Cuestionario PROPUL II P1
Cuestionario PROPUL II P1
Cuestionario PROPUL II P1
1. Powers the Boeing737 NG series (737-600/-700/-800/-900).
The CFM56-7B.
+ It has higher thrust ranges, improved efficiency, and lower maintenance costs than its predecessor,
the CFM56-3 series. It incorporates features from the CFM56-5 series such as FADEC, double-
annular combustor (as an option), and improved internal design.
The CFM56-7B.
+ This means that the engine has no periodic overhaul schedules and can remain installed under the
wing until something important occurs, or when lifetime limits of parts are reached.
‘On Condition Maintenance’.
4. The CFM56 engine, a high by-pass, dual rotor, axial flow advanced technology turbofan, was
designed in:
The mid 70’s. It is a product of CFMI.
+ CFMI, with the full backing of parent companies holding equal shares, has a dual function:
Overall program management, on behalf of both GE and SNECMA
Single interface with customers for marketing and product support
+ The CFM56-7B is offered by CFMI as the common power source for the:
Boeing 737 Next Generation Versions.
7. The CFM56-7B is a:
High bypass ratio, dual rotor, turbo fan engine.
+ It has higher thrust ranges, improved efficiency, and lower maintenance costs than its predecessor,
the CFM56-3 series. It incorporates features from the CFM56-5 series such as FADEC, double-
annular combustor (as an option), and improved internal design.
The CFM56-7B.
10. The CFM56-7B, the basic mechanical arrangement is as the -3 series, but all aspects were
aerodynamically improved from that model. For example, the improved wide-chord fan blades
allowed the total number of fan blades to be:
Reduced from 44 to 24.
+ Other improvements came from material advances, such as the use of:
Single-cristal turbine blades in the high-pressure turbine.
5. Overall dimensions:
Length 2.51m (98.72 ins)
Height 1.83m (72.00 ins)
Width 2.12m (83.40 ins)
6. General engine data for the CFM56-7B engine is shown. These items show on the engine
nameplate and these are:
Regulatory agency data, Engine manufacture data, Engine performance data.
+ Los modelos 737-800 y 737-900 de cuerpo más largo pueden operar con:
La máxima capacidad de empuje del motor CFM56-7B.
+ Cambiar la configuración de la tasa no requieren grandes gastos de tiempo y dinero. Esta tarea es
un estándar y puede ser logrado en mantenimiento, Esto es V o F?
ENGINE START. This is true or false
+ Figure shows the hazard areas near the air inlet with dangerous air conditions. Inlet hazard areas
are shown on:
The left and right fan cowl panels with stripes and placards.
+ Persons positioned near the power plant during power plant operation must be aware of the hazard
Aft of the inlet cowl lip.
18. If the surface wind is more than 25 knots, increase the distance of the hazard area by:
+ Warning: if the wind is over 25 knots, increase the inlet hazard area by:
20 percent.
1. Is very hot for long distances behind the engine. This can cause damage to personnel and
The engine exhaust.
+ Is very high for long distances behind the engine. This can cause damage to personnel and
Exhaust velocity.
3. There is a forward and aft engine mount, Each engine mount attaches the:
Engine to the strut.
9. Fluids drain through a hole in the left fan cowl panel from these components:
Fuel pump, Integrated drive generator (IDG) and Hydraulic pump.
10. For more information about allowable leakage limits, See the:
AMM (AMM PART II 71-71).
11. Gives an aerodynamically smooth surface into and over the engine. It also gives a protective area
for engine components and accessories.
The engine cowling.
1. Sends air into the engine. It provides a passage for proper entry of air for optimum engine
operation with minimum aerodynamic drag.
The inlet cowl.
+ The inlet cowl attaches to the:
+ Permits access to the IDG for servicing. It is on the left fan cowl panel.
The IDG access door.
+ Permits access to the chip detectors. It also is a pressure relief door. It is on the left fan cowl.
The chip detector access door.
+ Permits access to the oil tank for servicing. It is on the right fan cowl.
The oil tank access door.
5. Permits access to the T12 sensor. It is also a pressure relief door. It is on the right fan cowl.
The T12 access/pressure relief door.
+ One end of each hold open rod attaches to the fan cowl. This is true or false.
9. When the cowl is closed, the other end attaches to a receiver on the:
Fan cowl.
+ When the cowl is open, the other end attaches to a receiver on the:
+ The upper end of the T/R opening actuator attaches to the T/R cowl. The lower end attaches to the:
Engine fan frame extension ring.
13. Fluid from the hand pump causes the T/R opening actuator rod to:
Extend and open the T/R cowl.
+ In the T/R cowl, shows when the collar in the lock position.
A red band on the rod.
+ The AMM also has the manual open and closing procedure. With the manual procedure, you lift
and move the cowl up until the actuator lock goes into the:
Lock position.
15. The leading edge flaps can extend and damage the T/R cowls (halves) when they are in the:
Open (maintenance) position.
+ Follow the AMM procedures to prevent the leading edge flap operation before you:
Open the T/RS.
+ Is usually put around the T/R opening actuator's rod after the T/R cowl is open.
An actuator safety lock
+ Two quick release pins hold the actuator safety lock around the:
T/R opening actuator rod.
17. You use a hold open fitting (special tool) to keep the T/R halves open during an:
Engine change.
+ A hold open rod can keep these T/R halves open at:
55 degrees.