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Inter Plant Standardization - Steel Industry

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0.1 This Inter Plant Standard has been prepared by the Standards Committee
on Oils & Lubricants, IPSS 1:9 with the active participation of the
representatives of the steel plants major consultancy organizations and
established manufacturers of industrial lubricants and was adopted in
January 2011.

0.2 Inter Plant Standards for steel industry primarily aim at achieving
rationalization and unification of parts and assemblies used in steel plant
equipment and accessories, and provide guidance in indenting stores or
equipment (or while placing orders for additional requirements) by individual
steel plants. For exercising effective control on inventories, it is advisable to
select a fewer number of sizes/types from among those mentioned in this
standard, for the purpose of company standards of individual steel plants. It
is not desirable to make deviations in technical requirements.

0.3 An integrated steel plant comprises four major groups (1) iron making (2)
steel making (3) rolling and finishing and (4) auxiliary. The equipment and
the working environment in each of these groups differ significantly and
hence requirements of the lubricants used are also different.

0.3.1 The iron making group includes plants like Raw material bedding &
blending yard, ore beneficiatiory plant, palletising plant, sinter plant, coke
ovens and blast furnaces etc. The equipment in general are required to
work under high temperature dusty (abrasive) and corrosive environment.
The equipment used for crushing and screening applications are subjected
to high impact as well. The speeds are lower.

0.3.2 The steelmaking group includes plants like Open Hearth and LD furnaces,
Continuous Caster as well as Lime Calcining Plant, etc. The equipment are
subjected to very high temperature, dusty (abrasive) and corrosive
environment. The other working conditions in this group are similar to those
in the iron making group.

0.3.3 The equipment in rolling and finishing group are subjected to high impact
loads, water and scale ingress, high temperature near reheating furnaces
and higher speeds and unit loads.

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0.3.4 The auxiliary group comprises Engineering shops, Power plants, Oxygen
plants, Loco and Mobile equipment and other facilities. The conditions in
this group are generally moderate in nature.

Therefore, while selecting lubricant for steel plant equipment these factors
must be taken into consideration. “Based on design, speed and load
parameters of the equipment, OEM’S normally recommend the type and
grade of the lubricant and cover the performance guarantee. The given
code of practice applies for selection of lubricant in the absence of OEM’s
recommendation or in case the recommended product is not performing


1.1 This code of practice provides guidelines for selecting proper lubricant to
suit the application. For this purpose most commonly used tribology
systems and the components like antifriction bearings, sleeve bearings and
gears have been considered.


While selecting lubricant for an application two very important aspects,

namely, the factors concerning engineering requirements and the factors
concerning requirements pertaining to service condition must be considered. The
majority of engineering requirements are met by selecting proper viscosity of the
oil (called lubricant grade) while the service condition requirements are met by
selecting proper additive package for the lubricant (called lubricant type).

The factors concerning engineering requirements include load, speed,

surface finish of the interacting surfaces and rise in temperature etc. The viscosity
of the lubricant at the working temperature, load and the relative velocity of the
interacting surfaces have predominant effect in formation of thick film between
them which is required to prevent direct contact between the surfaces. Hence, the
first step for selection of lubricant is to determine the minimum viscosity at the
working temperature of the system for the prevalent load and the relative velocity
between the interacting surfaces. Then based on the viscosity index, the lubricant
viscosity at the reference temperature of 40oC is found out.

The problems posed by the service condition of the application is

addressed by selecting a suitable additive system and the appropriate base oil for
the lubricant. Different additive combinations are used for providing protection
against rusting, oxidation, scuffing and corrosion, etc. They can also facilitate
quick separation of water, formation of uniform and stable emulsion as well as
facilitate collapse of foams whenever required. Suitable additive packages can
provide between boundary lubrication, antiwear, friction, modification, detergency
and discrepancy characteristics and ensure flowability of the fluid at sub-zero

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In case the selected lubricant is intended for use where already some
lubricant is in use, the compatibility of the two lubricants must be ensured. In case
of doubt, old lubricant must be removed prior to using new lubricant.

Based on application and the additive system the steel plant lubricants are
generally categorised under the following types which are used in different
viscosity grades.

