Asme Sec V A-11
Asme Sec V A-11
Asme Sec V A-11
(a) When this Article is specified by a referencing
second column shows the time required at the reduced
Code Section, the method described in this Article shall
pressure, prior to making an AE test. When the ratios
be used together with Article 1, General Requirements.
fall between two values in the second column the higher
Definitions of terms used in this Article are found in
value is used.
Mandatory Appendix III of this Article.
(b) Discontinuities located with AE shall be evaluated
by other methods, e.g., visual, ultrasonic, liquid penetrant, T-1122 Vessel Stressing
etc., and shall be repaired and retested as appropriate.
Arrangements shall be made to stress the vessel to the
design pressure and /or load. The rate of application of
T-1121 Vessel Conditioning stress and load shall be sufficient to expedite the examina-
For tanks and pressure vessels that have been stressed tion with the minimum extraneous noise. Holding stress
previously, the operating pressure and /or load shall be levels is a key aspect of an acoustic emission examination.
reduced prior to testing according to the schedule shown Accordingly, provision must be made for holding the
in Table T-1121. In order to properly evaluate the AE pressure and /or load at designated checkpoints.
examination, the maximum operating pressure or load (a) Atmospheric Vessels. Process liquid is the pre-
on the vessel during the past year must be known, and ferred fill medium for atmospheric vessels. If water must
recorded. replace the process liquid, the designer and user shall be
Table T-1121 is used as follows. The reduced pressure in agreement on the procedure to achieve acceptable stress
is divided by the maximum operating pressure and the levels.
quantity is expressed as a percent. This value is entered (b) Vacuum Vessel Stressing. A controllable vacuum
in the first column and the corresponding row in the pump system is required for vacuum tanks.
T-1123 Vessel Support used. (Possible signal losses may be caused by coatings
such as paint and encapsulants, as well as by construction
All vessels shall be examined in their operating position
surface curvature and surface roughness at the contact
and supported in a manner consistent with good engi-
neering practice. Flat bottomed vessels examined in other
(c) High and Low Frequency Channels. An AE instru-
than the intended location shall be mounted on a noise-
ment channel is defined as a specific combination of
isolating pad on a concrete base or equivalent during the
sensor, preamplifier, filter, amplifier, and cable(s). Both
high and low frequency channels shall be used. High
frequency channels shall be used for detection and evalua-
T-1124 Environmental Conditions tion of AE sources. Low frequency channels shall be
The minimum acceptable vessel wall temperature is used to evaluate the coverage by high frequency sensors.
40°F (5°C) during the examination. Evaluation criteria (d) High Frequency Sensors. (See Appendix I-1111.)
are based above 40°F (5°C). For vessels designed to Several high frequency channels shall be used for zone
operate above 120°F (50°C), the test fluid shall be within location of emission sources. This is due to greater attenu-
±10°F (5°C) of the design operating temperature. [At the ation at higher frequencies.
option of the owner, the vessel test pressure may be (e) Low Frequency Sensors. (See Appendix I-1112.)
increased to compensate for testing at elevated tempera- At least two low frequency channels shall be used. If
tures (120°F) (50°C).] Sufficient time shall be allowed significant activity is detected on the low frequency chan-
before the start of the test for the temperature of the nels and not on high frequency channels, high frequency
vessel shell and the test fluid to reach equilibrium. sensor location shall be evaluated by the examiner.
Noise sources in the test frequency and amplitude Acoustic emission examination shall be performed in
range, such as rain, spargers, and foreign objects con- accordance with a written procedure. Each procedure
tacting the vessels, must be minimized since they mask shall include at least the following information, as appli-
Amplitude distributions are recommended for flaw char- Sensor location guidelines for typical tank types are given
acterization. The AE system is further described in in Nonmandatory Appendix A.
Appendix I. (1) Sensor Spacing. The recommended high fre-
(c) Capability for measuring time and pressure shall quency sensor spacing on the vessel shall be not greater
be provided and recorded. The pressure and /or vacuum than three times the distance at which the recorded ampli-
(in the vessel) shall be continuously monitored to an tude from the attenuation characterization equals the
accuracy of ±2% of the maximum test pressure. threshold of detectability (see Appendix II). Low fre-
quency sensors shall be placed in areas of low stress and
at a maximum distance from one another.
