Design of Nug Oil Extracting Machine: Acknowledgement
Design of Nug Oil Extracting Machine: Acknowledgement
Design of Nug Oil Extracting Machine: Acknowledgement
First and for most, we would like to thank our GOD for everything who done for us. Secondly
our advisor Mr. Wossenu Ali (Lecturer, Mechanical engineering, Wollo University) we would
like to thank him for his long lasting advice. Thirdly a word of thank also goes to teachers and
students of Kombolcha industrial college who help us in different activities of the project.
Lastly but not the list we would like to thank our friends and different persons who shares their
knowledge, time, material and energy for the success of this project.
Traditional methods of extracting oil from nug have reduced its usage. These improved
methods of extracting oil from nug will also encourage the poor families who collect the nug in
the village to have incomes from there sources. The previous method of nug oil extraction which
could not meet the demand of domestic and industrial use of the oil led to the development of
nug oil extracting machine. The machine was divided into two units namely; the crushing unit
and the extraction unit. It can be operated either manually. The machine was designed and
constructed to serve small and medium scale industries in the rural and urban areas.
FIGURE 2.1: TEMPERATURE – VISCOSITY PERFORMANCE OF THE OIL SEED ...................................... 8
FIGURE 2.2: SCHEMATIC ILLUSTRATION OF PERMEABILITY ............................................................. 8
FIGURE 3.1: MANUALLY OPERATED SCREW PRESS MECHANISM...................................................... 11
FIGURE 3.2: DETAILED PICTURE OF SCREW PRESS ......................................................................... 14
FIGURE 3.3: NOZZLE TYPE CHOKE MECHANISM .......................................................................... 155
FIGURE 3.4: CONICAL TYPES CHOKE MECHANISMS .................................................................... 155
FIGURE 4.1: GEOMETRY OF THE SCREW PRESS ................................................................................ 17
FIGURE 4.4: FORCE DSTRIBUTION………………………………………………………………....21
FIGURE 4.5: SHEAR FORCE DIAGRAM………….……………………………………………….....24
FIGURE 4.6: BENDING MOMENT DIAGRAM .................................................................................... 244
FIGURE 4.7: GEOMETRY OF HANDLE ............................................................................................. 255
FORWARD ............................................................................................................................... 322
FIGURE4.9: GEAR NOMENCLATURE ............................................................................................. 333
FIGURE 4.11: VS GRAPH ............................................................................................. 422
ETHIOPIAN NIGER MEAL............................................................................................................ 7
TABLE 4.1: RESULTS OF FORCE ANALYSIS .................................................................................... 233
TABLE4.2: MATERIAL FOR SCREW SHAFT ....................................................................................... 29
TABLE4.3: SCREW PRESS CAPACITY ............................................................................................ 311
TABLE4.4: MINIMUM NUMBER OF TEETH ON THE PINION GEAR..................................................... 355
Table 4.6: Volumetric Flow rates of compressed and uncompressed seed…………………..….46
Table 4.7: cost analysis…………………………………………………………………………..50
A annular : Area between inside wall of the vessel and root diameter of the
Screw Shaft
b : Face width
d : Diameter of shaft
d1 : Smallest root diameter of the screw shaft
Dh : Diameter of the oil drainage hole
Ds : Outside diameter of the screw shaft
f : Kinetic friction coefficient between the seed and the machine
Fa : Axial unit force on the threads
Fts : Tangential force on the screw shaft
Fxs : Axial force pushing the seeds forward
H : Taper angle of the cake discharge
H( ) : Function of the thread depth along the thread length
H1 : Height of the thread at the starting point of the turns of the screw
H2 : Height of the thread at the end point of the turns of the screw shaft
Kf : Stress concentration factor for threads
Kt : Stress concentration factor for holes on the vessel
l : Pitch of the screw
Lh : Distance between two oil drainage holes
Lt : Thread length for one turn
Moil : Mass flow rate of oil
Quncompressed_seed : Volumetric flow rate of the newly fed seeds into the screw press
RA : Reaction force acting on shaft at position A
RB : Reaction force acting on shaft at position B
rvi : Inside radius of the vessel
rvo : Outside radius of the vessel
Sy : Yield strength
T : Torque
Ts : Torque of the screw shaft
VolumeR : Real swept volume of the seeds
VolumeT : Theoretical swept volume of the seeds
: Density of niger seed (kg/m3)
: Efficiency
: Filling ratio of screw
: Allowable bending stress of shaft
: Allowable shear stress
tangential :tangential stress on the vessel
radial : Principle stresses occur inside the vessel
longitudinal :longitudinal stress on the vessel
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................................................... i
ABSTRACT...................................................................................................................................................... ii
LIST OF TABLE............................................................................................................................................... iv
ABBREVIATION .............................................................................................................................................. v
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.3.1-General objective......................................................................................................................... 2
5.2-CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................................... 48
COST ANALYSIS............................................................................................................................................ 49
PART DRAWING........................................................................................................................................... 51
REFERANCE ................................................................................................................................................. 58
Niger (Guizotiaabyssinica(L. f.) Cass, Composite) is an oilseed crop cultivated in Ethiopia
and India. It constitutes about 50% of Ethiopian and 3% of Indian oil seed production. In
Ethiopia, it is cultivated on waterlogged soils where most crops and all other oilseeds fail to
grow and contributes a great deal to soil conservation and land rehabilitation. The genus Guizotia
consists of six species, of which five, including niger, are native to the Ethiopian highlands. It is
a dicotyledonous herb, moderately to well branched and grows up to 2 m tall. The seed contains
about 40% oil with fatty acid composition of 75-80% linoleic acid, 7-8% palmitic and stearic
acids, and 5-8% oleic acid. Niger seed in Ethiopia is widely grown by smallholder farmers on
fragmented land holdings. It is the leading oil crop in production and area coverage in the oil
seeds category. It is cultivated mainly for the production of edible oil and direct consumption
fried and mixed with sunflower seed. The pressed cake from oil extraction is used for livestock
feed especially in and around cities and large fattening and dairy farms.
