1. This checklist has been developed for all type of ships and for operation of ships at security levels 1,2
& 3. The applicability of the requirements depends upon the type of ship, type of operation, handling
gears, area of operation, interface with port facility/ ships etc. Therefore, requirements shown at
security level 1, 2 & 3 may not be applicable for all ships for which the verification is being conducted.
2. The auditor may use his discretion and decide upon the applicability of various requirements to the
particular ship for which verification is being carried out.
3. During the period between two verifications, the ship may or may not have operated at higher security
levels (i.e. level 2 & 3). However, the auditor would still need to satisfy himself about the ship’s ability
to operate at security level 1, 2 & 3. In order to ascertain the ship’s ability to operate at security level
1, 2 & 3, the auditor may verify the availability and understanding of procedures by personnel
responsible for implementation by way of interviewing them and any other documentary evidence, if
4. In case the ship has actually operated at higher security level, the auditor shall mention “YES” against
various applicable requirements are met with against the security level and documentary evidence is
available, giving the details of documentary evidence sighted in remarks column (i.e. operated at level
2 or 3 on particular date).
5. In case the ship has not operated at the security level for which the auditor needs to provide the
information in checklist, the auditor may write, “YES” in case he is satisfied with the ability of the ship
to operate at level 1, 2 & 3. In remarks column the auditor shall mention the reason for his satisfaction
for the ship’s ability to operate at level 1, 2 & 3 (i.e. interview, doc. Procedure, drill/ exercise records).
6. In case the requirement is not applicable to the ship, then the auditor may write “NA” against that
security level and requirement.