DR RS Tutorial Sheet-Mechanical Operations
DR RS Tutorial Sheet-Mechanical Operations
DR RS Tutorial Sheet-Mechanical Operations
Tutorial Sheets
Course: Mechanical Operation Course Code: 19CH3DCMOP
Faculty: Dr. Shivakumar. R
Unit 1: Particle Technology
Problem Statements
1. A quartz mixture having the screen analysis shown in Table 1 is screened through a standard
10-mesh screen. The cumulative screen analysis of overflow and underflow are given in Table 1.
Calculate the mass ratios of the overflow and underflow to feed and the overall effectiveness of
the screen.
Table 1: Screen analyses Data
2. A Sand Mixture was screened through a standard 12 mesh screen. The mass fraction of the
oversize material in feed, overflow, and underflow were found to be 0.4, 0.8, and 0.2 respectively.
Calculate the screen effectiveness based on the oversize materials.
3. A Sponge-iron industry uses a screen of 5mm aperture to separate the oversize from undersize
fines which is then recycled to the furnace. The screen analysis of the furnace output was found to
contain 25% fines. The screen effectiveness was 50%. The underflow from the screen contains
around 95% fines. If the furnace production rate is 100 tons/h. Find the product rate and number
of fines present in the products.
5. The screen analysis in the following table applies to a sample of crushed quartz. The density of
the particles is 2650 kg/m3 and shape factors are a = 2 and Φs = 0.571. For the material between 4
mesh and 200 mesh in particle size calculate, (a) The number of particles per gram (b) volume
mean diameter.
7. The screen analysis shown in the following table applies to a sample of crushed galena (Density
= 7650kg/m3), of sphericity (Φs) 0.62. For the material between 4-mesh and 65-mesh in particle
size, calculate Aw, in square millimeters per gram by differential and cumulative analysis method.
2. What will be the power required to crush 150 tonnes per hour of limestone if 80 percent of the
feed passes 50 mm screen and 80 percent of the product a 3.125 mm screen?
3. What is the power required to crush 100 ton/h of limestone if 80 percent of the feed passes a
2-in. screen and 80 percent of the product ai-in. screen?
Filtrate volume, m3 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Time, sec 6.8 19.0 34.6 53.4 76.0 102.0 131.2 163.0
6. Constant-pressure filtration of a slurry of CaCO3 in H2O. The filter was a 6-inch and the filter
press with an area of 1.0 ft2. The mass fraction of solids in the feed to the press was 0.139. Calculate
the values of 𝛼, Rm and cake thickness. Pressure drop is 35 kPa and viscosity of the water is 0.886
cP. Mass ratio of wet cake to dry cake is 1.59. density of solids 1018 kg/m3.
Filtrate volume, L 0 0.91 1.81 2.72 3.63 4.535 5.44 6.35
Time, sec 0 24 71 146 244 372 524 690
7. For a sludge filtered in a washing plate and frame the filtration equation V2= Kt holds good,
where V is the volume of the filtrate obtained in time t. When the pressure is constant, 30 m3 of
filtrate is obtained in 10 h.
i. Calculate the washing time if 3 m3 of wash water is forced to the cake at the end of
ii. If the filtering area/surface is doubled keeping all other things constant, how long would
it take to obtain 30 m3 of filtrate?
1. McCabe, Warren, L., Smith, Julian, C. and Harriott, Peter, Unit operations of chemical
engineering, 5th edition, McGraw-Hill, Singapore, 2000.
2. Anup Kumar Swain, Hemalata Patra, and Gopendra Kishore Roy, Mechanical Operations, 1st
edition, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, NEW DELHI.