The extraction of oil from a niger seed has their own shortages like the problems of crude,
time and energy consuming, uneconomical and laborious methods previously. So it needs
improvement upon the design of the oil extracting machine. This Improvement implies an
enhancement in the productivity, efficiency, ergonomics and safety of handling the machine in
order to achieve its cost effectiveness and its operation in amore hygienic, conducive and
environmentally friendly conditions. These conditions will also attract the farmers who produce
the oil manually as well as investors to have a keen interest in investing in the oil producing
industry to revitalize and expand the cultivated area.
The development of this nug oil extracting machine is directly related economic growth the
countries where large cultivation of nug oil takes place. There is the need to modify the design
and manufacture of the existing machine above reasons. Screw type oil presses are advisable oil
processing machinery, characterized by their high oil output rate with good quality, simple
design, easy to use and continuous operation. They can use for various raw materials, such as
peanut, beans, rape seeds, cotton seeds, sesame, sunflower seeds, copra etc.
There has been a target for small and large scale investors, and to follow the trend and
encourage mass and qualitative production of the oil by local farmers as well as supplement
governments. [9]
1.3.2-Specific objective
To identify simple and suited general mechanism of extracting machine.
To analyze the geometric and distribution of force of a machine.
To design and draw the components and assembly of a machine.
Aremu A. KandOgunlade C. An oil extractor machine was designed, constructed and tested
to remove and recover oil from kenaf when used for the absorption and clean-up of crude oil
spillage. The machine input capacity of 36.5 kg/hr and oil Extraction Efficiency (percent oil
yield) of 62.2 %. The operation of the machine does not require any technical-know-how and the
machine can be easily maintained as it has the tendency of self-lubricating the extraction
chamber due to presence of oil in the input materials.
S Sreenatha Reddy, Dr V Pandurangadu and I Srinivas A mini oil expeller is fabricated to
find out the effect of variation in compression ratio of the oil chamber and speed of the screw
shaft on oil recovery and energy consumption during oil extraction of Pongamia and other oil
seeds. A mini oil expeller is fabricated by in corpora ting the adjustments for variation in
compression and speed. During the experiment, the compression ratio is changed from 14:1 to
21.5:1, and the speed is altered from 35 rpm to 65 rpm. The interactive effect of these two
parameters on oil expulsion is observed critically and compared with the conventional expeller.
Compression ratio has shown significant impact on oil recovery and energy. [11]
Mehul.K.Modh and J.R.Mevada; In this paper the author have carried out the thrust ball
bearing analysis of oil expeller and results are compared with analytical results to solve the
problem of Thrust ball bearing in to pieces failure in oil expeller once in 2 to 3 months. The
author had calculated the thrust force acting upon the thrust ball bearing, which is quite high
which a bearing can withstand. Calculated life of existing bearing is about 5.2 months. Hence it
was proposed to change the bearing which gives satisfactory life of 2.5 years by calculation.
Further static analysis of the Part of bearing on Pro-E wild Fire 4 and Workbench 11 was carried
out. The analysis results the Principle stress, Principle strain and axial deformation found to be
V. S. Khangar and Dr. S. B. Jaju.; the various methodologies used for the failure analysis of
shaft used in different application by various authors are reviewed in this paper. Roll shaft failure
can be prevented primarily by introduction of better material design optimization & by using
correct manufacturing processes. This paper presents the comparison of the different
methodology used, their application & limitation by various authors.
