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#Design Multi Crop Tresher Mach

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Design of multi crop thresher machine

First and for most we would like to thank the almighty GOD for giving us a blessed
time to do this project. Next it is our great pleasure to thank those individuals who helped
us in preparing this project work. We heartily thank our advisor Ins. Zina G. who guides
us while we were working this project and made necessary correction.
We would also like to express our deepest gratitude to Ins. Moges S. for allowing us
to visit the farm technology laboratory and giving supportive ideas related to this design
Finally, we would like to thank our friends, and everyone who helped us for everything
that they have done for us, from start up to completion of this project.

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Design of multi crop thresher machine

Agriculture mechanization played a significant economic role by increasing
agricultural production and reducing cost of cultivation. Agricultural mechanization has
improved productivity to great extent; still post-harvest value addition to the raw product
in ETHIOPIA is very less as compared to other countries, which may be mainly due to
the lack of such technologies. There is a need to develop more processing machinery for
value addition of agricultural production with a reduction in time and labor. Teff, wheat,
and sorghum are very important crops in ETHIOPIA, but manual removal of grains from
husks is a laborious and time consuming activity.
The purpose of this design project is to make this laborious and time consuming
activity easier by designing a multi crop thresher that can thresh these crops (Teff, wheat,
and sorghum). This thresher machine, since it is designed to be manufactured from
locally available materials, its cost will be cheaper than threshers that are imported from
foreign country.
The design of this multi crop thresher has been presented with each detail component
analysis and both part and assembly drawings are made using CATIA.

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Design of multi crop thresher machine

µ Coefficient of friction
Aw1 factor accountable to the resistance of bearings
B width
Bw3 factor accountable to air resistance
C center to center distance
d diameter
F force
g gravitational acceleration
H corrected horse power
h height
IDC inner dead center
K belt correction factor
ks factor of safety
L length
M bending moment
n rpm
ODC outer dead center
P power
q Feed rate
R radius
t tension
T torque
u air stream velocity
V speed
v volume
W load
w width
Z section modulus
ρ density

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Design of multi crop thresher machine

σall allowable bending stress

τ shear stress
ω angular speed of the drum

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Design of multi crop thresher machine

Acknowledgement ........................................................................................... i
Abstract ........................................................................................................... ii
Abbreviations ................................................................................................. iii
List of figures ............................................................................................... viii
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................. 1
1. Introduction ................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Problem Statement ................................................................................ 2
1.2 Objective of the Project ........................................................................ 2
1.3 Significance of the study ...................................................................... 2
1.4 Definition of terms ................................................................................ 2
1.5 Project methodology ............................................................................. 4
CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................ 5
2. LETRATURE REVIEW............................................................................. 5
2.1 Threshing operation .............................................................................. 5
2.2. Past time threshers ............................................................................... 5
2.3. Modern threshers ................................................................................. 6
CHAPTER THREE ...................................................................................... 10
3. CONCEPTUAL DESIGN ........................................................................ 10
3.1 Model A .............................................................................................. 10
3.2Model B ............................................................................................... 11
3.3Model C ............................................................................................... 11
3.4 Comparison of conceptual designs ..................................................... 12
3.5 Design matrix ...................................................................................... 13
3.6 Description of values .......................................................................... 13
3.7 Decision and Conclusion .................................................................... 14
3.8 Working principles ............................................................................. 14

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Design of multi crop thresher machine

CHAPTER FOUR......................................................................................... 16
4. DESIGN ANALYSIS ........................................................................... 16
4.1 Geometric Analysis............................................................................. 16
4.2 Design of Belt ..................................................................................... 18
4.3 Pulley analysis .................................................................................... 26
4.4 Shaft design......................................................................................... 32
4.5 Design of keys .................................................................................... 35
4.6 Design of beater .................................................................................. 38
4.7 Design of blower ................................................................................. 41
4.8 Bearing life determination .................................................................. 42
4.9 Design of support frame (stand) ......................................................... 45
4.10 Design of wheel ................................................................................ 47
4.11Design of Cover cylinder ................................................................... 48
4.12 Design of Sieve material ................................................................... 48
4.13 Design of connecting rod .................................................................. 51
4.14 Design of bolt.................................................................................... 54
4.15 Design of weld for the supports ........................................................ 54
4.16 summary of result ............................................................................. 56
CHAPTER FIVE .......................................................................................... 58
5 Cost Estimation .......................................................................................... 58
CHAPTER SIX ............................................................................................. 59
6. Manufacturing process .............................................................................. 59
CHAPTER SEVEN ...................................................................................... 60
7. Assembling procedure .............................................................................. 60
CHAPTER EIGHT ....................................................................................... 61
8. Conclusion and Recommendation ............................................................ 61
8.1 Conclusion .......................................................................................... 61
8.2 Recommendation ................................................................................ 62
References ..................................................................................................... 63
Appendix ....................................................................................................... 64

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Design of multi crop thresher machine

List of tables
Table 1 design matrix
Table 2 coefficient of friction between belt and pulley
Table 3 belt type designation
Table 4 belt dimensions
Table 5 belt correction factors
Table 6 belt correction factors
Table 7 belt correction factors
Table 8 groove dimensions of v-belt
Table 9 shaft correction factors
Table 10 ball bearing principal dimensions
Table 11 ball bearing principal dimensions
Table 12 ball bearing principal dimensions
Table 13 relation between equivalent length (L) and actual length (l)

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Design of multi crop thresher machine

List of figures
Fig.1 belt tension
Fig 2 belt section
Fig.3 forces on belt
Fig.4 pulley dimensions
Fig.5 shaft
Fig.6 reaction force diagram
Fig7. Bending moment diagram
Fig.8. keys
Fig.9. key dimensions
Fig.10. beater dimensions
Fig. 11 tong dimension
Fig.12. welding structure of beater
Fig. 13 blower
Fig. 14 supporting structure
Fig. 15 supporting structure
Fig.16 wheel
Fig.17 sieve
Fig.18 sieve position with dimension
Fig.19 reaction force diagram
Fig. 20 connecting rod
Fig.21 cross section of connecting rod
Fig.22 connecting rod dimensions

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Design of multi crop thresher machine

1. Introduction
Indigenous threshing of crops (wheat, barley, teff, sorghum… etc,) is one of the
most time consuming labours and maximum loss of grain. After harvesting the crop
transported to the threshing site where they are left stacked till the threshing season,
which is usually December and January. The threshing floor usually made smearing the
ground with caw dung and left to dry for some time or levelling the ground and trampling
according the type of crop which is going to be threshed
During threshing the loose crop is laid on the floor and several oxen tread on it.
The oxen go round on the threshing floor over the crop for some time and are taken out to
turn the un threshed crop from the bottom up and spread it laying the heads up for
efficient threshing.
Threshing with animals need skill and energy to keep the animals moving around
the threshing floor. Usually the best-trained animals are used as the pivots on the canter
of the ring while other animal‟s circle around. The threshing season normally lasts 2-3
months, but with the increased in production, which is possible with the high yielding
varieties, nevertheless, threshing may not be completed with this time. The delay on
completion of the threshing operation within safe time will expose the crop to
unfavourable weather and will result in quality deterioration, insect and rodent attack.
Oxen, which are not in good conduction, are exposed to danger during the threshing
season. Therefore this method of threshing brings low quality of grain and high
percentage of loss.

Fig.1. Traditional threshing

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Design of multi crop thresher machine

1.1 Problem Statement

The traditional threshing methods of threshing crops like teff, barley and sorghum
especially for commercial purposes is tedious and time consuming activity. Locally in
Ethiopia, the region that is the highest producer of these crops, the threshing activity is
done by animals and beating by hands using sticks. Since, threshing crops using animals
and beating by hands is not effective way of crop threshing; there will be large amount of
grain loss or wastage due to breakage and removal of grains together with straw.

1.2 Objective of the Project

a) General objective
The overall objective of this project is to design an appropriate motor driven multi crop
thresher and introduce the technology with a minimum cost in the country. The successes
of this project will be a breakthrough of the appropriate technology on designing such
machine development in country.

b) Specific objective
1. To propose detail engineering design for each components, control and
automation of the system.
2. To propose its cost analysis.
3. To deliver a detail proposal for its operation.
4. To prepare simple manual for assembly.

1.3 Significance of the study

The significance or importance of the study is to maximize the production of
agriculture by using a mechanized farm system especially in post harvesting activities

1.4 Definition of terms

A, Pulley

A pulley is a wheel on an axle or shaft that is designed to support movement and

change of direction of a cable or belt along its circumference. Pulleys are used in a
variety of ways to lift loads, apply forces, and to transmit power. In nautical contexts, the
assembly of wheel, axle, and supporting shell is referred to as a "block."
A pulley may also be called a sheave or drum and may have a groove between
two flanges around its circumference. The drive element of a pulley system can be
a rope, cable, belt, or chain that runs over the pulley inside the groove.

