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Jeric Doloso Quiz 3

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Republic of the Philippines


2 Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena, Marikina City
1800 Tel. Nos. (02) 369-6790, (02) 360-7216
Name: jeric A doloso jr Score: Date:
Course/Yr. & Sec.: BIT 1-18

Quiz No. 3

Test I: Multiple Choice

Directions: Read each statement/question carefully then choose the letter
of the best answer. Write your answers on the space provided
before each number.

C 1. Which of the following statements is correct?

a. The population size of predators increases when the prey is scared.
b. Competition for resources is density-independent when food is
c. Disease is density dependent as transmission occurs more easily
in large populations.
d. Change in temperature is density dependent as fewer organisms
can acclimate to variations in temperature.

B 2. When a lion looks for mates outside their own population, the males
take the females to their group. Which of the following occurs in the
male’s population?
a. emigration b. immigration c. mortality d. natality

C 3. Which of the following is NOT needed in assessing population’s

growth rate?
a. How many individuals are born
b. How many have dies
c. How many moves away in a given period of time
d. How many individuals carry communicable diseases

B 4. with the exponential growth in human population?

a. SWhich event is correlatedtart of Industrial Revolution
b. Invention of Agriculture
c. Bubonic plague epidemic
d. End of Second World War
A 5. Which of the following was the most important impact of agriculture
on the human population size?
a. It stabilized and increased available food supplies
b. It made people better able to resist disease
c. It reduces accidental deaths from hunting
d. It decreased the negative impacts of storms.

Test II Essay
Directions: Answer the given items below. Express your answer briefly with
complete thought. Use the space provided for your answer.
Write legibly and neatly. (5 points each)

a. Which of the two rivers can more likely support many species: 1)
spring fed with constant water volume and temperature annually; or
2) drains a desert landscape and floods and dries out at
unpredictable intervals. Explain your answer.

-for me the number 1 because all animal needs water so if there is a source of
water they stay there because water is the main ingredient for survival.

b. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having high population?

-the advantages is to Increased economic productivity: A larger population means

more people to work and produce goods and services, which can lead to increased
economic growth

- The disadvantage is to Increased demand for resources: A larger population means

more people competing for limited resources, such as food, water, and energy. This
can lead to shortages and price increases.

c. What are the possible impacts of this phenomenon in freshwater

ecosystem? Immediate community?

-Changes in water quality: Increased water temperature can lead to a decrease in dissolved oxygen
levels, which can be harmful to aquatic organisms.

d. What research questions could be asked to

investigatethis phenomenon?

-the research can be asked why they would build something in a place that can destroy our
environment or it is better to ask if they have thought about it carefully

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