The objective of the present work is to study the various methodologies used for the shaft failure
analysis & to choose the best methodology suitable for the failure analysis of bridle roll shaft
used in continuous steel industry to prevent repetitive failure. Bridle roll failure leads to heavy
loss approximately Rs 80000 per hour due to line stoppage & repairing cost associate with the
breakdown. [11]
Shankar Haldar,Aniruddha Bhatta charjee,Vineet Jain, and Sudhir Singhal; This is the report
submitted by the authors from INSPIRE Network for Environment New Delhi to Department of
Science and Technology Government of India which consist of the detailed information about oil
A.Ibrahim and A. P. Onwualu; Reviewed the technologies for oil extraction from oil-bearing
agricultural products and different types of oil- bearing products, pre-processing conditions
including the removal of hulls and shells, pre- conditioning such as size reduction, moisture
content adjustment, heat treatment and pressure application, as well as the methods employed in
the extraction, namely; traditional and modern (improved) methods discussed in this paper.
The improved method includes; oil expeller, screw press, and solvent (chemical extraction).
Problems (technical, socio-economic and institutional) associated with each method and the need
for more research for the improvement of the methods is analyzed. It has been shown that for any
developing country to effectively adopt modern methods in the production of edible vegetable
oils, improvement on the existing traditional methods, environmental factors, government
policies, socio-economic and cultural considerations of the users need to be studied.
Deli S, Farah Masturah, TajulAris, and Wan Nadiah; The effects of physical parameters of a
screw press machine on oil yield of N. sativa seeds were studied using a KOMET Screw Oil
Expeller. Different nozzle size (6, 10, and 12 mm), extraction speed (21, 54, 65 and 98 rpm) and
diameter of shaft screw (8 and 11 mm) were applied in this study. Different nozzle size, diameter
of shaft screw and rotational speed do effects the percentage of oil yield. By using shaft screw
with diameter of 8 mm had resulted to the decrease of oil yield with the increase of nozzle size
and rotational speed. While, by using the shaft screw with diameter of 11 mm had recorded the
highest percentage of oil yield at 65 rpm when using nozzle with the size of 6 and 10 mm. [11]
Table 2.1: Rang of fatty acid composition (%) of Indian and Ethiopia niger oil [9]
The lipid composition of three released and three local cultivars of Ethiopian niger. Most of the
total lipid was triacylgly cerides and polar lipids accounted for 0.7-0.8% of the total lipid
content. The amount of total tocopherol was 720-935 μg/g oil of which approximately 90% was
a-tocopherol, 3-5%was g-tocopherol and approximately 1% was ß-tocopherol. As a-tocopherol is
ananti-oxidant, high levels of a-tocopherol could improve stability of niger oil. The total sterol
consists of ß-sitosterol (38-43%), campesterol (~14%), stigmasterol (~14%), D5 venasterol (5-
7%) and D7 avenasterol (~4%).The amino acid composition of niger protein was deficient in
tryptophan (Table 3.2). The protein quality of Ethiopian niger was evaluated using chemical
score and essential amino acid requirement score. Using chemical score and whole egg protein as
a standard, methionine, lysine, cystine, isoleucine and leucine were considered as limiting amino
acids. When essential amino acids were used as a reference, lysine was the limiting amino acid.
A lipoprotein concentrate was isolated from niger seed using hot water/ethanol sodium chloride
solution extraction. The lipoprotein contained 4% moisture, 12% ash, 46% protein, 20% fat, 7%
crude fibre and 11% soluble carbohydrate. From the amino acid composition Eklund calculated
nitrogen to protein conversion ratio of 5.9. The energy content of the niger lipoprotein
concentrate was 400 kcal/100 g. [9]
Amino acid Whole niger Niger seed HTS Niger Niger meal(%
seed flour lipid protein Fraction Cake2 of protein)3
Isoleucine 307 341 201 349 4.66
Leucine 388 505 308 589 6.99
Lysine 294 279 199 335 4.74
Methionine 109 125 216 148 2.06
Cystine 177 97 537 138 1.40
Phenylalanine 327 385 130 378 4.80
Tyrosine 185 225 138 197 -
threonine 237 263 112 278 3.73
Tryptophan 54 85 65 - -
Valine 362 397 273 428 5.76
Arginine 621 627 734 889 9.36
Histidine 162 192 97 190 -
Alanine 281 290 132 335 4.06
Aspartic acid 619 673 427 823 9.49
Glyine 375 357 295 502 5.53
Proline 262 270 222 354 3.86
Serine 347 390 390 456 6.19
Table 2.2: Amino acid composition of whole niger flour, niger seed lipid concentrate high
temperature soluble (HTS) fraction concentrate, Indian niger cake, and Ethiopian niger
meal. [9]
Temperatures above 90°C adversely affect the cake and oil quality. Temperature increase can
also occur during the compression process, between the compressed seeds and the machine
components. Also, with a temperature rise, not only the oil quality is affected, but also the
maximum yield stress of the materials, which are exposed to frictional heat, decrease. The oil
recovery rate depends on the permeability and consolidation property of the seed assuming that
other environmental conditions are constant. Permeability is a measure of how easily a fluid can
pass through a porous medium.