T-1140 APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS (d) Systems Performance Check
T-1141 Vessels (1) Sensor Coupling and Circuit Continuity Verifi-
cation. Verification shall be performed following sensor
(a) Equipment. (See T-1130 and Mandatory Appen- mounting and system hookup and immediately following
dix I.) the test. A record of the verifications shall be recorded
(b) System Calibration. (See Mandatory Appendix II.) in the report.
(1) Attenuation Characterization. Typical signal (2) Peak Amplitude Response. The peak amplitude
propagation losses shall be determined according to one response of each sensor-preamplifier combination to a
of the following techniques. These techniques provide a repeatable simulated acoustic emission source shall be
relative measure of the attenuation. The peak amplitude taken and recorded following sensor mounting. The peak
from a pencil break may vary with surface hardness, resin amplitude of the simulated event at a specific distance
condition, fiber orientation, and cure. greater than 3 in. (75 mm) from each sensor shall not
(2) For acoustic emission instrumentation with vary more than 6 dB from the average of all the sensors.
amplitude analysis: (3) Post-test verification using the procedure in
Select a representative region of the vessel away (d)(2) above shall be done and recorded for the final
from manways, nozzles, etc. Mount a high frequency AE report.
sensor and locate points at distances of 6 in. (150 mm)
and 12 in. (300 mm) from the center of the sensor along
T-1142 Examination Procedure
a line parallel to one of the principal directions of the
surface fiber (if applicable). Select two additional points (a) General Guidelines. The vessel is subjected to pro-
at 6 in. (150 mm) and 12 in. (300 mm) along a line grammed increasing stress levels to a predetermined max-
inclined 45 deg. to the direction of the original points. imum while being monitored by sensors that detect
At each of the four points, break 0.3 mm 2H pencil leads acoustic emission caused by growing structural disconti-
and record peak amplitude. A break shall be done at an nuities.
angle of approximately 30 deg. to the test surface with Rates of filling and pressurization shall be controlled so
a 0.1 in. (2.5 mm) lead extension. This amplitude data as not to exceed the strain rate specified by the referencing
from successive lead breaks shall be part of the report. Code Section.
(3) For systems without amplitude analysis: The desired pressure will be attained with a liquid.
Select a representative region of the vessel away Pressurization with a gas (air, N2, etc.) is not permitted.
from manways, nozzles, etc. Mount a high frequency AE A suitable manometer or other type gage shall be used
sensor and break 0.3 mm pencil leads along a line parallel to monitor pressure. Vacuum shall be attained with a
to one of the principal directions of the surface fibers. suitable vacuum source.
Record the distances from the center of the sensor A quick-release valve shall be provided to handle any
at which the recorded amplitude equals the reference potential catastrophic failure condition.
amplitude and the threshold of acoustic emission detect- (b) Background Noise. Background noise should be
ability (see Appendix II). Repeat this procedure along a identified, minimized, and recorded.
line inclined 45 deg. to the direction of the original line. (1) Background Noise of Check Prior to Loading.
This distance data shall be part of the report. AE monitoring of the vessel is required to identify and
(c) Sensor Locations and Spacings. Locations on the determine the level of spurious signals following the com-
vessel shell are determined by the need to detect structural pletion of the system performance check and prior to
flaws at critical sections, e.g., high stress areas, geometric stressing the vessel. A recommended monitoring period
discontinuities, nozzles, manways, repaired regions, sup- is 10 min to 30 min. If background noise is excessive, the
port rings, and visible flaws. High frequency sensor spac- source of the noise shall be eliminated or the examination
ings are governed by the attenuation of the FRP material. terminated.
(2) Background Noise During Examination. In the T-1183 Felicity Ratio Determination
AE examiner’s analysis of examination results, back-
The felicity ratio is obtained directly from the ratio of
ground noise shall be noted and its effects on test results
the load at onset of emission and the maximum prior
evaluated. Sources of background noise include liquid
load. The felicity ratio is not measured during the first
splashing into a vessel; a fill rate that is too high; pumps,
loading of pressure, atmospheric, or vacuum vessels.