Types and grades of steel plant lubricants

• Hydraulic fluids, ISO-VG-32, 46, 68, 100, 150, 220, 320, 460
• Industrial gear oils, ISO-VG-100, 150, 220, 320, 460, 680, 1000
• Compressor oils, ISO-VG-32, 46, 68, 100, 150, 220, 320
• Film bearing oils, ISO-VG-32, 46, 68, 100, 150, 220, 320
• Compounded oils, ISO-VG-220, 320, 460, 680, 1000
• High demulsibility oils (with or without EP), ISO-VG-100, 150, 220, 320,
460, 680
• Turbine oil, ISO-VG-32, 46, 68
• Metal working fluids, mineral based, semi-synthetics and synthetics (heat
type & emulsion type)
• Wire rope and open gear compounds
• Automotive crankcase oils, SAE-30, 40, 50, 15 W-40, 20 W-40
• Automotive transmission and hydraulic fluids, SAE-10W, 20, 30
• Automotive gear oils, SAE-90, 140
• Process oils, cold and hot rolling oils
• Mill greases, NLGI-00, 0, 1, 2, 3
• High temperature greases, NLGI-0,1, 2
• Multipurpose greases, NLGI-1,2,3
• Speciality lubricants, MOS2 or graphite based
• Preferably for fire prone area (Heat zone) – bio-degradable fire resistant
hydraulic fluid HFDU-46 be used


The antifriction bearings are generally lubricated with grease. However, for many
critical applications as well as for the installations having a common oil circulation
system these bearings need to be lubricated with oil. The guidelines for selecting
grease or oil as a suitable lubricant for an antifriction bearing are presented in the
following paragraphs.

3.1 Guidelines for selection between grease and oil for lubrication

Table-1 provides the guidelines for selection between grease or oil as the
lubricant. The table is valid for Calcium, sodium, lithium (with or without EP),
lithium complex, calcium complex, calcium-lithium complex and calcium sulfonate
complex greases with mineral oil.

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TABLE-1 : Grease / Oil selection guideline for antifriction bearings

Bearing type Bearing Limit of DmN factor for

Di mm grease lubrication
Ball & cyl. Roller, needle roller brgs. Upto 50 350,000
Without inner race
Over 50 350,000/(Di/50)0.5
Tapered & spherical roller, needle roller Upto 50 175,000
with inner race Over 50 175,000/(Di/50)0.5

Full complement cyl. Roller brg, multirow Upto 50 120,000

tapered roller and cyl. Bearing, thrust Over 50 120,000/(Di/50)0.5

Di = Inner diameter of the bearing (mm), Do = Outer diameter of the bearing (mm),
Dm = (Di+Do)/2, N = RPM of the bearing

If the DmN factor is more than that indicated in Table-1, oil should be used for the
lubrication of the bearing. However, speciality greases are available for the
lubrication of antifriction bearings with higher DmN values which is beyond the
scope of this code of practice.

3.2 Selection of oil viscosity for antifriction bearings.

The process involves determining the oil viscosity (ISO grade) and the additive
system (oil type). The speed, load and working temperature of the system
determine the oil viscosity for the most reliable operation. The viscosity at the
operating temperature influences formation of full elasto-hydrodynamic film
between the rolling element and the race way of the bearing. The rotational speed
is by far the most important factor for evaluation of correct viscosity at the working
temperature. The type of oil to be used is selected based on the requirements of
the prevalent service conditions like instances of water ingress in the system, bulk
and working temperature, speed and other factors promoting formation of foam,
intensity of unit load, etc. The following empirical relationship should be used to
evaluate the oil viscosity at the working temperature.

Viscosity at working temperature (cSt) = K*14.8936*(Max. catalogue speed /

Actual speed)0.7

The value of k should be taken from Table-2.

