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Pre Examination Training



Day - 4

Module - 4

Test of
English Language (Objective
& Descriptive)
Test of English Language

Self-Learning Material
Test of
English Language

This test intends to measure your proficiency in English language. It will be tested through
questions/items on reading comprehension, functional grammar, context based vocabulary etc.
The different types of questions which are used in this test can be classified as:
(A) Reading Comprehension (I)
(B) Spotting the Error
(C) Sentence Correction
(D) Sentence Completion
(E) Reading Comprehension (II)
(F) Rearrangement of Sentences
(G) Suppressed words Passage
Each of the above measures one or more areas of language abilities.

(A) Reading Comprehension (I)

Questions on reading comprehension measure the ability to understand, analyse and apply information and
concepts presented in the written form. All questions are to be answered on the basis of what is stated or
implied in the given passage.

Guidelines for answering the Reading Comprehension Questions.

Given below are some guidelines, which would be of use to you in answering satisfactorily the questions set
on the passage.

1. Answer all questions based on what is stated or implied in the passage itself. Even when you do not
agree with what the author of the passage is saying, do not let your opinions or knowledge and
information influence your judgement of what the author is saying.
2. Read the questions carefully, making sure that you understand what is being asked. If need be refer
back to the passage for finding the answer.
3. Read all the alternatives carefully. Without first reading all the alternatives, do not assume that you
have selected the best answer.
4. Remember that understanding is the critical factor in reading comprehension.

Test of English Language
Qs (1- 11) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words in
the passage are given in bold to help you locate them easily while answering some of the questions.

One great advantage, which I enjoyed in my younger days, was the literary and artistic atmosphere which
pervaded our house. I remember how, when I was quite a child, I would be leaning against the verandah
railings, which overlooked the detached building comprising the reception rooms. These rooms would be
lighted up every evening. In our boyhood, we beheld the dying rays of that intimate sociability which was
characteristic of the last generation. Neighbourly feelings were then so strong that the informal gatherings
were a necessity, and those who could contribute to its amenities were in great request. The more I think of
that period the more I realise that we have no longer the thing known an informal uninvited gathering. People
nowadays call on each other on business, or as a matter of social duty, but not to foregather by way of informal
gatherings. They have neither the time, nor are there the same intimate relations! What goings and comings
we used to see, how merry were the rooms and verandahs with the hum of conversation and the snatches of
laughter! The faculty our predecessors had of becoming the centre of groups and gatherings, of starting and
keeping up animated and amusing gossip, has vanished. Men still come and go, but those same verandahs and
rooms seem empty and deserted.
In those days, everything from furniture to festivity was designed to be enjoyed by the many, so that whatever
of pomp or magnificence there might have been did not smell of superiority. These add-ons have since
increased in quantity, but they have become unfeeling, and know not the art of making high and low alike feel
at home. The bare-bodied, the indigently clad, no longer have the right to use and occupy them, without a
permit, on the strength of their smiling faces alone. Those whom we nowadays seek to imitate in our house-
building and furnishing, they have their own society, with its wide hospitality. The mischief with us is that we
have lost what we had, but have not the means of building up afresh on the European standard, with the result
that our home-life has become joyless. We still meet for business or political purposes, but never for the
pleasure of simply meeting one another. We have ceased to contrive opportunities to bring men together
simply because we love our fellow-men. I can imagine nothing more ugly than this social miserliness; and,
when I look back on those whose ringing laughter, coming straight from their hearts, used to lighten for us the
burden of household cares, they seem to have been visitors from some other world.

Qs.1 Why does the author feel that the rooms and verandahs have lost their charm?

1) The rooms and verandahs have grown too small to accommodate people
2) They have been crowded by gatherings of gossiping people
3) The conversational quality which our predecessors possessed has now vanished
4) Unlike in the past, there are no facilities for arranging meetings
5) People do not spend on adorning these artistically

Test of English Language
Explanation: In the above question, answer no.3 is the correct answer. The author has expressed his feeling
that the rooms and verandahs have lost their charm - not because they are deserted, but because the intimate
relations among the people are now lacking. People still meet each other but only for a business talk or just as
a social duty. The intimacy is lost. Thus, the right answer to the above question is "3" which is implied in the
contents of the passage.

Qs. 2. How is the meeting of people of the present generation different from the meeting of the people of the

1) It is much easier to interact thanks to technology

2) Neighbourly feelings have now been strengthened
3) Informal gossiping is not considered ethical these days
4) People now do not have close-knit relations among themselves
5) People now-a-days involve themselves more in unhealthy gossips

Qs. 3. Which of the following is 'social miserliness' according to the author?

