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U.S. Patent Nov. 9, 1999 Sheet 1 of 2 5,980,788
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U.S. Patent Nov. 9, 1999 Sheet 2 of 2 5,980,788
Composition of lateral high Electric characteristic High current short duration High temperature
Sample resistance additive (molar 76 Limiting characteristic electric charge life
No. Fe2O3 BiO, SiO, Appearance V, A/Viola voltage ratio 50KA 60KA 70KA 80KA characteristic (Hr)
*101 O1 O 99.9 Uneven 1.38 1.60 C} X 400
102 1. O 99 Favorable 1.25 1.63 C} (3 O X 750
103 3 O 97 Favorable 1.26 1.62 C} (3 C (3 X 700
104 1O O 90 Favorable 1.25 1.61 C} (3 O C3 C3 C3 X 700
* 105 3O O 70 Favorable 1.26 1.64 C} (3 O C3 C3 C3 X 850
106 40 O 60 Favorable 1.29 1.62 C} (3 O C3 C3 X 8OO
* 107 50 O 50 Favorable 1.32 1.58 C} X 6OO
108 3 1. 96 Favorable 1.21 1.59 C} (3 O C3 C3 C3 X 900
109 40 1. 59 Favorable 1.25 1.60 C} (3 C (3 X >1OOO
110 1O 15 75 Favorable 1.2O 1.62 C} (3 O C3 C3 X >1OOO
111 3 2O 77 Favorable 1.21 1.61 C} (3 O C3 C3 X >1OOO
112 3O 2O 50 Favorable 1.25 1.62 C} (3 C (3 X >1OOO
TABLE 1-continued
Composition of lateral high Electric characteristic High current short duration High temperature
Sample resistance additive (molar 76 Limiting characteristic electric charge life
No. Fe2O3 BiO, SiO, Appearance VA/Viola voltage ratio 5OKA 60KA 7OKA 80KA characteristic (Hr)
*113 3O 3O 40 Favorable 1.24 1.64 C} X >1000
* 114 ZnFeO:90 (Molded material Uneven 1.36 1.65 C} X 6OO
Zn/Sb2O2:10 application) reaction
* 115 ZnFeO:50 (Molded material Uneven 1.33 1.64 C} X 700
ZnSbO2:50 application) reaction
116 Application of composition Favorable 1.23 1.60 C} (3 O C3 C3 C3 X 850
No. 104 on calcined material
117 Application of composition Favorable 1.19 1.62 C} (3 O C3 C3 X 8OO
No. 110 on calcined material
* 118 Application of composition Favorable 1.32 1.64 C} (3 X 6SO
No. 114 on calcined material
This is because Fe reacts with Zn and Sb at low temperature tail tolerance characteristic (Sample numbers 4, 6, 8, 10), it
to form stable Substances. Moreover, by adding BiO in a is 20 to 40 molar %. The amount of Zn2SiO in the lateral
range of 20 molar % or less, the high temperature electric high-resistance layer was found to be 98 to 70 molar % by
charge life characteristic can be enhanced. This is because Bi 25 X-ray micro-analyzer and image analysis.