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Design of multi crop thresher machine

B, Threshing drum
It is the main part of a thresher which rotates and hits the crop to separate the grain
from the chaff
C, Bearing
It is a mechanical component used to support the rotating shaft of the thresher

D, concave
It is the upper part of the thresher body that used for covering the internal parts of the
thresher and sometimes it is used as a guide for the chaff to pass through the discharge.

Threshing drum types:

(A) peg tooth with an open threshing drum
(B) peg tooth with a closed threshing drum (middle)
(C) rasp bar drum (right side)
Inlet unit: -
It contains bucket like sheet metal and it helps to enter the threshing grain to the threshing
Threshing unit: -
It contains threshing drum, threshing cylinder, concave. The threshing cylinder is the
most important component of thresher. Balanced rotating assembly comprising rasp
beater bar or spikes on its periphery and their support for threshing the crop.
Cleaning unit:-
Function is to separate & clean the threshed grain

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Design of multi crop thresher machine

Mainly consists of two or more oscillating sieves, a fan and air sucking duct known as
Usually two ducts, primary and secondary duct Function of primary duct is to remove
major portion of straw, dust and other foreign matter Secondary duct is used for final
cleaning of the grain
Grain discharge:-
It has sheet plate metals that takes the grain from the secondary sieve and discharge the
grain to given temporary storage place.

1.5 Project methodology

a) Data Source
Data‟s are assessed from different literatures, books in the library and internet. The
data‟s of the materials which we cannot manufacture locally are also gathered from
internet, books, and through direct interview and observations.

b) Data Collection methods

The whole data will be gained through the two perspectives.

Primary Data: - Direct observation, formal and informal interview with different workers
(lab assistants), and from written data.

Secondary Data: - Different research works and thresher manufacturing foreign

companies from internet.

c) Data Analysis
1. Using different analytical approaches and theories.
2. Using different static and fatigue machine element analysis to design machine
parts like pulley, belt, and rotary shaft (or drum) etc…
3. By using solid works software to draw the part and assembly drawings.

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Design of multi crop thresher machine

2.1 Threshing operation
Threshing or shelling consists of separating the grains, or the shells in the case of
groundnuts, from the portion of the plant that holds them.Threshing or shelling operations
follow the harvest and whatever pre-drying of the crop is undertaken. These operations
may be carried out in the field or on the farm, by hand or with the help of animals or
machines. Depending on the influence of agronomic, economic and social factors,
threshing or shelling is done in different ways:

1. Threshing or shelling by hand, with simple tools.

2. Threshing with the help of animals or vehicles.
3. Mechanical threshing or shelling, with simple machines operated manually.
4. Mechanical threshing or shelling, with motorized equipment.

The threshing operation involves the detachment of paddy kernels or grain from the
panicle. Depending on the influence of agronomic, economic, and social factors,
threshing is done in different ways. It can be achieved by rubbing action, impact and
stripping. The rubbing action occurs when buddy is threshed by trampling by the humans,
animals or tractor. The impact method is the most popular method of threshing paddy.
The difficulty of the process depends on the varieties of grown, and on the moisture
content and degree of maturity of the grain.

2.2. Past time threshers

The threshing machine, or, in modern spelling, threshing machine (or simply thresher),
was first invented by Scottish mechanical engineer Andrew Meikle for use in agriculture.
It was devised (c.1786) for the separation of grain from stalks and husks. For thousands
of years, grain was separated by hand with flails, and was very laborious and time
consuming, taking about one-quarter of agricultural labour by the 18th century.
Mechanization of this process took much of the drudgery out of farm labour. Early
threshing machines were hand-fed and horse-powered. They were small by today's
standards and were about the size of an upright piano. Later machines were steam-
powered, driven by a portable engine or traction engine. In 1834, John Avery and Hiram
Abial Pitts devised significant improvements to a machine that automatically threshes
and separates grain from chaff, freeing farmers from a slow and laborious process. Avery
and Pitts were granted United States patent #542 on December 29, 1837 [1]

 Kline (1969) stated that pedal-operated or hand-operated drum threshers,

common in Asian rice-growing countries, were rarely used in Equatorial Africa
(it is almost certain that by 'pedal-operated' he meant in fact 'treadle-operated').
Kline further stated that due to the increase in rice-growing in several African

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Design of multi crop thresher machine

countries, there was a place for a small hand-operated grain thresher which
could be adapted to engine power later. However, he did add that most treadle-
operated and hand-operated threshers were very tiring to operate.
 According to Hopfen (1960), treadle-driven drum threshers were satisfactory
only when the grain was easily detachable from the stalks, as with rice, but not
with wheat or barley.

 Sutton (1969), suing a drum thresher driven by a 1.7 kilowatt petrol engine,
quoted outputs of 230 - 690 kg per hour for rice. The machine was of rasp-bar
type, drum size 300mm diameter x 300 mm width, drum speed 1500 rev/minute
for rice and 860 rev/minute for beans, sorghum and other crops.
 Arnold (1964), from instrumented experiments, gave the specific threshing
energy requirement for wheat to be in the range of 0.77 kilowatt-hours per ton.
 VITA (1977) listed 15 manufacturers who produce small-scale threshers for rice
and other crops, but without detailing which threshers were engine-driven and
which were man-powered.
 The Alvan Blanch company (UK) (1976) listed specifications of their 3 tractor-
powered and engine-driven threshers.
 The John Derbyshire Company (UK) (1972) exhibited a one-man pedal-driven
rasp-bar thresher with belt drive, mounted on skids for field transport.[2]

2.3. Modern threshers

Multi-Crop Mechanical Thresher

The thresher handles wheat, barely, teff, maize, sorghum, rice and soybean, it is
of all steel construction, comprising a frame, a peg tooth cylinder with straw-throwing
paddles on one end and enclosed by a cover with spiral louvers and a round rod lower
concave. It is provided with two solid rubber wheels for easy transport. Material is
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Design of multi crop thresher machine

loaded on the table and fed into the opening between the cylinder and the lower
concave. The pegs of the threshing cylinder hit the material, separating the grains from
the straw and accelerating them around the cylinder. The majority of the grains are
threshed during the initial impact but further threshing is performed while the material
moves axially towards the opposite, discharge, end. [3]

. Fig.2. Multi - crop mechanical thresher

Haramba Wheat Thresher

We manufacture highly durable wheat threshers used widely to first separate the head of
a stalk of grain from the straw, and then further to separate the kernel from the rest of the
head. The wheat thresher comes in a sturdy frame with double bright Nut & spring
washer. It consists of a main shaft and a pedestal to offer superior performance. Reliable
and high in strength, these wheat threshers offer a complete solution to all threshing

Fig.3. Haramba Wheat Thresher

ET-16 model thresher

Northland Superior Supply Company Ltd. is proud to present its line-up of versatile and
robust Wheat and barley head threshers; models ET-16 and ET-20. An integral part of the
industry leading “in –line wheat cleaning system”, the ET series thresher simply and
effectively processes and recovers wheat from un threshed wheat heads. [4]

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Design of multi crop thresher machine

Fig.4. ET-16 model thresher

When used in conjunction with northland superior‟s wheat head destroyer, atypical
operation will recover in excess of 70% of wheat by weight from the wheat heads.
Unique feature of Northland Superior's Thresher ET-16 design is its ability to perform the
dual function of a debearder. By changing the drive and slowing down the Rpm‟s of the
inner drum, customers are able to debeared barley, clip and polish oats and de-awn
durum. This saves in both floor space and additional equipment costs. The ET series
threshers essentially consist of a dynamically balanced inner drum rotating within a
heavy gauge abrasion-resistant outer casing. The inner drum and inside casing of the
housing are lined with hard surface beater bars. Wheat heads enter into the thresher at the
inlet hopper and are conveyed and forced through the constricted space between the
beater bars. The threshed wheat and chaff are discharged from the machine for of the
product through the thresher. Further separation on existing, cleaning ET series thresher
equipment is needed. Processing efficiency can be controlled by adjustments on the
weighted discharge gate, thereby altering the flow rate. [5]

Fig.5. ET-20 model thresher

Factors affecting threshing efficiency

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Design of multi crop thresher machine

Efficiency and quality of threshing depends upon

on of crop mass fed to thresher

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Design of multi crop thresher machine

Conceptual design is designing ideally a layout of a given machine model, components or
parts in different and more suitable way by considering different angles.
During a design of multi crop thresher, things to be considered are; Determination of
Power Required to thresh off grains from stalk, threshing velocity, pulley analysis, belt
analysis, shaft analysis, and determination of torque required combing off grains from
stalk, pulley arm considerations and blowers. The - rasp-bar-and wire concave
mechanism can be used for almost all crops, provided that clearance stators-to-beaters is
correct and that beater speed is correct for the crop being threshed.
We prepared three conceptual models to design multi crop thresher;

3.1 Model A
Thresher with gear box and single sieve
This multi crop thresher has one sieve and gear box, the gear box reduces the speed
of the engine during thresh the highly dried crops grin because highly dried crops have
the tendency of break. The sieve of the thresher is cleans ones, because of this some of
straw will pass together with grain.

