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Course Title Macro Perspective of Tourism & Hospitality
Course Credits 3 units
Course Description This course is designed to give a clear and whole overview of Tourism and Hospitality as an ecosystem and goes beyond the usual closed concept of
tourism. It introduces the concepts and terms that are common throughout the different sectors. It also intends to develop, update and maintain local
knowledge as well as tourism industry knowledge. It shows the structure and scope of tourism as well as the impact of Tourism as an industry in
relation to the world economy and society. It also illustrates the effects of the convergence of tourism with the other local industries and let the students
appreciate its multiplier effect in various fronts. It discusses the major factors that influence the history and future of tourism in the world and in the
Philippines. It also introduces the sustainable goals of tourism and discusses, among others, how to develop protective environments for children in
tourism destinations; to observe and perform risk mitigation activities; etc. The students will also learn to appreciate the key global organizations and
the roles they play in influencing and monitoring tourism trends.

Contact Hours/week 3 hours

Prerequisite none
General Learning Outcome At the end of the course the students will be able to;
 Discuss the latest product and service developments and technology used in the tourism and hospitality.
 Demonstrate knowledge of current events and future trends and sustainability in the tourism and hospitality industry
 Demonstrate knowledge of the basic theories and techniques in tourism destination management and marketing hospitality and tourism
 Demonstrate respect for cultural diversity in hospitality and tourism industry.
 Exemplify professional, social and ethical responsibility.
 Show ability to perform in a multicultural work place and work effectively as a team in globally- diverse environment
 Analyze and solve problems critically and creatively using appropriate decision-making tools and technology.


WEEK (1-18) Learning Outcomes Topic Student Learning Assessment

WEEK 1 (Sept. 20-24) At the end of the lesson, the
student must be able to:

 Develop a sound  Introduction to Tourism Recorded Lecture Written assessment

understanding of touris m  Glossary of Terms and Synchronous collaboration Oral Questioning during
terminology and statistics Tourism Industry synchronous time

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WEEK 2 (Sept 27-Oct.  Explain the history of  The History of Travel and Recorded Lecture on the To make an outline of
1) tourism and its relationship Tourism and Hospitality history of travel and Tourism the History of Travel and
to the world history. and Hospitality Tourism and Hospitality

Synchronous collaboration

WEEK 3 (Oct. 4-8)  Describe the basic The Main Sectors of Tourism Recorded Lecture on the Oral Questioning
characteristics of the main Industry and their Linkages main sectors of tourism
tourism sectors to initiate  The Characteristic of industry and their linkages
discussion on how the Tourism Industry
different sectors are reliant  The Transportation Synchronous collaboration
to each other Sector
 Convey the major modes of  Travel Agencies and
transportation and elucidate Tour Operators
the significance of these
modes to the current and
future success of tourism

 Explain the importance of

intermediaries in the
distribution of tourism
services and their roles to
bring tourists and tourism
providers together.
WEEK 4 (Oct. 11-15)  Explain the fundamental  The Economic and Recorded Lecture Listing
concepts of economic to Social Impact of Synchronous collaboration
denote its benefits to Tourism
 The Role of Government in
 Investigate the potential the Tourism
economic problems that
can be created by tourism

 Discuss the importance of

tourism in the Philippines
economic development

 Identify the functions of the

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leading government offices
directly involved to the
tourism industry.
WEEK 5 (Oct. 18-22)  Articulate Environmental Impacts Recorded Lecture Written output on:
environmental impacts of Tourism Synchronous collaboration  how tourism can
become an
of tourism and the  Tourism and the environmental tool in
result these impacts in Environment environmental
preserving the nature. conversation.