problem of the product spinning with the shaft every time the choke is closed. The shaft is placed
in a cylindrical housing with holes drilled throughout to allow oil to escape upon pressing. [3]
c. Solvent Extraction
Solvent extraction is a process in which a solvent (such as hexane) is used to separate the oil
from the oil-bearing materials. It is a demanding process, using highly inflammable chemicals,
and it is only practiced at a relatively more sophisticated industrial scale. The advantage of
solvent extraction is the high efficiency of extraction that can be obtained economically with this
method (>99wt. %). But can be at the expense of reduced oil quality resulting from residual
solvent chemicals if the technology is not high level. The advantage of solvent extraction is the
high yield/efficiency but this demands high initial investment and skilled technician. Therefore it
is less recommended where the technology is not well refined and the skill is not reliable. [3]
Manual screw press mechanism is highly valuable because of the following advantages
relative to other oil extracting methods.
It has better cake drainage mechanism
It gives great quality of oil.
Easily maintainable.
Easily operated.
It does not need high initial investment and skilled technician.
It has good oil drainage system.[3]
Hopper is used to carry and canalize the seeds into the screw press. Feeding does not need any
energy; gravity is sufficient for feeding. It is a stationary part and mounted onto the vessel. The
passage hole of the hopper should be large enough in order to prevent choking of the seeds. In
some conventional screw presses, it has a vibration unit to overcome such situations. But, in this
design no vibration unit will be used to reduce the cost. [2]
Screw shaft:
Screw shaft rotates inside the vessel. There is a small clearance between the vessel and the
screw shaft. This small clearance is necessary for avoiding the seeds penetrating between the
outside diameter of the screw shaft and the inside surface of the vessel. In such a case, friction
force between the screw shaft and vessel increases, and required torque becomes higher.
Screw shaft is a tapered shaft. The outside diameter is constant whereas the root diameter is
inclined through the screw. Thread depth disappears at the end of the screw. In this type of
screws, pressure increase is much higher compared to straight screws.
The seeds are fed at where the thread depth is Maximum. As the seeds pass through the screw,
swept volume of each turn decreases. Under high pressure, oil is separated from the compressed
seeds and drains back to the previous turns at where the pressure is lower. Since cake has no
such a fluidity property like oil, it continues to the end of the screw shaft and drained out as
flakes. At the end where the cake is drained, the screw shaft and the vessel have conical features
which are concentric. Cake drains out radically between these two conical features. By adjusting
the screw shaft in the longitudinal direction, the gap size of the cake drainage can be reduced or
increased. As the gap size is smaller, the residual oil content of the cake becomes lower, because
the compressed seed is applied higher pressure.
Chamber Box: This is manufactured from M.S. extra thick plate of 1 1/4 & 1" and suitably
machined for assembly of the tempered cage Bars & Frame Bars.
Cone and collar:
Cone is placed at the end of extraction of oil on the main shaft. It is mainly use for maintaining
cake thickness. [2]
The expeller consists of a screw rotating inside a cylindrical cage (barrel). The material to be
pressed is fed between the screw and the barrel and propelled by the rotating screw in a direction
parallel to the axis. The configuration of the screw and its shaft is such that the material is
progressively compressed as it moves on, towards the discharge end of the cylinder.
The compression effect can be achieved, for example, by decreasing the clearance between
the screw shaft and the cage (progressive or step-wise increase of the shaft diameter) or by
reducing the length of the screw flight in the direction of the axial movement. The gradually
increasing pressure releases the oil which flows out of the press through the slots provided on the
periphery of the barrel, while the press-cake continues to move in the direction of the shaft,
towards a discharge gate installed at the other extremity of the machine. Many of the refined
seed oil is used for edible purposes such as salad and cooking oils, shortening, margarine and to
a lesser extent in the packing if fish and cured meat. Low grade oil is used in the manufacture of
soaps, lubricants and protective coatings. The by-product of the proposed plant is expeller cake
which is used for animal feed.
In this type of screw press, oil leaks out from the holes. The holes are drilled on the vessel.
The oil drainage hole has a larger diameter outside the vessel and this diameter continues up to
few millimeter thickness of the vessel. This small thickness of the vessel is drilled with a smaller
Most probably, the reason for the short length of the smaller hole is to prevent it from choking
with cake. Also, oil drainage zone is far from the cake drainage zone. At the cake drainage zone,
cake pressure is Maximum. So, if the oil drainage holes were drilled close to the cake drainage
zone, then the holes can be choked with cake easily.
Dry cake extrudes from the nozzle. At the cake drainage, there is a heating system. Heat
provides higher oil yield and lower residual oil in the cake. In this type of screw presses,
different kinds of seeds can be compressed by changing the nozzle and the rotational speed of the
screw shaft.
compressed seeds to forward. They prevent jamming by creating obstacles to the rotating
compressed seeds, so they are pushed forward more strongly. [3]
Seeds continue to accumulate at the end of the screw until the maximum pressure has been
reached. During compression, oil part of the seeds leaks from the filter and the left cake starts to
extrude out from the nozzle, at the end of the screw. Besides, the required maximum pressure
can be provided by adjusting the nozzle diameter. [3]
In this type of choking mechanism, the maximum pressure at the end of the screw pushes the
screw backward. The resultant force is the multiplication of the axial component of the
maximum pressure and the circular area of the screw. [3]
Since the application area of the back force is comparatively larger than in conical type of
choke mechanisms, bearing which carries the axial back force should be larger in this type of
systems. Another disadvantage for this choking system is the probability of a blockage at inlet e
of the nozzle. [3]
In this category there is geometric and strength analysis depends on some parameters.