motors, agitators, and other mechanical devices; electro-
(a) During the first loading of FRP vessels, the felicity
T-1182 Emissions During Load Hold EH The report shall include the following:
(a) complete identification of the vessel, including
The criterion based on emissions during load hold is material type, source, method of fabrication, Manufactur-
particularly significant. Continuing emissions indicate er’s name and code number, and previous history of main-
continuing damage. Fill and other background noise will tenance, as well as relaxation operation data from Table
generally be at a minimum during a load hold. T-1121, prior to testing;
FIG. T-1142(c)(1)(a)
FIG. T-1142(c)(2)(b)
TABLE T-1181
Atmospheric (Liquid Head) and Additional1 Superimposed Pressure
First Loading Subsequent Loading
Emissions dur- Less than EH events beyond Less than EH events beyond Measure of continuing permanent damage
ing hold time TH , none having an time TH [Note (3)]
amplitude greater than AM
[Note (2)]
Felicity ratio Greater than felicity ratio FA Greater than felicity ratio FA Measure of severity of previous induced
Total [Note (4)] Not excessive [Note (5)] Less than Nc total counts Measure of overall damage during a load
M [Note (6)] No events with a duration No events with a duration Measure of delamination, adhesive bond
greater than M greater than M failure, and major crack growth
Number of Less than EA events Less than EA events Measure of high energy microstructure
events greater failures. This criterion is often associ-
than reference ated with fiber breakage.
GENERAL NOTE: AM , EA , EH , FA , Nc , and M are acceptance criteria values specified by the referencing Code Section; TH is specified hold time.
(1) Above atmospheric
(2) See Appendix II-1140 for definition of AM.
(3) Permanent damage can include microcracking, debonding, and fiber pull out.
(4) Varies with instrumentation manufacturer; see Appendix II for functional definition of Nc. Note that counts criterion Nc may be different
for first and subsequent fillings.
(5) Excessive counts are defined as a significant increase in the rate of emissions as a function of load. On a plot of counts against load, excessive
counts will show as a departure from linearity.
(6) If used, varies with instrumentation manufacturer; see Appendix II-1150 for functional definition.
(b) vessel sketch or Manufacturer’s drawing with (k) complete description of AE instrumentation
dimensions and sensor locations; including Manufacturer’s name, model number, sensor
(c) test liquid employed; type, system gain, etc.
(d) test liquid temperature;
(e) test sequence — load rate, hold times, and hold
T-1192 Record
(f) correlation of test data with the acceptance criteria; (a) A permanent record of AE data includes:
(g) a sketch or Manufacturer’s drawings showing the (1) AE events above threshold vs time for zones of
location of any zone not meeting the evaluation criteria; interest;
(h) any unusual effects or observations during or prior (2) total counts vs time, etc.;
to the test; (3) signal propagation loss.
(i) date(s) of test; (b) The AE data shall be maintained with the records
(j) name(s) and qualifications of the test operator(s); of the vessel.
shall be shielded against electromagnetic noise. Signal (d) Peak Amplitude. When peak amplitude detection
loss shall be less than 1 dB per 100 ft (30 m) of cable is used, the AE instrument used for examination shall
length. The recommended maximum cable length is 500 measure the peak amplitude within an accuracy of ±2 dB
ft (150 m) to avoid excessive signal attenuation. Digital over a set threshold.
or radio transmission of signals is allowed if consistent (e) M. The AE instrument used for examination shall
with standard practice in transmitting those signal forms. be capable of measuring an M value (if used).
(f) Field Performance Verification. At the beginning
I-1161 Power Supply of each vessel test the performance of each channel of
the AE instrument shall be checked using an electronic
A stable grounded electrical power supply, meeting waveform generator and a stress wave generator.
the specifications of the instrumentation, shall be used. (g) Waveform Generator. This device shall input a
sinusoidal burst-type signal of measurable amplitude,
duration, and carrier frequency. As a minimum, it shall
I-1170 MAIN AMPLIFIER be able to verify system operation for threshold, counts,
The main amplifier, if used, shall have signal response and if used, duration, and peak amplitude measurements
with variations not exceeding 3 dB over the frequency over the range of 25 kHz–200 kHz.
range of 25 kHz–300 kHz, and temperature range of (h) Stress Wave Generator. This device shall transmit
40°F–125°F (5°C–50°C). The written procedure shall a stress wave pulse into the sensor. AE instrumentation
specify the use and nomenclature of the main amplifier. response shall be within 5 dB of the response of the same
The main amplifier shall have adjustable gain, or an sensor model when new.
adjustable threshold for event detection and counting. The AE channel response to a single lead break shall
be within 5 dB of the channel response of the same sensor
model when new.