1) Diminishing intimate sociability

2) Increasing social inequality
3) Mass Starvation
4) We do not wish to incur expenditure merely to get people together
5) Successful imitation of the European standard

Qs.4. According to the passage, people who do which of the following would seem like visitors from some
other world?

1) Eradication of poverty and establishing social equality

2) Maintaining formal European social customs even in informal meetings
3) Reducing the burden of household cares by extending monetary assistance
4) Enhancing business opportunities with European countries
5) None of the given options

Qs.5.The approach of the author of this passage seems to be ____________

1) extremely critical about our indifference towards the past generation

2) emphatic about the need for informal social interaction
3) cynical about our blindly imitating the Western style
4) pessimistic about our business and political avenues
5) too conservative to allow for any social evolution

Qs 6. Which of the following statements is definitely TRUE in the context of the passage?

1) Poor people in the past generation did not have the right to enjoy anything without permission
2) We have ceased to bring people together solely for the pleasure of meeting them
3) Dying rays of intimate sociability was the characteristic of the last generation
4) The gap between different strata of the present society is diminishing
5) Our meetings with other people at present have been for the purpose of fostering intimacy

Test of English Language
Qs.7 Why, according to the author, has our home life become joyless?

1) We have lost the means of building up houses on European standards

2) Complete imitation of the West is not possible owing to different climatic conditions
3) While we have lost interpersonal intimacy and sociability, we do not have the means to build up
afresh on European standards.
4) Most people cannot live up to the current standard of luring and are half-starved
5) None of the given options

In addition to such questions, which are based on the content of the passage, some vocabulary questions
(synonyms and antonyms) are also asked.

Qs.8. Which of the following words is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word "snatches" as used in the
context of the passage?

1) steals
2) outbursts
3) joys
4) tips
5) influence

Explanation: Many words when read in isolation have different shades of meaning. But when such a
word is used in the passage, it conveys a particular meaning. You have to identify that unique meaning
of the word which is implied in the context or the passage. The word "snatches” as used in the passage
refers to "outbrusts” Therefore the right answer in the context of the passage is "2".
Qs.9 .Which of the following words is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word "designed” as used in the
context of the passage?

1) intended
2) painted
3) deliberated
4) stretched
5) manipulated

Qs 10. Which of the following words is most OPPOSITE of the word "deserted” as used in the context of the

1) abandoned
2) desolate
3) forsaken
4) empty
5) inhabited

Qs. 11. Which of the following words is most nearly the OPPOSITE in meaning of the word “ceased“ as used
in the passage.

1) stopped
2) deceased
3) created

Test of English Language
4) continued
5) maximised

(B) Spotting the Error

Candidate's familiarity with the conventions and grammatical rules of standard written English is tested in this
type of questions. Emphasis here will be on assessing knowledge of correct expression.

Qs (12-17) Each question in this section has been divided into four parts and each part is numbered as (1),
(2), (3) ,(4) & (5). You have to decide whether there is any error in the sentence and find out if there is any
grammatical error, the error if any will be in one part of the sentence, the number of that part is the answer.
If the sentence is correct, your answer is "5" i.e. "No error".

Q.12 I was just going/ to start my car/ when I found that/ there is no petrol in it. No error
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

The tense in the fourth part of the sentence does not agree with the tense in the other three parts of the
sentence. Hence, the error is in part No. 4. Therefore "4" is the answer to this question.

Q 13. Both alternatives/ have their merits/ and demerits when/ it comes to implementation. No error
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Q. 14. The patient admitted yesterday/ did not responded/ to the treatment prescribed/
(1) (2) (3)
by the doctor. No error
(4) (5)

Q. 15. The discourse reflects the speaker’s insight/ in the subject/ which stems out from/
(1) (2) (3)
the experience and original thinking. No error
(4) (5)

Q. 16 The young boy, who was travelling alone/ was looking around guilty/ so the ticket checker asked him/
(1) (2) (3)
where you are going? No error
(4) (5)
Q . 17 The old woman has had/ the best medical facilities available/ but she will not be cured/
(1) (2) (3)
unless she does not have strong desire to live. No error
(4) (5)

Test of English Language

(C) Sentence Correction

Qs (18-19) In this question, a word is given in bold followed by three sentences (A), (B) and (C) in which the
said word has been used. Read the given sentences carefully and decide in which of the given sentences the
word/form of the word given in bold has been correctly used making the sentence grammatically correct
and meaningful.
Q. 18 Borne:
(A) The Student’s fee shall be borne by the School
(B) She has borne all her problems with great courage
(C) She was borne and raised in small town
1) Only A is correct
2) Only B is correct
3) Only C is Correct
4) Only (A) and (B) are correct
5) All A,B and C are Correct
Q.19 Affect:
(A) The town was affected by the natural disaster.
(B) The accident has severely affected his health
(C) The medicine has no side affect.
1) Only A is correct
2) Only B is correct
3) Only C is Correct
4) Only (A) and (B) are correct
5) All A,B and C are Correct
(D) Sentence Completion

Q. 20-27. This type of question measure your ability to recognise words and phrases that both logically and
grammatically complete the meaning of the sentence. A sentence is given with a word/phrase missing in it.
The missing word will be indicated by a blank. You have to read the sentence and choose the word for the
blank which best fits in the blank to make the sentences meaningfully complete and mark the correct options
accordingly as your answer.

