The Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI) provides horizontal navigation information, airplane
configuration status and permanent radio information. Reversion flags, miscompare flags and
failure indications are also displayed when conditions are met.
For more ADI information, refer to CODDE 1 / Chapter 02 / ATA 22 and ATA 34.
The Attitude Director Indicator (ADI) window provides attitude, airspeed, altitude and vertical
speed information. It also provides Flight Modes Annunciator (FMA). Reversion flags,
miscompare flags and failure indication are also displayed when conditions are met.
In this example, pilot has selected manual speed mode on the GP, therefore manual speed
bug is displayed, in magenta.
The ENG-CAS window provides primary engines information and a dedicated Crew Alerting
System (CAS) area. The window is permanently displayed on both PDU (upper 1/6 window)
in 4 and 3 displays configuration. It can be removed on the PNF PDU in only two displays
Crew Alerting System (CAS) consists in a dedicated area which is able to display 10
messages among the stack of all messages.
For more information, refer to 01-15-60 Crew Alerting System Messages.
The lower portion the window displays the primary engine parameters.
For more information, refer to CODDE 1 / Chapter 02 / ATA 70.
ENG-TRM-BRK window gathers secondary engine parameters, trim and fuel information as
well as primary APU parameters. This window complements ENG-CAS window for engine
ENG-TRM-BRK window can be displayed on pilot request in the lower 1/6 of each PDU.
There is no graphical interaction possible in this window. AFM and checklist require to display
this window on PF PDU for take-off and landing phases due to the presence of trim indication
ENG-TRM-BRK window will Popup automatically in case of engine parameter excess or when
the crewmember use aileron and rudder trim controls and the aileron or rudder trim position
exceeds the neutral range.
The RADIOS window gathers all controls for managing the complete airplane set of radio
device. In addition to the primary tuning controls and modes which can be found in the HSI
Permanent Radio Bar, RADIOS window provides the remaining secondary radio functions.
The RADIOS window can be displayed on pilot request in the lower 1/6 of each PDU, or by
using HF shortcut on the MKB (this would Popup HF page).
The TRAFFIC window provides a close-up and de-cluttered view of TCAS traffic plots and
TAWS alerting terrain immediately around the airplane.
Both crew members can manually access this window by pressing the TRFC shortcut on their
respective MKB. However, TRAFFIC window can only be closed using the CCD window
Associated with the TAWS and TCAS aural warnings, this tactical window would Popup on PF
PDU whenever a TCAS RA or a TAWS alert conditions occurs to provide immediately traffic
or terrain threat clear view. No graphical interaction is allowed: range is fixed to 5 NM.
SENSORS window gathers all controls to manage airplane position sensors. This window can
be displayed on pilot request in the lower 1/6 of each PDU. It provides two main tabs:
- and WX / LSS / TAWS.
The WayPoinT LIST (WPT) window supplements I-NAV by equivalent text-based flight
planning operations and concise view of the active and pending flight plan. All the I-NAV
graphical flight planning modifications can also be done on WayPoinT list using the same
object-task method and the same dialog box.
As the I-NAV and WayPoinT list window provide more tactical flight planning operations, FMW
is aimed at providing strategic mission planning.
The SYNOPTICS tabs provide access to all the airplane system synoptics. Most of the
synoptics are display only. However some of them provide system controls.
The SYNOPTICS window (1/3 format only) can be displayed in each 1/3 area of MDU.
The top window tabs allow synoptics selection display.
Refer to respective ATA for ENG, ELEC, FUEL, HYD, ECS and BLD synoptics.
Added to ENG-CAS and ENG-TRM-BRK, STAT window has been designed to provide
airplane systems complete and concise status in a single format.
TEST tab gathers all system testing controls (excepted the FIRE test switch).
The CAS function monitors the status of various aircraft systems on a continuous basis and
alerts the flight crew, as required, by generating CAS messages display or/and aural alerts
The CAS function is decomposed in two parts:
- CAS Messages function, which allows the elaboration and display of CAS messages and
which allows to performs aural alert messages logic and prioritization
- Aural Warning function, which allows the annunciation of aural warning.
The CAS Messages function is performed by the Monitor Warning Application. There are
three instances of Monitor Warnings mapped in different channels of the MAU (MAU1A,
MAU1B and MAU2A). There are all working but only one (master) is used for the display of
the alarms and aural alert logic, the two others being in stand-by in case of failure of the
active one. Choice of the primary master monitor warning is done at power up.
For Aural Warning descriptions, refer to CODDE1 / Chapter 2 / ATA 31-10 - Aural Warning.
Crew interface comprises:
- Two CAS messages area. each area is displayed in the ENG-CAS window that is
permanently displayed in front of each crewmember in both PDU.
