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Lesson plan-Draft-Ankur Goswami

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NEF COLLEGE, Lokhra, Guwahati-781040

LESSON PLAN: Academic Session: August-November, 2023

Course & Semester: B.A 1st Semester Honors CBCS

Paper Name: Indian Classical Literature Paper Code: ENG-HC-1016 (Honors Paper 1)

Credits: 5 (Theory) + 1 (Tutorial)

Sl. Name of the Topics to be Covered in Proposed Method of Academic Activity to
Allotted with Tests/Assignments
No. Faculty Class Teaching be Organized
Unit Name
Hour 1: Introduction to Homework: Prepare a
ANKUR Indian Classical Literature Lecture using white comprehensive note on the
1 --
GOSWAMI with reference to board chief poets
prominent writers of Indian Classical Literature
Hour 2: Introduction to
Lecture using white
Indian epic tradition and
board / Provision of
2 Kalidasa with special
materials at Google
emphasis on Abhijnana
Unit No.1 Hour 3: Summative
Lecture with
Unit Name: discussion / Provision
3 perception of the plot of
Kalidasa of materials at
Abhijnana Shakuntalam
Abhijnana Google Classroom
Shakuntalam Hour 4: Detailed study of
Lecture with
4 the text of Abhijnana Quiz / Oral Test
Hour 5: Detailed study of Homework: Attempt an
the text of Abhijnana elaborate analysis of two
Lecture with Announcement of
5 Shakuntalam and major characters Dushyant and
discussion presentation date
discussion on major Shakuntala in Abhijnana
characters Shakuntalam
Hour 6: Detailed study of Lecture with
6 Group Discussion
th8e text of Abhijnana presentation using
Shakuntalam and projector
discussion of questions
from previous papers
Powerpoint Presentation
7 Hour 7: -- -- by students on chosen
areas of the unit
Class Test on the Unit (10
8 Hour 8: -- -- --
Lecture using white
Hour 1: Introduction to
board / Provision of
9 Vyasa and The --
materials at Google
Hour 2: Discussion on the Homework: Attempt an
initiation of the dicing Lecture and analysis of the plan of the
10 game and introduction to discussion using dicing game and the reaction
the Book of the Assembly white board of specific characters to the
Hall proposed game.
Lecture using white
Hour 3: Introduction to the
board / Provision of
11 Unit No. 2 concept of dharma and the
materials at Google
Unit Name: heroic
Vyasa: The Homework: Mention the
Dicing and Hour 4: Discussion on The
argument put forward by
12 the Sequel to Temptation of Karna and
Krishna in his attempt at
Dicing in The his response
tempting Karna
13 Hour 5: -- Fecilitating Group Discussion
Reading and
14 Hour 6: Study of main text
Reading and
15 Hour 7: Study of main text Quiz / Oral Test
Reading and
discussion / Provision
16 Hour 8: Study of main text
of materials at
Google Classroom
Lecture with Homework: Prepare a
17 Hour 9: Study of main text
presentation using presentation on the unit
Hour 10: Study of main Reading and
text discussion
Powerpoint Presentation
19 Hour 11: -- Fecilitating by students on chosen
areas of the unit
Provision of Class Test on the Unit (10
20 Hour 12: -- materials at Google -- marks)
Unit 3:
Hour 1: Introduction to
Sudraka and Mrcchakatika
Hour 2: Introduction to the Homework: Attempt an
major characters in elaborate analysis of the
Mrcchakatika character of Charudatta
Reading and
Hour 3: Study of the main discussion / Provision
text of Mrcchakatika of materials at
Google Classroom
Hour 4: Study of the main Reading and
text of Mrcchakatika discussion
Hour 5: Study of the main Reading and
text of Mrcchakatika discussion
Hour 6: Role of Provision of Prepare a presentation on a
Vasantasena in materials at Google study of Vasantasena from a
Mrcchakatika Classroom feminist perspective
Hour 7: -- Fecilitating -- Quiz/ Oral Test
Powerpoint Presentation
Hour 8: -- Fecilitating by students on the given

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