CHN 2 Session 8 SAS
CHN 2 Session 8 SAS
CHN 2 Session 8 SAS
Community as Clients)
You are computing the crude death rate of your municipality, with a total population of about 18,000, for last year. There
were 94 deaths. Among those who died, 20 died because of diseases of the heart and 32 were aged 50 years or older.
What is the crude death rate?
In the past year, Barangay A had an average population of 1655. 46 babies were born in that year, 2 of whom died less
than 4 weeks after they were born. There were 4 recorded stillbirths. What is the neonatal mortality rate?
Community organizing as a process consists of steps or activities that instill and reinforce the people’s self- confidence
on their own collective strengths and capabilities (Manalili, 1990).
It is the development of the community’s collective capacities to solve its own problems and aspire for development
through its own efforts. It entails harnessing and developing the community’s capacities to recognize a community
problem, identify and implement solutions, and monitor and evaluate the efforts in resolving the problem.
Community Organizing
Is a continuous process of educating the community to develop its capacity to assess and analyze the situation (which
usually involves the process of consciousness raising), plan and implement interventions mobilization), and evaluate
Identification of:
✓ Possible barriers
✓ Threats
✓ Strengths
✓ Opportunities at this stage is an important determinant of the over-all outcome of community organizing
Basic criteria
✓ Geographically isolated and disadvantaged area
✓ Community perceives that they need assistance
✓ Shows sign of willingness
✓ No obvious threat for safety
✓ No other organization working with same services
✓ Partnership among other sectors is feasible
3. Community Integration
⎯ Community integration or pakikipamuhay is the phase when the organizer may actually live in the community in an
effort to understand the community better and imbibe community life. The establishment of rapport between the
organizer and the people indicates successful integration.
✓ Integration requires IMMERSION in a community life.
✓ Organizer’s conduct as well as manner of dressing must be in accordance with the norms of the
Styles of Integration
⎯ “Guest” status
✓ Visits the community as per schedule
✓ “now you see, now you don’t”
⎯ Boarder style
✓ Rents a room or house in a village
✓ Lives with his own lifestyle
✓ Does not share life with the community
⎯ “Elitist” style
✓ Lives with the barangay chairman or some other prominent person in the community
✓ Frequently with the barangay officials People-centered approach integration
✓ This practice allows the organizer to experience the life of the people in the community. Hence, they will
understand them better.
⎯ Participation in social activities
✓ Attending fiestas, weddings, baptismal celebrations, funeral wakes and other activities of the community that
carry social meaning and importance.
✓ Community organizers should remain as role model, gambling and drinking alcoholic beverages with them is
4. Social Analysis
⎯ This is the process of gathering, collating and analyzing data to gain extensive understanding of community
conditions, help in the identification of problems of the community and determine the root cause of these
✓ Known also as social investigation, community study, community analysis, or community needs
✓ In nursing practice this is often called as community diagnosis with emphasis given to health and health-
related problems
✓ Comprehensive analysis
• Demographic data
• Sociocultural data
• Economic data
• Environmental data
• Data on health patterns (morbidity, mortality, fertility) and
• Data on health resources
The community organizer must bear in mind that the prevailing culture or social structure in some communities tends to
make ordinary people shy away from leadership roles, and instead, prefer to work in self-effacing supportive roles. Some
community members may equate leadership ability with education or wealth. Thus, one of the challenges of community
organizing is the training and preparation of the potential leaders. This requires consistency and persistence in the training
and thereby encouraging them and giving their opportunities to assume various roles in community activities. The key is to
allow time for them to develop and gradually assume leadership role.
✓ Requires series of training sessions to transfer the technology of organizing, enabling the core group to take
✓ Essential component of core group formation: reinforcement of the social consciousness of the members,
particularly in terms of analyzing the root causes of community problems
✓ The formation program may focus on self-awareness and development of community health leaders
✓ Negative factor must be addressed so as not to affect the outcomes of the community organizing efforts
7. Community Organization
Through various means of information dissemination, the core group, with the assistance of the organizer, instills
awareness of common concerns among other members of the community. Subsequently, on the initiative of the core
group, the community conducts an assembly or a series of assemblies, with the goals of arriving at a common
understanding of community concerns and formulating a plan of action in dealing with these concerns. Collective decision
making must dictate what projects and strategy must be undertaken. The organizer must remember that it is their project
to be done in their community. The organizer must let them decide.
If the community decides to formalize the organization, it must have the following characteristics:
⎯ An organizational name and structure
⎯ A set of officers recognized by the members of the community
⎯ Community and bylaws stating the vision, mission and goals (VMG) rules and regulations of the organization and
duties and responsibilities of its officers and members
The community may then decide to seek legal recognition by registering the organization with the appropriate government
agency, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission or the Cooperatives Development Agency. Recognition by the
LGU completes the process.