I-1181 General I-1182 Peak Amplitude Detection
The main processor(s) shall have a minimum of two If peak amplitude detection is practiced, comparative
active data processing circuits through which high fre- calibration must be established per the requirements of
quency and low frequency sensor data will be processed Appendix II. Usable dynamic range shall be a minimum
independently. If independent channels are used, the proc- of 60 dB with 5 dB resolution over the frequency band
essor shall be capable of processing events and counts of 100 kHz–300 kHz, and the temperature range of 40°F–
on each channel. No more than two sensors may be com- 125°F (5°C–50°C). Not more than 2 dB variation in peak
moned into a single preamplifier. detection accuracy shall be allowed over the stated tem-
If a summer or mixer is used, it shall provide a mini- perature range. Amplitude values may be stated in volts
mum processing capability for event detection on eight or dB, but must be referenced to a fixed gain output of
channels (preamp inputs). the system (sensor or preamp).
Low frequency sensor information will be processed
for emission activity. Total counts will be processed from I-1183 Signal Outputs and Recording
the high frequency sensors only. Events accumulated The processor as a minimum shall provide outputs for
above second threshold (high amplitude events) will be permanent recording of total counts for high frequency
processed from the high frequency sensors only. The high sensors, events by channel (zone location), and total
amplitude signal threshold may be established through events above the reference amplitude threshold for high
signal gain reduction, threshold increase, or peak ampli- frequency sensors. A sample schematic is shown in Fig.
tude detection. I-1183.
(a) Threshold. The AE instrument used for examina-
tion shall have a threshold control accurate to within ±2
dB over its useful range. APPENDIX II — INSTRUMENT
(b) Counts. The AE instrument used for examination CALIBRATION
shall detect counts over a set threshold within an accuracy
of ±5%. II-1110 GENERAL
(c) Events. The AE instrument used for examination The performance and threshold definitions vary for
shall be capable of continuously measuring 100 events different types of acoustic emission equipment. Parame-
±1 event /sec, over a set threshold. ters such as counts, amplitude, energy, and M vary from
Two calibrations shall be carried out for each calibra- II-1160 FIELD PERFORMANCE
tion point. One calibration shall be in the principal direc-
As installed on the vessel, no channel shall deviate by
tion of the surface fibers (if applicable), and the second
more than 6 dB from the average peak response of all
calibration shall be carried out along a line at 45 deg. to channels when lead breaks, or other simulated transient
the direction of the first calibration. Breaks shall be at a sources, are introduced 6 in. (150 mm) from the sensor.
distance from the calibration point so as to provide an
amplitude decibel value AM midway between the thresh-
old of detectability (see Appendix II-1120) and reference
amplitude threshold (see Appendix II-1130). APPENDIX III — GLOSSARY OF
The count criterion Nc shall be based on the counts TERMS FOR ACOUSTIC EMISSION
recorded from a defined (referencing Code Section) num- EXAMINATION OF FIBER-
ber of 0.3 mm pencil (2H) lead breaks at each of the two REINFORCED PLASTIC VESSELS
calibration points. III-1110 SCOPE
When applying the count criterion, the count criterion
value, which is representative of the region where activity This Mandatory Appendix is used for the purpose of
is observed, should be used. establishing standard terms and definitions of terms
related to examination of fiber-reinforced plastic vessels
with acoustic emission.
Dip pipe
S10 Side B
S3 S11 S12
S12 SL16
SL15 S7
S5 S8
S1 S11
SL15 S5
S10 S2
Side A
S1 S2 S3
Side A Side B
(1) The bottom knuckle region is critical due to discontinuity stresses. Locate sensors to provide adequate coverage,
e.g., approximately every 90 deg. and 6 in. to 12 in. (150 mm to 300 mm) away from knuckle on shell.
(2) The secondary bond joint areas are suspect, e.g., nozzles, manways, shell butt joint, etc. For nozzles and manways,
the preferred sensor location is 3 in. to 6 in. (75 mm to 150 mm) from intersection with shell and below. The shell
butt joint region is important. Locate the two high frequency sensors up to 180 deg. apart—one above and one
below the joint.
(3) The low frequency sensors shown as SL15 and SL16 should be located at vessel mid-height—one above and one
below the joint. Space as far apart as possible—up to 180 deg. and at 90 deg. to the high frequency pair.
Agitator system
M Drive separately supported Drive M
S8 S8
S5 SL16 S7
S7 S8
S6 S10 S5
S6 S3
S2 S3
Side A Side B
(1) The bottom knuckle region is critical due to discontinuity stresses. Locate sensors to provide adequate coverage,
e.g., approximately every 90 deg. and 6 in. to 12 in. (150 mm to 300 mm) away from the knuckle on shell. In this
example, sensors are so placed that the bottom nozzles, manways, and baffle areas plus the knuckle regions are
(2) The secondary bond joint areas are suspect, e.g., nozzles, manways, and baffle attachments to shell. See the
last sentence of above for bottom region coverage in this example. Note sensor adjacent to agitator shaft top
manway. This region should be checked with agitator on.
