FAA 2020 0099 0004 - Attachment - 4
FAA 2020 0099 0004 - Attachment - 4
FAA 2020 0099 0004 - Attachment - 4
SUBJECT: Nacelles --- Rear Spar Fitting and Attaching Structure ---
Mid---Aft Nacelle Retrofit --- ModSum 4---113697
A. Effectivity
Aircraft Affected:
In---Service: DHC---8 Aircraft Models 401 and 402 Serial Numbers 4003,
4004, 4006, 4008 thru 4380.
NOTE: The instructions in this service bulletin are only applicable to the
systems and parts installed at the time of delivery on the aircraft or as
changed by Bombardier Aerospace Service Bulletin(s). Before you do
this bulletin, examine all STC or equivalent action changes to make
sure this bulletin can be completed.
Spares Affected:
B. Reason
Problem: Operator’s have reported finding cracked rear spar attachment fittings.
Solution: Remove and replace existing nacelle fitting, forward strut fitting, aft strut
fitting and attaching nacelle structure with redesigned fittings and new
C. Description
The procedures in this service bulletin give the instructions to do the tasks that follow:
D. Compliance
Bombardier Inc. highly recommend that ModSum 4---113697 be incorporated at the
earliest opportunity unless otherwise directed by the operator’s airworthiness
E. Approval
The technical content of this service bulletin has been approved under the authority of
the Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA) Design Approval Organization No: DAO
F. Manpower
It will take an estimated 320.00 man---hours to complete this service bulletin. The
breakdown of the man---hours is shown in the table that follows:
Job Set---Up 65.00
Procedure 80.00
Test / RTS and Close---Out 175.00
This estimate is for direct labour done by an experienced crew and it does not
include, planning, familiarization, cure time, part fabrication, tool acquisition or lost
For any on---site labor assistance, please speak with a Fleet Services representative for a
quote. The Fleet Services group can be contacted via the Q Series Technical Help Desk
by telephone at 416---375---4000 or email at: thd.qseries@aero.bombardier.com
The ModKit(s) required to do this service bulletin is/are listed in the table below:
The ---001 and ---003 kits are similar but not identical. The ---003 kit has additional
laminated shims for the strut flange / nacelle fitting installation and additional cotter
pins for the coat hangar fitting. In addition, the part number quantities in the ---003 kit
have been revised for clarification purposes.
The ---005 kit is similar but not identical to the ---001 and ---003 kits. The ---005 kit has
part number changes for the aft strut rear spar fittings. In addition, some part number
quantities in the ---005 kit have been revised for clarification purposes. Operators that
have not incorporated the ---001 or ---003 kits should order the ---005 kit for
Operators should submit a purchase order through the Customer Response Center
(CRC) to the Customer Accounts Service Team (CAST) at Bombardier Aerospace
Regional Aircraft division specifying aircraft serial number(s) to:
Bombardier Aerospace
Customer Accounts Services Team (Mail Stop N11---32)
123 Garratt Blvd.
Canada M3K---1Y5
E---mail addresses:
International: cast.international@aero.bombardier.com
European: ps_emea@aero.bombardier.com
Americas East: cast.americaseast@aero.bombardier.com
Americas West: cast.americaswest@aero.bombardier.com
North America:Toll Free 1---844---272---2720 or direct 1---514---855---8500
International: (416) 373---5966
Americas East: (416) 373---5964
Americas West: (416) 375---5965
A/C Type and Weight (Lb) Arm (Inches) (Inches x Lb)
x 0.001
K. Publications Affected
Aeroplane Operating Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PSM 1---84---1
Aircraft Maintenance Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PSM 1---84---2
Structural Repair Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PSM 1---84---3
Aircraft Illustrated Parts Catalog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PSM 1---84---4
Maintenance Requirement Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PSM 1---84---7
ModSums Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PSM 1---84---12
Weight and Balance Manual (Imperial) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PSM 1---84---8
L. References
Revision ‘D’ of this service bulletin was prepared to the engineering drawings and
related data that follows:
RD 8/4---54---821 Issue 2
RD 8/4---54---830 Issue 1
Related SB 84---54---15
(1) Modification Kit 8MK4462---001, Mod Kit --- Struct Side Panel LH/RH Nacelle
(2) Modification Kit 8MK4462---003, Mod Kit --- Struct Side Panel LH/RH Nacelle
98 94 B0206016CY6 Collar
320 264 HST1087---6 Collar
112 116 HST1087---8 Collar
4 4 HST1087---10 Collar
1 1 8Z9325 Drawing, Retrofit---Shims
10 10 CSP192---242 Shim
4 4 MS24665---380 Cotter Pin
2 2 MS24665---374 Cotter Pin
--- 8 MS24665---306 Cotter Pin
--- 4 85414383---103 Shim
--- 4 85414384---103 Shim
--- 4 85415152---101 Shim
(4) Modification Kit 8MK4462---005, Mod Kit --- Struct Side Panel LH/RH Nacelle
NOTE: All grip lengths specified on the engineering drawings are for reference
only. Final grip lengths are to be verified in accordance with Structural
Repair Manual PSM---1---84---3.
