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Unit 1 III

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Unit 1 Part III

Segregation, Bleeding, Batching, Mixing,

Transporting, Placing, Compacting,
Curing, finishing, hot-weather concreting
• Segregation can be defined as the separation of the constituent materials of


• A good concrete is one in which all the ingredients are properly distributed to

make a homogeneous mixture.

• If a sample of concrete exhibits a tendency for separation of say, coarse

aggregate from the rest of the ingredients, then, that sample is said to be

showing the tendency for segregation.

• Such concrete is not only going to be weak; lack of homogeneity is also

going to induce all undesirable properties in the hardened concrete.

• There are considerable differences in the sizes and specific gravities of the

constituent ingredients of concrete.

• The cohesive and fatty characteristics of matrix do not allow the

aggregate to fall apart, at the same time, the matrix itself is

sufficiently contained by the aggregate.

• The conditions favorable for segregation are, the badly

proportioned mix where sufficient matrix is not there to bind and

contain the aggregates.

• Insufficiently mixed concrete with excess water content shows a

higher tendency for segregation.

• Dropping concrete from heights as in the case of placing concrete

in column concreting will result in segregation.

• Segregation may be of three types — firstly, the coarse aggregate

separating out or settling down from the rest of the matrix

• Secondly, the paste or matrix separating away from coarse


• Thirdly, water separating out from the rest of the material being a

material of lowest specific gravity.

• A well made concrete, taking into consideration various

parameters such as grading, size, shape and surface texture of

aggregate with optimum quantity of waters makes a cohesive mix.

• Such concrete will not exhibit any tendency for segregation.

• When concrete is discharged from a badly designed mixer concrete shows a tendency

for segregation.

• Conveyance of concrete by conveyor belts, wheel barrow, long distance haul by

dumper, long lift by skip and hoist are the other situations promoting segregation of


• Vibration of concrete is one of the important methods of compaction. It should be

remembered that only comparatively dry mix should be vibrated.

• If too wet a mix is excessively vibrated, it is likely that the concrete gets segregated. It

should also be remembered that vibration is continued just for required time for

optimum results.

• If the vibration is continued for a long time, particularly, in too wet a mix, it is likely

to result in segregation of concrete due to settlement of coarse aggregate in matrix.

• If sufficient care and understanding of concrete is not exercised,

the concrete in the cube mould may get segregated and show low


• While finishing concrete floors or pavement, with a view to

achieve a smooth surface, masons are likely to work too much

with the trowel, float or tamping rule immediately on placing

concrete. This immediate working on the concrete on placing,

without any time interval, is likely to press the coarse

aggregate down, which results in the movement of excess of

matrix or paste to the surface.

• From the foregoing discussion, it can be gathered that the tendency for

segregation can be remedied by correctly proportioning the mix, by

proper handling, transporting, placing, compacting and finishing.

• At any stage, if segregation is observed, remixing for a short time

would make the concrete again homogeneous.

• As mentioned earlier, a cohesive mix would reduce the tendency for

segregation. For this reason, use of certain workability agents and

pozzolanic materials greatly help in reducing segregation.

• Segregation is difficult to measure quantitatively, but it can be

easily observed at the time of concreting operation.


• Bleeding is sometimes referred as water gain. It is a particular form of

segregation, in which some of the water from the concrete comes out to the

surface of the concrete, being of the lowest specific gravity among all the

ingredients of concrete.

• Bleeding is predominantly observed in a highly wet mix, badly

proportioned and insufficiently mixed concrete. In thin members like roof

slab or road slabs and when concrete is placed in sunny weather show

excessive bleeding.

• Due to bleeding, water comes up and accumulates at the surface. Sometimes,

along with this water, certain quantity of cement also comes to the surface.
• When the surface is worked up with the trowel and floats, the aggregate

goes down and the cement and water come up to the top surface.

• This formation of cement paste at the surface is known as “Laitance”.

