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DLL - Q4 W5 Math 8

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Teacher: HONORIO G. SISON JR. Learning Area: MATH 8

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and June 5-9, 2023
Quarter: Fourth
In MATH 8 Time: 9:00 am-5:00 pm



1. Content
The learner demonstrates key concepts of finding the probability of a simple event.
2. Performance
The learner is able to formulate and solve problems involving probability of a simple event in real life situation
Learning Competency: Learning competency: Finds Learning competency: Learning competency: Learning Competency: Solve
Finds the probability of a the probability of simple Illustrates an Illustrates problems
simple event (M8GE- event (M8GE-IVh-1) (Week experimental and experimental and involving
IVh-1) 8 – Day 4) theoretical probability theoretical probability probabilities
(M8GE-IVi-1) (Week 9 – (M8GE-IVi-1) (Week 9 of simple
Learning Objectives:
1. Finds the probability of a Day 1) – Day 2) events
1. Measure chance (M8GE-IVi-j-1)
simple event
3. Learning using probability 2. Identify sample space 1. Define experimental 1. Define theoretical Learning Objectives:
Competencies/ 2. Find probability of a 3. Recall the steps to find the
and sample point probability probability
Objectives: simple event probability of simple events
3. Show interest in doing 2. Illustrates 2. Illustrates
Demonstrate the experiment/ activity experimental probability theoretical probability 4. Solve problems involving
appreciation on the 4. Demonstrate 3. Show interest in doing 3. Show interest in probabilities of simple events
application of cooperation during the the activity doing the activity 5. Demonstrate appreciation of
probability in real life experiment/ activity 4. Demonstrate 4. Demonstrate solving problems involving
cooperation during cooperation during probabilities of simple events
activity activity

II. CONTENT Probability of a simple Basic Concepts of Basic Concepts of Basic Concepts of Problems involving Probability of
event Probability (Probability of Probability (Probability of Probability Simple Events
a simple event) a simple event) (Theoretical
A. References
1. Teacher’s teacher’s guide, learner’s
Guide Pages module,
2. Learner’s
Module 11: Pages 614-
Materials Pg. 565 - 571 Pg. 566 - 585 Pg. 567 - 585 Pages 562-580
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing The teacher lets the  The teacher gives  The teacher gives  The teacher The teacher ask the students the
previous lesson students recall on: a short a short gives a short following questions:
or presenting 1.What they have done recapitulation recapitulation recapitulation
the new lesson yesterday? about last about last about last  When you hear ‘It will
(ELICIT) meetings meetings meetings probably rain today,’
2.What is the formula in
discussion. discussion. discussion. what do you think this
getting the probability of
 The teacher asks  The teacher asks  The teacher means?
a simple event? the students: the students: asks the  How should you respond
1. How do you define 1. How is the students: to the statement?
simple event? number of 1. How do you
2. What is the occurrences of an define
formula in finding the event experimental
probability of a determined? probability?
simple event? 2. What are the 2. How will you
four probability determine the
rules? Experimental
Probability of an

B. Establishing a The teacher lets the The teacher let the The teacher let the The teacher let the The teacher let the students
purpose for the students realize the students realize that students realize that one students realize that realize that solving problems
lesson concept of solving probabilities of a simple way to find the probability Probabilities can be involving probability is an
(ENGAGE) event is the ratio of of an event is to conduct solved theoretically in important skill needed in our day
probability as an favorable outcome and an experiment. which each event is to day life.
important skill in dealing total outcome. assumed to be equally
real life situations and likely.
C. Presenting The teacher lets the The teacher let the Group the students into 8, The teacher let the The teacher tells the students, in
examples/ students solve the given students to work by pair, and let them do Activity 4 students to work by groups of three, do the Activity
instances of problem. and let them show their “Words come easy!” pair, and let them do below.
the new lesson solution. found on pg. 566 of the Activity 5 “What is the
(EXPLORE) Learner’s Module. probability?” found on A pack of Lollipop has 5 flavors,
What is the probability
Kyle works at a local music pg. 567 of the 10 orange, 9 strawberry, 7
that a day of a week Learner’s Module.
store. The store receives a lemon, 6 grapes and 8 apples.
drawn at random shipment of new CDs in a
1. Starts A lollipop is picked at random.
box. In the shipment,
with a there are 10 country CDs,
“T”? 5 rock CDs, 12 hip hop
2. has more CDs, and and 3 jazz CDs.
than 6
What is the probability
letters? that the first CD Kyle
3. has the chooses from the box will
letter “e” be country?
on it?
4. ends in
5. has fewer
than 6