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TABLE – 2 : K factor

Bearing operating condition Factor k

Normal operation, bearing equivalent load less 1.00

than18% of the C-Rating

Normal operation, bearing equivalent load equal to or 1.50

more than 18% of the C-Rating (heavily loaded

Shock and vibration, bearing load less than 18% of the 1.50

Shock and vibration, bearing load equal to or more than 1.75

18% of the C-Rating

Very low speed (less than or equal to 10% of the 2.00

maximum catalogue speed for oil lubrication)

After determining the oil viscosity at the working temperature, the viscosity at the
reference temperature of 40 oC should be read from Appendix-1. The viscosity at
the reference temperature of 40oC should be upgraded to the next higher

The following Table-2A provides the method of supply-NLGI Grade-Feed Rate :


Method of supply Recommended Feed Rate

NLGI Grade
Pressure gun or mechanical Upto 3
Compression cups Upto 5 (4x10-2xd cm3)/h
Centralised supply Upto 2 where d = bearing
Hot running journals with 6 diameter in m
open wells
Air Pressure 0 to 2

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3.3 Guidelines for selection of type of oil for antifriction bearing

Table-3 provides guidelines for selection of lubricant type for the bearing

Table-3 : Lubricant type for antifriction bearings

Application area Type of lubricant

Rolling mill equipment (oil bath, air Industrial gear oil with EP
oil system, oil circulation system)

Worm gear boxes (splash or Compounded oil or industrial gear oil

circulation system) with EP

Bevel, Spiral bevel, Spur, Helical Industrial gear oil with EP

gear boxes (splash or circulation

Any application with Air Oil System Any oil up to ISO VG 680

Crushers, grinding, hammer, road Industrial gear oil with EP

and ball mills and similar

Compressors Compressors oil, mineral hydraulic


3.4 Estimation of required flow rate

The following empirical relations are used to estimate the oil flow requirement
through the bearing :

For spherical roller, angular contact, taper roller and thrust roller bearings:
Oil flow rate, q (litre per minute) = Antilog ((2*log Do) – 3.602),
For all other bearings, q = Antilog ((2 *log Do) – 4.4)
where Do = Outer diameter of bearing (mm)

3.5 Guidelines for selection of grease type

The selection of grease type for antifriction bearing application depends upon the
working temperature, requirement to resist water wash-out, speed of operation,
environmental condition and intensity as well as type of load. Table-3 provides the
guidelines for selection of grease type.

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TABLE - 4 : Grease type (with mineral oil) for anti-friction bearing

Grease type (Thickener) Temperature Range Stability for water


Calcium soap (with/without EP) -20 to 50 Very stable

Sodium soap (with/without EP) -20 to 100 Unstable
Lithium soap (with/without EP) -20 to 120 Stable upto 90oC
Calcium complex soap -20 to 130 Very stable
Lithium complex soap -20 to 150 Stable
Aluminium complex soap -20 to 150 Stable
Poly urea -20 to 150 Stable
Calcium sulfonate complex -20 to 180 Stable
Calcium lithium complex -20 to 120 Very stable
Clay base grease (with MoS2) -20 to 150 Stable

3.6 Guidelines for selection of base oil viscosity for grease

The base oil viscosity of the grease plays an important role in ensuring proper
lubrication of the bearing. The shaft speed, working temperature and the bearing
load determine the base oil viscosity of the grease for the best performance. The
base oil viscosity for grease is selected on the same guidelines as those for the oil
lubrication of the bearing (4.2).

3.7 Guidelines for selection of grease consistency

Table-5 provides the guidelines for selection of grease consistency for an


TABLE - 5 : Selection of grease consistency

Factors NLGI Grade

Bearing type 1 2 3
Roller & Ball bearings d<50mm - X -
Roller & Ball bearings d>50mm - X X
Needle roller bearings - X -
Mounting and operating conditions

Vertical or inclined position - X X

Low starting torque (x) X -
Good sealing - (x) X
Good transportability X X -
Low running noise - x (x)

X = Suitable, (x) = Limited suitability

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3.8 Guidelines for initial fill, relubrication interval and replenishment


For initial filling, the space between the rolling elements should be hand packed
with clean grease and the bearing housing should be filled as per guidelines in

TABLE - 6 : Initial fill of the bearing housing

Actual RPM / Max permissible RPM with grease % Fill of housing

<0.2 80
0.2 to <0.5 50
0.5 to <0.8 30
0.8 to 1.0 10

The relubrication interval is governed by the working temperature and the

replenishment quantity by the bearing dimension. The evaluation of replenishment
interval and quantity is estimated by the following empirical relations :

