Concrete 180905115821
Concrete 180905115821
Concrete 180905115821
• Composite man made material.
• Most widely used.
• Consists of rationally chosen mixture of binding material such as lime or cement,
well graded fine & coarse aggregates, water.
• Mix of sand water & cement called as matrix in concrete.
• Freshly mixed concrete is called as green concrete.
• After setting is called as set or hardened concrete.
• Major factors responsible for using cement concrete are mouldability, early
hardening, high early compressive strength, pumpability & durability.
• Versatile in nature.
• Homogenous mixture.
• The coarse aggregate acts as filler.
• The fine aggregate fills up the voids between the paste & coarse aggregate.
• The cement in conjunction with water acts as a binder.
• The mobility of mixture is aided by the cement paste, fines & now a days by
use of admixtures.
• The aim of quality control is to ensure the production of concrete of uniform
strength from batch to batch.
Cementing material
• Lime concrete
• Gypsum concrete
• Cement concrete
Perspective specifications
• Mix proportions
Bulk density
• Heavy
• Dense
• Lightweight
• Extra lightweight
Place of casting
• In situ
• precast
• The stages of concrete production are:-
Batching or measurement of materials.
• For good quality concrete, proper & accurate quantity of all ingredients should be used.
• Two methods of batching:-
Volume batching
Small jobs
Guage box
Weigh batching
Important works
Manual weighing or weigh batchers
Automatic weigh batchers
• Objective of mixing is to make concrete mass homogenous & uniform in colour & conistency.
• Either by hand or mixer.
Hand mixing
Small jobs
On an impervious floor
10 % of cement is added more to the mix
Machine mixing
Important & quality works
Batch mixers & continuous mixers
Batch mixers produce batch by batch with time intervals & used for small 7 medium
sized works.
Continuous mixers produce concrete continuously & are used for large works like dams.
Should be transported at the earliest without the loss of homogeneity obtained at the time of
Segregation should not take place during transportation & placement.
Methods of transportation:-
• Mortar pan
• Wheel barrow
• Chutes
• Dumper
• Bucket & ropeway
• Belt conveyor
• Skip & hoist
• Pumping
• Concrete is placed on form works.
• The form works should be cleaned.
• If concrete is to be placed for foundation, the soil bed should be compacted
well & is made free from loose soil.
• Concrete should be dropped on its final position as closely as possible.
• If dropped from a height, the coarse aggregates fall early & then mortar
• This results as segregation into weaker concrete.
In the process of placing concrete, air is entrapped.
The entrapped air reduces the strength of concrete by 30 %.
Hence it is necessary to remove the air which is achieved by compaction.
Either by hand or by vibrators.
In hand compaction method, concrete is compacted by ramming, tamping or spading.
Concrete can be compacted by using high frequency vibrators. Vibration reduces the
friction between the particles& set the motion of particles.
As a result entrapped air is removed & concrete is compacted. W/C ratio can be reduced
with vibrators.
Needle or immersion vibrators
Surface vibrators
Form or shutter vibrators
Vibrating tables
• Curing may be defined as the process of maintaining satisfactory moisture & temperature
conditions for freshly placed concrete for some specified time for proper hardening of
• Curing in the early ages is more important.
• Curing for 14 days is very important.
• If curing is not done properly , strength & durability of concrete reduces.
• Cracks develop due to shrinkage.
• Various methods of curing are:-
Spraying of water :- walls, columns etc.,
Gunny bags :- vertical surfaces
Ponding:- slab & floors by stagnating water.
Steam curing:- prefabricated units, steam is passed in closed chambers, accelerates
curing process.
Curing compounds like calcium chloride is also used.
To give a uniform surface.
• Concrete has completely different properties when it is in the plastic stage & when
• In plastic stage it is also known as green concrete.
• Properties of green concrete include:-
Workability:- ease with which concrete can be fully compacted without segregation &
bleeding. Depends on quantity of water, grading, shape & percentage of aggregates
Segregation:- separation of coarse particles in green concrete is called segregation.
Happens due to deficient quantity of fine particles or throwing concrete from grater
heights. Cohesiveness losts & honey combing results. Ultimately, loss in strength.
Bleeding:- appearance of water along with cement particles on the surface. Happens
due to excessive quantity of water or due to excessive compaction. Results in pores
& weak concrete.
Harshness:- resistance offered by concrete to its surface finish. Difficult to get a
smooth surface finish & concrete becomes porous. Happens due to poorly graded
aggregates or less fine aggregate or less cement mortar.
• Strength:- compressive strength of 150 mm cubes at 28 days.M20 is minimum grade to be
• Resistance to wear:-
• Dimensional changes:- concrete shrinks with age. Approximately 0.0003 of its original.
Permanent dimension change due to loading over a long period is termed as creep.
• Durability:- resistance to weathering, chemical attacks, heat, freezing, thawing.
• Impermeability:- resistance of concrete to the flow of water through its pores. Excess
water results into pores.
• The water-cement ratio (w/c) is one of the major factors influencing the strength of
• It is responsible mainly for the porosity of the hardened cement paste.
