ME Lavander
ME Lavander
ME Lavander
Standard Color Coding And Labeling Of Piping System For Steam Power Plant
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1
Introduction 3
Definition of Terms 6
Related Literature 10
Chapter 2
Layout of Fuel Oil System of Diesel Engine for Power Generating Plant 15
Chapter 3
Recommendation 29
References 20
Standard Color Coding And Labeling Of Piping System For Steam Power Plant
Chapter 1
In a diesel engine power plant, diesel engine is used as the prime mover. The diesel
burns inside the engine and the products of this combustion act as the working fluid to
produce mechanical energy. The diesel engine drives alternator which converts
mechanical energy into electrical energy. As the generation cost is considerable due to
high price of diesel, therefore, such power stations are only used to produce small power.
The diesel plants are more efficient than any other heat engines of comparable
size. It is cheap in first cost. It can be started quickly and brought into the service. It can
burn a fairly wide range of fuels. Its manufacturing periods are short and, therefore, a
diesel station may be rapidly extended to keep pace with load growth by adding
generating units of suitable sizes. The diesel units used for electric generation are more
reliable and long-lived piece of equipment compared with other types of plants.
The diesel engine has provided the most economic means of generating electricity
on small scale particularly where there is no convenient site for micro-hydro plants and
cheap fuels are not available and load factors are considerably large.
Like any prime mover, the fuel system is very important for continuous operation
of the engine. The fuel oil must have the proper characteristics required for the specific
engine installation. In general, less volatile fuels are employed for larger slow-speed
engines while a more volatile fuel satisfies the performance of the smaller high-speed
Standard Color Coding And Labeling Of Piping System For Steam Power Plant
The diesel engines are generally classified as four-stroke engines and two-stroke
engines. The four-stroke engine developes power after every two revolutions of crank
shaft whereas two-stroke engine develops power with each revolution of crank shaft.
Generally, two-stroke engines are favoured for diesel power plants for the advantages
described later.
In duel fuel engines, gas and oil both are used as fuels for the engines. The gas is
used as main fuel and oil is used as helper for ignition. In the duel fuel engine, the air and
gas are taken in during suction stroke. The pressure of the mixture is increased during
compression stroke. Near the end of the compression stroke, the pilot oil is injected into
the cylinder. The compression heat first ignites the pilot oil and then gas mixture. The
further actions of the engine are similar to the diesel engine. The air-gas ratio is
comparatively higher in duel fuel engines compared with gas engines. There is keen
interest in the diesel power plants to use the duel fuel engines for better economy and
proper use of available gaseous fuels in the country. The gas may be a waste product as in
the case of sewage treatment installations or oil fields where the economic advantage is
self-evident. With the wider availability of natural gas, the duel fuel engines may become
an attractive means of utilizing gas as fuel at off-peak tariffs for the generation of
electrical energy.
Standard Color Coding And Labeling Of Piping System For Steam Power Plant
For comparing the merits and demerits of two-stroke engines, over four-stroke
engines, the size and speed of the engines are considered same. •
2. The two-stroke engine is much lighter and more compact, and occupies less floor area
for the same power developed.
3. The turning moment of two-stroke engine is more uniform than four-stroke engines.
This ability of the engine reduces the size of the flywheel required. This further requires
lighter foundations and reduces the installation cost to a greater extent.
6. The capital cost of the plant with two-stroke engines is considerably less.
2. The cooling of the engine presents difficulty as the quantity of heat removed per
minute is large. Oil cooling of the piston is necessary as there is possibility of overheating
the piston due to firing in each revolution.
3. The lubricating oil consumption is more as the operating temperatures are higher.
4. The scavenging is not complete particularly in high speed engines (above 1000 r.p.m.)
as very short time is available for scavenging and hence the fresh charge is highly
polluted. The pollution reduces the thermal efficiency of the engines. The field for the
two-stroke C.I. engines is only diesel electric stations because its use is justified over four-
stroke engines if the engines are built for large output purpose.
Standard Color Coding And Labeling Of Piping System For Steam Power Plant
Definition of terms:
Fuel oil - also called furnace oil, fuel consisting mainly of residues from crude-oil
distillation. It is used primarily for steam boilers in power plants, aboard ships, and in
industrial plants. Commercial fuel oils usually are blended with other petroleum fractions
to produce the desired viscosity and flash point. Flash point is usually higher than that of
kerosene. The term fuel oil ordinarily does not include such fuels as kerosene.