Fig 6, multi crop thresher with gear box and single sieve

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Design of multi crop thresher machine

3.2Model B
Thresher with gear box and two sieves
This thresher, which has two sieves will clean two times in order to separate some
small straws those passed together with grain during thresh. The gear box helps to change
the speed of the engine.

Fig.7. multi crop thresher with gear box, and two sieves.

3.3Model C
Thresher with two sieves, and different pulley diameters instead of gear box for speed
This thresher has pulleys with different pulley diameters instead of gear box. It
reduces the speed of the engine as we need to thresh the crop.
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Design of multi crop thresher machine

Fig 8, multi crop thresher with engine and pulley

3.4 Comparison of conceptual designs

To compare these three concepts designs we put different criterions and consider
different aspects.
Considering physical components
Concept “A” and concept “B” have more physical components than concept “C” because
concept “A” and concept “B” have gear boxes, and other power transmission mechanism,
which are used for transmitting power from the engine to the gear box.
Considering complexity
Concept “A” and concept “B” are more complex than concept “C”. Since there is a gear
box in each thresher, it makes them more complex to maintenance.
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Design of multi crop thresher machine

Considering manufacturing process

Due to the gear box available in concepts “A” and “B” , concept “C” is simple for
manufacturing and easy for maintenance.
Considering materials used to manufacture
Concept „‟C” can be manufactured from materials that are locally available and easily
Considering cost
Concept “A” and concept “B” are much expensive than that of concept “C” , since both
concepts “A” and “B” have more number of components than that of concept “C‟ the
cost for those components make them expensive. And since they have gear boxes the cost
for both materials and manufacturing process of the gear boxes make them expensive.

3.5 Design matrix

Design matrix is a method used to compare the different models according their
material property, function, operation, availability, cost required etc. and is used to
choose the most acceptable, excellent, preferable, model for design purpose.

3.6 Description of values

2. Poor, small, few, low difficult
3. Acceptable, average
4. Great, high, large, possible
5. Excellent, very high

No Function requirement Model designation

Concept Concept Concept C

1 Materials functionality
Availability 2 4 4
Manufacturability 2 3 4
Affordability 2 4 4
Strength 5 4 4
Maintenance 2 4 4

2 Physical functionality
Average size of component 3 4 4
Less number of components 3 5 5
Complexity 2 4 4
Weight 2 4 3

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Design of multi crop thresher machine

Operationabilty 3 4 4
3 Mechanical functionality

Fatigue failure avoidance 3 4 4

Reliability 5 3 4

Durability 4 3 4

Stability 4 3 3

Total sum 54 66 68

Table1design matrix
3.7 Decision and Conclusion
Comparing the above four main concepts of obtaining mechanism for threshing multi
crops in many especially based on mechanical properties and cost effectiveness; the
selection of the feature in model concept ’c’ , is beneficial and viable decision

3.8 Working principles

In this model threshing is done by the impact of a cylindrical drum equipped with a
number of spikes mounted on its periphery. The crop is brushed into fine straw, which
results in good animal feed. But, on other hand, this adds to the problem of cleaning.
While being threshed, the material undergoes a spiral motion in a closed cylindrical
casing the lower part of which is meshed bars. Meanwhile, the grain with the fine straw is
dropped to the sieve and straw is delivered to the outlet through which it is discharged.
The spiral motion is affected by the special arrangement of curves on the inner side of the
The grain and fine straw that escaped through the concave are exposed to the blower
blast. At this stage the light particles are blown to the atmosphere while the grain goes to
a collecting pan through the oscillating sieve.

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Threshing unit

Cleaning unit

Grain discharge

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Design of multi crop thresher machine

Design specification
Grain output= 8.3Kg/min = 500Kg/h
Motor speed= 1500rpm
Feed rate= 12.5kg/min
Drum speed= 900rpm
Drum type: Peg tooth with an open threshing drum
Drum shape: cylindrical
Cleaning mechanism: using blower
Source of power: electric motor
Type of drive: belt drive

4.1 Geometric Analysis

Fig.1. Geometry and dimensions

Power required
Power required for threshing
P1 = mv2/1-F + Aw1 + Bw3 [8]
Where m = total mass of material feed to the drum kg/s
=Mass of the grain + mass of straw

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Design of multi crop thresher machine

(Approximate grain straw ratio = 1:1.5 in mass)

For wheat m = 15 kg/min +1.5(500) kg/h =0.25kg/s
V = tip speed of the drum (m/s) 26.2m/s
F = friction coefficient (0.7 - 0.8)
Aw1= factor accountable to the resistance of bearings. (0.3x10-2 kg/m)
Bw3 =factor accountable to air resistance (0.48x10-2 kg/m)
ω = angular speed of the drum (rad/s) = (900 rpm =94 rad/s)
P1 = (0.25x26.22/1-0.75) +0.3x10-2 x94 +0.48x10-2x943= 4.67kw………………ans.
Power required for driving the blower
Where cp=power coefficient (1.7 for straight steel plate blades)
W=weight density of air
W=air g
N=blower angular speed (1500rpm =157rad/s)
D=blower diameter (200=0.2)
g=acceleration due to gravity (9.81m/s2)
p2 = 1.7/9.81x11.8x1573x0.195
Total power required (Pt)
Considering transmission loss and the power required for the reciprocating motion of the
sieve 8kw engine is recommended.

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4.2 Design of Belt

To select the type of belt for this design considering the above specification
and other characteristics of belts, we select a V-belt drive.
Reasons 1. Center to center distance is small.
2. Very strong
3. Give compactness due to the small center distance of the pulleys.
4. The drive is positive b/c the slip b/n the belt and the pulley groove is
5. It provides longer life.
6. It can be easily installed and removed.
7. Since the V- belt is made of endless and there is no joint trouble, the drive is
8. The operation of the belt and pulley is quiet.
Characteristics of V- Belt drive
Initial cost- cheaper
Maintenance- low
Lubrication - none
Shock absorption- better
Life- longer
Noise- low
Efficiency = 87-97%.
Agricultural V- Belts
Agricultural V-belts require intermittent shock loads and ability to bend in reverse
over small diameter sheaves. As a result agricultural belts incorporate an under cord
which acts to prevent the belt from wedging in to the sheave when subjected to shock
loads and a flexible jacket. Double v belts are intended for such drives.
Generally it is recommended that belt speeds in the range of 20m/s (4000ft/min) be used
where feasible 15-20 m/s for efficiency and longer life
The power transmitted by a belt depends up on;
1. Difference in belt tensions 4.Center distance
2. Co-efficient of friction
3. Area of contact
Belt material
Rubber Dry Wet Greasy
Coefficient of 0.3 0.16 0
Table 2 [6]

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Fig.1. belt tensions

Assume d1= diameter of smaller pulley

d2= diameter of larger pulley
n1= rpm of smaller pulley
n2= rpm of larger pulley
Based on the specification, let the engine rpm, n1=2000rpm
Drum rpm, n2=1500rpm
Now from relation we have the following.
n1/n2 = d2/d1
Assume d1= 250mm
Now, n1/n2= d2/d1 substituting the above values and we get
d2= n1*d1/n2= 333.3mm
Say d2= 350mm
The peripheral speed of the belt is given by:
V1= π*d1*n1/60
Substituting the above values and we get:
V belt= V1 =π*250*2000/60=26.2m/s this is the same with that of the speed of smaller
Speed of larger pulley is also given by:
V2= π*350*1500/60
V2= 27.5m/s (peripheral speed of larger pulley)

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Design power
Design power (Pd) of belt drives is given by:
Pd =power transmitted * safety factor.
For uniform driven machinery, safety factor (ks) = 1-1.2
Say ks =1.15
Now the Pd= 8.3kw*1.15
Pd = 9.545kw …………….ans.