 Apply concepts of  how environmental

carrying capacity to problems can happen
analyze the potential in beach destination.
environmental impacts
of tourism  can the negative effects
of tourism and
hospitality in
environment be
WEEK 6 (Oct. 25-29)
WEEK 7 (Nov. 3-5) Socio-Cultural Impacts of Recorded Lecture Oral Questioning
Tourism Synchronous collaboration Observation checklist
 Social and Cultural
 Using Culture to Attract
WEEK 8 (Nov. 8-12) Introduction to Hospitality Recorded Lecture Unit Quiz
 Discuss the kinds of Management Synchronous collaboration Oral Questioning
businesses that make  Hospitality Industry
up the hospitality as a Business
industry  The Hospitality
 Enumerate employment Workforce and
opportunities in the Diversity
hospitality industry
 Discuss the basic forces for
hospitality services from the
WEEK 9 (Nov. 15-19)  Discuss the The Scope and Nature of
fundamental concepts Hotel Management Unit Quiz
of hotel industry,  The Hotel Industry & Interactive discussion Oral Questioning
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ownerships and their The Scope of the Observation checklist
characteristics. Industry Portfolio
 The Organization of
Gather information from a the Hotel Workplace
manager or senior staff at a local
hotel to enquire about their set up
and structured policies.
WEEK 10 (Nov. 22-26)  Discuss the concept front The Rooms Division: An
office operations. Overview Interactive Discussion assessment Direct
 The Front Desk observation
 Observe the Front Management Checklist Role-play
Desk management of Oral questioning
a selected hotel and  The Guest Cycle
evaluate the style of  Front Office
communication used Personnel
& efficiency of the  Behavior and
staff. Skills

 Discuss the procedures The Front Office Procedures

involved in the reservation,
registration, accounting and
guest arrival and departure
and night audit
WEEK 11 No.29-Dec.3)  Discuss the importance The Student-led review session
of housekeeping as the Housekeeping Interactive discussion Unit Quiz
main source of income in Management Concept Map Oral Questioning Direct
most hotels. observation
 Identify the room  Housekeeping Overview
and room standards  Types of Accommodation
in hotels and other  Organizational Chart of the
guest Housekeeping Department
 Design an organizational
chart of a medium hotel with
twenty (20) housekeeping
WEEK 12 (Dec. 6-10)
WEEK 13 (Dec.13-17)  Identify the The F and B Operations Interactive discussion
functions of  The F and B Unit Quiz
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Food and Department and its Oral Questioning
Beverage functions
Restaurants, Room Service and
 Enumerate the classifications Bar Management
of restaurants, room service
and bar management
WEEK 14 (January 3-  Discuss mportance of Develop and Update Interview/questions
7) Local Tourism Field visit in the local
tourism in the Philippines Practical
and explain its Knowledge tourism centre
contribution to the  Overview of the information
Portfolio of industry
economy Tourism Sector in the
information related to
Philippines Demonstration
 Access sources of student’s work
information to update  The Top Destinations
local tourism knowledge in the Philippines
in the Philippines
Tourism Promotion Services
Update local tourism information
to promote its products and
WEEK 15 (January 10- The Protective Research study Unit quiz
14)  Define the problem of Environments for Oral
sexual exploitation of Children in Tourism Questioning
children by tourists and Destinations
explain the negative  What is
consequences impacting Child Sex
on the hotel and travel Tourism?
Child Protection as Contributor
 Create awareness the Factor to Responsible and
importance of building Sustainable Tourism
sustainable tourism to
prevent sexual
exploitation of
Familiarize the child protection
WEEK 16 (January 17-  Discuss the emerging
21) The Future Trends of
trends that affects future
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tourism marketing Interactive Discussion Unit Quiz
decisions Think-Pair Share Activity Oral Questioning
1. The Shape Group exercises Observation checklist
 Explain how emerging of New Web-research activity Portfolio
market segments affects
the future of the tourism
2. The Emerging
 Describe how tourism Tourism
service suppliers will be Markets
affected by changing
3. Travel Agents
consumer needs
Changing Roles
Discuss the technological changes
that affects the tourism industry
WEEK 17 (January 24- Tourism and Technology
WEEK 18 (January 31-
Feb 4)

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