prevents Scattering from inside to outside of the Sinter. Samples 116 top 118 in Table 1 show data of using the
Although 1 molar % or more of BiO improves the electric lateral high-resistance additive of the invention in the cal
charge life characteristic of the lateral high resistance addi
tive and enhances the reactivity, if exceeding 20 molar %, cined material. AS far as SiO, Bi-O and FeO are within
the high current short duration characteristic is lowered. In the Scope of the claims of the invention, it is known that Zinc
the prior art, Since ZnFe2O and ZnSbO2 are used as the oxide varistors excellent in high current short duration
lateral high-resistance additive, the reactivity with the Sinter characteristic and high temperature electric charge life char
is poor, and the lateral high-resistance additive cannot be acteristic can be obtained same as when applied on the
applied to the molded material, whereas, in the embodiment, molded material. Therefore, Since the lateral high-resistance
using Fe2O and BiO, in addition to the principal ingre 35 additive of the invention is excellent in reactivity with the
dient of SiO2, the reaction activity is high, and the lateral element, both molded material and calcined material can be
high-resistance additive can be applied to the molded used. Herein, when calcining, from the viewpoint of work
material, and the conventionally required calcining proceSS ing efficiency when applying the lateral high-resistance
can be omitted. additive, the shrinkage rate of the calcined material is
In thus obtained Zinc oxide varistor, the crystal Structure 40 preferred to be 10% or less, more preferably 5% or less. The
of the lateral high-resistance layer was analyzed by X-ray reason is, if the shrinkage rate of the molded material is 10%
diffraction. As a representative example, the X-ray diffrac or less, multiple oven pores are present in the calcined
tion result of the lateral high-resistance layer of the element material, and when the lateral high-resistance additive is
of sample number 10 is shown in FIG. 2. The principal applied, moisture is promptly absorbed in the calcined
ingredient of the lateral high-resistance layer is Zn2SiO, 45
material. When the Shrinkage rate of the calcined material is
and the auxiliary ingredient is not a mixed crystal of 5% or less, the moisture is absorbed more efficiently, and the
Zn/SbO and Zn FeO, but is an intermediate State, that is, working efficiency is enhanced. On the other hand, when the
a single crystal layer in a Solid Solution State of Fe in Shrinkage rate exceeds 10%, the Sintering reaction is
Zn/SbO. As a result of analysis by X-ray micro-analyzer, encouraged, the oven pores decrease, and moisture in the
Sb and Fe were found to be present on a same point. 50
lateral high-resistance additive is leSS absorbed in the cal
Moreover, the Structure of the lateral high-resistance layer cined material, and the working efficiency is impaired.
was confirmed to be close to a two-layer Structure, with
Zn2SiO existing in the Surface, and ZnSb2O2 dissolving (Embodiment 2)
Fe existing at the Sinter Side. It seems because the Structure A second embodiment of the invention is described below.
is Stable, the adhesion of ZnSb2O2 dissolving Fe and Sinter 55 Granulated powder of Zinc oxide varistor prepared in the
is strong and the dielectric strength of ZnFeO is high, to Same process as in embodiment 1 was molded into a size of
explain why Zinc oxide varistor of the invention is excellent 40 mm in diameter and 40 mm in thickness by a hydraulic
in the high current Short duration characteristic. Herein, Zn preSS. AS lateral high-resistance additive, SiO2, BiO,
and Sb detected from the lateral high-resistance layer are Fe2O, and MnO, were weighed as Specified, and various
derived from ZnO and SbO in the composition of the 60 lateral high-resistance additives were prepared, and applied
molded material, diffusing into the element Surface by on the molded material. At this time, the Solid matter ratio
Sintering reaction. of the organic binder and metal oxide was Same as in
Moreover, in the composition region of the lateral high embodiment 1. The application method was spray coating,
resistance layer excellent in high current short duration and the coating amount was 15 mg/cm. The conditions after
characteristic, the amount of Fe contained in ZnSbO2 is 65 the baking process of the molded material were same as in
10 to 50 molar 76 of the amount of Sb. Above all, in the embodiment 1, and Samples of Zinc oxide varistors were
composition regions particularly excellent in the Short wave prepared.
7 8
Table 2 shows the composition of lateral high-resistance Al-O were weighed as Specified, and various lateral high
additive, Voltage ratio characteristic, limiting Voltage ratio resistance additives were prepared. At this time, the Solid
characteristic, discharge current withstand capacity matter ratio of the organic binder and metal oxide was same
characteristic, and high temperature electric charge life as in embodiment 1. The application method was spray
characteristic according to the Second embodiment of the coating, and the coating amount was 15 mg/cm. The
AS clear from Table 2, in the Zinc oxide varistor according conditions after the baking process of the molded material
to the embodiment, using SiO2 as the principal ingredient of were same as in embodiment 1, and Samples of Zinc oxide
the lateral high-resistance additive, when FeO is added by Varistors were prepared.