NOTE: If the correct grip length of the Hi---Lite pin is not available, it is
acceptable to use the next longer pin length. Shim under the collar with
up to two washers to 0.0625 inches total thickness. Permitted washers
AN960D, NAS1149D, NAS1252, AN960C or NAS1149CXXXXR.
Listed drawings that are required to complete the kits above can be requested by
writing to the following e---mail address:
(6) In addition to the above part(s), the following material(s) are required for the
completion of this service bulletin and may be procured as single items from
Bombardier Aerospace Regional Aircraft or purchased directly from industry
Each consumable product listed in the table below is given its own unique
Product ID Number. The number is used to identify a particular recommended
product, the specifications and the trade names any of which can be used
unless specified otherwise (refer to PSM 1---84---18 Consumable Products
CA 1000 is available from:
PRC DeSoto International
5454 San Ferando Road P.O. Box 1800
Glendale California 91209
NOTE: The design and construction of the wing/nacelle supports and fuselage
trestles are to be done by the operator. The choice of material for the
supports and trestles is decided by the operator. Make sure the wing
supports extend from the wing front spar cap to the wing rear spar cap.
Fuselage trestles are only required if work or access to the fuselage /
empennage is required.
NOTE: Only one tooling fixture is necessary to do this service bulletin, but the
tool will have to be switched between the LH and RH nacelles. Additional
tooling fixtures may be ordered, but availability of additional tools may not
be guaranteed.
The following parts may be affected by this service bulletin. Indented parts are
components of the next higher assembly. The quantity (Qty.) column lists the quantity
that may be affected per aircraft for non---indented parts and the quantity per next
higher assembly for indented parts.
IC Interchangeability Code
A Not interchangeable.
B Removed Part. No direct replacement.
C Conditionally Interchangeable. Installation of superseded part negates the
intent of this service bulletin.
D Kept and reinstalled part.
DC Disposition
If it is not possible to complete all the instructions of this service bulletin because of the
configuration of the aircraft, speak with a representative of Bombardier in the CRC at
1---844---272---2720 (1---844---CRC---CRCO) or email at thd.qseries@aero.bombardier.com for
analysis and to get an approved disposition to complete this service bulletin.
A. Job Set---Up
(1) Placard and select all aircraft electrical power to OFF. Obey all relevant
WARNINGS and CAUTIONS (refer to AMM TASK 24---00---00---861---802 and
TASK 24---00---00---910---801).
(2) Make sure that lock pins are installed thru each main gear and main gear door
(4) Install safety devices and/or warning signs on the landing gear controls and the
external hydraulic connection.
NOTE: Do not remove the wing access panels if both nacelles are being
reworked at the same time. The wing access panels on the opposite
wing may be removed if only one nacelle is being reworked at a time.
(6) Refer to AMM TASK 07---10---00---582---801 and place the aircraft on jacks. Make
sure the tail stand is installed and enough support is provided. Make sure there is
no risk of wind gusts when the hangar doors are opened.
NOTE: Step 3.A.(7) is not required if the engines have already been removed
from the aircraft.
