HG G12 Module-1
HG G12 Module-1
HG G12 Module-1
MODULE 1: Self-Analysis: down your answers on a sheet of paper including your answers to the
A Step to My Improvement processing questions.
As part of examining your life while trying to adjust to the new normal it is
important to evaluate your strength and weaknesses. This could help you
understand the things that happen around you and to effectively deal with different
challenges. In this module, self-awareness is being highlighted. Since people like
you are in constant change where family, school, community and others play a
vital role, you have to be mindful of your strengths and weaknesses. Hence, self- Processing Questions:
evaluation is greatly needed nowadays especially during this time of pandemic. You 1. How did you feel about the activity?
need to assess what you have done so far in terms of managing the kind of life you 2. Was it easy or difficult? Why?
have now and how your strengths and weaknesses helped in facing the challenges 3. Were you able to mirror emotional reactions you had towards the different
brought about by the difficult situation. scenarios in your life and aspects of your personality? How?
4. What strengths and weaknesses have you noticed or identified?
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this module, you are expected to: LET’S EXPLORE THIS: Personal Goal Development Worksheet
1. Identify your strengths and weaknesses and their role on your personal
development; Based on your identified strengths and weaknesses from the previous
2. Show ways to enhance strengths and overcome weaknesses on different activity, write your personal development action plan by copying the Personal
aspects of personality: physical, physiological, mental, spiritual, social, Development template on a separate sheet of paper. Write your response in each
moral and emotional; and column about your personal goals and behavior that you would want to stop,
3. Express an oath of commitment in valuing yourself. minimize, continue, improve and start. An example has been provided as your
guide. On the same paper, write your answers to the processing questions.
LET’S TRY THIS: Mirroring Therapy
Personal Goal Development Worksheet
1. Face in front of a mirror and act out your emotional reactions on the Personal Stop Minimize continue Improve Start
following scenarios or aspect of your personality. Goal
1 Better grades Sleeping Using Keeping Reading Developing
a) Your facial structure for this year late at night gadgets for my notes in a daily
b) The circle of friends that you have gaming orderly advance personal
c) Your current academic performance study plan
d) Living with family 2
e) Personal relationship with God
f) Your current relationship status
g) Your body posture 4
h) Attitude towards difficulties in life 5
Processing Questions: provides an awareness and reflection that will help you set and reach personal
1. How did you find this activity? goals and improve on various aspects of your life across various life stages.
2. How would this help you to attain your personal goal?
3. What could be the possible barriers in achieving your personal goal? YOU CAN DO IT: Poem Writing Challenge
Let’s be creative. Write a poem of at least four (4) lines about your personal
KEEP IN MIND insights on how you value yourself. You may read the poem with your family at
You are now in Grade 12 which is the last level in basic education. Hence, it home or share it with your friends in your social media accounts.
would be important that you are aware on your adjustments as a teenager in the
different developmental aspects of personality. How do you think you’re dealing WHAT I HAVE LEARNED
with it? A research study led by Amanda Eller states that a balanced person might Make your own “Pledge of Commitment” stating that despite the many
develop an active role by interpreting the expectations of the social actors from the challenges you are facing now, still you are able to manage life with courage and
home and work domains and from other institutions. It is where a person studies determination. Write on a sheet of paper.
and adopts boundaries with degrees of permeability that enables a state of greater
balance between said domains. When it comes to life, happiness and well-being, SHARE YOUR THOUGHT AND FEELINGS
there isn’t one single area of life that we need to focus on instead, life is multi- Congratulations! You have come this far. Share the insights your learned
dimensional and dynamic. by filling out the following graphic organizer. Do it on a sheet of paper.
The following dimensions will guide you on the areas to focus and improve. My Three Big Steps in Achieving Personal Development
1. Physical. Your adolescence period is a good time for you to take more
responsibility for your physical health. Valuing your physical health by Personal Development
taking care of your body through the ff: exercise regularly, eat healthy diet,
get enough sleep, etc. Step 3: ___________________________________
2. Mental. It is important for you to maintain good mental health habits,
including coping, resilience and good judgment among your age group to Step 2: ____________________________________________________
achieve overall wellbeing.
3. Emotional. The adolescent healthy emotional development is marked by a Step 1: _____________________________________________________________________
gradually increasing ability to perceive, assess and manage emotions. The
process of emotional development gives you the opportunity to build skills,
discover unique qualities and develop strengths for optimal healthy emotion.
4. Social. This is common as peer relationship that can become a central focus Eller, Amanda Margi, De Araujo Bruno Felix and Araujo, Diana Abreu “Balancing Work, Study and
in your life. It is building relationship with your peers through social Home: A Research with Master’s Students in a Brazilian University” RAM, Rev. Adm. Mackenzie
interrelated activities. vol.17no.3 Sao Paulo May/June 2016.
5. Spiritual. Religion has a strong influence to our country even up to now.
Teenagers who are guided and nurtured by a clear belief system and Mayer, John “Know Thyself’ Psychology Today, March 11, 2014. Accessed January 11, 2018.
spiritual activities are much less likely to go off the rails during adolescence.
“What is personal Development?” Skills You Need. Accessed January 11, 2018
Therefore, after internalizing the 5 dimensions of human individual, it is https://www.skillsyouneed.com/ps/personal-development.html
important to include personal development plan to manage your strengths and
“Why Personal Development is Critical to Success” SUCCESS. May 02, 2017. Accessed January 11,
weaknesses. 2018. https://www.success/com/article/rohn-why-personal-development-is-critical-to-success.
A Personal Development Plan is an action plan for self-development within
the context of education, relationships, career, or for self-improvement. It