In such a case, the top surface of slabs and pavements will not have good

wearing quality. This laitance formed on roads produces dust in summer

and mud in rainy season.

• Owing to the fact that the top surface has a higher content of water and is

also devoid of aggregate matter; it also develops higher shrinkage cracks.

• Water while traversing from bottom to top, makes continuous channels. If

the water cement ratio used is more than 0.7, the bleeding channels will

remain continuous and un-segmented by the development of gel.

• This continuous bleeding channels are often responsible for

causing permeability of the concrete structures.

• While the mixing water is in the process of coming up, it may be

intercepted by aggregates. The bleeding water is likely to

accumulate below the aggregate.

• This accumulation of water creates water voids and reduces the bond

between the aggregates and the paste. The above aspect is more

pronounced in the case of flaky aggregate. Similarly,

• The water that accumulates below the reinforcing bars, particularly

below the cranked bars, reduces the bond between the reinforcement

and the concrete.

• The poor bond between the aggregate and the paste or the reinforcement and

the paste due to bleeding can be remedied by re-vibration of concrete.

• Bleeding rate increases with time up to about one hour or so and thereafter

the rate decreases but continues more or less till the final setting time of


• Bleeding is an inherent phenomenon in concrete. All the same, it can be

reduced by proper proportioning and uniform and complete mixing.

• Use of finely divided pozzolanic materials reduces bleeding.

• It is also reported that the bleeding can be reduced by the use of finer cement

or cement with low alkali content. Rich mixes are less vulnerable to

bleeding than lean mixes.

• The bleeding is not completely harmful if the rate of evaporation of water

from the surface is equal to the rate of bleeding.

• Removal of water, after it had played its role in providing workability, from

the body of concrete by way of bleeding will do good to the concrete.

• Early bleeding when the concrete mass is fully plastic, may not cause much

harm, because concrete being in a fully plastic condition at that stage, will

get compacted.

Method of Test for Bleeding of Concrete

• This method covers determination of relative quantity of mixing water

that will bleed from a sample of freshly mixed concrete.

• A cylindrical container of approximately 0.01 m3 capacity, having an

inside diameter of 250 mm and inside height of 280 mm is used.

• A tamping bar similar to the one used for slump test is used. A pipette

for drawing off free water from the surface, a graduated jar of 100

cm3 capacity is required for test.

• A sample of freshly mixed concrete is obtained. The concrete is filled

in 50 mm layer for a depth of 250 ± 3 mm and each layer is tamped

by giving strokes, and the top surface is made smooth by trowel.

• The test specimen is weighed and the weight of the concrete is noted.

Knowing the total water content in 1 m 3 of concrete quantity of

water in the cylindrical container is also calculated.

• The cylindrical container is kept in a level surface free from
vibration at a temperature of 27°C ± 2°C. it is covered with a
• Water accumulated at the top is drawn by means of pipette
at 10 minutes interval for the first 40 minutes and at 30
minutes interval subsequently till bleeding ceases.
• To facilitate collection of bleeding water the container may be
slightly tilted. All the bleeding water collected in a jar.
Process of manufacture of concrete

• Batching (volume and weigh batching)

• Mixing
• Transporting
• Placing
• Compacting
• Curing
• finishing
Batching and Mixing
• Batching is the process of measuring required ingredients of
concrete by either by weight or by volume as per the mix design and
introducing them into a mixture to produce a uniform quality of
• Mixing is the process of combining required ingredients of concrete.

Type of Mixing
• Hand Mixing
• Machine mixing
Mixing of Concrete:

• The prepared mix should be consumed in 30 minutes after adding water.

• The mixing by hand is allowed in case of small works of unimportant works

where small quantity of concrete is required.

• For important works, if hand mixing is to be adopted, it is advisable to use 10

percent more cement than specified.

Machine mixing

• For machine mixing, all the materials of concrete, including water, are

collected in a revolving drum and then the drum is rotated for a certain period. 

• It is found that mixing of concrete materials with the help of machines is more

efficient and it produces concrete of better quality in a short time.