(7) Refer to applicable steps in AMM TASK 57---11---01---000---801 and lift the
engine(s) to remove the twist on the wing. Carefully lift the engine manually until
the load cell value is 1700 100 lbs (771.12 45.36 kg.). Make sure that at least
four fasteners in the center wing access panels can be loosened without
resistance. The center wing access panels and sealant around the access panels
are not to be removed if both nacelles are being reworked at the same time. The
access panels on the opposite wing may be removed if one nacelle is being
reworked at a time.
(8) Refer to Figure 7 and manufacture / place fuselage trestles at fuselage stations
X32.40, X428.50 and X697.60. Fuselage trestles should be contoured to match
the fuselage profile. All supports should be made from materials that are strong
and stiff enough to support the weight of the aircraft and not damage the aircraft
skin. Make sure that no other work is being done on or inside the nacelle or wing
that is currently being reworked.
NOTE: All necessary work inside the fuselage and empennage is permitted after
installing the fuselage trestles.
(9) Refer to Figure 6 and manufacture / place suitable wing supports at wing station
Yw245.019 and additional floor supports to the nacelle on inboard and outboard
sides. Nacelle supports are to be installed at approximately station X210.00.
(10) Position a ladder or a workstand behind the rear spar adjacent to the left and
right side of the No. 1 and No. 2 nacelle to permit access to each attachment
fitting 85414663. Make sure the ladder or workstand is electrically grounded.
413BL Panel, Access, Rear Spar
413BR Panel, Access, Rear Spar
423BL Panel, Access, Rear Spar
423BR Panel, Access, Rear Spar
B. Procedure
NOTE: To simplify the removal process, all parts attached to the diagonal strut
fittings can remain attached. They will be removed and discarded when
the struts are removed.
NOTE: To improve access to the nacelle structure, the operator has the option
of removing the nacelle doors.
(3) Refer to the applicable TASK’s in AMM PSM 1---84---2 Chapter 32 and remove the
MLG. Discard all cotter pins and keep all other hardware.
(a) Refer to Figure 1 and AMM TASK 32---11---21---000---801 and visually inspect
the internal bore and external surface of the MLG yoke pins for signs of
corrosion and/or damage. Contact the Bombardier Technical Help Desk for
an approved repair if signs of corrosion and/or damage are found.
(b) Refer to Figure 2 and AMM TASK 32---11---11---000---801 and visually inspect
the internal bore and external surface of the drag strut pins for signs of
corrosion and/or damage. Contact the Bombardier Technical Help Desk for
an approved repair if signs of corrosion and/or damage are found.
(c) Refer to Figure 3 and AMM TASK 32---11---16---000---801 and visually inspect
the internal bore and external surface of the stabilizer brace pins for signs of
corrosion and/or damage. Contact the Bombardier Technical Help Desk for
an approved repair if signs of corrosion and/or damage are found.
NOTE: The operator has the option of removing any necessary tube
assemblies to gain access to the nacelle structure. Keep any removed
tube assemblies for later installation.
(5) If required, refer to AMM TASK 32---34---26---000---801 and remove and keep the
MLG alternate---extension cam---mechanism assembly.
(6) Refer to AMM TASK 32---34---26---000---801 and Figure 8 and remove/keep cable
assembly from MLG alternate extension cam assembly. Keep all hardware.
(8) Refer to drawing 8Z9269---sheet 1---VIEW B---B, and Figure 8 and mark tube
orientation and cut tube assembly 82624206---XXX. Reidentify cut tube segment
as 8Z9269---005 and keep. Install caps on open ends of tube assemblies.
(9) Refer to Figure 8 and remove/keep all necessary clamps with hardware to move
wiring harness sufficiently out of the way to gain access to the attachment fittings.
(10) Refer to Figure 9 and put into position and secure tooling fixture
85414001---001---58/V (V defines tooling fixture serial number).
(11) Fit all pins and turn by hand. Make sure there is free rotation of all pins and
alignment. If all pins can rotate freely, remove tooling fixture then remove fitting,
(remove one fitting per nacelle at a time). If all pins are not rotating freely, contact
Bombardier Commercial Aircraft and include detailed information. Remove
tooling fixture after completing check.