sufficiently high temperature to ignite diesel fuel injected into the cylinder, where
combustion and expansion actuate a piston. It converts the chemical energy stored in the
fuel into mechanical energy, which can be used to power freight trucks, large tractors,
locomotives, and marine vessels. A limited number of automobiles also are diesel-
for the generation of electric power. Most power stations contain one or more generators,
a rotating machine that converts mechanical power into electrical power. The relative
motion between a magnetic field and a conductor creates an electrical current. The
energy source harnessed to turn the generator varies widely. Most power stations in the
world burn fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas to generate electricity. Others use
nuclear power, but there is an increasing use of cleaner renewable sources such as solar,
Standard Color Coding And Labeling Of Piping System For Steam Power Plant
Since the invention of diesel engine at the end of the nineteenth century, this
electric power due to its excellent qualities in respect of economy of operation. Diesel
power plants in the range of 2 to 50 MW capacity are used as central stations for small
supply authorities and works and they are universally adapted to supplement hydro-
electric or thermal stations where stand-by generating plants are essential for starting
In many countries, the demand for diesel electric plants is increased for electric
plants and enlargement of old hydro-plants. A long-term planning is required for the
development of thermal and hydro-plants which cannot keep the pace many times with
The diesel units used for electric generation are more reliable and long-lived piece
existence as far back as the early 1900s. The 20 MW set of four engines is available in
Belgium which was established long back. The present trend is to increase the unit
capacity, and unit capacity of 40 to 100 MW is expected by the end of this century. In
some countries like Iran, few power plants work with diesel engines to supply large
independence made diesel plants to disappear from field as their generation cost was
considerably high. Many small units in the range of 1 to 5 MW were used in India before
Standard Color Coding And Labeling Of Piping System For Steam Power Plant
independence to take the localized load as to supply electricity to small industrial units or
district towns.
The diesel plants are more efficient than any other heat engines of comparable
size. It is cheap in first cost. It can be started quickly and brought into the service. It can
burn a fairly wide range of fuels. Its manufacturing periods are short and, therefore, a
diesel station may be rapidly extended to keep pace with load growth by adding
With such a formidable list of merits to its credit, it does not monopolize the power
production market. Because, there are definitely some hurdles in the way of adopting
these units for power generation as well as other power plants are in good competition
It is sometimes possible to generate power very cheaply where use can be made of
micro-hydro power plants, particularly low siphon units using bulb-propeller turbines. The
thermal plants are favoured where cheap solid fuels or combustible waste products are
cheaply available which can be burnt in boilers. The gas turbine power plants for
continuous power generation are superior than diesel where fuel is very cheap, as at
refinery or where load factors are very low. All these rivals to the diesel plant can be
The diesel engine will provide the most economic means of generating electricity
on small scale particularly where there is no convenient site for micro-hydro plants and
cheap fuels are not available and load factors are considerably large. In the Southern
states of India, especially in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, the power cut has become a
regular continuous feature from the last 15 years. Power cut of 55% to 75% is experienced
Standard Color Coding And Labeling Of Piping System For Steam Power Plant
by the Industry in the states which has cost lot to the manufacturers of cotton mills
consuming bulk industrial power. The only solution to tide over the difficulties is to install
Diesel Generating Sets. This is already done by many individual mill owners in
Standard Color Coding And Labeling Of Piping System For Steam Power Plant
Related literature
The fuel oil system includes fuel storage tanks, fuel transfer pumps, strainers and
connecting pipe works and separators etc. in a diesel power plant. Fuel transfer pumps are
required to transfer fuel from delivery point to storage tanks and from storage tanks to
engine. Strainers (filters) are required to ensure clean fuel to the engine. Fuel oil heaters
Fuel oil delivered to the power plant is received by the storage tanks. Impurities are
allowed to settle down in the storage tanks and rest is removed by separators and
strainers. Oil is pumped from storage tanks or settling tanks to daily consumption tank
through separators. The fuel injection system is responsible to deliver adequate quantity
of fuel to the engine. It also injects and atomizes the fuel into the engine cylinder.
Diesel engine is the prime mover, which drives an alternator to produce electrical
energy. In the diesel engine, air is drawn into the cylinder and is compressed, during this
compression. A metered quantity of diesel fuel is then injected into the cylinder,
The generator set is normally operated in a fully automatic mode and will start and take
up load fully automatically. The start signal normally given from the Wasilla operator
3) Correct pressure.
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7) The pre lube pump has been in operation for at least 15 min’s.
12) The charge air system and exhaust gas system are activated.
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temperature can cause low viscosity and then oil leaking in the injection pumps. So, it
cannot supply the required fuel amount with right pressure. As a result the engine will not
reach its full load. On the other hand, lower temperature of fuel oil is also a disadvantage.
It increases the viscosity and this can cause high wear in the injector pumps and lower
combustion efficiency due to the inadequate atomization of the injected fuel. If the
temperature of fuel oil shift away from its optimum range it leads to poor overall
Heavy fuel oils are normally purchased on the basis of a limiting viscosity due to
plus causing high wear rate in the injector pumps. On the other hand, fuel with low
viscosity tends to leak in the injection pumps and results in lower fuel injection pressure.
