Bentobrite 770 Tech Sheet
Bentobrite 770 Tech Sheet
Bentobrite 770 Tech Sheet
General A white sodium bentonite that is selectively mined, micronized, and supplied
Description as a free-flowing powder.
Functional Suspending agent and gellant for use in household products, automotive products,
Use aerosols, paints, enamels and other industrial applications. Used as a binder and
plasticizer, especially in ceramic bodies, to ease extrusion and increase green
Solubility Insoluble in water or alcohol; one gram of clay produces a surface area
greater than 750 sq. meters when fully dispersed.
Dry Particle Minimum 99.00% finer than 200 mesh (74 microns).
Wet Particle Minimum 99.96% finer than 200 mesh (74 microns).
Size Minimum 99.70% finer than 325 mesh (44 microns).
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