Mixing of Concrete:

• The mixers of various types and capacities are available in the market. They may

either be of tilting type or non-tilting type. They are generally provided with

power-operated loading hoppers. For small works, a mixer capable of producing

concrete of one bag of cement is used. For works such as roads, dams, etc.,

special types of mixers are used.

• The concrete mixer should be thoroughly washed and cleaned after use. If this

precaution is not taken, the cakes of hardened concrete will be formed inside the

mixer. These cakes are not only difficult to remove at a later stage, but they

considerably affect the efficiency of the mixer.

• The inside portion of the mixer should be inspected carefully at regular intervals.

The damaged or broken should be replaced.

Mixing of Concrete:

• The time of mixing concrete materials in the mixer and the

speed of mixer are very important factors in deciding the

strength of concrete which is formed. The mixing time

should be rotated at a speed as recommended by the

manufactures of the mixer.

• The concrete discharged by the mixer, after thoroughly

mixing concrete materials, should be consumed within 30

• A concrete mixer mixes cement, aggregates and water and produce

concrete mechanically. There are various types of concrete mixers

available which makes concrete production quick and economical.

Types of Concrete Mixers

• Batch Concrete Mixers

• Batch mixers are widely used machines for concrete mixing. Concrete

mix obtained by this mixer is collected batch by batch and time by

time. So, it is called as batch mixer.

In general Batch mixers are two types.

• Drum type mixers

• Pan type mixers

• Drum Type Mixers

• In case Drum type mixers concrete ingredients are mixed in a

drum which is actually in double conical frustum shape.

Drum types mixers are classified into three types:

• Tilting drum mixers

• Non-tilting drum mixers

• Reversing drum mixers

• Tilting Drum Mixers

• Tilting drum mixer means the drum will discharge concrete by

tilting downwards. It is rapid discharge process.
• Rapid means it delivers concrete by gravity that is tilting the drum
downwards because of this the concrete mix obtained will not be
subjected to segregation.

But the mixing efficiency depends on some of the factors as follows:

• Shape of the drum

• Angle of the drum

• Size of blades

• Angle of blades

The only disadvantage of this mixer is sticking of concrete to

bottom of drum.
Rotary and tilting mixers
• Non-Tilting Drum Mixers

• Non- tilting drum mixers are not allowed to tilt and the drum
rotates about its horizontal axis.

• For the discharge of concrete a chute is arranged in inclined

position which will receives the concrete mix from drum and
discharges out.

• Rapid discharge of concrete is not possible in this case. Due

to this delay, the concrete may be vulnerable to segregation.

• So, this type of mixers are generally used for small projects.
• Reversing Drum Mixers

• Reversing drum mixers are similar to non-tilting type mixers but

in this case reversal of rotation takes place for different action.

• The drum has two openings, one end is for pouring materials

and other end is for discharge of mix. The drum rotates about its

horizontal axis. 

• Two different set of blades are arranged for mixing and

discharging. They are suitable for dry concrete mixes.

• Portable C3 Diesel concrete mixer with pump (Vertical -100m,Slo

• Pan Type Concrete Mixers

• Pan type mixers consists a circular pan in which concrete is mixed. The mixing is

done by blades which are arranged in star shape inside the pan.

• Two types of pan mixers are available. In one case, the circular pan is constant and

only star blades rotate about vertical axis of pan. In the other case, circular pan

rotates while the blades are at static position.

• But in both cases, the mixing is efficient and concrete mixture is collected through

central hole provided in the pan. 

• We can say among the all types of batch mixers pan type mixer are more efficient.

• Pan-type or Stirring Concrete Mixer -- Mixing of Concrete#5 -- Manufacture of

Concrete #8.mp4

• videoplayback.mp4
• Continuous Concrete Mixers

• Continuous mixer, the name itself telling its duty

that the loading, mixing and discharging of mix is
continuously done until the work is complete or work
break occurs. 
• The loading of materials is done continuously.