Relubrication interval, T1 (hour) = [106*K/(N*Di0.5)-c*Di]*A

Replenishment quantity, G(gram) = Do*B/200
B (Bearing width) in mm, N in RPM, Do = outer diameter of bearing in mm, Di =
inner diameter of the bearing in mm

Factors K and C are given in Table-7 and A in Table-8

TABLE-7 : Factors K and C

Bearing type Series K C

Deep groove, self aligning, angular contact ball Light 75 18

bearings and cylindrical roller bearings Medium 64 18
Heavy 53 18
Spherical roller and taper roller bearing Light & Light & 21 7
Medium Medium
Taper roller bearing Heavy 19 7
Spherical roller bearing Heavy 16 7
Thrust bearing All types 21 7

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TABLE – 8 : Temperature correction factor

Working temperature, oC A

Upto 70 1.00
>70 to 80 0.70
>80 to 90 0.50
>90 to 100 0.35
>100 to 110 0.28
>110 to 120 0.20
>120 to 130 0.15
>130 to 140 0.10
>140 to 150 0.07

However, the roller bearings of all types with Di>=300 mm are frequently lubricated
with grease, and the feed rate of grease is estimated by the relationship:

Gk = Do*B*10-4gram/hour, Do and B (Bearing width) in mm

For the applications prone to dust and water ingress the quantity. Calculated by
equation is corrected by multiplying Gk by a factor of 1.75.


The sleeve or journal bearings are mostly lubricated with oil. However, for some
applications grease is used which under some specified conditions can provide
better reliability. Very low speed and high unit load on the bearing can often create
the conditions of boundary or extreme boundary lubrication if oil is used as
lubricant. Under such condition grease is found to give better results. The following
guidelines are given for selection between oil and grease for the lubrication of
journal bearing.

4.1 Selection of grease or oil as sleeve bearing lubricant

If the unit bearing load (P) is less than the limiting unit load (P1) for the journal
speed then grease can be used as lubricant. The first step is to calculate the
limiting unit load for the prevalent journal speed which is given by the following
empirical relation :

Limiting load for the bearing, P1(N/m2) = (Antilog(-0.1761*logV+3.9542))*700

(P1 in N/m2, V in mm/sec)
V = Surface of journal (mm/sec) = (π *N*D/60)*1000
Actual unit load on the bearing, P(N/m2) = W/(L*D)
Where W=load on the bearing (Newton)
L = bearing length, metre
D = Inner diameter of the bearing, metre
If P < P1, then grease can be used as lubricant. Otherwise, oil should be used.

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4.2 Estimation of oil Viscosity

The first step is to estimate the oil viscosity at working temperature. Then the oil
viscosity at the reference temperature of 40oC is evaluated. The evaluation of oil
viscosity at the bearing working temperature is done by using Table-9 and the
empirical relation given in this respect.

TABLE-9 : L/D ratio and S (Sommerfeld Number)

L/D ratio 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.5

S 1.0696 0.3161 0.752 0.1242 0.00859

For calculation of viscosity at working temperature the following steps are


Step 1 : Take the value of S from Table-9 for the actual L/D ratio. For intermediate
values interpolation should be done.

Step 2 : First approximation of viscosity (Zt) = 60P*(C/D)2*S/N

C is diametral clearnace of the bearing (metre)
N is journal RPM

Step 3 : First approximation of minimum film thickness

Minimum film thickness, ho1 (metre) = (a*C*(L/D)b1*Sb2+b3L/D )*0.5
The values of a, b1, b2 and b3 for a particular value of S is taken from Table-10.