Torque transmitted by the belt

Now the power transmitted by the belt is given by:
P=T*ω……….where ω = 2 πn1/60
T= 60*p/ (2*π*n1)
Substituting the above values and we get,
T= 55.6N.m……. ans.
Using this torque the corresponding type of belt and pulley diameter is:

Type designation Torque transmitted(Nm) Min diameter (mm)

B 50-150 125-200

Table 3
Center to center distance
Center to center distance is calculated by:
C= (0.07-0.1)* v belt. [7]
Take 0.08 to be the multiplication factor.
C= 0.078 * 26.2
C= 0.94m.……………………………………………………..ans.
Angle of contact on pulleys
1. the angle of contact on smaller pulley is given by:
Ө1= 180-2sin-1(d2-d1)/ (2*c) degrees
Ө1= 180- 2sin-1(250-200)/ (2*.94*1000)
Calculating the above equation and we get,
2. the angle of contact on the larger pulley is also given as :
Ө2=180+2sin-1(250-200)/ (2*0.94*1000)
Substituting the above values and we get,
Ө2= 185.220
Length of the v-belt

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Length of the belt is calculated as:

L= π/2 (d1+d2) + 2C + (d1-d2)2/4C, then substituting the values gives;
L= 2.90m……………………………………………………………………ans.

V-belt section

Fig.2. belt section
From table for v belt sections B type
B= width of the belt
t= thickness of the belt
And their values are:
B=17mm and
t= 11mm
Assume the belt is made of rubber with a density,
Now, the power transmitted by the belt is given by:
P= (t1-t2)*v
Where t1= tension on the tight side, N
t2= tension on the slack side. N
V= velocity of the belt in m/s.
Again t1 can be found from
Where Tc is the centrifugal tension of the belt, and it is calculated by:
Tc= m*v2 where, m= mass of the belt per length
And the mass m is given by:
Now m= 1000*1.8056*A
Where A= bt
At b=17mm and t=11mm
A= 0.017*0.011
Now, m= 1000*1.8056*1.87*10-4

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M= 0.3376kg/m……………………………………………………………..ans.
Now, Tc=mv2
= 0.3376*(11.782)
= 46.85N………………………………………………………ans.
We know that the relation between t1 and t2 is given by:
= 2.3log (t1/t2) =µ Ө cosecβ
Take µ of rubber = 0.3
At Ө=174.780=3.05 radians and 2β=400
Now 2.3log (t1/t2)=0.3*3.05* cosecβ
Log (t1/t2)=0.3978*2.924
Substituting the above values and we get:
Log (t1/t2) =1.16324
T1/t2=3.2 and …………………………. (.1)
The maximum tension in the belt is given by:
Where σ=allowable bending stress
B= width of the belt
t= thickness of the belt
For rubber B belt type
T = 392.7N…………………………………………………………………………ans.
Therefore tension in the tight side of the belt can be obtained from
T1= T-Tc
T1= 392.7-20.83
T1 = 371.87N…………………………………………………………..ans.
Now from (1) we get:
Now, the power transmitted by the belt tensions is given by:
Pt= (t1-t2)*v
= (371.87-116.21)*11.78
= 3011.67w
Pt= 3.11kw……………………………………………………………….ans.
torques on the driving and driven pulleys are
T1= (t1-t2)*r1
= (371.87-116.21)*d1/2
Substituting the corresponding values and we get:

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And T2= (t1-t2)*r2
= (371.87-116.21)*d2/2 T2= 31.9575N.m………………..ans.
Initial tension of the belt (ti)
√ (Ti) =1/4*(√ ti+√t2)
√ Ti=1/4*(√ 371.87+ √ 116.21)
Now, Ti=56.49N………………………………………………………………..ans.

From table 17.9, pa#676, [7]

Type Sheave pitch Belt speed Power (hp)

dia(in) (ft/min)
B 7andup 1000-2000 2.01-3.46

The maximum power transmitted by the belt is given by:
Pmaxb= Tmax*V
= 392.7N*7.854m/s
= 3084.26w.
And the belt correction factor K2 is selected as:

K2 B belt nominal; length (in)

0.95 62-75

Table 5
From fig.17-7 of page (676) the correction factor K1=0.99 (from graph)
Interpolating the above values and we get,
The rated horse power as indicated from table 17-9, page (676) of Joseph Edward shigley
Hr= 2.801hp and the corrected horse power (H) is given by:
H= 3.084*.99*.95=2.634
Now, the number of belts required is given by:
n = design power /power transmitted by the belt (corrected power)
n = 9.545/2.634
n = 3.62376 since n should be even number now the number of belts required
n = 4…………………………………………………………………………………ans.
Belt life
Durability (life) correlations are complicated by the fact that the bending induces
flexural stresses in the belt. The corresponding belt tension that induces the same

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maximum tensile stress is, fb1 at the driving sheave and fb2 at the driven pulley. These
equivalent tensions are added to f1 as:
T1= f1+ (fb1) =f1+Kb/d1
T2= f2+ (fb2) =f1+Kb/d2 where Kb is given as:
From table 17.16, pa#1073, [7]

Belt section Kb Kc
B 576 0.965

Table 6
The tension passes trade –off question as used by the gates Rubber Company is:
Where b is from table 17.17 [7]

Belt section 108up to 109 Minimum sheave 109 up to 1010

B K B 5.0
1193 10.926

Table 7
From the minor rule used to sum damage incurred by the two tension peaks.
1/np= (K/T1)-b+ (K/T2)-b or
np= [(K/T1)-b+ (K/T2)-b]-1passes.
The life in hours is given by:
t= np*Lp/ (720*v)
Note: if np>109 report that np>109 and t> np*LP/ (720*v) without placing confidence in
numerical values beyond the validity interval.

Fig.3. forces on belt

Now, at F1= 371.87N and F2= 116.21N
Now, the equivalent tensions are:
T1= F1+Kb/d1
= 371.87+576/200=155.17N.…………………………………………..ans.

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Similarly, T2= F2+Kb/d2

= 116.21+576/250=84.14N………………………………….ans.
Now, np= [(1193/142.2)-10.924+ (1193/116.8)-10.924
= 5.54*109 passes……………………………………………….ans.
Since, np>109 therefore; the life time t will be:
t>np*Lb/ (720*v) Lb= length of the belt= (1.8056m) 71.08in
Substituting and we get t in hours.
t= 63854 hrs………………………………………………………………ans.

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4.3 Pulley analysis

Fig.4. pulley dimensions

Material selected, cast iron

 Very strong, good machine ability.
 Economical.
 Stable
 Excellent frictional characteristics.
Now, the centrifugal stress induced in the running pulleys,
Fc= ρ*v2
Where, ρ= density of the rim material
Ρ = 7200kg/m3 for cast iron. [6]
V= velocity of rim and is given by:
= π*d*n/60
Where n= speed of pulley
D= diameter of pulley
Now, V1= speed of smaller pulley
V1= π*d1*n1/60= π*300*750/60
V1= Similarly V2 can be calculated and has a value of
V2= π*d2*n2/60
V2= 11.90m/s.
The centrifugal tensions of the belts respectively is given as
Fc1= 7200*(11.78)2
Fc1= 444.13*103kg/ms2=0.99Mpa
Similarly for Fc2= 7200*(11.90)2= 1.02Mpa.

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Arm considerations
Tangential load per arm,
Wt=T/(r*n/2) =2T/r*n
Where t= torque transmitted
R= radius of pulley
n= number of arms.
From standard for pulleys diameters ranging from 200-600mm
We know that the torque transmitted is given by:
T= 60*Pdes/ (2* π*n2)
Substituting the corresponding values and we get
T= 140.22N.m
= 2*140.22/ (0.25*4/2)
= 560.9N ……………………………………………………………….ans.
Cross section of arms is given by:
M/Z=σb where M= maximum bending moment on the arm at hub end.
Z = section modulus of arm
σb = bending stress for arm material.
Where Z is given by:
Z= π*d3/32 and
M= 2*T*R/ (R*n) = 2*T/n
Where d is diameter of arms, now using T=140.22N
M= 2*T/n= 2*140.22/4
= 70.11*103N-mm………………………………………………………ans.
The allowable bending stress for cast iron pulleys is given as:
σb(all) = 15Mpa. Then from the relation
M/Z= fb we get
Z= M/fb= 70.11*103/15
Z= 4676mm3……………………………………………………………….ans.
Again Z is given by: Z= π*d3/32 from this equation we can get
d =32*Z/ π putting the above values and we get
d= 36.24mm
Say d= 38mm………………………………………………………………ans.
Determination of hub diameter
Where d= diameter of shaft
d1=diameter of hub
To find the diameter of hub let‟s find first the diameter of shaft.
We know that the torque transmitted by the shaft is given by:

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T=60*pdes/ (2* π*n2)

= 60*9.545*1000/ (2* π*650)
= 140.22N.m………………………………………………………………ans.
Bending moment on the shaft due to the tension of the belt is given by:
Allowable shear stress of the shaft τ= τu/fS
From standard table τu=320Mpa and fS= 4
τshaft =80Mpa
The minimum length of the hub is given as:
L= π/2*d or
L= 2/3*B where B= width of pulley and it can be obtained as:
B= b+13 from table 19-2; page 649 gupta
B= 4*17+13=81 mm
Now L= 2/3*81
= 54mm
Say L= 60mm……………………………………………………………………….ans.
We know that the torque transmitted by the shaft subjected to twisting moment is given
Weight analysis of the drum (beater)
1. pulleys on shaft
W=mg, where m= mass of the elements of the beating material, kg
g= gravitational acceleration, m/s2

Now the mass m is given as:

M= V* ρ where V= volume of the material
ρ= density of the material
The volume total VT is calculated as:
VT= vb+vf+vfb+vsp
Where vb= volume of beater
vf= volume of fan
vp= volume of pulley
vfb= volume of fan base
vsp= volume of spike pointer
Assume all the terms stated above have the following dimensions.
t= 4mm

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Vb= A*w
= π (.32-.292)/4*(0.02)
= 37.45*10-6m3…………………………………………………………….ans.

h= 100mm
w= 125mm
t= 4mm
vf= h*w*t
= 50 *10-6m3……………………………………………………………ans.

