Why Was There A Stranded Sperm Whale in Wakatobi, Indonesia - Opinion - Eco-Business - Asia Pacific
Why Was There A Stranded Sperm Whale in Wakatobi, Indonesia - Opinion - Eco-Business - Asia Pacific
Why Was There A Stranded Sperm Whale in Wakatobi, Indonesia - Opinion - Eco-Business - Asia Pacific
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4/27/23, 6:01 AM Why was there a stranded sperm whale in Wakatobi, Indonesia? | Opinion | Eco-Business | Asia Pacific
Earlier this month, a 9.5-metre sperm whale was found stranded off the coast in Kapota
Island, Wakatobi — dead.
But what we do know is that 5.9 kg of plastic was found in its stomach.
The next Monday morning, November 19 at 7.30 AM local time, WWF-Indonesia, Wakatobi
National Park, Wakatobi Marine and Fisheries Community Academy were deployed to the
scene and discovered a whale carcass suspected to be a sperm whale.
Sperm whales are the largest toothed-whale, unlike other large-sized counterparts that are
toothless. The possibility of it being a baleen whale was also ruled out thanks to the
absence of prominent, iconic features of baleen like the rostral ridge and ventral grooves.
This further confirms the fact that the stranded whale is a sperm whale (and not a blue
whale as some news outlets have reported).
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4/27/23, 6:01 AM Why was there a stranded sperm whale in Wakatobi, Indonesia? | Opinion | Eco-Business | Asia Pacific
The chunks of black material (left) are plastic raffia strings. A rubber-canvas sandal (right) with the Ardiles
brand logo visible was among the finds. Image: Muhammad Irpan Tassaka
There were 115 plastic cups (750g), 19 pieces of hard plastic (140g), four plastic bottles
(150g), 25 plastic bags (270g), one nylon sack (200g), and more than 1,000 pieces of
plastic raffia string (3,260g), totaling 5.9 kg inside the stomach, according to the
identification result conducted by Wakatobi Marine and Fisheries Community Academy.
“This discovery is deeply upsetting. It is a wake-up call for Indonesia about how plastic
pollution is causing irreparable damage to our oceans and marine life. We urge businesses
and governments to work together to address this issue urgently to prevent further plastic
leakage into our oceans.” said Suprapti.
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4/27/23, 6:01 AM Why was there a stranded sperm whale in Wakatobi, Indonesia? | Opinion | Eco-Business | Asia Pacific
When the stranded whale is in the advanced state of decay, direct contact to the carcass
can transmit the bacteria through breathing. It affects human and may cause allergic
reactions, high fever, and infections.
7. The whale carcass was buried two days after it was discovered
It was buried on November 20 at Kolowawa Beach, North Kapota in Wakatobi for later
retrieval of the bone specimen by the Wakatobi Marine and Fisheries Community
Every year, 8 million tonnes of plastics enter the ocean. By 2050, the total mass of ocean
plastic will exceed that of fish. Plastic debris kills an estimated 100,000 marine mammals
annually, as well as millions of birds and fishes.
Businesses need to take responsibility for the full life cycle of their products and play their
part in helping governments deal with this issue.
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4/27/23, 6:01 AM Why was there a stranded sperm whale in Wakatobi, Indonesia? | Opinion | Eco-Business | Asia Pacific
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4/27/23, 6:01 AM Why was there a stranded sperm whale in Wakatobi, Indonesia? | Opinion | Eco-Business | Asia Pacific
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