Gaining legal recognition paves the way for the organization’s participation in the Barangay, Municipal or City
Development Council as provided in the Local Government Council as provided in the Local Government Code (RA
7160). The organization may also establish linkages and networks with other government agencies, nongovernment
organizations/agencies, or other people’s organizations that will further strengthen and expand the organization,
facilitating the attainment of its goals and objectives.
8. Action Phase
Also known as the MOBILIZATION phase, the action phase refers to the implementation of the community’s planned
projects and programs.
9. Evaluation
Evaluation is a systematic, critical analysis of the current state of the organization and or projects compared to desired or
planned goals or objectives. Ideally, evaluation is done periodically during mobilization (i.e. formative evaluation) to allow
revision of strategies when needed and at the end of the prescribed project period (i.e. summative evaluation).
In community organizing, there are two major areas of evaluation: program-based evaluation and organizational
Methodology/Survey form ⎯ Use of ready-made survey from the ⎯ It will vary from the needs of the
school community and the methodology is
⎯ Some use survey but just collect data the surveying participants
from previous study
Problem statement ⎯ Misjudging complex problems as ⎯ After the survey and analysis has
simple problems. been done. Problem will be coming
⎯ Not considering the result of the from the survey form
survey form rather pay attention to ⎯ Any problems too big should not be
the concern of the few individuals. prioritized
Implementation ⎯ Fish effect One day program ⎯ Fishing rod effect Programs should
not be one-time affair
Community Immersion
Community immersion (CI) is a related learning experience program requiring student nurses to live and work within a
selected remote community. Students learn about nursing care for diverse populations in the community settings during
this two-week clinical immersion experience. Topics such as primary health care, epidemiology, environmental health,
health promotion, disease prevention and management, and individual, family, and population-centered nursing will be
covered. Furthermore, students learn about rural public health systems, the role of a public health nurse, as well as the
wide range of programs and issues present in remote community.
The CI program is a community-based learning approach that has been further strengthened by the World Health
Organization, which defines the social accountability of medical schools as “the obligation to direct education, research
and service activities towards addressing priority health concerns of the community”.
From both a public health perspective and an educational perspective, immersion of student nurses in the community
raises awareness of future nurses of the health needs of the community and of the psychosocial dimensions of any health
problem. Student nurses who experienced living within the remote community have been reported to have a positive
impact on their future community engagement, giving them the opportunity of an early experience.
General objective:
⎯ The general aim of the community immersion program is to prepare future nurses to be competent staff PHN.
Specific Objectives:
The community immersion program aims to:
1. train future nurses to respond to the health problems of individuals in their complexity, and strengthens their ability to
work with the community;
2. develop student nurses’ leadership capabilities;
1. In the Pre-entry phase of the COPAR process, a preliminary social investigation is conducted to aid in the selection of
the site. Nurse Rashan helped in identifying the community for COPAR. Which of the following is not a criterion to be used
when selecting an area for COPAR?
A. Area must have no serious peace and order problem
B. Must have a population of 100-200 families
C. Economically not depressed
D. No similar groups holding the same program
E. No strong resistance from the community
Answer: ________
2. In Pre-entry Phase, which of the following activities should be done in choosing the final community?
A. Determining the outcome of the program in the community
B. Developing programs with the community
C. Community decides to formalize organization
D. Take note of political development
E. Conducting formal interviews with community residents and key informants
Answer: ________
3. As part of the Pre-entry phase of COPAR, which of the following implies that the potential host family is not good to live-
A. House is strategically located in the community
B. Neighbors are hesitant to enter the house
C. No member of the host family should be moving out in the community
D. Should not belong to elite/rich segment
E. None of these
Answer: ________
4. Nurse Natasha is in the Social Analysis phase of COPAR if she is doing which of the following activities?
A. Setting up linkages and network referrals
B. Training of CHO workers
C. SALT (self-awareness leadership training)
D. Implementation of livelihood projects
E. Conduct community diagnosis
Answer: ________
5. Evaluation is a systematic, critical analysis of the current state of the organization and/or projects compared to desired
or planned goals or objectives. In evaluation, there are two areas of evaluation, one of which is program-based evaluation.
The following are the evaluation parameters for program-based, except:
A. Were the goals and objectives of the program/project achieved?
B. What strategies were implemented? What worked? What did not?
C. What is the level of participation in the affairs of the community organization?
8. Which among the following best describes community immersion program (CIP)?
A. CIP refers to hands-on experience in a community nearby.
B. It is a related learning experience program which requires student nurses to live and work in the community.
C. Student nurses implement public health programs.
D. Student nurses assume the role of a public health nurse to a selected population.
Answer: ________
A. 1, 2, 3 and 4
B. 1, 3 and 4
C. 2, 3 and 4
D. 1, 2 and 4
Answer: ________
This strategy focuses on the assessment of your learnings after a lesson. You must answer the following questions, as
honest as possible, based on your own understanding.
1. What specific part of the Main Lesson for this session do you find the most confusing?
2. What makes your answer in #1 confusing? What is the question in your mind?
3. Since that is your most confusing lesson, what are the interventions that you must do to understand the topic?