Added fan base:

w= 30mm, h= 100mm,t= 4mm
= 12*10-6m3…………………………………………………………..ans.
Fan base:
h= 100mm,w= 20mm,t= 4mm
vfb =w*h*t= 8*10-6m3……………………………………………………ans.
Spike pointer:
h=50mm, w=50mm, t=4mm
Vsp= w*h*t
= 10*10-6m3…………………………………………………………..ans.
Now, Vbt= the sum of the above calculated values, which is
Vbt= 1.299*10-3m3…………………………………………………ans.
Mass of beater, mb= Vbt* ρb
The beater is made of steel, ρsteel= 7800 kg/m3
Mb= 1.299*10-3m3*7800 kg/m3
Mb= 10.14kg+1kg (for welds, bolts, and if other material is found with the beater)
Now weight of the beater is given by:
W=m*g take g=10 m/s2

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Pulley weight analysis

Pulleys made with cast iron (CI) hub and arms and grooved part save as much as 60%
of weight.
Vp= vr+va+vh-vs
Where, vr= volume of rim
va= volume of hub
vs= volume of sheave groove
Vrim= π*(d12-d22)/4*WP
Substituting the given values and we get:
Vrim= 1.413*10-3m3
Varm= 4*Aa= 4* π*d2*L/4
Let L= 140mm= 0.14m and D= 32mm= 0.032m
Va= 450*10-6m3
Similarly Vhub= π*(d12-d22)*0.06/4
= 70.26*10-6m3
w= 17.52mm, n=4
As= π*(d12-d22)*w*4= 464.75*10-6m3
Vt =Vri+Vh+va-Vs adding the above values and we get
-3 3
Vt= 1.882*10 m …………………………………………………………………ans.
Take density of the CI pulleys to be, ρci= 7200kg/ m3
Mt= Vt* ρ
= 1.882*10-3m3*7200kg/ m3= 13.5kg…………………………………………ans.
Weight of pulley Wp= m*g
Wp= 13.5*10=135.5N………………………………………..ans.

Small pulley analysis

Material: cast iron
The centrifugal stress induced in the rim of pulleys,
fc= ρ*v2
Where ρ = density of the rim material
ρ = 7200kg/m2 for CI [6]
v = velocity of rim and is given by:
v= π*d1*n1/60=11.78m/s
Now substituting these values we get,
fc= 1.02Mpa………………………………………………………………………ans.
Arm considerations:
Tangential load per arm:
Wt = T/(R*N/2)
Where T= torque transmitted by smaller pulley.

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T = 60*pdes/ (2* π*n1) =121.53N.m………………………………………………ans.

Wt=2*T/(R*N) = 303.83N………………………………………………………..ans.
Cross section of arms
Where Z= π*d3/32 and M=2*T/n=2*121.53/4=60.765Nm
fb= 15Mpa
Now, Z=60.765*1000/15=4051mm3
Again Z can be given by: Z= π*d3/32 equating these equations the value of d will be:
Determination of hub diameter
From the measured data of motor shaft diameter d= 25mm
Since diameter d = 25mm
Now hub diameter d1= 2*d= 50mm……………………………………………..ans.

Table.8. Groove dimensions of the v-belt [6]

Belt Pitch Groove Top Center to Minimum Distance Distance Clearance
section dia(mm) angle(2β) groove center groove from from top b/n belt
Degrees width distance of depth(mm) groove pitch and
grooves(mm) center to line(mm) groove
pulley top(mm)
B 137.4- 40 17.52 19.05-/+0.4 17.5 15.1 6.34 1.2

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4.4 Shaft design

Material: 40C8, carbon steel with
σu= 560-670Mpa [6]
τu= 320Mpa.FS=3

Fig 5. shaft

Fig6. reaction force diagram

Fig7. Bending moment diagram

Here since the shaft is subjected only for bending stress, it is designed for
bending moment only.

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From the diagram above (fig.) we can calculate that;

RA+RB= 735N…………………………………. (1)
To find the reaction forces let‟s find moments about A.
0= 111.4*0.39+623*1.220-RB*0.78
From the formula we can get
Now substituting this value on equation (1)
Bending moments at C and D will be as follows.
B.M.at C= -RA*0.39+623*0.830-RB*0.39 substituting the corresponding values
and we get B.MatC=230.445N.m……………………………………………….ans.
Similarly the B.M at D will be
B.M at D=-RA*1.210+Wb*0.830-RB*0.44
= -3.711N.m…………………………………………………………ans.
As we have seen from above the max bending moment is occurred at C which is
And we know that the torque transmitted by the shaft is:
T= 140.22Nm
For rotating shafts suddenly applied loads with minor shocks only the correcting factors
will be
Table 9 correcting factors [6]
Nature of loads Km Kt

1. Stationary shafts
(a) Gradually applied 1.0 1.0
(b) Suddenly applied 1.5 – 2.0 1.5 – 2.0
2. Rotating shafts
(a) Gradually applied 1.5 1.0
steady load
(b) Suddenly applied 1.5 – 2.0 1.5 – 2.0
with minor shocks
(c) Suddenly applied 2.0 – 3.0 1.5 – 3.0
with heavy shocks

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Now the equivalent twisting moment is given by:

Te=√ ((1.5*T) 2+ (1.5*M) 2) substituting the given values and we get
Te= 404.622N.m………………………………………………………ans.
Again the equivalent twisting moment can be given as:
Te= π*τs*d3/16
Where τs= shear stress of shaft material, 106.7Mpa
Now substituting the above values we get
d= 46.82mm
Say d= 50mm…………………………………………….…………….ans.
Now the diameter of hub will be
d1= 2*d=2* 50mm=100mm……………………………………………ans.

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4.5 Design of keys

Fig.8. keys

Design of key for smaller pulley

Type of key: rectangular key
Material selected: mild steel
σ=560-670Mpa [7]
τ= 320Mpa
KS=3, with τall=106.7Mpa
σall= 200Mpa
From table at shaft diameter, d=25mm the corresponding width and thickness of the
key are: w=10mm, t= 8mm
Now the length of the key is obtained by considering the key in shearing and crushing.
Considering shearing of the key (or torque transmitted) of the key.
T= l*w*τ* d/2
= l*10*106.7*300/2=13337.5*l
Where T=60*p/ (2* π*N)
= 60*9.545/ (2* π*N) since P=9.545Kw
Calculating this and we get T=121.59Nm
Equating T=13337.5*l
L= 9.11mm
Remark: The length of the key should be at least equal to hub length.
Since the hub length is taken as L=50mm
Now the length of the key should be Lk=50mm

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Checking the key for shearing and crushing

Fig.9. key dimensions

Let‟s now check the induced shear and crushing stresses in the key.
τs= F/As where F= force applied ds= 25mm
As= shear area T= 121.59Nm
F= T/r= 9727.2N r=ds/2 = 25/2= 12.5mm
As= l*w= 600*10
τs= 16.212Mpa.
Since this is less than (16.212Mpa<50Mpa). Therefore it is safe.
σ= F/Ac where Ac= crushing area
= l*t/2= 40*10-6
Now, σ= 38.63Mpa
Since this is less than (38.63<80). Therefore design of the key for crushing is safe.

