Communal Gardening: Input For Socioeconomic Improvement of 4P's Family
Communal Gardening: Input For Socioeconomic Improvement of 4P's Family
Communal Gardening: Input For Socioeconomic Improvement of 4P's Family
The objective of this study is to investigate the impact The title of this study was influenced by the
of communal gardening on the socioeconomic researcher's firsthand observations as a social science
development of families benefiting from the 4P's teacher working with families who are beneficiaries of
program. It aims to explore how communal gardening the 4P's program.The questionnaire related to the
influences their daily lives and the dynamics within Socioeconomic Improvement of 4P's Families through
their families, as well as their acquired knowledge in Communal Gardening. The subsequent step involves
gardening. creating a custom questionnaire consisting of three
parts underwent validation by four experts in the field,
including a Head Teacher and Master Teachers. The
Methodology researcher carefully considered the comments and
suggestions provided by the validators during the
Research design validation process.Prior to data collection, the
researcher obtained permission from the Office of the
A descriptive correlational designed was used in this School Principal to conduct the survey and administer
study in which in which the researcher is primarily the questionnaires to the intended respondents. After
interested in describing relationships among variables, receiving approval, the researcher proceeded to
without seeking to establish a causal connection. distribute the survey instruments to the parents using a
checklist. The data was then collected through the
Sampling and Ethical Consideration questionnaire.The parents were selected as participants
in this study because they play a crucial role in
Purposive sampling, alternatively referred to as practicing communal gardening for the betterment of
judgmental, selective, or subjective sampling, is a type their families as beneficiaries of the 4P's program. To
of non-probability sampling technique in which gather data, questionnaires were provided to the
researchers exercise their own discretion in selecting parents during the distribution of cards, and additional
individuals from the population to participate in their information was obtained through home visits. During
surveys.The respondents in this study consisted of 85 these visits, the researcher personally observed the
parents from 10 barangay of Calauag Quezon who are communal gardening activities as well as the backyard
beneficiaries of the 4P's program . The parents were gardens of the 4P's families. The study aimed to
selected as respondents using a purposive sampling explore how engaging in gardening can contribute to
technique, wherein the researcher deliberately chose the socioeconomic improvement of these families.
individuals based on specific criteria. This sampling
procedure ensured that each member of the population
Results and Discussion
had an equal opportunity to be included in the study.
This indicates that, on average, respondents perceived improvement of 4Ps families.The average score
these variables positively in relation to some aspect of suggests that respondents generally acknowledged
communal gardening.Among the specific variables, communal gardening as beneficial for improving the
"Perceived Communal Gardening as to Food Security" socioeconomic conditions of 4Ps families.
received the highest mean rating of 3.50. This
indicates that the respondents viewed communal Perceived Contribution of Communal Gardening as to
gardening as having a positive impact on food Family Relationship with a Highest Score of 3.57:
security. This could imply that they believe communal This highest score suggests that respondents perceived
gardening helps provide a more secure and reliable communal gardening to have a significant and positive
source of food. impact on family relationships. It implies that
communal gardening activities may promote stronger
On the other hand, "Perceived Communal Gardening bonds, communication, and cooperation among family
as to Objectives" received the lowest mean rating of members. Also indicates that this aspect of communal
3.39. This show the respondents had a relatively lower gardening'scontribution to 4Ps families' lives is highly
perception of communal gardening's effectiveness in acknowledged and valued by the respondents.
achieving its objectives. This could imply that they
believe communal gardening may not be as successful Perceived Contribution of Communal Gardening as to
in meeting its intended goals or that there is room for Income with a Lowest Mean of 3.39 indicates that the
improvement in terms of achieving the objectives set respondents perceived communal gardening to have a
for communal gardening initiatives. relatively weaker impact on income generation. It
implies that the respondents might perceive communal
It's important to note that the specific contribution of gardening as less effective in directly improving the
communal gardening to the socioeconomic income levels of 4Ps families. However, it's important
improvement of 4Ps families can vary based on local to note that this lower mean score doesn't imply that
contexts, resources available, and the level of communal gardening has no impact on income but
community involvement. It's crucial to consider these rather indicates a relatively lower perception in
factors when designing and implementing communal comparison to other aspects.
gardening initiatives to maximize their impact on the
socioeconomic well-being of 4Ps families In summary, communal gardening has a significant
and positive contribution to the socioeconomic
Table 2. Summary table on the Contribution of improvement of 4Ps beneficiaries. It provides them
Communal Gardening for S o cioecono mic with access to nutritious food, enhances their skills and
Imp ro vement of 4p’s Family. employ-ability, fosters community engagement,
promotes environmental sustainability, and improves
mental well-being. By recognizing and supporting the
value of communal gardening, we can empower 4Ps
beneficiaries on their journey towards a better
socioeconomic future.
The correlation coefficient of r=0.611 indicates a Based on the study's results and conclusions, the
strong positive relationship between attitude towards following recommendations are being proposed: first,
communal gardening and using it as a means of Conducting in-depth interviews or focus group
improving the en v ironm en t as a means of discussions with 4P's families engaged in communal
socioeconomic improvement. A p-value of ρ=0.01 gardening can provide deeper insights into their
suggests that this relationship is statistically experiences, challenges, and perceived benefits.
significant, meaning that it is unlikely to have occurred Second, Conduct a specific evaluation of the economic
by chance. This could include using communal outcomes of communal gardening for 4P's families.
gardening to reduce food miles and carbon footprint by This can include analyzing income generation, cost
growing food locally, or using organic gardening savings from homegrown produce, access to local
methods to reduce the use of harmful chemicals in the markets, and the potential for entrepreneurship or
environment. value-added activities. Third, Identify specific areas
where 4P's families may need additional support or
The correlation coefficient of r=0.578 indicates a interventions to maximize the benefits of communal
moderate positive relationship between sustainable gardening. This could include providing training
development in communal gardening and using it to programs and connecting them with relevant
improve income as a means of socioeconomic government or non-governmental organizations for
improvement. A p-value of ρ=0.01 suggests that this additional assistance. Fourth, Encourage collaboration
relationship is statistically significant, meaning that it and knowledge-sharing among different stakeholders
is unlikely to have occurred by chance. This could involved in communal gardening initiatives, including
include using sustainable gardening practices to reduce go vern men t agencies, NGOs, community
costs and increase yields, or selling excess produce to organizations, and researchers. Facilitating platforms
generate additional income. for exchange, learning, and networking can enhance
the collective understanding of communal gardening's Koay et al., (2020) Community Gardening: Stress, Well-Being, and
Resilience Potentials - PMC (
potential and contribute to the development of best
practices and effective strategies for supporting 4P's Inocian, R. B., & Nuneza, L. M., (2015). THE “GULAYAN SA
Scientific Journal vol.11, No.8 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN
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