Q.20 The patient died_____the correct diagnosis.

1) despite
2) besides
3) in place of
4) instead of
5) due to

Test of English Language

Q.21 The older generation is_______ in its outlook and hence cannot tolerate independent ideas of the
1) liberal
2) paradox
3) orthodox
4) progressive
5) restricted

Q.22 The President will be provided_____all the facilities he is entitled to.

1) by
2) for
3) with
4) of
5) to
Q.23 In ________ of the recommendations the Board has established a counter to entertain the complaints
from consumers.
1) adherence
2) pursuance
3) accordance
4) relevance
5) relation

Q.24 It is delightful to do something that_________ skill and patience.

1) defy
2) despises
3) apply
4) demands
5) invite

Q.25 If this interpretation is held valid, then the States are _______of power to plan, implement and monitor
the schemes.
1) absolve
2) awarded
3) delegated
4) invested
5) divested

Q.26 The child could not extend her elbow after the injury; in addition, the injury __________ her ability to

1) postponed
2) mollified
3) pacified
4) placated
5) hindered

Test of English Language
Q.27 After working into the night at the office, he felt extremely __________; however, he still attended the
wedding ceremony of his friend the next morning.

1) tiresome
2) weary
3) controversial
4) energetic
5) vigorous

Q.(28- 30) The sentences have two blanks, each blank indicates that something has been omitted. Choose
the set of words for the blanks, which best fits, the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

Q.28. Although the whole family arrived together, the elderly uncle was in __________________ clothes,
while his businessman son wore an ornate, almost ------------------- suit.
1) impressive; complete
2) decrepit; flashy
3) desirable ; plain
4) dazzling; translucent
5) attractive : diminutive

Q.29. The __________ gave such a patriotic speech that the soldiers seemed moved to __________.
1) orator ; elation
2) miscreant ; duress
3) interloper ; passivity
4) politician; ordeal
5) student ;teary

Q.30. __________ its many difficult and mature themes, Geetanjali remains a __________ choice for
introducing teenagers to Rabindra Nath Tagore.
1) Despite ; popular
2) Considering; naturally
3) Whereas ; spurned
4) Inspite of ; insignificant
5) Although ; undesirable

(E) Reading Comprehension (II)

Q. (31-37) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it in the context of
the passage. Certain words in the passage are in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the

In this age, when the popular involvement of Governmental influence in day-to-day matters is mounting, it is
the electronic systems that offer us a potential service infrastructure which could, with careful programming,
take care of what we describe as mechanical, procedural governance without all the distortions, corruptions

Test of English Language
and harrassments which constitute the daily misery of the average citizen. Of course, the electronic systems
will only behave to the extent that they are properly programmed.

Once we move our minds beyond the mere use of the electronic revolution for business efficiency and higher
profitability and apply it to the task of reducing the routine, repetitive activities of governance, we will
conserve time and energy for more important and creative tasks. The electronic revolution can make for better
and more effective handling of real everyday problems, besides the basic computerized information banks.
Even in less developed conditions, the potential of the electronic network to take over what is called “paper
work” has been vividly demonstrated. Licensing system involving endless form filling in endless copies; tax
matters which baffle millions of citizens, particularly those who have nothing to hide; election systems which
require massive supervisory mobilisations or referendums based on miniscule “samples” which seldom reflect
the social reality at the social base. At all these points, the electronic advantage is seen and recognized.
However, we must proceed further.

It is possible to foresee a situation where the citizen, with his personalized computer entry card or his
“number”, is able to enter the electronic network for a variety of needs now serviced by regiments of officials.
Indeed, this is already happening in a number of countries. From simple needs, we will move to more complex
servicing, and, ultimately, into creativity or what is called “artificial intelligence” which will guide citizens
through all possible options to facilitate informed choices.

Q 31. According to the passage, which of the following is the basic service provided by electronic systems?

1) Taking care of routine preventive governance

2) Confidentiality of data
3) Surveillance of citizens
4) Safeguarding of financial transactions
5) None of the given options

Q32. Which of the following is/are the distinct features of artificial intelligence as mentioned in the passage?
A. Ability to create innovative ideas
B. Ability to maintain social order
C. Inbuilt bias on account of human programming
1) Only (A)
2) Only (A) & (B)
3) Only (B)
4) Only (C)
5) All (A), (B) & (C)

Q.33. What is the limitation of the electronic systems according to the passage?