Design of key for larger pulley

Type of key: Rectangular key
Material selected: Mild steel
σ=560-670Mpa [7]
τ= 320Mpa
FS=3, with τal l =106.7Mpa
σall = 200Mpa
From table for shaft diameter, d=30mm the corresponding width and thickness of the
key are: w=10mm, t= 8mm
Now the length of the key is obtained by considering the key in shearing and crushing.
Considering shearing of the key (or torque transmitted) of the key.
T= l*w*τ* d/2
= l*10*106.7=16005*l
Where T=60*p/ (2* π*N)
= 60*9545/ (2* π*650) since P=9.545Kw

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Calculating this and we get T=140.22*103

Equating T=16005*l
140.22*103= 16005*l= L= 8.76mm
Remark: The length of the key should be at least equal to hub length.
Since the hub length is taken as L=60mm
Now the length of the key should be Lk=60mm
Checking the key for shearing and crushing

Let‟s now check the induced shear and crushing stresses in the key.
τs= F/As where F= force applied shaft diameter, ds= 30mm
As= shear area T= 140.22Nm
F= T/r= 9348N r=ds/2 = 30/2= 15mm
As= l*w= 600*10
τs= 15.58Mpa…………………………………………………………………ans.
Since this is less than (15.58Mpa< 50Mpa). Therefore it is safe.
σ= F/Ac where Ac= crushing area
= l*t/2= 240*10-6
F= 9348N
σ= 38.95Mpa
Since this is less than (38.95<80). Therefore design of the key for crushing is safe.

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4.6 Design of beater

From data the total power required to comb off grains from stalk is 60 to 70% of the total
design power.
Since the total design power Pd= 8.0Kw.
Assume this beater requires 60% of the Pd power.
Pt= 4.8Kw…………………………………………………………………………ans.
Assume the beater has the following dimensions.
L=70cm=700mm D=30cm=300mm ref. based on actual data.

Fig.10. beater dimensions

Now, the total torque required is given by:

Where ω is the angular velocity of the drum (shaft) in rad/s, and is given by:
W= 2* π*n2/60=2* π*650/60= 68.08rad/s.
Assume the numbers of tongs on one of the beater metals to be 8.total 7 flat metals are
Tr=Tt/k=1306.23N.m……………………..ans. 60
Assume the tong has a dimension of

Fig. 11 tong dimension


The clearance between the tongs will be:

80= 800mm
? X = 700
X=70mm it is proportional with the length of the beater.

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Determination of size of weld joining tong to shaft

Fig.12. welding structure of beater

I. bending stress
σb= M/z= M/ (π*t*d2)/4=4M/ π*t*d2
Where σb= bending stress
M= bending moment, Z= section modulus
The maximum bending moment M is given by:
M= qL2/2 Where q= distributed force. L = length of tong
q, On each tong is equal to the force and is given by:
q=F= 2.29N
Now, M= qL2/2, where L= 60mm
= 2.29*0.06/2=0.0687N.m…..………………………………………………ans.
And assume thickness of weld to be t=3mm, and the diameter of the tong is d=15mm
Now, σb= 4*M/ (π*t*d2) = 4*0.0687/ (π*0.0152*0.003)
= 0.129Mpa…………………………………………………………………..ans.
II. shearing stress
The shear stress τs is given by:
τs= F/a Where F= applied force
A = throat area and is given by:
A= π *d*t= 0.7071*π*d*x
Where d= diameter of tong
X= size of weld
The section modulus Z= π*t*d2/4=0.07071* π*d2*x/4 substituting the corresponding
values and we get
t= 0.7071*x where t= 3mm
x= 3/0.7071=4.24 mm
Say x= 5mm…………………………………………………………………………ans.
Now, A= π*d*t=π*0.015*0.003

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= 141.372*10-6…………………………………………………………………ans.
And F=2.2.29N
Now, τs=F/A
Substituting the values and we get, τs= 0.0162Mpa……………………………………ans.

based on the maximum shear stress theory

τsmax= ½(√ (fb2)+(4(fs2))
Substituting the given values and we get:
τsmax= 0.0665Mpa……………………………………………………………………ans.

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4.7 Design of blower

Fig. 13 blower

1. The feed rate of the contaminants, which are to be entrained by the air stream, is
obtained as
q1 =bq/100
Where q1= feed rate of the grain stock = 290Kg/min
b = the amount of contaminants (%) in the feed material.
q1=0.35x150/100 =0525 kg/s
2. An air stream velocity u is selected such that it is greater than the terminal velocity of
the light contaminants and smaller than that of the principal grain material.
For wheat terminal velocity ut = 8.9------11.5m/s

3. The quantity of air required to entrain the material is determined from the expression.
0 =q1/q2
Where 0 <1 is the concentration coefficient of the contaminant- air mix,
q2 is the air delivery per unit time, kg/s.

q2 =q1/0 0.525/0.6 =0.875 kg/s

Then q2 = q1/0, the air delivery (m3/s), V is then obtained as V=q2/, where  is
the density of air. ( =1.43 kg/m3)
V = 0.875/1.43 = 0.61m3/s
4. The cross-sectional area of flow of the channel is then obtained as
F = V/u, m2 0.62/9 0.069m2
5. The dimensions of the channel is rectangular with sides a and b, then specifying one of
the sides the other can be obtained from the expression;
the length of the channel is equal to the length of the sieve b= 0.8m
Then axb = 0.069m2 a =0.086m2

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4.8 Bearing life determination

Type: 3000*
Bearing no: 3307
Diameter= 17/32
Number of balls= 8
Bearing material: high carbon chromium steel
1. Should be high quality, heat treated to give extra hardness and toughness.
2. Well lubricated, to reduce friction and wear between sliding parts of the
3. To prevent rusting or corrosion of the bearing surfaces.
4. To prevent the bearing surfaces from water, dirt etc.
5. To dissipate heat
Generally oil and light grease are used for lubricating ball bearings.
Application: Machines used for short periods or intermittent and whose breakdown
would not have serious consequences. Eg. Hand tools, operated machines, agricultural
machines, cranes. Life of bearing in hours 4000-8000.
Type of application.
Machinery with light impact:
Application factor (Load factor) = 1-1.5 for variable loads.
The static load rating is given by: Co= Mndb for ball bearings. [7]
And M takes the on the values of which the following is representative.

Table.10 [7]
M in and lb mm and kw
Radial ball 1.78(1000) 5.11(1000)

Using reliability of 90%.

F*L1/a = const…………………. (1) [7]
Where a= 3 for ball bearings.
From (1) F1*L11/a = F2*L21/a
And associate load F1 with C10, life measure L1 with L10, and write
C10L10 1/a=FD*(LD*nd*60)1/a [7]
Further it can be written as:
C10*(Lr*nr*60)1/a= FD*(LD*nd*60)1/a
Where C10= load rating, Lr= rated life in hrs.
nr= rated speed, FD= desired radial load in kN.
LD= desired life, hrs
nd= desired speed, R/min
Solving for C10 gives:
C10= FD*(LD*nd*60/ Lr*nr*60)1/a

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Design of multi crop thresher machine

Now at LD=6000hrs
nd= 650rev/min
FD1=741.7N and FD2=-42.2N reaction forces on bearings respectively.
The expression Lr*nr*60=106
The design basic dynamic radial load C10 will be:
Design basic dynamic radial load C10= 4.562KN*Ks taking Ks= 1.2
C10= 5.4744KN………………………………….…ans.
The basic life of bearing is (the number of revolutions or hours at constant speed). That
90% of a group of bearings will achieve or exceed before the failure criterion develops
and given by:
L10= 60*Lr*n*R*(C10/Fe) a/ (60*nd)
Where Fe= is the equivalent radial load and is given
Fe=Fr= 42.2N…………………smaller
Now, bearing life L10 =106*(5474.4/42.2)3/ (60*650)
= 550.23*106hrs………………………………………………ans.

Bearing selection [6]

Fig. 13 bearing

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Bore (mm) OD(mm) W(mm) Fillet Shoulder

radius(mm) diameter(mm)
90 160 30 1.0 Ds Dh
35 55

Table 11 [7]

Groove deep angular contact

C Co C Co
19.5 10.0 20.3 11.0


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4.9 Design of support frame (stand)

Material selected: steel with
σu = 540Mpa and τu= 540Mpa
Consider the support as column with one end free and the other end fixed
The critical load (crippling) load is given by:
Wcr= crushing load/ (1+a/ (L/k) 2) = σc*A/ (1+a/ (L/k) 2) [6]
Where σc= crushing or yield stress in compression
a= Rankin constant= σc/ π2*E [6]
L= equivalent length of the column and
K=least radius of gyration = √ (I/A)

S.No. End conditions Relation between equivalent length(L)

and actual length(l)
1. Both ends hinged L=l
2. Both ends fixed L=l/2
3. One end fixed the other hinged L=l/21/2
One end fixed and the other free
4. L=2L

Table 12 [6]
Assume one end free and the other end fixed
Cases for buckling to occur
1. if Wcr<Wapp or
2. σ>σall.
The weight applied on the support frame; assume it is the weight of the beater, pulley,
cover, shaft, and weight of bearings plus bolts and spikes to be:
Wt=19+6 N= 25N
Now the total weight WT= 25N+111.4N+623N=759.4N……………………………ans.
Since we are considering the frame as a column:
The force applied on one of the supports is given by:
WT/4= 189.85N…………...................ans.
Factor of safety for steady loads is given as: F.S= (5-6)
Therefore; the critical load Wcr=F.S*189.85N
= 949.25N………………………………………….ans.
Assume the support is rectangular iron type steel with dimensions of b=t (squared cross

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Assume the length of the frame to be: L= 2400mm

From Euler‟s formula of crippling load the polar moment of inertia I is given by:
I= Wcr*L2/ ( π2*E) [6]
Assume Esteel= 200-220Gpa
I= 949.25*2.42/ (π2*210*109) =2.64*10-9m4
Where I for square cross section is given by:
I= a4/12 substituting the above values and we get
2.64*10-9m4= a4/12 substituting the corresponding values and we get
a= 13.342mmSay a= 40mm……………………………………………………ans.
Let‟s check the value of the normal stress with the allowable one.
= 0.59Mpa……………………………………………………………………..ans.
Since σ is smaller than the allowable stress:
Therefore design for buckling is safe. Therefore the dimensions for the selected cross
section will be 30mm*30mm.