• Thus theoretically lower the w/c ratio means higher compressive strength as less voids
are created.
• Water-cement ratio is the water used to the quantum of cement in the mixture by weight.
• For proper workability the w/c ratio varies from 0.4 – 0.6
• However, theoretical maximum strength is derived at
w/c = 0.4 at which minimum capillary cavities are expected to
• It may be noted that for complete hydration of cement
under controlled conditions the water requirement is
about 38 per cent. (i.e. w/c = 0.38)
• When it is decreased to less than 0.4 there is improper
consistency and workability of cement and honeycombed
structure may result.
• Also, at w/c ratio more than 0.6, porosity increases
and strength decreases.
Are there any Exceptions:
• However, concrete compacted by vibrator displays
higher strength even up to w/c = 0.3.
• Duff Abrahm gave the following equation to estimate the strength of concrete for a given w/c
S = Strength of cement at 28 days and A, B are constants
x = Water to cement ratio (w/c)
• According to Abrahm’s law it is evident that strength of concrete depends only upon w/c
ratio provided the mix is workable.
• The tests on concrete can be divided on the following lines:
• Tests on Fresh concrete (wet concrete)
• Tests on Hardened concrete
For hardened concrete the most important tests are the assessment of strength of concrete,
which can be assessed by the following tests.
• This test is more accurate and sensitive than the slump test
especially for it is useful for concrete mixes of medium and low
• Here the workability is measured in terms of compaction factor
(0.4 , 0.8, 0.9)
• Concrete of very low workability (0.7 or below), this test is NOT
• It is primarily designed for laboratory work but can also be
used in the field.
• Sample of concrete to be tested is placed gently in the upper hopper,
and levelled.
• Trap-door is then opened to allow the concrete to fall into the lower
• Concrete which has sticked in the upper hopper at sides is gently
pushed into lower one.
• The trap-door of the lower hopper is opened so that the concrete falls in
the cylinder.
• The excess of concrete remaining above the level of the top of the
cylinder should be cut and removed.
• Weight of the concrete in the cylinder is then determined, which is
known as weight of partially compacted concrete.
• The entire concrete is filled in cylinder and tamped with tamping rod, and
the weight of concrete in the cylinder is then determined, which is known
as weight of fully compacted concrete.
• Thus compacting factor is defined as the ratio of “weight of
partially compacted concrete to the weight of fully compacted
Equipment for the test - The cone filled with concrete, prior
Flow table, Slump cone to lifting.
1) Fibres reduce the workability of a mix and may cause the entrainment of air.
2) Steel fibres tend to intermesh and form balls during mixing of concrete.
Fibre reinforced concrete is useful in hydraulic structures, airfield pavements, highways, bridge
decks, heavy duty floors, and tunnel linings.
• The tensile cracking strain of cement matrix is about 1/50 of that
of yield of steel fibres. Consequently when FRC is loaded, the
matrix [CEMENT CONCRETE MATRIX] cracks long before the
fibres are fractured.
• Once the matrix is cracked the composites continue to carry
increasing tensile stress, provided the pullout resistance of fibres
at the first crack is greater than the load at the first cracking.
• The bond or the pullout resistance of the fibres depends on the average bond strength between the fibres
and the matrix, the number of fibres crossing the crack, the length and diameter of fibres, and the aspect
• The use of the highest possible strength concrete and minimum steel offers the most
economical solution for columns of high rise buildings.
• This clearly demonstrates the economy of using HSC in multistorey buildings.
• So far, for industrial application, HSCs are limited to structural members that are not
exposed to freeze thaw cycles.
• Further, superplasticized, low w/c ratio HSC containing high cement content and a good
quality puzzolana has a great potential of use where impermeability or durability, not
strength, is the main consideration.
• Such applications include floors in the chemical and food industry, and bridge deck
overlays that are subject to severe chemical and physical processes of degradation.
• Ready mixed concrete (RMC) is a concrete, delivered at site or into the
purchaser’s vehicle, in plastic condition and requires no further
treatment before being placed in a position in which it is to set and
• It is a high quality concrete of required grade produced under strictly
controlled conditions in a centralized automatic batching plant and
supplied to the customer in a transit mixer truck for its placement at
site. The concrete is mixed at the batching plant, loaded into agitator
truck mixers and water added during transportation and transported to
the site.
• Use of RMC to its full advantage requires more careful planning on the
site as compared to the site mixing. Due to better quality control
measures adopted, RMC can be considered to be almost a factory-made
• It is advantageous not only for mass concreting but also for
small quantities of concrete to be placed at intervals. RMC is
extremely useful on congested sites or in road construction where
limited space is available for aggregate stock piling and mixing
• The major set back to the use of RMC is its cost. However,
though a little bit expensive, the increasing emphasis on quality,
with skilled labour becoming expensive, out weigh the cost issue
of RMC.
• Quality of RMC is generally specified in terms of performance
parameters, i.e., purchaser specifies the strength level and
intended use.