TABLE-10 : Values of a, b1, b2 and b3

S <=0.15 S >0.15
a b1 b2 b3 a b1 b2 b3
S<0.04 2.7258 0.83621 0.7510 0.0811 S<1 0.91473 0.4538 0.6119 -0.2890
S<0.04 1.7176 1.0478 0.4999 0.1868 S<1 0.89574 0.3895 0.3076 -0.25370

If ho1 <55 x10-6 metre

Than take ho (required minimum film thickness) = 55 x 10-6 metre
Otherwise ho = h o1

Step 4 : Calculate the actual value of Sa

S a = ho*(D/L)b1*(2/C)*(1/a)1/(b2+b3*L/D)
Required viscosity at working temperature,
Zt=Sa*P*(60/N) *(C/D)2 Pa.s
Viscosity in cSt = Zt x 10-3/0.9

Oil viscosity calculation is based on the working temperature. To calculate at 40

deg C, appendix-1 i.e. ISO viscosity calculation table can be used.
Then the oil viscosity at the reference temperature of 40oC is estimated from
Appendix-1. The viscosity at 40oC should be upgraded to the next higher ISO

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4.3 Guidelines for selection of oil type for sleeve bearing

Table – 11 provides the guidelines for selection of oil for an application of sleeve

Table-11: Selection of oil type for sleeve bearing

Application Oil type

Worm gear boxes Industrial oil with EP, Compounded oil
Hypoid gear boxes Automotive gear oil
Other gear boxes Industrial oil with EP, R&O type oil
Fans and blowers R&O type oil, hydraulic fluid, turbine oil
Turbine Turbine oil
Automotive engine Automotive crank case oil
Compressor Compressor oil
Morgan bearing High demulsibility oil with or without EP



5.1 Plain Thrust Bearings

Plain thrust bearings are simple and occupy little axial space. Thrust bearings with
radial grooves to encourage hydrodynamic action are suitable for light loads upto
0.5 MN/m2 (75 lbf/in2)

5.2 Profiled pad thrust bearings

The bearing comprises a ring of sector-shaped pads similar to plain thrust

bearings. However, each pad is profiled so as to provide a convergent lubricant
profile, which is necessary for the hydrodynamic generation of pressure within the
film. Lubricants access to feed the pads is provided by oil ways which separate the
individual pads. Rotation of the thrust runner in the direction of decreasing film
thickness establishes the load carrying film. For bi-directional operation a
convergent divergent profile must be used.

ISO VG 32, 46, 68, 100 oils are normally chosen so that with a lubricant inlet
temperature of 50 degree C, the oil temperature rise across the bearing is 20
degrees C (max).

5.3 Tilting pad thrust bearings (Michell)

The tilting pad bearing is able to accommodate a large range of speed, load and
viscosity conditions because the pads are pivotally supported and able to assume
a small angle, relative to the removing collar surface. This enables a full
hydrodynamic fluid film to be maintained between the surface of pad and collar.

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Each pad must receive an adequate supply of oil at its entry edge to provide a
continuous film and this is usually achieved by immersing the bearing in a flooded
chamber. The oil is supplied at a pressure of 0.035 to 0.15 MN/m2(5-22 lbf/in2) and
the outlet is restricted to control the flow.

Oil is circulated through the bearing to provide lubrication and to remove the heat
resulting from the power loss. It is usual to supply oil at about 50 degrees C and to
allow for a temperature rise through the bearing of about 17 degrees C. Complex
design procedures have been established by the tilting pad thrust manufacturers
to ensure optimum selection with minimum power loss.

Appropriate quality of ISO VG 32, 46, 68 and 100 oils are commonly applied.

There is some latitude in the choice of oil flow and temperature rise, but large
deviations from these figures will affect the performance of the bearing.

5.4 Viscosity selection for thrust bearings

The minimum allowable viscosity at operating temperature for tilting pad or

tapered land thrust bearings whose pads or lands have approximately the same
radial width as their circumferential length, i.e. are approximately square, may be
calculated as follows:

cP = 0.8 (P/U) (D/B)

Where cP = is the minimum viscosity at operating temperature

P is the mean bearing pressure in kg/cm2

U is the mean circumferential speed of the thrust collar in m/sec.
D is the mean diameter of the assembly of pads or lands of the bearing in m
B is the radial dimension of the pads or lands in m.

An operating viscosity above the minimum is normally required and a minimum

factor of safety of 2 is suggested. Moreover, in many cases the load on the
bearing depends on the speed of operation. For example, with blowers and with
shops’ propellers the load increases approximately with the square of the speed.

Note 1: The nominal area of the load carrying lands or pads should not be
more than 80% of the annular area (i.e. DB). This limitation is to
allow sufficient space between the pads or lands for unrestricted flow
of oil to their leading edges and to allow proper cooling.