1 to 40 molar % of the whole amount, BiO by 20 molar % 1O Table 3 shows the composition of lateral high-resistance
or less, and MnO, by 0.1 to 10 molar %, a zinc oxide additive, Voltage ratio characteristic, limiting Voltage ratio
Varistor excellent in Voltage ratio characteristic and high characteristic, discharge current withstand capacity
temperature electric charge life characteristic as compared characteristic, and high temperature electric charge life
with embodiment 1 is obtained. In particular, when the characteristic according to the third embodiment of the
addition of MnO is in a range of 0.5 to 5 molar %, the 15
characteristics are particularly excellent including discharge
current withstand capacity characteristic. The reason is, it AS clear from Table 3, in the Zinc oxide varistor according
Seems, MnO is dissolved, together with Fe, in ZnSb2O2 to the embodiment, using SiO2 as the principal ingredient of
in the lateral high-resistance layer to enhance the Stability of the lateral high-resistance additive, when Fe2O is added by
ZnSbO2. 1 to 40 molar % of the whole amount, BiO by 20 molar %
(Embodiment 3) or less, and Al-O by 0.01 to 5 molar %, a zinc oxide varistor
A third embodiment of the invention is described below. excellent in limiting Voltage ratio characteristic and dis
Granulated powder of Zinc oxide varistor prepared in the charge tolerance characteristic as compared with embodi
SC ment 1 is obtained. In particular, when the addition of Al-O
Composition of lateral high Electric characteristic High current short duration High temperature
Sample resistance additive (molar 76 Limiting characteristic electric charge life
No. Fe2O. BiO. SiO, Mn2O, Appearance VA/Viola voltage ratio 5OKA 60KA 7OKA 80KA characteristic (Hr)
*2O1 O.1 O 98.9 1. Uneven 28 60 X 500
2O2 1. O 98 1. Favorable 22 63 C} (3 O X 950
2O3 3 O 96 1. Favorable 25 62 C} (3 C (3 X 8OO
2O4 1O O 90 O Favorable 25 .61 C} (3 O C3 C3 C3 X 700
205 1O O 89.95 O.OS Favorable 26 .64 C} (3 O C3 C3 C3 X 750
2O6 1O O 89.9 O.1 Favorable .24 .64 C} (3 O C3 C3 X 8OO
2O7 1O O 89.5 0.5 Favorable 2O 59 O o o o o o X >1000
208 1O O 85 5 Favorable 15 58 C} (3 O C3 C3 C3 C3 X >1000
209 1O O 8O 1O Favorable .16 60 C} (3 C (3 X >1000
*210 1O O 75 15 Favorable .16 62 C} X >1000
211 2O 1. 78 1. Favorable 26 .64 C} (3 C (3 X 500
212 2O 5 74 1. Favorable 23 .61 C} (3 O C3 C3 X >1000
213 2O 1O 65 5 Favorable 19 63 C} (3 O C3 C3 X >1000
*214 2O 1O 55 15 Favorable .21 .64 C} X 750
*215 3O 3O 35 5 Favorable .24 63 C} X 450
proceSS as in embodiment 1 was molded into a size of 40 mm is in a range of 0.1 to 2.5 molar %, the characteristics are
in diameter and 40 mm in thickness by a hydraulic press. AS particularly excellent including the high temperature electric
lateral high-resistance additive, SiO2, BiO, Fe2O, and charge life characteristic. The reason is, it
Composition of lateral high Electric characteristic High current short duration High temperature
Sample resistance additive (molar 76 Limiting characteristic electric charge life
No. Fe2O. Bi-O. SiO, Al-O, Appearance VA/Viola voltage ratio 50KA 60KA 7OKA 80KA characteristic (Hr)
*301 O1 O 98.9 1. Uneven 1.30 1.61 X 400
3O2 1. O 98 1. Favorable 1.28 1.55 C} (3 O X 550
303 3 O 96 1. Favorable 1.29 1.56 C3 C3 C3 C3 500
304 1O O 90 O Favorable 1.25 1.61 C} (3 O C3 C3 C3 X 700
305 1O O 89.99 O.O1 Favorable 1.27 1.58 C} (3 O C3 C3 C3 X 6OO
TABLE 3-continued
Composition of lateral high Electric characteristic High current short duration High temperature
Sample resistance additive (molar 76 Limiting characteristic electric charge life
No. Fe2O. BiO. SiO, Al-O, Appearance VA/Viola voltage ratio 5OKA 60KA 7OKA 80KA characteristic (Hr)
306 1O O 89.9 O1 Favorable 1.25 155 C} (3 O C3 C3 C3 X 750
307 1O O 89.5 0.5 Favorable 1.26 1.53 C} (3 O C3 C3 C3 C3 X 850
3O8 1O O 87.5 2.5 Favorable 1.25 1.54 C} (3 O C3 C3 C3 C3 X 8OO
309 1O O 85 5 Favorable 1.31 1.56 C} (3 C (3 X 450
*310 1O O 82.5 7.5 Uneven 1.42 1.58 C} X 50
311 2O 1. 78 1. Favorable 1.26 1.57 C} (3 C (3 X 500
312 2O 5 74 1. Favorable 1.23 1.56 C} (3 O C3 C3 X >1000
313 2O 1O 67.5 2.5 Favorable 1.29 155 C} (3 O C3 C3 X 550
*314 2O 1O 60 1O Uneven 1.45 1.60 X 50
*315 3O 3O 35 5 Favorable 1.38 1.59 C} X 250
seems, Al-O is diffused in the lateral face of the sinter were same as in embodiment 1, and Samples of Zinc oxide
through the lateral high-resistance layer to be dissolved in Varistors were prepared.