4.1.2-Dependent variables
Variables treated in this paragraph change as a result of the independent variables treated
Oil recovery
This is the most important dependent variable considering the goal of this project. The effect
of the independent variables on oil recovery can be explained by looking at the dependent
variables described below.
The friction inside the barrel generates heat which is passed on to the oil. The temperature
through the barrel used to extract oil from the seed by melting it.
When speaking of pressure radial pressure is meant in this project. Pressure is expected to
change due to changes in all independent variables. Pressure is expected to be a proper measure
for oil recovery. In general higher pressure will mean more oil is recovered.
Energy requirement
Energy requirement is probably related to the pressure inside the press head. The viscosity of
the material to be pressed and the rotational speed will also determine the amount of energy
needed. [10]
The length of the machine is depending on the length of the screw shaft of machine. The length
of the screw shaft of the machine can be getting as follows.
LS =
H is the function of the thread depth which is linearly decreasing along the thread length and
becomes zero at the cake drainage.
Height (H)
Lt N
Length of thread (Lt) and number of turn can determine the length of the screw shaft by using the
following equation.
Linear equation of the height of the thread through the thread length is given in Equation1. H2 is
equal to zero since the thread depth becomes zero at the last point of the screw as shown in
above figure.
H1 =26and α = 2.5
LS= 590.9mm
From this dimension can be get the length of the machine by adding the plate thickness of the
housing of the machine in this case it is 2.5mm and take clearance5mm.
Multiplication of plate thickness by two is because of the existing of the plate in both side of the
And the other target is finding of the preferable clearance. Clearance in the most screw press
machines 6 – 10mm. for niger oil seed 6mm is more preferable.
This strength analysis consists of all the part design and determination of the individual
parameters of the components of the oil extracting machine. The strength analysis stands from
the specification and assumption which are needed to design and solve the problem of the oil
extracting machine. So that it must be designed according to its mechanism or it‟s working
principle to carry the load of the seeds. The various forces which act on the screw shaft will be
determined using the maximum shear stress theory.
Working parameters
Suitable material for design of screw shaft is stainless steel
and .
Diameter of the screw assumed to be 50mm.
P1 is atmospheric pressure it is negligible.
P(ξ) is the function of the pressure distribution along the thread length as represented in Figure
In order to calculate P(ξ) , pressure is assumed to increase along the helix length of the screw
in the third order as represented in above figure. The general equation of the pressure distribution
is given in Equation below.
P (ξ) =aξ3
P2, which is the highest pressure occurring at the cake drainage zone, is taken as 60 Mpa and
P1 which is the atmospheric pressure (1 atm) is assumed as 0MPa since it is negligible.
For ξ = ξ = *#turns, P (ξ) =
ξ = Lt*#turns
Lt = *2 =210mm
To calculate the total thread length, Lt should be multiplied with the number of the turns of
the screw. The number of the turns of the screw can be calculated by dividing the pitch distance
to the axial length of the screw
We have the length of the screw from geometric analysis that is 600mm.
#turns = (5)
#turns = 25.46
Therefore ξ = Lt*#turns
=210*25 =5250
P2 = a*(Lt * #turns) 3
P (ξ) = * 52503
P (ξ) =56.8Mpa
We have 56.8Mpa pressure, from this can be get the force applied on the screw shaft as follows
A= = =1963.5mm2
F =111.53KN
So the diagram which gives clear understanding about applied force becomes as follows.
The force is divided in to two equally in the concentration of supports so the free body diagram
of the beam will be the following.
V1 V
To get shear force on this section take summation of force on the vertical direction.
∑FY = 55.8KN - V1 = 0
V1 = 55.765KN
∑MS = MX + 55.765X =0
MA =0
MC (X=300) = 55.765KN*300mm
MC = 16729.5Nm
V3 V2
55.765 X
To get shear force on this section take summation of force on the vertical direction.
V2 = -55.765KN
MB(X=600) = 0
V3 v4 V3
55.765KN 55.765KN
To get shear force on this section take summation of force on the vertical direction.
