
2. To recognize and examine the various changes with Hadith, Tafsir, Fiqh etc. Arabic and Persian
that had been found in education and social Languages were also taught in the Institution28.
conditions in sultanate and Mughal Bengal. Another important learning centre was known as
3. To evaluate the state of education system during Majilis (Academy)29.
Sultanate Period.
4. To evaluate the state of education system during Another important learning centre was established at
Mughal Bengal. Sonargaon Dhaka by Shaikh Sharf al-Din Abu
5. To compare the role of Husain Shahi Dynasties of Tawama. He came to Delhi from Bokhara during the
Bengal during Sultanate period regarding the time of sultan Ghiyath al- Din Balban reign (1266-
educational changes. 1286) and he returned to Bengal accompanying his
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pupils Sharf al-Din Yahya Maneri from Bihar in 13th Conclusion:
century30. Shaikh Abu Twama is an eminent Islamic The study of the education of science and technology
scholar, theologian, Scientist and Philosopher of experienced development in sultanate and Mughal
Sultanate Bengal. He was alive in 13th century he was Bengal (1204-1757). The education system was
learned in Persian and Arabic languages31. Abu informal, but the Programme and Syllabus followed in
Twama was an influential person who accomplished those Institutions testifying that the study was not
in diverse branches of education including Natural suitable and limited. W.W. Hunters in ‘Indian
Sciences like Chemistry etc. His establishment an Mussalmans’ referred that the “They possessed a
academy at Sonargaon which is an excellent learning system of education… which was capable of affording
centre of Higher education32. The students learned a high degree of intellectual training and polish, was
from Bengal and other parts of world flocked to this founded on principles not wholly unsound, though
Institution to receive higher studies in various presented in an antiquated form and was infinitely
branches of learning such as Tafsir, Hadith, Fiqh as superior to any other system of education then existing
well as many diverse subjects such as 1. Chemistry in India, a system which secured to them an
2.Mathematics 3. Astronomy 4. Physics 5. Medical intellectual as well as a material supremacy”
Science and 6. Languages etc.33.
Another important seminary together with a Hospital [1] S.M. Jaffar, Education in Muslim India: Being
(Shifa Khana) was established by Hazrat Shaikh an Inquiry into the states of Education during
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Pandua which was an important trading and learning 1800 A.C.) Idarah-I Adabiyat-I Delli, Delhi,
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