ZnO to lower the Specific resistance, thereby enhancing the 25
limiting Voltage ratio characteristic and the discharge toler- Table 4 shows the composition of lateral high resistance
ance characteristic. additive, Voltage ratio characteristic, limiting Voltage ratio
(Embodiment 4) characteristic, discharge current withstand capacity
A fourth embodiment of the invention is described below. characteristic, and high temperature electric charge life
Granulated powder of Zinc Oxide varistor prepared in the characteristic according to the fourth embodiment of the
Same process as in embodiment 1 was molded into a size of invention.
40 mm in diameter and 40 mm in thickness by a hydraulic
press. AS lateral high-resistance additive, SiO, BiO AS clear from Table 4, in the Zinc oxide varistor according
Fe2O, and BO were weighed as specified, and various to the embodiment, using SiO, as the principal ingredient of
lateral high-resistance additives were prepared. At this time, the
Composition of lateral high Electric characteristic High current short duration High temperature
Sample resistance additive (molar 76 Limiting characteristic electric charge life
No. Fe2O. Bi-O. SiO, BOs Appearance V, A/Viola voltage ratio 50KA 60KA 70KA 80KA characteristic (Hr)
* 401 O1 O 98.9 1. Uneven 28 63 X 550
402 1. O 98 1. Favorable 23 .64 C} (3 O X >1OOO
403 3 O 96 1. Favorable .24 62 C} (3 C (3 X 850
404 1O O 90 O Favorable 25 60 C} (3 O C3 C3 C3 X 650
405 1O O 89.99 O.O1 Favorable 25 .64 C} (3 O C3 C3 C3 X 8OO
4O6 1O O 89.95 O.OS Favorable .24 62 C} (3 O C3 C3 C3 X >1OOO
4O7 1O O 89.5 0.5 Favorable 22 62 C} (3 O C3 C3 C3 C3 X >1OOO
408 1O O 87.5 2.5 Favorable 2O 60 C} (3 O C3 C3 C3 C3 X >1OOO
409 1O O 85 5 Favorable 18 .64 C} (3 O X >1OOO
* 410 1O O 82.5 7.5 Uneven 23 63 X >1OOO
411 2O 1. 78 1. Favorable .24 62 C} (3 C (3 X 850
412 2O 5 74 1. Favorable .24 .6 C} (3 C (3 X >1OOO
413 2O 1O 65 5 Favorable 2O 66 C} (3 C (3 X >1OOO
*414 2O 1O 62.5 7.5 Uneven 26 70 X 550
* 415 3O 3O 39 1. Favorable .24 64 C} X 650
the organic binder was 5 wt.% aqueous acrylic (hereinafter lateral high-resistance additive, when Fe2O is added by 1 to
called MMAC). The solid matter ratio of the metal oxide 40 molar % of the whole amount, BiO by 20 molar % or
was Same as in embodiment 1. The application method was 65
less, and BO by 0.1 to 5 molar 96, a zinc oxide varistor
excellent in Voltage ratio characteristic and high temperature
spray coating, and the coating amount was 15 mg/cm. The electric discharge life characteristic as compared with
conditions after the baking process of the molded material embodiment 1 is obtained. In particular, when the addition
11 12
of BO is in a range of 0.5 to 2.5 molar %, the character Table 5 shows the evaluation results of appearance of the
istics are particularly excellent including the discharge cur Sinter, V.A. (Varistor Voltage per unit thickness), high
rent withstand capacity characteristic. The reason of current short duration characteristic, and low current long
enhancement of high temperature electric charge life char duration characteristic of the Zinc oxide varistor obtained in
acteristic by addition of BO is, it seems, BO is diffused this manner.
in the lateral face of the Sinter through the lateral high
resistance layer to increase the Stability of the grain bound
ary area.