NOTE: Remove and replace all parts from either the LH or RH side of the nacelle
one at a time.
(12) Refer to Figure 5 and remove the pins and hardware attaching the coathangar to
the nacelle fitting. Discard cotter pins and keep all other hardware. Do not
remove the pin and hardware attaching the coathangar to the wing.
(13) Refer to Figure 4 and AMM TASK 54---20---09---000---801 and visually inspect the
inner bore and outer surface of the coathangar pins for signs of corrosion and/or
damage. Contact the Bombardier Technical Help Desk for an approved repair if
signs of corrosion and/or damage are found.
(14) Refer to Maintenance Task Card Manual PSM 1---84---7TC Task Card Number
000---54---410---501 and 000---54---420---501 and do a general visual inspection of
the bore of the nacelle to wing spar attachment pin at the location identified.
(15) Refer to Figure 5 and remove the pins and hardware attaching the nacelle fitting
to the wing. Discard cotter pins and keep all other hardware.
(16) Refer to sheet 1---VIEW B---B and the table that follows and remove/discard rear
spar splices as shown.
(17) Refer to sheet 2---SECTION J---J, SECTION K---K and the table that follows and
remove only the fasteners that are common to the upper rear spar splice and
fitting. The splice should remain attached to the longeron. Visually inspect parts
for signs of corrosion, cracks and alike.
(18) Refer to sheet 2---SECTION H---H and SECTION G---G and the table that follows
and remove only the fasteners that are common to the upper forward splice and
fitting. The splice may remain attached to the longeron. Visually inspect parts for
signs of corrosion, cracks and alike.
(19) If required, refer to sheet 1---VIEW B---B and the table that follows and
remove/keep support angle as shown. Visually inspect part for signs of corrosion,
cracks and alike.
(20) Refer to sheet 1---VIEW B---B and remove/discard longeron splice as shown.
(21) Refer to sheet 2---SECTION H---H and the table that follows and remove/keep
angle as shown. Visually inspect part for signs of corrosion, cracks and alike.
(22) Refer to sheet 1---VIEW B---B and the table that follows and remove/discard
attachment angles as shown.
(23) Refer to sheet 1---VIEW B---B and the table that follows and remove/keep gussets
as shown. Visually inspect parts for signs of corrosion, cracks and alike.
(24) Refer to sheet 1---SECTION P---P and the table that follows and remove/keep
angle as shown. Visually inspect parts for signs of corrosion, cracks and alike.
(25) Refer to sheet 1---VIEW B---B and the table that follows and remove/keep skin
stiffeners as shown. Visually inspect parts for signs of corrosion, cracks and alike.
(26) Refer to sheet 2---SECTION C---C and the table that follows and remove/discard
anti---skid end bracket as shown.
(27) Refer to sheet 2---SECTION C---C and the table that follows and remove/discard
attachment cleat as shown.
(28) Refer to sheet 2---SECTION D---D and the table that follows and remove/keep
reinforcing as shown. Visually inspect parts for signs of corrosion, cracks and
(29) Refer to sheet 2---SECTION D---D and the table that follows and remove/discard
bracket skin attachment as shown.
(30) For Post Modsum 4Q113545 aircraft only, refer to sheet 2---SECTION D---D and
the table that follows and remove/discard cleat and shim as shown.
(31) Refer to sheet 2---SECTION D---D, SECTION E---E and the table that follows and
remove/keep bracket as shown (installed per production ModSum 4Q113545
only, SB 84---29---21 incorporation of ModSum 4Q113545 does not install this
bracket). Visually inspect parts for signs of corrosion, cracks and alike.
(32) Refer to sheet 2---SECTION F---F and the table that follows and remove/keep fire
ext. support bracket 3 as shown. Visually inspect parts for signs of corrosion,
cracks and alike.
(33) Refer to sheet 2---SECTION M---M, SECTION N---N and the table that follows and
remove/keep support plate as shown. Visually inspect parts for signs of
corrosion, cracks and alike.
(34) Refer to sheet 1---VIEW B---B and remove and keep skin land channel
85414467---XXX (two per nacelle).