1) It is a very costly technology

2) It needs an army trained professionals to operate
3) It will act only as programmed
4) It is easily susceptible to manipulation and error
5) Maintenance of this system is a human intensive

Test of English Language
Q.34. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE in the context of the passage?

1) Electronic systems require proper programming

2) Electronic systems can reduce routine paperwork
3) Efficiency of the electronic system has been demonstrated in many areas
4) In future computers are going to replace bureaucratic functions
5) One of the reasons procedural governance is torturous to people is because of corruption

Q.35 Which of the following words is most nearly the same in meaning as the word “misery” as used in the
1) Disaster
2) Agony
3) Poverty
4) Temperament
5) Evil

Q.36 Which of the following words is most nearly the same in meaning as the word “extent ” as used in the
1) Increase
2) Feasibility
3) Encompass
4) Degree
5) Expanse

Q.37 Which of the following words is most OPPOSITE of the word “vividly” as used in the context of the

1) Colourfully
2) Strikingly
3) Plainly
4) Graphically
5) Vaguely

(F) Rearrangement of Sentences:

Q.38-42. Another set of questions, by which the ability to understand what is read to extract information
and to arrange the string of thoughts in logical order is assessed, is discussed below. These questions test
your ability to organise your thoughts and ideas in a suitable sequence.

Given below are five statements A, B, C, D and E which when arranged in the correct order, form a coherent
and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the other statements in a proper sequence to form a meaningful
paragraph, and then answer the questions that follows

(A) Therefore a large scale affordable construction programme has to be launched.

(B) Construction has not kept pace with it and the shortage of accommodation has been accentuated.
(C) However high cost of materials and labour makes housing an unprofitable proposition.
(D) The census figures show that the population of our cities has increased immensely in the recent years.
(E) This shortage must be overcome in a reasonably short time.

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Test of English Language

Q.38. Which of the following should be the First sentence?

(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D (5) E

Q.39. Which of the following should be the Second sentence?

(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D (5) E

Q.40. Which of the following should be the Third sentence?

(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D (5) E

Q.41. Which of the following should be the Fourth sentence?

(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D (5) E

Q.42. Which of the following should be the Fifth sentence?

(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D (5) E

(G) Suppressed words Passage:

Q.43-50. Instructions: In the given passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These
numbers are given below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fills the
blank appropriately in the context of the whole passage. Find out the appropriate words.

Organizational change (43) often run into some form of human resistance. (44) experienced managers are
generally all too aware of this fact, surprisingly few take time before an organizational change to (45)
systematically who might resist the change initiative and for what reasons. Because of the many different ways
in which individuals and groups can react to change, correct assessments are often not intuitively obvious and
require (46) thought.

All people who are (47) by change experience some emotional (48). People also (49) change because they fear
they will not be able to (50) the new skills and behavior that will be required of them. Organizational change
can inadvertently require people to change too much, too quickly.

Q.43. 1) labour 2) efforts 3) facility 4) reduces 5) comforts

Q.44. 1) Although 2) Permitting 3) Conceding 4) Consequenty 5) Henceforward

Q.45. 1) measurement 2) assess 3) charges 4) impose 5) collects

Q.46. 1) cavalier 2) remotely 3) careful 4) vigil 5) attention

Q.47. 1) distress 2) affected 3) move 4) effecting 5) likely

Q.48. 1) unrest 2) anxiety 3) confusion 4) hassle 5) turmoil

Q.49. 1) resist 2) submit 3) conceding 4) fearful 5) argument

Q.50. 1) develop 2) grows 3) advancing 4) foresaw 5) agreement

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Test of English Language

English Language

The questions in the Descriptive Paper are intended to assess your higher order cognitive abilities
such as analysing and comprehending the situation, generating new creative ideas or situations and
also your communication skills. It consists of two parts -essay writing (15 marks) and letter writing
(10 marks).

Section A: Write an essay on any ONE of the following topics in about 250 words (15 marks)
1. Three measures to eradicate illiteracy in India. Explain how the measures suggested by you will be
2. Unemployment is a major problem in India due to lack of job opportunities, a mismatch between the
skills of the workforce and the needs of employers. Explain the ways to reduce unemployment in
3. Explain how global warming impacts air quality. Discuss the ways to arrest global warming and
improve air quality?

Section B: Write a letter on any ONE of the following in about 150 words (10 marks)
1. Write a letter to your younger brother explaining to him how the Banking Sector has changed in the
last decade in India.
2. Write a letter to the Branch Manager of a Bank sharing a good experience of customer service at his
3. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper complaining about polluted water supply in your area.

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