Incidentally, when BO is added in a form of glass Such Herein, to evaluate the low current long duration
as bismuth borosilicate and lead borosilicate, it is confirmed characteristic, a rectangular wave current of 2 mS was
that the high temperature electric charge life characteristic is applied 20 times at intervals of 2 minutes and the appearance
enhanced. The reason of adding in glass form is, when using was investigated. The
Lateral high- Calcining Baking High current short duration Low current long duration
Sample resistance of molded tempera- Appearance characteristic characteristic
No. additive material ture ( C.) of sinter V, 4OKA 5OKA 60KA 7OKA 50A 100A 150A 200A
*5O1 No. 104 No 900 Partly 8OO C} X C3 X
502 No. 104 No 950 Favorable 500 C} (3 X C3 C3 X
503 No. 104 No 1OOO Favorable 350 C} (3 C (3 X C3 C3 C3 X
SO4 No. 104 No 1200 Favorable 2OO C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3
505 No. 104 No 1300 Favorable 170 C} (3 O C3 C3 C3 C3 X C3 C3 C3 C3
*506 No. 104 No 1350 Partly 160 C} (3 O X C3 C3 C3 C3
507 No. 104 Yes 950 Favorable 450 C} (3 X C3 C3 X
508 No. 104 Yes 1200 Favorable 190 C} (3 O C3 C3 C3 C3 X C3 C3 C3 C3
509 No. 104 Yes 1300 Favorable 165 C} (3 O C3 C3 C3 X C3 C3 C3 C3
* 510 No. 115 No 900 Partly 8OO X C3 X
*511 No. 115 No 950 Favorable 500 C} X C3 X
*512 No. 115 No 1200 Favorable 2OO C} (3 C (3 X C3 C3 C3 X
*513 No. 115 Yes 950 Favorable 450 C} X C3 X
*514 No. 115 Yes 1200 Favorable 190 C} (3 C (3 X C3 C3 C3 X
PVA as binder, because BO and binder solution react to current was started from 50 A, and increased at 50 A steps
increase extremely the Viscosity of the lateral high resistance until the element was broken.
additive, and it is intended to prevent this phenomenon. As known from Table 5, when using the lateral high
(Embodiment 5) resistance additive of SiO, and Fe2O, as compared with the
A fifth embodiment of the invention is described below. comparative examples, it is recognized that the high current
Granulated powder of Zinc oxide varistor prepared in the Short duration characteristic and low current long duration
Same process as in embodiment 1 was molded into a size of characteristic are excellent on the whole. Herein, if the
40 mm in diameter and 40 mm in thickness by a hydraulic 45 baking temperature is 900 C., the reactivity of the lateral
preSS. The composition of the lateral high-resistance addi high-resistance additive and element is poor, and the high
tive is the lateral high-resistance additive used in Sample current short duration characteristic is low. At 1350° C., on
number 4 in embodiment 1, that is, a composition of 90 the other hand, part of the lateral high-resistance additive
molar 96 of SiO, and 10 molar % of FeO, and a lateral Scatters away, and the high current short duration charac
high-resistance additive in a slurry form was prepared. The 50 teristic is poor, too. When baked at low temperature, Zinc
lateral high-resistance additive was prepared at a Solid Oxide particles are not grown Sufficiently, and VA, is
matter ratio of 25% by using 5 wt.% methyl cellulose too high, and it is not practical as an element for electric
(hereinafter called MC) as the binder, and it was applied on power. Therefore, the baking temperature is preferably 950
the lateral face of the molded material by a curvature Screen to 1300° C. More preferably, it should be 1000 to 1200° C.
printing method. Consequently, the molded material coated 55 in consideration of the low current long duration character
with the lateral high-resistance additive was put in a baking istic.
container, and baked for 5 hours at 900 to 1300° C. to sinter (Embodiment 6)
the element, while the lateral high-resistance additive and A sixth embodiment of the invention is described below.
the lateral face of the molded material were reacted to obtain Granulated powder of Zinc oxide varistor prepared in the
a sinter. Then, by the same process as in embodiment 1, the 60 Same process as in embodiment 1 was molded into a size of
Zinc oxide varistor was obtained. 40 mm in diameter and 40 mm in thickness by a hydraulic
To obtain comparative examples, on the molded material preSS. At this time, the molding preSSure was adjusted So that
obtained in the same process as in embodiment 1, and the the density of the molded material might be 3.0 to 3.5 g/cm.
element obtained by pre-shrinking by calcining for 5 hours AS the lateral high-resistance additive, the lateral high
at 900 C., the lateral high-resistance additive composed of 65 resistance additive used in Sample number 4 in embodiment
ZnFe2O and ZnSb2O was applied, and baked, and 1 was used, that is, a composition of 90 molar % of SiO, and
Samples were prepared. 10 molar % of Fe2O.