• Continuous mixtures are used for very large projects

such as dams, bridges, construction of high rise
buildings, etc.
• Ready Mix Concrete Plant
• Concrete Batching Plant Works - Ready Mix M
achine - Mixing Plant.mp4
Transit mixer
• Special concrete transport trucks are made to transport and
mix concrete up to the construction site, they are called as
Transit Mixer. They can be charged with dry materials and
water, with the mixing occurring during transport.

• They can also be loaded from a "central mix" plant, with

this process the material has already been mixed prior to
Compaction of concrete
1. Hand Compaction
•  Rodding
• Ramming 
• Tamping
2. Compaction by Vibration 
• Internal vibrator (Needle vibrator)
• Formwork vibrator (External vibrator)
• Table vibrator
• Platform vibrator
• Surface vibrator (Screed vibrator)
• Vibratory Roller.
3. Compaction by Pressure and Jolting
4. Compaction by Spinning.
Vibration of Concrete

• Vibration of concrete is carried out for the sake of

consolidation. The main objective of vibration is to compact

the concrete and to achieve the maximum possible density of


• Almost 5 to 8% by volume of freshly placed concrete in the

form is occupied by air bubbles. Air bubbles occupy this space

in a high workable concrete mix.

Vibration of Concrete

• Air bubbles can be removed by decreasing in the amount of required water, but it
affects workability of concrete. Therefore, vibration of concrete is the only suitable
method that helps without affecting much the properties of fresh concrete. 

• Vibration is only effective in a fresh mix concrete or one can say up to that time,
when concrete has the ability to flow. This stage exists before the starts of initial

• Vibration reduces the internal friction by randomizing concrete. This able the
concrete to rearrange the particles (these particles include coarse aggregates and
fine aggregates). 

• When rearrangement of particles occur than a close configuration of coarse

aggregate is achieved. 
Vibration of Concrete

• Close packing expels most of the entrapped air in between, but still some
air bubbles left. 100% air bubbles are difficult to remove from concrete.

• During the vibration of concrete, site engineer should ensure that

vibration is applied to the entire mass of concrete uniformly. 

• This is so, because if not applied uniformly than some volume of concrete
get fully compact and some parts remain un-compacted.

• Site engineer should also strictly follow the vibration time period,
because over vibration of concrete cause segregation and bleeding of

• Therefore, proper consistency is required during the vibration.

• The thickness of the layer of concrete is limited to about 15 to 20 cm.

• Rodding is nothing but poking the concrete with about 2 metre long, 16 mm

diameter rod to pack the concrete between the reinforcement and sharp

corners and edges.

• Ramming should be done with care. Light ramming can be permitted in

unreinforced foundation concrete or in ground floor construction. Ramming

should not be permitted in case of reinforced concrete or in the upper floor

construction, where concrete is placed in the formwork supported on struts.

If ramming is adopted in the above case the position of the reinforcement may

be disturbed or the formwork may fail, particularly, if steel rammer is used.

• Tamping is one of the usual methods adopted in
compacting roof or floor slab or road pavements where
the thickness of concrete is comparatively less and the
surface to be finished smooth and level. Since the
tamping bar is sufficiently long it not only compacts,
but also levels the top surface across the entire width.
• Hand Compaction of Concrete.mp4
Plate, Screed Board, Table, Needle

• Immersion or Needle Vibrators

• Immersion or Needle Vibrators are most commonly used vibrator for concrete. It

consists of a steel tube (with one end closed and rounded) having an eccentric vibrating

element inside it. 

• This steel tube called poker is connected to an electric motor or a diesel engine through

a flexible tube. They are available in size varying from 40 to 100 mm diameter. 

• The diameter of the poker is decided from the consideration of the spacing between the

reinforcing bars in the form-work.

• The frequency of vibration varies up to 15000 rpm. However a range between 3000 to

6000 rpm is suggested as a desirable minimum

• Immersion or Needle Vibrators

• The normal radius of action of an immersion vibrator is 0.50 to 1.0m.