Note 2: High speed bearings normally run completely immersed in an oil

bath. It is necessary that the oil pressure should be sufficient to
prevent the formation of vortices and accumulation of air bubbles
between the pads or lands.

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The type of gearing and enclosure, operating speed, load and temperature as well
as the method of application determine the choice of lubricant for reliable service.
The most commonly used lubricant is oil. However, grease, open gear compound
and solid lubricants are also used in the applications where oil cannot be used.

The first step towards selection of a suitable lubricant is evaluation of oil viscosity
which will ensure formation of the full elastohydrodynamic film between the mating
pairs of the gear teeth. Then, the type of lubricant to suit the service condition is

6.1 Selection of lubricant viscosity

The pitch line velocity of the gears is a good index of the required viscosity. The
following empirical relation is used to determine the required viscosity :

Viscosity at 40oC (cSt) = 498.92/Vo.5, where V=pitch line velocity of gear or pinion
in m/s.

6.2 Application of lubricant - Table-12 provides the guidelines for lubricant


TABLE-12 : Application of lubricant to gear train

Pitch line velocity (m/s) Method of application Remarks

Upto 16 Splash lubrication Gear to dip in oil upto
twice the tooth depth
More than 16 upto 26 Splash lubrication Use baffles and oil pans
to reduce churning
More than 26 upto 36 Pressure fed Oil jets before the mesh
More than 36 upto 72 Pressure fed Oil jets after the gears
leave the mesh
More than 72 Pressure fed Oil jets at both sides of
the mesh, 2/3 rd of oil to
be supplied to the
outgoing side and 1/3 rd
to the incoming side.

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6.3 Lubricant flow rate

The following empirical relation gives the required flow rate of lubricant to the gear
train :

q = pxc (litre/min) where p = transmitted power (kW), c is the factor given in Table-
TABLE –13 : Factor c

Application lpm per kW Flow condition

Heavy duty 0.0250 Copious

Moderate duty 0.0170 Adequate

Light duty 0.0125 Boundary lubrication

6.4 Selecting type of lubricant

Table-14 provides the guidelines for selecting the type of lubricant.

TABLE-14 : Selection of lubricant type

Application Load condition Lubricant type

Spur, helical, straight and Light R&O mineral oil
spiral bevel gears

Spur, helical, straight and Moderate & heavy Industrial gear oilwith
spiral bevel gears EP/Antiwear Hydraulic
Worm gears Light & moderate Compounded mineral oil
with 3 to 10% fatty oil
Worm gears Heavy Industrial gear oil with EP
provided there are no
Hypoid gears Heavy Automotive gear oil
with active EP also
Industrial EP Oils. VG


In conclusion, these guidelines are intended to provide help in selecting proper

grade and type of lubricant for steel plant applications. The effectiveness of using
these guidelines depends upon accurate evaluation of the basic engineering data
and the operating parameters of the tribo-elements like bearings and gears, etc. It

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is intended that these guidelines should provide at least the initial means of
selection of lubricant in absence of adequate experience or information. However,
a note of caution is made for monitoring the actual field performance of the system
if the lubricant selection is done based on these guidelines. It is suggested that
necessary adjustments in the grade and the type of lubricant be made if required.

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ISO Viscosity Mid point Viscosity Kinematic viscosity limits cSt at 40oC
Grade cSt at 40oC Minimum Maximum

ISO VG 2 2.2 1.98 2.42

ISO VG 3 3.2 2.88 3.52
ISO VG 5 4.6 4.14 5.06
ISO VG 7 6.8 6.12 7.48
ISO VG 10 10 9.00 11.00
ISO VG 15 15 13.50 16.50
ISO VG 22 22 19.80 24.20
ISO VG 32 32 28.80 35.20
ISO VG 46 46 41.40 50.60
ISO VG 68 68 61.20 74.80
ISO VG 100 100 90.00 110
ISO VG 150 150 135 165
ISO VG 220 220 198 242
ISO VG 320 320 288 352
ISO VG 460 460 414 506
ISO VG 680 680 612 748
ISO VG 1000 1000 900 1100
ISO VG 1500 1500 1350 1650