(35) Refer to sheet 2---SECTION C---C, SECTION D---D, SECTION E---E, SECTION
F---F and the table that follows and remove/discard strut fittings as shown.
(36) Refer to sheet 2---SECTION C---C and SECTION E---E and the table that follows
and remove/discard forward and aft shims as shown.
(37) Refer to sheet 1---SECTION A---A and the table that follows and remove/discard
rear spar attachment fittings as shown. Make sure the coat hangar fitting, spar
attachment and MLG yoke pins are temporarily installed during removal. Remove
and discard all cotter pins and keep all other hardware.
(39) Do not drill any holes on fitting at this stage. Make sure all pins can be turned by
(40) Refer to sheet 1---VIEW LKG. INBD ON LH OUTBD SIDE PANEL and the steps
that follow and install new rear spar attachment fittings with pins
B0206002AG6---6, pins B0206002AG6---7, and collars HST1087---6 as shown.
(a) Back drill new fitting in place using existing holes while the tooling fixture is
still in place. Make sure the coat hangar fitting and spar attachment pins are
temporarily installed during fitting installation and there is free rotation of the
pins during back drilling.
(b) Remove tooling fixture and remove new fitting.
(c) Refer to SRM 1---84---3 TASK 51---20---00---00---01 and TASK
51---23---00---00---01 and deburr and fayseal mating surfaces with sealant
(d) Refer to sheet 2--- SECTION G---G, SECTION H---H and install new rear spar
attachment fittings to upper forward splices (attached to longerons) with pins
HST112AG6---5, collars HST1087---6 and washer NAS1149C0363R as
(e) Refer to sheet 2---SECTION J---J, SECTION K---K and the table that follows
and install new rear spar attachment fittings to upper rear spar splices with
pins HST112AG6---5, pins HST112AG6---6, pins HST112AG6---7, pins
HST112AG6---8 and collars HST1087---6 as shown.
(f) Install tooling fixture after approximately 70% of fasteners have been
installed to nacelle skin and upper longeron splices. Refer to sheet 3---VIEW
T---T and temporarily install rear spar attachment pins. Do a check for free
rotation of pins one last time. Remove tooling fixture to have access to
complete fasteners installation.
(g) Refer to sheet 3--- VIEW T---T and install rear spar attachment pins with kept
hardware and new cotter pins MS24665---306. Torque nuts to 630 to 1070
(41) Refer to sheet 2---SECTION C---C, SECTION E---E and Figure 10 and remove
enough of the upper most layers of the half solid / half laminated shim to leave a
slight gap (0.003 inches maximum) between the strut flange and the nacelle
fitting. When a layer is removed, the entire layer must be removed. Under no
circumstances is it acceptable to modify the shims specified on the engineering
drawing to produce a shim with a tapered thickness. Refer to AMM TASK
51---25---26---370---801 and apply epoxy polyamide primer 07---02 to forward and
aft laminated shims 85414263---101 and 85414264---101.
(42) Refer to sheet 2---SECTION C---C, SECTION E---E, Figure 10 and the table that
follows and wet install forward and aft laminated shims with sealant 06---01 as
(43) Refer to sheet 2---VIEW B---B and install kept skin land channels 85414467---XXX
(two per nacelle) with rivets B0205017AD5---6S.
(45) Refer to sheet 1---VIEW LOOKING INBD, sheet 2---SECTION C---C, SECTION D---D,
SECTION E---E, SECTION F---F, Figure 14 and the table that follows and install strut
fittings with rivets B0205017AD5---12S, rivets B0205017AD5---10S, rivets
B0205017AD5---7S, rivets B0205017AD5---6S, rivets B0205017AD5---9S, pins
B0206033AG8---13, pins B0206033AG8---12, pins B0206033AG8---14, pins
B0206033AG8---16, pins B0206033AG10---16, pins B0206003AG8---9, pins
B0206003AG8---8, B0206003AG8---6, B0206003AG8---5, collars B0206016CY6 and
collars HST1087---8 as shown. Install strut fittings with saddle washers as shown.
(46) Refer to sheet 2---SECTION M---M and install kept support plate to strut with rivets
B0205016AD4---4S as shown.