• However, it would be preferable to immerse the vibrator into concrete at
intervals of not more than 600mm or 8 to 10 times the diameter of the poker.
• The period of vibration required may be of the order of 30 seconds to 2
minute. The concrete should be placed in layers not more than 600mm high.

• Internal Vibrator for Compaction of Concrete.mp4

• External or Shutter Vibrators

• These vibrators are clamped rigidly to the form work at the pre-

determined points so that the form and concrete are vibrated. 

• The external vibrators are more often used for pre-casting of thin in-

situ sections of such shape and thickness as can not be compacted by

internal vibrators.

• These vibrators can compact up to 450mm from the face but have to

be moved from one place to another as concrete progresses. These

vibrators operate at a frequency of 3000 to 9000 rpm

External or Shutter Vibrators
• Surface Vibrators for Concrete

• These are placed directly on the concrete mass. These best suited for
compaction of shallow elements and should not be used when the
depth of concrete to be vibrated is more than 250 mm.

• Very dry mixes can be most effectively compacted with surface vibrators.

• The main application of this type of vibrator is in the compaction of

small slabs, not exceeding 150 mm in thickness, and patching and
repair work of pavement slabs.

• The operating frequency is about 4000 rpm

• Formwork Vibrator for Compaction of Concrete.mp4

• Surface Vibrator for Compaction of Concrete.mp4

• Concrete Vibrating Table
• The vibrating table consists of a rigidly built steel
platform mounted on flexible springs and is driven
by an electric motor.
• The normal frequency of vibration is 4000 rpm

• The vibrating tables are very efficient in compacting

stiff and harsh concrete mixes required for manufacture
of precast elements in the factories and test
specimens in laboratories.
• Compaction by Pressure and Jolting: This is one of the effective methods of
compacting very dry concrete. This method is often used for compacting hollow
blocks, cavity blocks and solid concrete blocks. The stiff concrete is vibrated,
pressed and also given jolts. With the combined action of the jolts vibrations and
pressure, the stiff concrete gets compacted to a dense form to give good strength
and volume stability. By employing great pressure, a concrete of very low water
cement ratio can be compacted to yield very high strength.
• Compaction of Concrete by Pressure and Jolting.mp4

• Compaction by Spinning: Spinning is one of the recent methods of compaction of

concrete. This method of compaction is adopted for the fabrication of concrete
pipes. The plastic concrete when spun at a very high speed, gets well compacted
by centrifugal force. Patented products such a “Hume Pipes”, “spun pipes” are
compacted by spinning process.
• Compaction of Concrete by Spinning.mp4
• Vibratory Roller: One of the recent
developments of compacting very dry and
lean concrete is the use of Vibratory Roller.

The effects of high temperatures can be summarized as follows:

• Shorter setting times and early stiffening

• Increased rates of hardening

• Possible 28 day strength loss

• Increased tendency for plastic shrinkage

• Difficulties in placing and finishing

Precautions for hot-weather concreting should be initiated when the ambient

temperature is expected to exceed 30 to 35°C. These precautions may consist of

one or more of the following practices:

These precautions may consist of one or more of the following practices:

• Dampening forms, reinforcement and sub-base

• Erecting wind breaks and sunshades to protect exposed concrete surfaces

• Cooling concrete ingredients

• (During transport of wet concrete) cooling containers, pipelines, etc

• Completing the transporting, placing and finishing of concrete as rapidly as possible

• Informed usage of set-retarding admixtures (to counter premature stiffening of the fresh mix)

• Immediately following the initial finishing operation, spraying a fine film of aliphatic alcohol

over the exposed concrete surface - to limit evaporation and help control plastic shrinkage

cracking (this should be repeated as necessary during any subsequent operations up to final


• Immediate curing after final finishing is complete

• Moist curing to control concrete temperature

• Restricting placing to night time when ambient temperatures are generally lower.

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