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This classification was developed by the National Lubricating Grease Institute of

USA. It identifies a succession of grades defined as ranges of the values of the
60-stroke worked penetration at 25oC as grades determined by ASTM Designation
D217, “Cone penetration of lubricating grease”, the original method being
applicable to grades 0 to 6 and the alternative method to grades 00 and 000. The
series is as follows :


25oC ASTM D217

000 445-475
00 400-430
0 355-385
1 310-340
2 265-295
3 220-250
4 175-205
5 130-160
6 85-115

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ISO KINEMATIC Approximate Kinematic Viscosity at other temperatures for different values of viscosity index
GRADE RANGE cSt Viscosity index = 0 Viscosity index = 50 Viscosity index = 95
at 40 oC
o o
cSt at cSt at cSt at 50 C cSt at 20 C cSt at cSt at cSt at Cst at cSt at
o o o o o o o
20 C 37.8 C 37.8 C 50 C 20 C 37.8 C 50 C

ISO VG 2 1.98-2.42 (2.82-3.67) (2.05-2.52) (1.69-2.03) (2.87-3.69) (2.05-2.52) (1.69-2.03) (2.92-3.71) (2.06-2.52) (1.69-2.03)
ISO VG 3 2.88-3.52 (4.60-5.99) (3.02-3.71) (2.37-2.83) (4.59-5.92) (3.02-3.70) (2.38-2.84) (4.58-5.83) (3.01-3.69) (2.39-2.86)
ISO VG 5 4.14-5.06 (7.39-9.60) (4.38-5.38) (3.27-3.91) (7.25-9.35) (4.37-5.37) (3.29-3.95) (7.09-9.03) (4.36-5.35) (3.32-3.99)
ISO VG 7 6.12-7.48 (12.30-16.00) (6.55-8.05) (4.63-5.52) (11.90-15.30) (6.52-8.01) (4.68-5.61) (11.40-14.40) (6.50-7.98) (4.76-5.72)
ISO VG 10 9.00-11.00 20.20-25.90 9.73-12.00 6.53-7.83 19.10-24.50 9.63-11.90 6.65-7.99 18.10-23.10 9.60-11.80 6.78-8.14
ISO VG 15 13.50-16.50 30.50-43.00 14.70-18.10 9.43-11.3 31.60-40.60 14.70-18.00 9.62-11.50 29.80-38.30 14.60-17.90 9.80-11.80
ISO VG 22 19.80-24.20 54.20-69.80 21.80-26.80 13.30-16.00 51.00-65.80 21.70-26.60 13.60-16.30 48.00-61.70 21.60-26.50 13.90-16.60
ISO VG 32 28.80-35.20 87.70-115 32.00-39.40 18.60-22.20 82.60-108 31.90-39.20 19.00-22.60 76.90-98.70 31.70-38.90 19.40-23.30
ISO VG 46 41.40-50.60 144-189 46.60-57.40 25.50-30.30 133-172 46.30-56.90 26.10-31.30 120-153 45.90-56.30 27.00-32.50
ISO VG 68 61.20-74.80 242-315 69.80-85.80 35.90-42.80 219-283 69.20-85.00 37.10-44.40 193-244 68.40-83.90 38.70-46.60
ISO VG 100 90.00-110.00 402-520 104-127 50.40-60.30 356-454 103-126 52.40-63.00 303-383 101-124 55.30-66.60
ISO VG 150 135-165 672-862 157-194 72.50-86.90 583-743 155-191 75.90-91.20 486-614 153-188 80.60-97.10
ISO VG 220 198-242 1080-1390 233-286 102-123 927-1180 230-282 108-129 761-964 226-277 115-138
ISO VG 320 288-352 1720-2210 341-419 144-172 1460-1870 337-414 151-182 1180-1500 331-406 163-196
ISO VG 460 414-506 2700-3480 495-608 199-239 2290-2930 458-699 210-252 1810-2300 478-587 228-274
ISO VG 680 612-748 4420-5680 739-908 283-339 3700-4740 728-894 300-360 2880-3650 712-874 326-393
ISO VG 1000 900-1100 7170-9230 1100-1350 400-479 5960-7640 1080-1330 425-509 4550-5780 1050-1290 466-560
ISO VG 1500 1350-1650 11900-15400 1600-2040 575-688 9850-12600 1640-2010 613-734 7390-9400 1590-1960 676-812

NOTE: Values in parentheses have been derived by extrapolation and are approximate.