(47) Refer to sheet 2---SECTION F---F and the table that follows and install kept fire
ext. support bracket 3 with rivets B0205016AD4---4S as shown.
(48) Refer to sheet 2---SECTION D---D, SECTION E---E and the table that follows and
install kept brackets with rivets B0205016AD4---4S and rivets B0205016AD4---6S
as shown.
(49) For Post Mod 4Q113545 aircraft only, refer to sheet 2---SECTION D---D and the
table that follows and install new cleat and new shim with pins B0206001AG5---7
and collars B0206016CY5 as shown.
(50) Refer to sheet 2---SECTION D---D and the table that follows and install new
bracket skin attachment with rivets B0205016AD4---5S as shown.
(51) Refer to sheet 2---SECTION D---D and the table that follows and install kept
reinforcing with rivets B0205016AD4---5S as shown.
(52) Refer to sheet 2---SECTION C---C and the table that follows and install new
attachment cleat with rivets B0205016AD4---5S as shown.
(53) Refer to sheet 2---SECTION C---C and install 90 anchor nut with rivets
B0205016AD4---6S as shown.
(54) Refer to sheet 2---SECTION C---C and the table that follows and install new
anti---skid end bracket with pins B0206001AG5---3 and collars B0206016CY5 as
(56) Refer to sheet 2---VIEW B---B, SECTION F---F, SECTION P---P and SECTION E---E
and install kept angle with pins B0206001AG5---7, collars B0206016CY5 and
rivets B0205016AD5---7S as shown.
(57) Refer to sheet 2---VIEW B---B and the table that follows and install new
attachment angles with rivets B0205016AD4---6S as shown.
(58) Refer to sheet 2---VIEW B---B and the table that follows and install kept gussets
with rivets B0205016AD5---6S as shown.
(59) Refer to sheet 2---VIEW B---B and the table that follows and install kept skin
stiffeners with rivets B0205017AD4---6S as shown.
(60) Fill all voids with sealant 06---01 or equivalent per SRM 1---84---2 TASK
(61) If removed, refer to sheet 2---SECTION H---H and the table that follows and install
kept angle with pins HST112AG6---6, pins HST112AG6---7 and collars
HST1087---6 as shown.
(62) Refer to sheet 2---VIEW B---B and install new longeron splice with pins
B0206003AG6---6 and collars HST1087---6 as shown. Fasteners can have edge
distance as low as 1.5 x fastener diameter.
(64) If removed, refer to sheet 1---VIEW B---B, SECTION G---G and the table that
follows and install kept support angle with pins HST112AG6---6, pins
HST112AG6---7 and collars HST1087---6 as shown.
(65) Refer to sheet 2---VIEW B---B and the table that follows and install new rear spar
splices with pins B0206003AG6---4, pins B0206003AG6---5 and collars
HST1087---6 as shown. Fasteners can have edge distance as low as 1.5 x
fastener diameter.
Installation of Shims
(reference drawing 8Z9325)
(66) Refer to to AMM TASK 32---11---21---400---801 and temporarily install the yoke
assembly. Do not install cotter pins or fully torque the bolts before measuring the
(67) Push MLG yoke towards one side to reduce the gap on one side to 0.000 inches.
Measure and record the gap on the other side of the yoke. The gap is to be
measured between the yoke bushing inboard flange and the nacelle fitting
inboard leg bushing flange.
NOTE: The gap is always between the bushings that are adjacent to the nut.
All inboard and outboard references are relative to the nacelle
(68) Refer to AMM TASK 32---11---21---000---801 and remove the yoke assembly.
(69) Refer to SECTION A---A and install shims CSP192---242 on the inboard side of
the yoke assembly as required to reduce total axial play to 0.010 / 0.030 inches. If
the measured gap is greater than 0.050 inches, then the shims should be split
between the LH and RH sides of the yoke. All shims are to be installed in the
gaps adjacent to the nut.
NOTE: All inboard and outboard references are relative to the nacelle
(70) Refer to SRM 1---84---3 TASK 51---22---45---02---01 and bond shims to yoke
bushings using epoxy adhesive 05---11.