- Two sets of Master Warning and Master Caution. Each set of master is located on the
glreshield in front of each crewmenber.
Associated to each new red or amber message in the CAS, dedicated aural warnings are
triggered and the corresponding MASTER WARNING or MASTER CAUTION is highlighted
(on both sides).
From the top of the CAS area, warning messages are displayed first, prior to the displaying
of any caution, or advisory messages. Caution messages are displayed immediately
following all warning messages. Advisory messages are displayed after the caution
All messages are in chronological order for each type (warning, caution, advisory) of
message. The most recent message appear at the top and the oldest at the bottom of their
respective message queue.
When new warning, caution or advisory messages are enabled, their status is set to
unacknowledged and they are displayed in reverse video (white letters on a red background
for red alarms, black letters on amber background for amber alarms) to attract the attention
of the crew.
In addition for warning and caution messages the associated master is illuminated and a
dedicated aural sound is triggered to alert the crew that a message is being popped-up.
The pushbuttons on the eyebrow allow to acknowlege CAS messages:
If there are more than 10 messages in the stack, the number of non-displayed messages is
indicated beside the CAS area.
The red messages are always displayed.
CAS messages stack can be scrolled using the CCD Data set knob. A small area at the right
edge of the window is allowed for cursor movement. Placing the cursor anywhere in the area
enables the CAS messages scrolling. (indicated by the cyan circle arrow).
It is possible to scroll the amber and white messages by placing CCD cursor in the ENG-
CAS window and turning the data set knob.Red messages can not be scrolled and are
always displayed at the top of the CAS list.
The two CAS windows (one in each PDU) are synchronized and display the same stack of
CAS messages. Scrolling the CAS on one PDU would therefore scroll the cross-side PDU.
Messages may be inhibited in one or more of the following phases of flight:
- Park,
- Taxi,
- Take-Off,
- Cruise;
- Landing.
Messages are inhibited in Take-Off and/or Landing phase to avoid distracting the
crewmenber with non "pertinent" messages during the phase of flight where the
crewmenbers have a high degree of workload.
During Take-Off and Landing phase, the CAS area is "frozen" to any CAS activity.
In addition, inhibition is designed to prevent excessive CAS messages to be displayed on
ground in park phase and taxi phase.
Phase definition:
- Park: airplane on ground and airspeed below 50 kts with park brake pulled or three
engines off.
- Take-off:
o entering when airplane on ground with transitions from less than 80 knots to greater
or equal to 80 knots.
o leaving when airplane in flight debounce 25 s or Altitude>Altitude Take Off + 400 ft or
phase is active for ≥ 60 consecutive seconds.
- Landing:
o entering when radio altitude transitions from greater than 200 ft to less than 200 ft or
radio altitude invalid and airplane transition from in flight to on ground with airspeed
≥50 knots.
o leaving when airplane on ground debounce 2 minutes or radio altitude >200 ft or
airspeed <50 knots or airplane in flight with radio altitude invalid.
- Taxi: airplane on ground and not in Take-Off phase and not in Landing phase.
- Cruise: airplane in flight and not in Take-off phase and not in Landing phase
When the same abnormal condition is present for two identical airplane components, the
corresponding messages would display a concurrent message. For instance:
gen 1 fail + gen 2 fail = gen 1+2 fail
In the TEST synoptic, the LIGHTS soft key allows to test Master Warning light, Master
Caution light and integrity of any CAS messages. The test is executed while the soft key is
In addition, when on ground with park brake pulled, the CAS ENABLE soft key allows
displaying CAS messages normally inhibited in this phase.
CAS message miscompare is displayed when CAS message lists between the three Monitor
Warning differ. It is displayed on the top right hand corner of the ENG-CAS window.
A flag and a soft key is presented when a CAS miscompare occurs.
Pressing the soft key allows the left crew menber or right crew menber to select the source
(i.e. MW1, 2, or 3) of the CAS messages on the respective ENG-CAS window for comparison.
The cross side ENG-CAS remains at its previously selected source until changed.
For example, if CAS miscompare occurs and the left crewmenber uses the soft key on its
ENG-CAS window to select another source for the CAS message list, the right ENG-CAS
window source for CAS message list is not change.
The soft key is to remain displayed until the CAS miscompare no longer exists.
The CAS Selection Pushbutton will be grey with a white ‘CASx” (x=1,2,3) label when the CAS
Message list source selected does not miscompare with one or more of the remaining
sources. The CAS Selection Pushbutton is amber with a black ‘CASx’ (x=1,2,3) label when
the CAS selected does miscompare with one or more of the remaining sources. The CAS
Selection button is grey with a white “PRI” label and white boxed green ‘CASx’ (x=1,2,3)
annunciation to indicate the priority MW.