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The following table is for the conversion of viscosities in one system to
those in another system at the same temperature.
Kinematic *Engler Redwood Saybolt Kinematic *Engler Redwood Saybolt
viscosity degree No.1 universal viscosity degree No.1 universal
cSt seconds seconds cSt seconds seconds
1.0 1.00 28.5 20.0 2.9 86 97.5
1.5 1.06 30 20.5 2.95 88 99.6
2.0 1.12 31 32.6 21.0 3.0 90 101.7
2.5 1.17 32 34.4 21.5 3.05 92 103.9
3.0 1.22 33 36.0 22.0 3.1 93 106.0
3.5 1.26 34.5 37.6 22.5 3.15 95 108.2
4.0 1.30 35.5 39.1 23.0 3.2 97 110.3
4.5 1.35 37 40.7 23.5 3.3 99 112.4
5.0 1.40 38 42.3 24.0 3.35 101 114.6
5.5 1.44 39.5 43.9 24.5 3.4 103 116.8
6.0 1.48 41 45.5 25 3.45 105 118.9
6.5 1.52 42 47.1 26 3.6 109 123.2
7.0 1.56 43.5 48.7 27 3.7 113 127.7
7.5 1.60 45 50.3 28 3.85 117 132.1
8.0 1.65 46 52.0 29 3.95 121 136.5
8.5 1.70 47.5 53.7 30 4.1 125 140.9
9.0 1.75 49 55.4 31 4.2 129 145.3
9.5 1.79 50.5 57.1 32 4.35 133 149.7
10.0 1.83 52 58.8 33 4.45 136 154.2
10.2 1.85 52.5 59.5 34 4.6 140 158.7
10.4 1.87 53 60.2 35 4.7 144 163.2
10.6 1.89 53.5 60.9 36 4.85 148 167.7
10.8 1.91 54.5 61.6 37 4.95 152 172.2
11.0 1.93 55 62.3 38 5.1 156 176.7
11.4 1.97 56 63.7 39 5.2 160 181.2
11.8 2.00 57.5 65.2 40 5.35 164 185.7
12.2 2.04 59 66.66 41 5.45 168 190.2
12.6 2.08 60 68.1 42 5.6 172 194.7
13.0 2.12 61 69.6 43 5.75 177 199.2
13.5 2.17 63 71.5 44 5.85 181 203.8
14.0 2.22 64.5 73.4 45 6.0 185 208.4
14.5 2.27 66 75.3 46 6.1 189 213.0
15.0 2.32 68 77.2 47 6.25 193 217.6
15.5 2.38 70 79.2 48 6.45 197 222.2
16.0 2.43 71.5 81.1 49 6.5 201 226.8
16.5 2.50 73 83.1 50 6.65 205 231.4
17.0 2.55 75 85.1 52 6.9 213 240.6
17.5 2.60 77 87.1 54 7.1 221 249.9
18.0 2.65 78.5 89.2 56 7.4 229 259.0
18.5 2.70 80 91.2 58 7.65 237 268.2
19.0 2.75 82 93.3 60 7.9 245 277.4
19.5 2.80 84 95.4 70 9.2 285 323.4
Note: The first part of the table marked with an asterisk (*) should only be used for the conversion of Minematic viscosities
into viscosities Engler, Redwood or Saybolt, or for Engler, Redwood and Saybolt between themselves. They should not be
used for conversion of Engler, Redwood or Saybolt into Kinematic viscosities.

For higher viscosities the following factors should be used :

Engler = 0.132 Kinematic Kinematic = 7.58 Engler Kinematic = 0.247 Redwood Kinematic = 0.216 Saybolt
Redwood = 4.05 Kinematic Redwood = 30.7 Engler Engler = 0.0326 Redwood Engler = 0.0285 Saybolt
Saybolt = 4.62 Kinematic Saybolt = 35.11 Engler Saybolt = 1.14 Redwood Redwood = 0.887 Saybolt

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