Lec 3 Solid Void
Lec 3 Solid Void
Lec 3 Solid Void
Space allows us to move, perceive volumes, experience visual, textural and audible sensations related to architecture. It is as
physical asisadefined
Architecture material finish,
by the even when
intersection of soliditand
is intangible. Asinherently
void. These are form begins to be
opposite captured,
things, sculpted,
but together enclosed,
they form andand
the physical organized by
visual experience
of elements of mass, architecture comes into existence.
Space allows us to move, perceive volumes, experience visual, textural and audible sensations related to architecture. It is as physical as a material finish,
even when it is intangible. As form begins to be captures, sculpted, enclosed, and organized by the elements of mass, architecture comes into existence.
Void Forms
Additive Subtractive
Additive Subtractive
Void Forms
Lecture 3 -
Describe the geometries that were used to define these forms. What solid forms can you see? What Void
Forms where used to create them? Sketch the void forms.
Using sketches, illustrate the Void Volumes that are defining the interior sections and architectural mass of
your Design III Project. How can these forms be enhanced to improve the articulation of the space?
On your floor plans, identify the spatial relationships of the different functions in your project.
Spatial Qualities
Additive forms are produced by relating or attaching one or more subordinate
forms to its volume. This can be broken down into different types of contact.
Formations Edge to Edge – where the
forms are sharing a common
Interlocking – where the forms
are inter connected to one
edge another
Edge to Edge
Interlocking – where the forms are inter connected to one another