(3) The low frequency sensors shown as SL15 and SL16 should be located at vessel mid-height, one above and one
below joint. They should be spaced as far apart as possible—up to 180 deg.
Side B
S12 S14
S11 S14
S13 SL16 S5
SL15 S2 SL16
S11 S13
S1 S8
S3 SL15
S8 S5
S3 Side A S6
S4 S7
S1 S2
Side A Side B
(1) The bottom head is highly stressed. Locate two sensors approximately as shown.
(2) The bottom knuckle region is critical. Locate sensors to provide adequate coverage, e.g., approximately every
90 deg. and 6 in. to 12 in. (150 mm to 300 mm) away from knuckle on shell. The top knuckle region is
similarly treated.
(3) The secondary bond areas are suspect, i.e., nozzles, manways, and leg attachments. For nozzles and
manways, the preferred sensor location is 3 in. to 6 in. (75 mm to 150 mm) from the intersection with shell
and below. For leg attachments, there should be a sensor within 12 in. (300 mm) of the shell-leg interface.
(4) The low frequency sensors shown as SL15 and SL16 should be located at vessel mid-height—one above and
one below joint. They should be spaced as far apart as possible up to 180 deg.
Side B
S12 S8
S6 S4
S7 SL16 S2 S1
SL15 S5
S3 S9 S10 S8
S7 SL15
S3 S4
S5 S6
Side A
Side A Side B
(1) The secondary bond joint areas are suspect, i.e., nozzles, manways, and body flanges. Particularly critical
in this vessel are the bottom manway and nozzle. For nozzles and manways, the preferred sensor location
is 3 in. to 6 in. (75 mm to 150 mm) from intersection with shell and below. The bottom flange in this example
is covered by sensor 3 in. to 6 in. (75 mm to 150 mm) above the manway. The body flange is covered by
low frequency sensors SL15 and SL16 —one above and one below the body flange and spaced as far apart as
possible—up to 180 deg. Displaced approximately 90 deg. from this pair and spaced up to 180 deg. apart
are the two high frequency sensors—one above and one below the flange.
(2) The knuckle regions are suspect due to discontinuity stresses. Locate sensors to provide adequate coverage,
i.e., approximately every 90 deg. and 3 in. to 6 in. (75 mm to 150 mm) away from knuckle on shell.
S9 Support S13 S14
ring Side B
rib S8
S10 S12
S6 S2 S11 SL16
S7 S14
S9 S5
SL15 S7
S6 SL15
Side A
S3 S4
Side A Side B
(1) The knuckle regions are suspect due to discontinuity stresses. Locate sensors to provide adequate coverage,
i.e., approximately every 90 deg. and 6 in. to 12 in. (150 mm to 300 mm) away from knuckle on shell.
(2) The secondary bond joint areas are critical, e.g., nozzles, manways, and shell butt joints. For nozzles and
manways, the preferred sensor location is 3 in. to 6 in. (75 mm to 150 mm) from the intersection with the
shell (or head) and below, where possible. The shell butt joint region is important. Locate sensors up to
180 deg. apart where possible and alternately above and below joint.
(2) The low frequency sensors shown as SL15 and SL16 should be located at vessel mid-height—one above
and one below the joint. They should be spaced as far apart as possible—up to 180 deg. and at 90 deg.
to other pair.
S10 S11
Saddle Sump
Side A S13
S10 S7
SL16 S9
Side A Side B
S2 S1
S7 S14
Side B
S1 S5
S13 S3 S4
(1) The discontinuity stresses at the intersection of the heads and the shell in the bottom region are important. Sensors
should be located to detect structural problems in these areas.
(2) The secondary bond joint areas are suspect, e.g., shell butt joint, nozzles, manways, and sump. The preferred
sensor location is 3 in. to 6 in. (75 mm to 150 mm) from intersecting surfaces of revolution. The shell butt joint
region is important. Locate the two high frequency sensors up to 180 deg. apart—one on either side of the joint.
(3) The low frequency sensors shown as SL15 and SL16 should be located in the middle of the tank—one on either side of
the joint. They should be spaced as far apart as possible, i.e., up to 180 deg. and at 90 deg. to high frequency pair.