Fig. 13 supporting structure

The dimensions for the front two supports is 1200mm and for the two rare supports will
be 1250mm.since it is also safe for buckling(0.593Mpa<σall.

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4.10 Design of wheel

Fig.14 wheel
Wheel material:
Cast iron and has an actual dimensions of
D= 300mm, W= 50mm, t= 10mm
Cast iron ultimate strengths Modulus of elasticity E= 100-160Gpa
Ultimate tensile stress, σut=100-200Mpa Density of cast iron, ρ=7200kg/m3 [7]
Ultimate crushing stress, σuc= 400-
1000Mpa Taking factor of safety, KS=2
Ultimate shear stress τu= 120Mpa, σall= 400/2=200Mpa
if we take the minimum compressive stress.
Now, to check for crushing
σcr= Wcr/Ac where Ac= crushing area of the wheel
Wcr = applied load on each of the wheel
The crushing area is given by: Ac= d*t
Ac= 0.46*0.01=4.16*10-3m2
Now, σcr=Wcr/Ac where Wcr=W/2=379.7
= 0.091Mpa……………………………………………………………ans.
Since, σcr<σall design for wheel is safe.
Shaft of the wheel material;
Material selected: steel 40c8
With σu=560-670Mpa
τu =320Mpa
F.S= 2
Since, this shaft is subjected to bending only; the bending moment given to solid shaft is
given by:
Assume: length of the shaft L=780mm
Where M= bending moment of the shaft material

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I= moment of inertia of cross sectional area of the shaft about axis of rotation.
fb= bending stress of the shaft material
y= distance from neutral axis to outer most fiber
The terms stated above are calculated as follows:
I= π*d4/64 M= π*fb*d3/32 y=d/2=
Now, the maximum bending moment on the shaft is given by:
Mmax= W*d/2 where d=680/2+25=0.365m
Mmax= 759.5/2*0.365= 138.59N.m.
fb= σu/F.S= 600/2=fb= 300Mpa
Now from the relation given above
=600/d=64M/π*d3 substituting and we get:
d3 = 16.75mm Say d=30mm……………………………………………………..….ans.

4.11Design of Cover cylinder

Material selected: steel (sheet metal)
Fe690= has high tensile strength [7]
σu= 690 Mpa τu= 410Mpa
With over all dimensions D= 600mm, L= 730mm, t=2.00mm

4.12 Design of Sieve material

Material for sieve: sheet metal made of steel
Total required number of sieves is two.

Fig.15. sieve

Material for angle iron: steel Fe400 pa#22. [7]

σu= 540Mpa,τu= 400Mpa
Assume the weight applied on the angle iron (sieve support) is the sum of the weight of
the sieve of the sieve plus the weight of crop dropped during threshing.
At one cycle (period) the thresher can thresh 10kg of crop.

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Now, Wc =10*10= 100N

Plus the some grains left on the sieve to be 0.5kg. = 5N
Then the total weight applied on the support is:
Wt= 100N+5N=105N
Assume the support is angle iron with 40*40*2mm and the load applied is distributed
throughout the support length L= 550mm= 0.55m now the distributed load form at the
center where the crop load is applied:

Fig.16 sieve position with


Where Wc= concentrated load

The width w= 400mm
Now, Wc= concentrated load per unit length
Wc= W/L= 262.5N/m

Fig.17. reaction force diagram

Now, Ra+Rb= Wc= 262.5N

Ma= 0
Wc*0.2-Rb*0.4,Rb= 131.25Nm,Ra= 131.25Nm
Now the load carried by each of the four corners will be Ra/2=Rb/2=65.625N.

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Now, checking for the sieve either it is bending or not when the load is applied on it.
Bending area
Let the thickness of the sieve be t,
Ab= w*t= 0.4*t
And the bending force (force applied), F, on the sieve material is:
Wc= 262.5N
Now, σall= σs/FS= 360/1.5= 240Mpa
σall= Wc/Ab= 262.5/0.4*t
t= 2.7mm, Say t= 3mm…………………………………………………………………ans.

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4.13 Design of connecting rod

The connecting rod that connects the disc with the sieve reciprocation purpose is designed
by considering it as:
Assume the disc on the motor shaft has D= 180mm
t= 20mm and rotates at an rpm of motor which is N=750rpm.
Material: steel
Fe410, with σu= 410Mpa
τu= 250Mpa

[7 ]
Fig. 18 connecting rod
Odc= outer dead center
Idc = inner dead center of the crank
Fc= force exerted on the sieve and transmits to the rod
From the fig above the crank radius, r=d/2= 90mm
Since the connecting rod is designed by taking the force in the connecting rod (Fc) equal to the
maximum force on the sieve (weight) due to weight of the sieve + crop dropped, therefore, force
in the connecting rod,
Fc= F=W=105N.
The connecting rod is designed for buckling about (in plane of motion of the connecting rod)
assume both ends hinged, taking factor of safety F.S=6.
The buckling load is given by:
Wcr=Fc*F.S= 105*6=630N.
If the connecting rod has a rectangular cross section;

Fig.19 cross section of connecting rod

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Moment of inertia about x-x

Ixx= b*h3/12
And about y-y, Iyy= h*b3/12
According to Euler‟s formula for buckling load;
Wcr= π2*E*I/l2
Now the buckling load about x-x;
Wcr= π2*E*Ixx/l2 since, L=l for both ends hinged (fixed)
And about y-y Wcr= π *E*Iyy/l2
To make the connecting rod equally strong in both the plane of buckling;
Wcr (x-axis) =Wcr (y-axis)
Solving this we get,
h/b=2 or h=2*b
Now, with σc=320Mpa, F.S=6
Kxx=√Ixx/A=√ b*h3/12/ (b*h) = h/√12 since, A=b*h
Wcr= σc*A/ (1+a (L/h/√12)
= σc*b*h/ (1+a (12*L2/h2)
= σc/2*h/2/ (1+a (12*3002/h2)
630= 160*h4/ (h2+144)
630*h2 +90720=160*h4
Solving for h, let h2=a
Solving for‟ a „we get, a= 25.86mm2
Now from h2=a solving for „h‟ we get,
h= 50.85mm, Say h=200mm .………………………………………………..…..ans.
b= h/2= 100mm …………………………………………………………….ans.
Therefore the dimensions of the cross section of the connecting rod will be.

Fig.20 connecting rod dimensions.

Now, h=200mm, b= 100mm
We know that the maximum inertia force of the reciprocating parts is given by:
Fi=mr*(wmax2)*r*(cosө+cos2ө/n) [6]
Where mr= mass of reciprocating parts (mass of sieve, crop, pins+ 1/3 mass of connecting rod)
Where mass of the connecting rod can be calculated as:

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Design of multi crop thresher machine 2007

m1= A*l*ρ where, A=b*h=0.1*0.2

l= 300mm=0.3m
ρsteel= 7800kg/m3
Substituting and we get,
1/3rd *m1=1.56kg
w= angular speed of the crank= 750rpm
r= crank radius.
ө= angle of inclination of the crank from inner dead center.
Since, the inertia force of the reciprocating parts is maximum when the crank is at inner dead
center i.e., when ө= 00
Now, Fi= mr*(wmax2)*r*(1+1/n)
Where, n= ratio of the length of connecting rod to the radius of crank
Wmax= 2*π*Nmax/60= 78.54rad/sec
mr= 10.5kg+0.2kg=10.7kg
And n=l/r
Assume l of connecting rod is l= 300mm
Now, n= 300/90=3.33
Therefore, Fi= mr*(wmax2)*r*(1+1/n) substituting and we get
Fi= 7724.168N
Checking for buckling:
σ=p/Ab since p=w= 105N
And for mild steel σc=320Mpa, F.S=6
Now, σall=53.33Mpa
σ=105/ (0.02*0.01) =0.525Mpa………………………………………………………...ans.
Since, σ<σall (0.525<53.33Mpa) design for buckling is safe. Therefore the dimensions are
the bending stress due to inertia force on the connecting rod will be,
m1= volume*density
Where m1= mass of connecting rod
m1= A*l*ρ where, A=b*h=0.01*0.02
l= 300mm=0.3m
ρsteel =7800kg/m3
Substituting and we get,
Therefore maximum bending moment is given by:
Mmax= m*w2*r*1/ (9√3) [6]
= 0.5*78.54 *0.075*1/ (9√3)
= 1.335N.m……………………………………………………………..ans.