V3 = 0
A 0 55.765 N
B 16729.5Nm -55.765N
C 0 0
RA =55.765KN RB =55.765KN
Bending moment
The material used for handle should have the following properties;
M = (1-2/3)p*l
= 1/3 *pl
=4.91 Nmm
d =20mm
M =1.25p*l
=100 Nmm
Section modules
Z =1/6(tB2)
= =50 = =
After this we can get the bending moment and section modules
Z =1/6(15*302) =2250mm3
= = =35.5Mpa
Twisting moment
T =2/3(p|*l) =2/3(400*200)
=53.3 Nmm
T =2/9(Bt2)
53 = 2/9(30*152)
Since the journal of the shaft subjected to twisting and bending moment therefore the diameter is
obtained from the equivalent equation of twisting moment.
Te = +x)2 +L2)
= +100)2 +2002)
An applied force which needs a screw to extract oil which gets from maximum pressure is
The hopper of this machine can be designed based on the following parameters
So the only dimension that is unknown is the height of the hopper. It can be get from the formula
of volume of the cone because the developed hopper of the machine is cone shaped. The volume
of the machine can be getting by using the relation of density of the seed (maximum density
from range because if it can operate at maximum variation it can operate also at below values)
and capacity of the hopper.
And the volume of the hopper can be get by using the formula of cone volume as follows
So by equating above two results can be get the height of the hopper like the following
High strength
Hard and wear resistant and retain its hardness at high operating temperature, and it resist
cracking and distortion during heat treatment.[5]
By considering above criteria‟s can be select the preferable material of this machine element
based on below table.
Coefficient of friction between the screw and the seeds f=0.3
Safety factor (F.s=4_8)
Pitch of the screw(p) =8mm
Core diameter of the screw Ac = , now to find the core diameter of the screw under pure
compression. For the best safety of the machine this machine element need to design by using
the maximum value of factor of safety that is 8.
W= *Ac
= = =75Mpa and
W= * = *
400N = 9.375
dc = 7.32 say 10mm
B y using pitch of the screw that is 8 can be getting the dimension of nominal and minor
From standard table
P=8mm do (nominal diameter) =50mm
dc(minor diameter) =42mm
= =46mm
Torque transmitted by the screw
T= ………………since d=dc=10mm
= (16*4096)/(
Compressive stress due to axial load
= =55.41Mpa and
By using the value of torque can be calculate the value of RPM that the screw need to rotate in
order to extract oil from preferable mass of seed per hour. For small scale 12Kg of seed/h and its
correspondent power ( 2000w) is preferable. The main target is that to get 2Kw motor power by
using manual operation by replacing motor by handle.[11]
10-20 2
30 – 40 4
70 – 100 7.5
120 – 200 15
220 – 300 22
400 – 500 30
700 – 900 45
So by using the value of torque from above calculation and power (2000w) that selected by
using above table can be get the rotation of screw shaft in order to extract oil from 12Kg of
seed/hr (average capacity).
T= = 58. 5Nm
After this can be calculate the RPM of the screw shaft as follows
N= =
N =53.29rpm say 60rpm (for exact extraction of oil from selected capacity)
Generally screw shaft have to rotate 60rpm so as to extract oil from Kg of seed per hour.
Finally we need to check where the design is safe by using maximum shear stress theory.
The determined volumetric flow rates are used to calculate the unknown parameters as the
thread depth, pitch and the radius of the screw shaft. Initially, torque on the screw shaft is
determined. The screw shaft is a single square-threaded power screw having an increasing root
diameter. In below figure, l is the pitch, f is the coefficient of friction between the seeds and the
screw shaft and taken as 0.3, N is the normal force, Fxs is the axial force that pushes the seeds
forward and Fts is the tangential force. If pressure is assumed to apply on the surface of the
threads as perpendicular, then Fxs and Fts are the two components of the overall pressure on the
screw shaft. [12]
Figure 4.8: Illustration of Force Directions on the Unwrapped Thread While Pushing the
Seeds Forward
Spur Gears use no intermediate link or connector and transmit the motion by direct contact.
The two bodies have either a rolling or a sliding motion along the tangent at the point of contact.
No motion is possible along the common normal as that will either break the contact or one body
will tend to penetrate into the other. Thus, the load application is gradual which results in low
impact stresses and reduction in noise. Therefore, the spur gears are used in transmitting power
with very less friction losses. Modern gears are a refinement of the wheel and axle. Gear wheels
have projections called teeth that are designed to intersect the teeth of another gear. When gear
teeth fit together or interlock in this manner they are said to be in mesh. Gears in mesh are
capable of transmitting force and motion alternately from one gear to another. The gear
transmitting the force or motion is called the drive gear and the gear connected to the drive gear
is called the driven gear. [1]
Gear nomenclature
Velocity ratio
D =m*T
D1=3*T1=3*18= 54mm
= but T1 =0.5T2
18 =0.5*T2
T2 = 36
D2=3*T2=3*36 =108mm
= =0.33mm
For the smallest gear
P= =0.33mm
Pitch Diameter (D)
The Pitch Diameter refers to the diameter of the pitch circle.
D= where D, pitch diameter
T, no of teeth
P, diametric pitch calculated above the value of D.