13 14
The lateral high-resistance additive was applied on the density range of the molded material for low current long
lateral face of the prepared molded material by transfer duration characteristic is found to be 3.15 to 3.4 g/cm. This
coating method. In transfer coating, the lateral high is because, when the molded material is calcined, the
resistance additive was preliminarily spread wide thinly on Strength of the molded material is improved and micro
a metal plate by printing, and the molded material was 5 cracks are not formed on the Surface if the lateral high
applied by rotating. In this method, the lateral high resistance additive is applied. If the molded material is
resistance additive can be applied easily in a very simple calcined, however, when the molded material density is over
equipment. However, as compared with the Spray coating, 3.4 g/cm, the binder is not burned sufficiently, internal
the coating thickness of the lateral high-resistance additive defects occur, and the low current long duration character
is slightly uneven, and hence the Short wave tail tolerance istic is impaired.
characteristic fluctuates, but the uniformity can be improved (Embodiment 7)
by adjusting the rotating Speed of the molded material. A seventh embodiment of the invention is described
Moreover, to improve the mass producibility, the lateral below. Granulated powder of Zinc oxide varistor prepared in
high-resistance additive may be applied on the Surface of the the same proceSS as in embodiment 1 was molded into a size
rotating roller, and the lateral high-resistance additive may 15 of 40 mm in diameter and 40 mm in thickness by a hydraulic
be applied while rotating the molding material. Then, in the preSS. At this time, the molding preSSure was adjusted So that
Same process condition as in embodiment 1, from baking to the density of the molded material might be 3.3 g/cm. As the
electrode application, the Zinc oxide varistor was obtained. lateral high-resistance additive, the lateral high-resistance
AS a comparative example, the lateral high-resistance addi additive used in Sample number 11 in embodiment 1 was
tive was applied on the calcined material calcined at 950 C., used, that is, a composition of 77 molar % of SiO, 20 molar
and a Sample was prepared by baking. % of BiO, and 3 molar % of FeO. According to the
Table 6 shows the Voltage ratio characteristic, limiting blending composition, SiO2, BiO, and Fe2O were
Voltage characteristic, and low current long duration char weighed as Specified, and an oxide for lateral high-resistance
acteristic of the Zinc oxide varistors obtained in the above additive was prepared. AS an organic binder, water-Soluble
proceSS. 25 PVA, MC, hydroxypropyl cellulose (hereinafter HPC), and
Herein, the Voltage ratio characteristic and limiting MMAC were weighed as specified, and dissolved in purified
Density of molded Low current long duration
Sample material Calcining of Electric characteristic characteristic
No. (g/cm) molded material VA/Viola Limiting voltage ratio 150A 200A 250A 300A
*6O1 3.1 No 1.2O 1.62 X
6O2 3.15 No 1.21 1.61 C3 C3 C3 X
603 3.2 No 1.21 1.62 C3 C3 C3 X
604 3.35 No 1.23 1.63 C3 C3 C3 C3
605 3.4 No 1.24 1.63 C3 C3 C3 X
*606 3.5 No 1.27 1.65 X
*607 2.9 Yes 1.2O 160 C3 X
608 3.0 Yes 1.2O 1.61 C3 C3 C3 X
609 3.4 Yes 122 160 C3 C3 C3 X
*610 3.5 Yes 1.23 1.61 C3 X
Voltage characteristic were measured in the same conditions water. The oxide of the lateral high-resistance additive and
as in embodiment 1. Besides, to evaluate the low current the organic binder aqueous Solution were weighed, and
long duration characteristic, a rectangular wave current of 2 mixed Sufficiently in a ball mill, and a slurry composition of
mS was applied 20 times at intervals of 2 minutes and the 50 lateral high-resistance additive was obtained. The Viscosity
appearance was investigated. The current was started from of the slurry was adjusted by adding purified water. On the
150 A, and increased at 50 A steps until the element was lateral face of the molded material, this lateral high
broken. resistance additive was applied by dip method. In the dip
AS known from Table 6, when applying the lateral high method, the flat portion of the molded material is held by a
resistance additive on the molded material, the low current 55 jig, and is passed through the lateral high-resistance addi
long duration characteristic is excellent when the density is tive. The molded material coated with thus prepared lateral
3.15 to 3.4 g/cm. That is, if smaller than 3.15 g/cm, in the high-resistance additive was treated in the Same process as
manufacturing method of the invention, Since the lateral in embodiment 1, and the Zinc oxide varistor was obtained.