This leads to inferior fuel delivery to the combustion chamber and ultimately the engine
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Fuel pressure is an important factor to the diesel engine combustions. The required
fuel pressure to the suction port of the injection pumps has to be properly maintained.
Low fuel oil pressure leads to less atomization and fuel drops on the tip of the injector
nozzle. These results to irregular engine operations, knocking, irregular cylinder firing and
3. Standby gets are required for continuity of supply such as hospital, telephone
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while the erection and starting of a steam power plant or hydro-plant takes a
Quick starting and easy pick-up of loads are possible in a very short time.
Efficiency at part loads does not fall so much as that of a steam plant.
The plant is smaller in size than steam power plant for same capacity.
Diesel engines are not guaranteed for operation under continuous, while steam
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Chapter 2
Layout of a Standard Design of Fuel Oil System of Diesel Engine for Power
Generating Plant
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Fuel Storage and Fuel Supply System. The fuel storage and supply arrangement
generally depend on the type of fuel, size of plant and type of engine used and so on. The
In a simple suction system, the oil is taken by a suction pump driven by engines
from service tank located a few cm below the engine level. Such pump delivers constant
volume of fuel, therefore, an overflow line is required back to the tank. This system is used
for small capacity plant. In transfer system, the motor driven pump takes the oil from main
storage and supply to the day-storage tank. The oil from day-storage tank flows under
gravity to the engine pump. This type of system is shown in the figure and it is generally
The location of storage tank above ground or below ground depends upon local
conditions. Each of them has specific advantages. The over ground tanks have the
advantages of detecting the leak easily, low maintenance and easy cleaning. On the other
The heating requirement depends upon the climatic conditions and viscosity of the
fuel used. If the heating is required, then it is generally done in the storage tank by
passing the hot jacket water through a coil dipped in the storage tank.
Injection of Fuel to the Engine. The functions of the fuel injection system are to
meter small amount of oil, inject into the cinder at proper time, atomize and mix with the
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air. The efficiency of the engine depends upon the propelling of fuel with air. Mixing
becomes more difficult with an increase in ‘speed and increase in cylinder diameter.
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o The two-stroke cycle engine is more favored for diesel power plants.
o The air required for the diesel engine is drawn through the air filter from the
o The fuel (diesel) from the diesel engine is drawn through a filter from the day tank
o Because of the high temperature and pressure of the compressed air, the fuel
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Chapter 3
Precautions have been taken in the design of the fuel oil system in locating the fuel
oil day tank and connecting fuel oil piping with regard to possible exposure to ignition
sources such as open flames and hot surfaces. The fuel oil day tank is located with the fuel
oil storage tank in a separate room located at a building level above the diesel room.
There is no elevated fuel oil piping adjacent to the engine. The fuel oil piping between the
day tank and the engine drops down from the tank and runs below the elevation of the
engine until it reaches the engine. The transfer pumps and auxiliary pump are located in
the engine room. There are no open flames in the diesel generator room. The engine
exhaust system is insulated to shield potential fuel spray from hot exhaust system
Fill lines and transfer pump suction lines are located above the sump to preclude
into the fuel oil system. The fuel oil storage tanks are equipped with sample lines, level
transmitters, manual level gauges and drain lines for sampling the fuel oil, draining the
The exterior surfaces of the tanks are painted for corrosion protection. The interior
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operation of the fuel oil system. The alarms are separately annunciated on the local EDG
(Environmental Dataset Gateway) control panel, which also signals a general diesel trouble
Equipment and components are readily available for inspection and maintenance.
Provisions are made to pressure test portions of the system. The fuel oil transfer system
the day tanks (manually to the storage tanks) to the levels that automatically start the
pumps. The pump flow rate is verified by monitoring the day tank level indicators. Level
annunciators in the storage tanks are used to verify the leak tightness of the tanks.
The fuel oil in the storage tank and day tanks is periodically sampled to verify
quality as defined in the EDG (Environmental Dataset Gateway) fuel sampling and testing
program. Degenerated fuel oil can be pumped out of the storage tanks via connections
provided at the fuel oil transfer station. Accumulated moisture and sediment is removed
periodically, via the sump drain, to minimize degradation of the fuel oil.
The storage and day tanks are provided with access and provision to make sure
condensation can be drained, samples can be taken and tanks can be cleaned as defined
in the EDG (Environmental Dataset Gateway) fuel sampling and testing program.
Provide unloading pumps if fuel is to be delivered by rail car or barge. Most fuel
tank trucks are equipped with pumps. Provide transfer pumps capable of filling the day
tank in less than 1/2hour when the engine is operating at maximum load. Duplex pumps,
valve so that one can operate while the other is on standby, will be provided for reliability.
Pipeline strainers and filters will be provided to protect the fuel pumps and engine
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injectors from dirt. Strainers and filters will not pass particles larger than half the injector
nozzle opening.
Waste Heat
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