Module: It is the ratio of the pitch circle diameter in millimeters to the number of teeth. It
is usually denoted by m. mathematically,
Module, m = D / T but we can take from this recommended standard
Note: The recommended series of modules in Indian Standard are 1, 1.25, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6,
8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40 and 50.
The modules 1.125, 1.375, 1.75, 2.25, 2.75, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 7, 9, 11, 14, 18, 22, 28, 36 and 45 are of
second choice.
Circular pitch It is the distance measured on the circumference of the pitch circle from a
point of one tooth to the corresponding point on the next tooth. It is usually denoted by
Circular pitch, pc = D/T
1 14.5 composite 12
4 20 stub in volute 14
B= = 3.471mm
Clearance (C)
Refers to the radial distance between the top and bottom of gears in mesh some machinists and
mechanics refer to clearance as “play” or the degree of looseness between mating parts.
Center Distance
The center distance of 2 spur gears is the distance from the center shaft of one spur gear to the
center shaft of the other. Center to center distance for two gears in mesh can be calculated with
below formula.
Center-to-Center Distance =
= =81mm
Outside Diameter (OD) The overall diameter of the gear1 and gear2
OD1 = = =60mm
OD2= = = 114mm
RD1 = = =48mm
RD2 = = =102mm
Base Circle (BC) The circle used to form the involute section of the gear tooth
CP2 = = =9.4248mm
Circular Thickness (TC) Thick1ness of a tooth measure along the circumference of the Pitch
TC =
Spur gears in a 2-gear drive system (Gear 1 and Gear 2) will rotate in opposite directions.
Backlash refers to the distance from the back of the drive gear tooth to the front of driven
gear Tooth of gears mated on the pitch circle. Standard gears are designed with a specified
amount of backlash to prevent noise and excessive friction and heating of the gear teeth.
Initial cost-cheaper
Shock absorption –better
Good resistance to applied load.
Use for long period of time
We select steel because it full fill above criteria‟s which has = 540mpa and = 540mpa and
E =210Gpa.Consider the support as column with one end free and the other end fixed [12].
Wcr = =
a = rank in constant; a =
Table 4.5: Relation between Equivalent Length (L) and Actual Length (L)
L from table Assume one end free and the other end fixed;
2, > all
The weight applied on the support frame; assume it is the weight of the shaft, bearing, screw,
flange, oil drainage, crash head casing and crash head to be or total weight of the machine
Factor of safety for steady load is given as; F.S = (5-6) therefore, the critical load;
Assume the support is angle iron type steel with dimensions of b=t. Assume the length of the
frame to be L= 250mm.
From Euler‟s formula of crippling load the polar moment of inertia I is given by;
I = Wcr *
I = 0.05 * 10-9m4
Where I for square cross section is given by I = , subsisting the above values and we
0.11 * 10-9m4 =
Therefore the dimensions for the selected cross section will be 20mm *20mm.
The diameter of the holes (Dh) is assumed 1.5mm because minimum diameter of because
minimum diameter of niger seed is 2mm based on different researches. Depending on the
maximum stress which occurs inside the vessel, maximum number of holes at a cross-section can
be determined. The inside pressure at the oil drainage zone should be determined in order to
calculate the maximum stress inside the vessel. [3]
Assumed that the holes are not choked with cake which are 70mm or more far
from the cake drainage.
= 43.871Mpa
Is negligible compared to
Longitudinal stress exists when the end reactions to the internal pressure are
taken by the pressure vessel itself. In this design, the end reactions are not taken
by the pressure vessel itself. They are carried by the bolts which are used in
fastening the frame and the vessel. Then, = 0Mpa.
r is taken as the root diameter of the vessel, since the maximum stress will develop inside the
nom = ……………………………….1
By using equation 1 and 2 that is the relation between and max is given in Equation
below. [3]
max = ………………………………………..3
Is constant
=3 where 5-20mm
From equation 1
From equation 3
max = =192.5
=192.5*3 =577.5Mpa
577.5*106 =
517*106 =637.5*106
= 1.11
So the clearance of the vessel is calculated as 6 mm where the outside pressure, Po, is taken as
101.325 Kpa. Circumference of the inside vessel is equal to 2. .rvi .where (6+6+50) mm is the
Diameter of the inside vessel. The maximum number of holes at one cross section can be
determined by using Equation below.
There are some pretreatment that directly affect the oil recovery rate such as the moisture
content and temperature of the seeds. The seed capacity is given in terms of mass flow rate,
however it should be converted into the unit of volumetric flow rate, since one of the important
inputs to the design calculations is the volumetric flow rate of the seed. Weight of the
uncompressed seed is measured per 100ml as a standard. [11]
=0.926g/ =m/v
926kg/ =
m= =0.0926kg =92.6g
12000g/h* = 12959.96ml/h
= 12.96 l/h
The theoretical volume which is the swept volume by the feeding turns and the real volume that
is transferred forward by the feeding screws are calculated below. Feeding efficiency, ç is taken
as 90%.