high-resistance additive made from an aqueous binder is Table 7 shows the types of lateral high-resistance additive,
applied on the molded material, moisture permeates inside 60 time to dry to the touch, appearance of Sinter, high current
from the lateral face of the molded material, and the binder Short duration characteristic, and low current long duration
in the molded material is Swollen, and micro-cracks are characteristic.
formed on the Surface of the molded material. On the other As known from Table 7, the binder to be used in the lateral
hand, if greater than 3.4 g/cm, the binder in the molded high-resistance additive may be any one of PVA, MC, HPC,
material is not burned Sufficiently, and cracks and other 65 and MMAC, but the preferred concentration of binder
defects are formed inside the sinter. These problems are acqueous solution is found to be 1 to 15 wt.%. That is, if the
lessened by calcining the molded material, and the favorable concentration of the binder aqueous Solution is low, the coat
15 16
film Strength of the lateral high-resistance additive is low, a We claim:
Sufficient coating amount is not obtained, and the high 1. A lateral high-resistance additive for Zinc oxide varistor
current Short duration characteristic is lowered. If too high, having a metal oxide comprising 1-40 molar % (in terms of
on the other hand, the Slurry flow is poor, and it takes a long FeO) iron, 0-20 molar % (in terms of BiO) bismuth, and
time to dry and micro-cracks are formed on the Surface of 5 the balance consisting of SiO.
the molded material, and hence the high current short 2. A lateral high-resistance additive for Zinc oxide varistor
duration characteristic and low current long duration char of claim 1, wherein the metal oxide further comprises 0.1 to
acteristic are impaired. The amount of addition of metal 10 molar % (in terms of MnO) manganese.
oxide for lateral high-resistance additive is preferred to be 3. A lateral high-resistance additive for Zinc oxide varistor
of claim 1, wherein the metal oxide further comprises 0.01
15 to 60 wt. % as the solid matter ratio. If the Solid matter 10 to 2 molar 7% (in terms of Al-O.) aluminum.
ratio is low, it takes time to dry and the low current long 4. A lateral high-resistance additive for Zinc oxide varistor
duration characteristic is impaired, or if the Solid matter ratio of claim 1, wherein the metal oxide further comprises 0.05
is too high, the coat film cannot be applied uniformly and the to 5 molar % (in terms of B.O) boron.
high current Short duration characteristic is impaired. 5. A lateral high-resistance additive for Zinc oxide varistor
Incidentally, the Viscosity of the lateral high-resistance of claim 4, wherein boron is added in a form of glass frit.
