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Riderless Self-Balancing Bicycle

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Riderless self-balancing
Derivation and implementation of a time variant
linearized state space model for balancing a
bicycle in motion by turning the front wheel




Riderless self-balancing bicycle

Derivation and implementation of a time variant linearized state space model for
balancing a bicycle in motion by turning the front wheel


Bachelor’s Thesis at ITM

Supervisor: Nihad Subasic
Examiner: Nihad Subasic

TRITA-ITM-EX 2018:58

Self-driving vehicles are becoming more and more preva-

lent in society, with buses and cars close to being imple-
mented in the public domain. Self-driving two-wheeled ve-
hicles could be a solution for space-efficient transportation
in cities, where space is becoming a larger issue.

The purpose of this project was to develop and implement a

linearized time variant state space model for balancing such
a two-wheeled vehicle in the form of a bicycle by turning
its front wheel. To test the derived model a small demon-
strator was built and experimented with.

The final conclusion was that the model could be a simple

solution for balancing an electric bicycle. However, further
experimentation on a bigger scale would have to be done
to reach a more decisive conclusion.

Förarlös självbalanserande cykel

Självkörande fordon börjar bli en allt större verklighet i

samhället, där bussar och bilar snart kan komma att im-
plementeras på större skala. Självkörande tvåhjuliga fordon
kan vara en möjlig lösning på mindre fordon i städer där
utrymme blir mer och mer sparsamt.

Syftet med detta projekt har varit att ta fram och imple-
mentera en linjäriserad tidsvarierande tillståndsmodell för
balansreglering av en elcykel genom vridning av framhjulet.
För att testa modellen konstruerades en liten demonstrator
med vilken experiment och tester utfördes.

Den slutsats som drogs var att modellen mycket väl skulle
kunna vara en lösning för balansering av en elcykel, men
att fortsatta undersökningar bör genomföras på en större
skala för att en mer definitiv slutsats skall kunna dras.

We would like to thank the staff and students working at the M building at KTH
for showing enthusiastic interest in our project and engaging in discussions during
our test runs. The discussions led to further insights about the project and were
very helpful.

Thank you also to our fellow FiM students and assistants for showing interest in
the project and suggesting improvements, both during seminars and off-schedule.

A special thank you goes to Staffan Qvarnström for pointing us in the right direction
whenever a problem arose. A thank you also to Stefan Ionescu for initially helping
us out with the 3D-printing. Finally, a thank you to Kayla Kearns for proof-reading
our report.

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 General method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2 Theory 3
2.1 The Arduino Uno board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2 DC motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.3 H-bridges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.4 Potentiometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.5 Accelerometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.6 Gyroscopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.7 Complementary filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.8 Mechanics of an electric bicycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.8.1 Acceleration and braking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.8.2 Relating the steering angle to the radius of curvature . . . . . 9
2.8.3 Turning and instability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.9 Automatic control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.9.1 Balance regulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.9.2 Steering motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.9.3 Driving motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.10 The Runge-Kutta 4-method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.11 Approximating second order ODEs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

3 Demonstrator 17
3.1 Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.2 Component selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.3 Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.4 Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.5 Experimental setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

4 Results 25

5 Discussion and conclusions 29

5.1 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
5.2 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
5.3 Suggested improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Bibliography 33

Appendices 34

A Electrical circuits and wiring 36

B CAD drawings 38
B.1 Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
B.2 Rear frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
B.3 Fork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
B.4 Drive motor mount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
B.5 Drive motor cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
B.6 Steer motor cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
B.7 Pulse code wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
B.8 Exploded bicycle assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

C MATLAB-code for simulation 47

D Arduino C code 59
List of Figures

2.1 A simplified H-bridge circuit. Created using Microsoft PowerPoint. . . . 5

2.2 A sketch of a potentiometer with an arc of resistive material connected
to two terminals, with a third terminal connected to a rotating wiper
also in contact with the resistive arc. Created using Microsoft PowerPoint. 6
2.3 Forces acting on a bicycle during acceleration or braking, as seen from
the side. Created using Microsoft PowerPoint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.4 Geometry relating the different tracks of a bicycle. Created using Mi-
crosoft PowerPoint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.5 Forces acting on a bicycle during a left turn, as seen from behind. Cre-
ated using Microsoft PowerPoint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.6 Relative error due to linearization for different combinations of lean (ϕ)
and steer angle (θ). Created using MATLAB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3.1 Simulating the bicycle system with different events and bicycle com-
mands. Created using MATLAB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.2 Photograph of the box housing the electronics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.3 CAD model of the steer assembly. Created using Solid Edge ST9. . . . . 21
3.4 CAD model of the rear part of the bicycle. Created using Solid Edge ST9. 21
3.5 CAD model of the completed bicycle. Created using Solid Edge ST9.
Rendered in KeyShot 6.3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.6 Photograph of the bicycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