(71) Apply anti---corrosion compound 05---16 to the shoulder and threads of the MLG
yoke pins prior to yoke installation.
(72) Refer to AMM TASK 32---11---21---400---801 and install yoke assembly with new
cotter pins MS24665---380 and MS24665---374.
(73) Clean, deburr and treat exposed surfaces with alodine, 1200S and/or 1200 and
then apply epoxy polyamide primer on all applicable rework areas. Refer to
applicable instruction in AMM TASK 51---25---16---390---801 and TASK
C. Close Out
(1) Install kept wiring clamps with hardware. Install wiring harness to clamps.
(5) If removed, refer to AMM TASK 32---34---26---400---801 and install the MLG
alternate extension cam mechanism.
(6) Refer to AMM TASK 32---34---26---400---801 and install the cable assembly to the
MLG alternate extension cam assembly.
(7) Refer to AMM TASK 32---42---11---400---801 and install the fuse/shuttle valves.
(9) Refer to drawing 8Z9286---sheet 3---VIEW T---T, Figure 5 and install coat hangar
fitting with kept hardware and new cotter pins MS24665---306. Torque nuts to 220
to 410 lbs---in.
(10) Refer to the applicable TASK’s in AMM PSM 1---84---2 Chapter 32 and install the
MLG. When installing MLG, do not introduce a pre---load on the attachment fitting
when adding torque to the yoke pins.
(12) Install the access panels that follow (refer to AMM TASK 06---41---00---992---806,
TASK 06---41---00---992---807 for location of panels and AMM TASK
54---21---06---400---801 for installation instructions).
413BL Panel, Access, Rear Spar
413BR Panel, Access, Rear Spar
423BL Panel, Access, Rear Spar
423BR Panel, Access, Rear Spar
(13) Refer to applicable steps in AMM TASK 57---11---01---400---801 and lower the
engine(s) to the nacelle(s). Make sure all center wing access panel fasteners are
re---torqued. If five or more fasteners per access panel have been loosened while
removing the twist from the engine, refer to AMM TASK 57---11---01---400---801
and re---torque all fasteners within 1200 flight hours. If four or fewer fasteners per
access panel hae been loosened, no re---torque is required.
(14) Remove all ladders and/or workstands from the work area.
(16) Refer to AMM TASK 32---31---00---720---801 and do a functional test of the landing
gear primary extension and retraction system. Refer to Figure 8 and make sure
there is no fouling with the fire detection loop.
(18) Remove all tools and equipment from the work area.
(19) On incorporation of this ModSum/Modification, add the weight and balance data
shown in Section I of this service bulletin to Weight and Balance Manual PSM
1---84---8. Under ‘Description of Change’ enter “ModSum 4---113697
Yw 245.019
STN. X210.00 STN. X210.00
Fuselage Trestles
Figure 7
Parts To Be Removed
Figure 8
85414001---001---58/V (ref.)
Installation Instructions
Figure 11
Installation Instructions
Figure 12
Installation Instructions
Figure 13
Installation Instructions
Figure 14
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The data that you provide below will help us record the incorporation of this ModSum
and the aircraft effectivity in the maintenance manual.
Fax this sheet to (1) 416 375 4538 or Email PDF to:
cmdb.requests@aero.bombardier.com May2018
To: SB Focal (Toronto), Bombardier Aerospace Commercial Aircraft
Phone: (1) 416 375 4078 Facsimile: (1) 416 375 4538
E-- mail: syed.rizvi@aero.bombardier.com
Phone: Extn:
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E-- mail:
Select appropriate box(es) and add comments or suggestions you would like us to know
that may enhance the quality of our service bulletins.
Service Bulletin: Revision: ModSum:
V Effectivity V Reason V Description V Compliance
V Approval V Manpower V Material V Weight and Balance
V Electrical Load V Tooling V References V Publications Affected
V Kit Content V Special Tools/Equipment V Parts to Modify Spares
V Consumables V Disposition of Existing Parts V Other
V Job Set---Up V Procedure V Close---Out V Test
V Illustration(s) V Other
Fax this sheet to (1) 416 375 4538 or Email PDF to:
syed.rizvi@aero.bombardier.com May 2018