Binder Solid matter Time to dry High current short duration Low current long duration
Sample addition ratio to the touch Appearance characteristic characteristic
No. Binder (%) (%) (sec) of sinter SOKA 6OKA 7OKA 8OKA 150A 200A 250A 300A
*701 PVA O.1 3O 3O Favorable C} (3 X C3 X
702 PVA 1. 3O 25 Favorable C} (3 C (3 X C3 C3 C3 X
703 PVA 2.5 1O 3O Favorable C} (3 O C3 C3 X C3 C3 X
704 PVA 2.5 15 25 Favorable C} (3 O C3 C3 C3 X (3 C3 C3 X
705 PVA 2.5 50 15 Favorable C} (3 O C3 C3 C3 C3 X C3 C3 C3 X
706 PVA 2.5 60 15 Favorable C} (3 O C3 C3 C3 X C3 C3 C3 X
707 PVA 1O 3O 25 Favorable C} (3 O C3 C3 C3 X C3 C3 C3 X
708 PVA 15 3O 3O Favorable C} (3 O C3 C3 C3 X C3 C3 X
*709 PVA 3O 65 35 Uneven C} (3 X C3 C3 X
710 MC 5 3O 25 Favorable C} (3 O C3 C3 C3 X C3 C3 C3 X
711 MC 1O 2O 3O Favorable C} (3 O C3 C3 X C3 C3 C3 X
712 HPC 5 3O 25 Favorable C} (3 O C3 C3 C3 X C3 C3 X
713 HPC 1O 2O 3O Favorable C} (3 O C3 C3 C3 C3 X C3 C3 C3 X
714 MMAC 5 3O 2O Favorable C} (3 O C3 C3 C3 X C3 C3 C3 X
715 MMAC 1O 2O 25 Favorable C} (3 O C3 C3 C3 X C3 C3 C3 X
additive should be preferably changed depending on the 6. A manufacturing method of Zinc oxide varistor com
method of application, lower in the Spray coating method prising the steps of compacting a powdery raw material of
and higher in the Screen printing method. Approximately, a Zinc oxide varistor containing zinc oxide as principalingre
practical viscosity range is 500 to 1000 cps. dient and at least antimony as auxiliary material to obtain a
molded material, applying a lateral high-resistance additive
INDUSTRIAL APPLICABILITY composed of an aqueous binder solution and metal oxide on
the lateral face of the molded material, baking the molded
According to the invention, as described herein, when the material to obtain a Sinter, and heating the Sinter in a
lateral high-resistance additive is applied and baked on the temperature range of 500 to 600 C., wherein the metal
lateral face of a molded material or calcined material, and a oxide comprises 1-40 molar % (in terms of FeO) iron,
high-resistance layer is formed on the lateral face of a Zinc 50 0–20 molar % (in terms of BiO) bismuth, and the balance
oxide varistor, iron, bismuth and Silicon in the lateral high- consisting of SiO.
resistance additive react very well with the ingredients in the 7. A manufacturing method of zinc oxide varistor of claim
molded material or calcined material, thereby forming a 6, wherein the baking temperature is in a temperature range
high-resistance layer comprising Zn2SiO, as principal of 5 to C. hod of Zi id f clai
ingredient, and at least ZnSbO2 dissolving Fe as auxiliary 55 . A manufacturing method of Zinc oxide varistor of claim
ingredient. This high resistance-layer is homogeneous, 6, wherein the density of the molded material is in a range
excellent in adhesion with the Sinter, and high in dielectric of 9.3.15 A
to 3.40 g/cm.
manufacturing method of Zinc oxide varistor of claim
Strength, So that discharge current withstand capacity char 6, wherein the lateral high-resistance additive is applied in
acteristic and high current short duration characteristic may any one of dip coating method, Spray coating method,
be substantially enhanced. Moreover, by adding oxides of 60 transfer coating method, and curvature Screen printing
Mn, Al, B and others to the lateral high-resistance additive, method.
the high temperature electric charge life characteristic and 10. A manufacturing method of zinc oxide varistor of
other properties can be enhanced. In addition, Since the claim 6, wherein the metal oxide further includes at least one
lateral high-resistance additive is excellent in reactivity with Selected from the group consisting of manganese, aluminum,
the molded material, it can be directly applied on the molded 65 and boron.
material, and hence the loSS in time and energy can beSaved, 11. A manufacturing method of Zinc oxide varistor com
and the productivity can be enhanced. prising the Steps of compacting a powdery raw material for
17 18
Zinc oxide varistor to obtain a molded material, calcining the 13. A manufacturing method of Zinc oxide varistor of
molded material until its shrinkage rate is 10% or less to claim 11, wherein the density of the molded material is in a
obtained a calcined material, applying a lateral high range of 3.15 to 3.40 g/cm.
resistance additive composed of an aqueous binder Solution 14. A manufacturing method of Zinc oxide varistor of
and metal oxide on the lateral face of the calcined material, claim 11, wherein the lateral high-resistance additive is
baking the calcined material to obtain a sinter, and heating applied in any one of dip coating method, Spray coating
the sinter in a temperature range of 500 to 600 C., wherein method, transfer coating method, and curvature Screen print
the metal oxide comprises 1-40 molar% (in terms of Fe2O) ing method.
iron, 0-20 molar % (in terms of BiO) bismuth, and the 15. A manufacturing method of zinc oxide varistor of
balance consisting of SiO2. claim 11, wherein the metal oxide further includes at least
12. A manufacturing method of Zinc oxide varistor of one Selected from the group consisting of manganese,
claim 11, wherein the baking temperature is in a temperature aluminum, and boron.
range of 950 to 1300° C. k k k k k