D. Discussing new The teacher discusses The teacher discusses the The teacher discusses the The teacher discusses The teacher discusses with the
concepts and with the students the process of arriving at the process of arriving at the the process of arriving students the process of arriving at
practicing new process of answering the answer. Furthermore, answer of each exercise in at the answer of each the answer in the given Activity.
skills #1 Activity. Recall the he/she also explains that activity 4. Furthermore, exercise in activity 5. Furthermore, he/she asks the
they need to determine he/she also explains that Furthermore, he/she students about the mathematical
formula in getting the
first the sample space( all experimental probability also explains that skills or principles that they used
probability. possible outcomes) and is getting the probability Theoretical probability to solve the problems involving
the sample of an event using the is getting the probability of simple events.
point( individual outcome) actual results of the probability using the
for them to be able to experiments conducted. formula based on math
determine the probability. theory.
E. Developing Working with pair, the The teacher let the The teacher let the The teacher let the The teacher discusses and
mastery (leads teacher lets the students students answer by pair. students answer the students find a pair and illustrates thoroughly the steps in
activity by pair. solving problems involving
to formative answer the following Sam owns a large fish do the activity. probability of simple events.
assessment) problem. store with many colors of A bag contains 10 red
(EXPLAIN) fish. He keeps all of the marbles, 8 blue marbles A bag contains 10 red
Fifteen identical cards are fish in a large aquarium. In and 2 yellow marbles. Find marbles, 8 blue marbles
his main aquarium, he has the experimental and 2 yellow marbles.
labeled 1 to 15. Find the
5 red fish, 6 blue fish, 14 probability of getting a Find the theoretical
probability that a card white fish and 5 green blue marble. probability of getting a
drawn at random maybe: fish. A customer comes blue marble.
into the store and wants
1.an odd number to buy a blue fish to take
2.a multiple of 5 home. What is the
3.less than 8 but greater probability that Sam will
than 3 reach in and scoop out a
4.a factor of 15 blue fish on his first
5.divisible by 3 and 2

F. Making The teacher summarizes The teacher summarizes The teacher summarizes The teacher The teacher summarizes the
generalizations the rules and formula in the discussion through the discussion through summarizes the mathematical skills or principles
and solving probability with questions like: questions like: discussion through used to solve problems involving
abstractness to simple events. questions like: probability of simple events
the lesson 1. How will you 1. How do you define through the questions like:
(ELABORATE) determine sample space experimental probability? 1. How to find the
and sample point? 2. How will you find the Theoretical Probability 6. How did you find the
2. What is the formula in Experimental Probability of an event? activity?
finding the probability of of an event? 2. What is the 7. What did you do to arrive
simple event? Theoretical Probability at the answer?
formula? 8. What are the steps to
solve problems involving
probability of simple

Answers shall be drawn from the


G. Evaluating The teacher lets the The teacher let the

The teacher let the The teacher let the
The teacher lets the students
learning students answer students answer answer individually the formative
students answer students answer
(EVALUATION) individually the formative individually for formative assessment.
individually the formative individually the
assessment. assessment.
assessment. formative assessment.
Nine identical cards are Read, analyze and solve the
Problem 1: A trial consists of flipping problem below.
labeled 8 to 16 and 1. Find the theoretical
placed in a box. a coin once and rolling a probability of rolling an
Find the probability that There are 22 green die once. In the box, there are 6 red pens, 9
a card drawn at random and 55 black marbles. If Conduct 25 trials and even number when you blue pens, 4 black pens and 5
has: one marble is chosen at record your data in the roll a die containing the green pens. Suppose you choose a
1. the random then what is the table. What is the numbers 1-6. Express pen at random.
probability of getting experimental probability the probability as a
number 1
green marble. of getting a head and at fraction, decimal, ratio a. How many pens are there
on it the same time a 6? and percent. in the box?
2. an odd b. What is the probability
number that the pen chosen is
on it red?
3. a zero on c. What is the probability
it that the pen chosen is
4. a one on blue?
it d. What is the probability
5. the that the pen chosen is
number 7
e. What is the probability
on it
that the pen chosen is

H. Additional
activities for
application and


A. Number of learners who

earned 80% in the
evaluation: _________

B. Number of learners who

scored below 80% who
needs additional
activities for
remediation: _________
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners
who have caught up
with the lesson:

D. Number of learners who

continue to require
remediation: __________

E. Which of my teaching
strategy/ies worked
well? Why did these

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher II Head Teacher I


Principal II

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