= VolumeR
Under sufficient pressure and no drainage condition, the total volume of certain of seeds drops
half of it as given in figure below. t is total applied pressure, i is seed cake pressure and U is
fluid pressure.
The volumetric flow rate at the inlet section of the oil expeller will drop to half of it at the outlet
section. After compression without /drainage, the total volumetric flow rate, Qcompressed _
seed, which is composed of the flow rate of the compressed cake, Qcake, and the oil content,
Qoil, becomes7.2 L/h.[11]
Figure4.12: Pressure Change in Volume of Cake and Oil expressed vs. Time graph
To determine Qcake, first Qoil should be determined moisture and oil content of niger
Then the corrected seed capacity becomes 12kg/h. Oil content, is 40% and efficiency in the screw
press is 80-90% . Then, oil recovery rate, Moil, is calculated as;
Moil = SC = 12kg/h*0.4*0.9
= 4.32kg/h
Then, volumetric flow rate of the cake, containing residual oil, can be determined by
Qoil 4.7
Qcake 2.5
The main criteria of this thesis are the required seed capacity which is 12 kg/h and the
maximum required power which is 2kw. During the thesis, various alternatives were generated
depending on the previous studies. Different screw configurations, oil and cake drainage systems
were developed for this design.
There are different problems which can serve as a question at a time of manufacturing by
manufacturer. The most important ideas which require great attention at a time of manufacturing
are as follows.
1. Grooves profile
The groove profile is the main thing on oil drainage. At a time of manufacturing using of
alternative geometry is use full for the ease manufacturing of the groove profile.
2. Rotational speed
Rotational speed is another important factor which affects the flow of the seeds. If the
rotational speed is higher than the required, then the system can be jammed. Or if the rotational
speed is lower than the required, and then seeds cannot be pushed forward effectively.
Temperature is essential for increasing the oil recovery rate. During the study, temperature
increased the fluidity of the oil. So oil could be able to move faster and easily penetrated into the
gaps of the cake easily. A heating mechanism also can be used to increase the temperature at the
cake drainage. But it may result in higher oil recovery rates and very thin cake flakes. So there
was no need for a heating mechanism since the temperature of the whole system increased
naturally because of the friction between the compressed seeds and the machine components.
Assembly and disassembly of the machine components was another important problem during
the study. The screw press was left to be cooled down before the disassembly process of the
machine components for cleaning. At high temperatures, compressed seed could easily penetrate
through the clearance between the vessel and the screw shaft by the expansion of the material at
high temperatures. After cooling down, the dry seeds caused high friction force between the
vessel and the screw shaft. In order to overcome this problem, after each operation of the screw
press, the cake drainage cone can be moved forward before cooling down. As a second
alternative solution to prevent locking of the mechanism, the vessel can be composed of two
parts which are separated in the axial direction after each operation. Furthermore, by this
configuration, the disassembly can be performed by only separating the vessel easily.
We got some results from design analysis of components for instants seed capacity of the screw
press (12kg/hr), cake thickness (0.8mm), extraction of efficiency of the screw press (80 -90%),
power (2kw) and 80 rpm.
To increase the seed capacity of the present screw press is increasing the capability of the
grooves inside the vessel. This can be achieved by adjusting the groove profile, depth and length.
The efficiency of the system was assumed as 95%; however the efficiency of the machine is 80-
90%. Since lower oil recovery rate was obtained, the maximum pressure inside the vessel has
never reached to 60 Mpa. The maximum temperature of the recovered oil should be preserved
under 90 for the best quality of oil.
The machine can manufacture by different manufacturers but after manufacturing can have some
problems so the following ideas should be considered at a time of manufacturing.
After the oil is extracted from the oil seed, there is a waste or cake. So at the first time
there is a possibility to get less amount of oil than what we are required due to
temperature fluctuation or other means. Therefore, we should recover the waste or cake
product again so we can get some amount of oil.
As a design criterion it was aimed to produce a screw press that can easily be assembled
for cleaning purposes. However, it was hard to reassemble due to the need to readjust the
concentricity of the shaft and vessel after every disassembly.
1. Prepare the main support frame and attach the handle and the gear.
2. Insert the bearing into the bearing support and attach them on the main frame.
3. Placed the screw shafts on the upper of supporting frame through the bearing by using key.
4. Fix the screw shafts on the upper of supporting frame using bearing bolts.
5. Attach the sheet metal and fix it using bolt with the support frame.
6. Attach the supports in order to load the screw, vessel and other parts of the machine.
7. Connect the oil drainage
8. Connect first the crash head casing with the crash head and then connect both to the oil
drainage. In this assembly also both the crash head casing and crash head must be concentricity.
9. Connect the supports by using bolts.
10. Finally attach the hoppers.
To analyze the cost of the machine need to get the mass of each parts of the machine by
calculating the volume of each parts of the machine.
After this can be done the cost of the machine by finding the mass of the machine by using the
density of material which each parts of the machine are made.
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