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And the section modulus is given by:

Zxx= Ixx/ (h/2) since, Ixx= b*h3/12
= 10*203/12=6.67*103mm4
= 666.67mm3 or Zxx= 666.67*10-9m3
Therefore maximum bending moment or whipping stress due to inertia bending forces becomes;
σb (max) =Mmax/Zxx
= 2.0025Mpa. This is safe. Since (2.0025<53.33Mpa)
Note: the maximum compressive stress in the connecting rod will be,
σc (max)= direct compressive stress + maximum bending stress
= 320/6+2.005=55.338Mpa…………………………………………………………ans.

4.14 Design of bolt

Material selected: steel
From standard select M18 and the total number of bolts required is:
n= 10
Using M10 from table (coarse series) table 11.1 on pa# 360 [6]
The core diameter is Dc= 14.933mm
We know that for bolts of uniform strength, the diameter of the hole is:
D= √D02-Dc2 = √ (182-14.9332)
D= 12mm…………………………………………………………………………………ans.

4.15 Design of weld for the supports

Taking the maximum shear stress in the weld as 18 Kpsi (124.1Mpa) for E60xx type electrode
l = 20mm, t = 0.707s
Let s= size of weld in mm, and t= throat thickness
The joint is subjected to direct shear stress due to the shear force and bending stress due to the
bending moment of p*e.
We know that area at the throat,
A = 2t * l = 2*0.707 s * l
= 1.414s*l = 1.114s*20 = 22.28 *s mm2
Shear stress, τ = P/A = 0.0941/22.28 * s

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= 4.22/s N/mm2
Bending moment, M = P * e = 0.0941*20 = 1.882*103Nmm
Section modules of the weld through the throat,
( )
Z= =

= 94.29 s mm2
Bending moment, σb = M/Z = 1.882*103/94.29 s
= 0.0199/s N/mm2
We know that maximum shear stress (τmax)

124.1 = √( ) = √( ) ( )

s = 4.1/124.1 = 0.033mm but
Minimum fillet weld size, for plate thickness up to ¼ inch (6.35 mm) can be taken as 1/8 in =
3.17 ≈ 4 mm……………………………………….ans.

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4.16 summary of result

Required parameter Calculated value Remark
1) Power 8KW Safe
2) Belt length 2900mm Safe
3) Belt thickness 17mm Safe
4) no of belts 4 Safe
5) Belt life 63854hrs Safe
6) Pulley diameters 250, 300,350mm Safe
7) Shaft diameter 100mm Safe
8) Shaft length 1290mm Safe
9) Length of key 50,80mm Safe
10) thickness of key 8mm Safe
11) width of key 10mm Safe
12) drum length 700mm Safe
13) drum diameter 300mm Safe
14) beater (tong) diameter 15mm Safe
15) beater length 60mm Safe
16) bore diameter of 90mm Safe
17) outside diameter of 160mm Safe
18) width of bearing 30mm Safe
19) height of support frame 1200mm Safe
20) length of support frame 1250mm Safe
21) width of support frame 500mm Safe
22) cross section of support 40*40*3mm Safe
23) wheel diameter 300mm Safe
24) width of wheel 50mm Safe
25) wheel shaft diameter 30mm Safe
26) Cover cylinder 3mm Safe
27) width of sieve 400mm Safe
28) thickness of sieve 3mm Safe
29) length of sieve 1250mm Safe
30) connecting rod length 200mm Safe
31) no of bolts 10pcs Safe

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32) bolt diameter 1mm Safe

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5 Cost Estimation

Item Item name Qty Unit price (birr) Total price

1 6000*40*40*3mm SHS 3 600 1800
2 2000*1000*3mm sheet 4 850 3400
3 6000*40*4mm flat iron 2 400 800
4 V- belt 4 150 600
5 Pulley 4 400 1600
6 6000*60mm iron rod 1 250 250
7 Electric motor 1 1000 1000
8 Bolt 10 7 70
9 Washer 10 2 20
10 Nut 10 4 40
11 Wheel 2 750 1500
12 6000*100mm iron rod 1 5000 5000
13 Process cost including 5000 8000
labour cost, machining and
other costs

Total sum = 33080birr

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Design of multi crop thresher machine 2007

6. Manufacturing process
To manufacture this multi crop thresher machine, since it is a combination of different
components, different types of manufacturing processes are applied. Some of this manufacturing
processes used to manufacture this multi crop thresher are listed below
1) Machining
Machining operation is used to manufacture the thresher components like; shaft, for surface
finishing of pulley and other components which needs operations like; grinding, drilling milling,
and turning operations.
2) Casting
To manufacture the pulley which is made from cast iron, casting operation is used.
3) Welding
Welding operation is used to join different sides of the supporting frame and also to weld the
beaters with that of the drum and also to weld the concave and the cover plate.

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Design of multi crop thresher machine 2007

7. Assembling procedure
1. The main support frame together with the concave bars, motor together with the pulley,
speed reducer, disk is first made ready on the required place with specified position.
2. Insert both the sieves under the concave bars and connect the sieves with the rotating disk
using connecting rod.
3. Attach the shaft and the bearing on the upper support frame.
4. Shaft together with beater placed on the upper of supporting frame through the bearing.
5. Fix the shaft and bearing with the supporting frame using bearing bolts.
6. Attach pulley on the upper shaft.
7. Connect the lower and upper pulleys using belt strands.
8. Provide pulley cover belt cover for the upper pulley.
9. Place the beater cover together with out let of the blowing straw.
10. Attach the flat spade (sheet metal) and fix it through the inlet position using bolt with the
support frame.
11.Finally both the assembled components placed on the support frame and tightened by

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Design of multi crop thresher machine 2007

8. Conclusion and Recommendation
8.1 Conclusion
It is with full confidence to say that this machine will do effectively and lighten the
burden of our farmer‟s duties if it is properly manufactured with the described design
specifications. The machine described in this report will effectively thresh wheat, Teff, sorghum,
and barley using a power of 8KW with 900 rpm of motor speed. This thresher is designed to
provide all the necessary equipment such as, different pulley diameters (speed reducer), sieves
and some necessary dimensions with four number of belt strands. This machine is suitable for all
farmers in Ethiopia who are suffering with traditional way of threshing device.
The machine is suited completely for production by 'village technology' methods, since no
components require high levels of technical equipment and skill. It would appear that the use of a
wheat and barley thresher multiplies labour productivity by a factor of 3 over hand threshing.

Mekelle university
Design of multi crop thresher machine 2007

8.2 Recommendation
1.The design is done on certain reasonable assumptions such as disk dimension, small pulley
dimension, number of tongs, beater dimension etc. so that these concepts should be carefully
taken in to consideration as they bring significant change in the overall performance of the wheat
and barley thresher.
2. During installation, production, and threshing of the components great care should be taken to
maintain the results of the design.
3. Since modern threshers in Ethiopia is not that much therefore further investigations should be
taken to improve these threshing mechanism (machines) for further improvement.
4. Since this thresher is not require highly skilled person to install, operate therefore every farmer
should be trouble free on buying, working and using this thresher.
5. The crops must be dry, in order to be threshed well by the machine, but in this case it do not
lose its moisture content.
6. Concave clearance will be 11mm with each diameter of 10mm irons and total of 28 tongs.
7. The sieves should be inclined at 70 during assembling.

Mekelle university
Design of multi crop thresher machine 2007

1. Threshing machine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia
2. Alex Weir November 1999, introduction of multi crop threshers
3. http:// www.ard-raise.com, multicrop threshers
4. VITA – (1972) - "Portable Thresher" (mimeo) published Volunteers for
International Technical Assistance, vv@vita.org http://www.vita.org/ Maryland USA
5. http://www.fao.org/inpho/ Institute of agricultural research organization holeta agricultural
center (IARC), Barley: Post-Harvest Operations.
7. Joseph Edward shigley. Charles R mischeke, mechanical Engineering design 6 th
edition. New York, 2001.
8. SG2000 multi crop thresher design manual (Combolcha agricultural center)

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Design of multi crop thresher machine 2007

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Design of multi crop thresher machine 2007

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