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G8researchq1 Ia 01

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Research II / Grade 8 QUARTER 1 1/1

LEARNING Explain the meaning, characteristics CODE
COMPETENCY and importance of research. SSP_RS8-NRS-Ia-1
OBJECTIVE Understand the meaning and characteristics of Research.
Research Methods and Techniques. Alicay, Calixto B., 2014 pp
Research Fundamentals. Almeida, Adelaida B., et. al., 2016 pp 2

KNOW Meaning and Characteristics of Research

Meaning of Research Characteristics of Research

 Research is a method of acquiring 1. Empirical – Research is based

knowledge based on the scientific on direct information based on
method of inquiry to enrich the direct experience or observation by
system of objective knowledge in the researcher.
the fields of natural and social
sciences. 2. Logical – Research involves
 Research involves a purposive, reasoning and valid procedures.
organized, and planned program of
activities that result in the 3. Cyclical – A research starts with
acquisition of new knowledge. It is a problem, works on the problem
similar to studying except that you and makes generalization from
will have to do the actual research which another problem may
to find the answers to your
problems. Research activity leads
you to a better understanding of
yourself and your environment. 4. Analytical – Research applies
analytic procedures in gathering
and analyzing data.

5. Critical – Research inquires

careful and precise judgment in
analysis and making

6. Methodical – Research is
conducted using methods and
techniques that are appropriate
to the research problems or

7. Replicable – The design and

procedures of a study can be
replicated or repeated to arrive
at more conclusive results.

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REMEMBER Meaning and Characteristics of

 Research is a method of acquiring There are seven (7) characteristics of

knowledge based on scientific research: cyclical, empirical,
method. analytical, logical, replicability,
critical and methodical.

TRY Directions: Read carefully each item

corresponding circle of the correct answer.
and shade the

1. Which of the following best describes 4. Cyclical is one of the characteristics

the purpose of conducting research? of research. What does cyclical
process mean?
 A. To test the hypothesis of the
study.  A. It requires careful and
 B. To examine relationship of precise judgment.
variables.  B. It starts with a problem and
 C. To answer specific questions and ends with a problem.
to solve problem or issue.  C. It utilizes proven, analytical
 D. To explore the meaning of procedure in gathering data.
people’s experiences, cultures etc.  D. It is repeated to enable the
researcher to arrive at valid and
2. Which of the following is not a conclusive results.
characteristic of Research?
5. To qualify as Research, the process
 A. It requires careful and precise must have certain characteristics,
judgment. which of the following best describes
this statement, “It is based on valid
 B. It utilizes proven, analytical procedures and principles.”?
procedure in gathering data.
 C. It is based on direct experience  A. Cyclical
or observation by the researcher.
 B. Logical
 D. It is a systematic investigation or
something to answer the questions  C. Empirical
posed by the researchers.  D. Critical
3. Which of the following characteristics of
research describes this situation, “A
study using the same instrument,
method and procedure but to different
subjects and venue?

 A. Analytical
 B. Methodical
 C. Cyclical
 D. Replicability

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Key Answers
1. C
2. D
3. D
4. B
5. B

SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF ISABELA CITYCapsulized Self-Learning Enhancement Tool (CapSLET)

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