4.1 A typical experimental result where the bicycle loses friction. Created
using MATLAB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.2 A typical experimental result where the bicycle managed to keep itself
balanced. Created using MATLAB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.3 Results of simulating the bicycle, matching the initial values of the ex-
perimental run in Figure 4.2. Created using MATLAB. . . . . . . . . . 27

CMG control moment gyroscope. 1

CS chip select. 3

DC direct current. 2, 4, 20

IDE integrated development environment. 3

IVP initial value problem. 15, 16

LED light emitting diode. 19

MEMS micro electromechanical system. 6, 7

MISO master in slave out. 3
MOSI master out slave in. 3

ODE ordinary differential equation. 4, 15

PI proportional integral. 14
PLA polylactic acid. 22
PWM pulse-width modulation. 3, 23, 25, 31

SCK serial clock. 3

SCL serial clock. 3
SDA serial data. 3
SPI serial peripheral interface. 3
SS slave select. 3

USB Universal Serial Bus. 3, 23


A State matrix

B Input vector

C Output vector

L State space feedback vector

ρ Air density

θ Steer angle

ϕ Bicycle lean angle

Af Frontal area of bicycle

Cd Drag coefficient

CR Rolling resistance coefficient

FB Braking force

FC Centrifugal force of bicycle

FD Driving force

FL Force of air drag

FR Force of rolling resistance

Ff B Force of friction between rear tyre and ground

Ff F Force of friction between front tyre and ground

g Acceleration due to earth’s gravity

hg Length from ground to centre of mass

JL Moment of inertia of the bicycle, around ground contact point

JS Moment of inertia of steer assembly

k2 Φ DC motor constant

L Length between rear and front axles

lb Length from rear axle to centre of mass

lf Length from front axle to centre of mass

m Bicycle mass

NB Normal force between rear tyre and ground

NF Normal force between front tyre and ground

rb Radius of curvature, rear axle

rf Radius of curvature, front axle

rg Radius of curvature, centre of mass

RAS Electrical resistance of steering motor

v Bicycle speed

x Position of bicycle centre of mass in the x-direction

y Position of bicycle centre of mass in the y-direction

z Position of bicycle centre of mass in the z-direction

Chapter 1


1.1 Background
With self driving vehicles such as cars and buses becoming more of a reality daily,
the creation of smaller and consequently less energy consuming vehicles is becoming
more and more relevant. Self driving motorcycles, and two-wheeled vehicles in gen-
eral, could prove to be a more effective way of self driven transportation because of
their advantage of taking up less space and energy for single person transportation.
For these vehicles to be usable, a good and energy efficient balancing system needs
to be implemented. Usually, one of three different stabilizing methods are used. The
first method uses a gyroscope with motors attached to the gimbals and flywheel.
This is called control moment gyroscope (CMG) [1]. The second method uses a
displaceable weight to shift the bicycle’s centre of gravity [2]. The third method
utilizes the centrifugal force that arises when a bicycle is steered in a certain direc-
tion. This is referred to as "dynamic stabilization" [1]. An example of this method
being used can be found in [3], where it was used to balance a full-sized electric
bicycle, albeit with a fairly complicated system for regulation. Of these methods,
the third method has been the subject of research in this project.

There are some obvious advantages to the CMG method and the displaceable weight
method, as they can be active when the bicycle is standing still. The steering method
only works when the bicycle has a forward speed. However, energy is required to
keep a flywheel spinning at high speed or have the ability to move around a heavy
mass. Turning a steering handle should be quite energy-efficient in comparison.
Another problem using the steering method is that the bicycle will steer off its
intended path.


1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this project has been to develop and evaluate whether a linearized
time-variant state-space model can be utilized in balancing a bicycle using a dynamic
stabilization technique.

1.3 General method

To research the above points of interest, a prototype bicycle using the chosen system
for balancing was constructed. An Arduino Uno was utilized to do the calculations
needed to automatically control the balance of the system. Two direct current (DC)
motors, one for driving the bicycle forward and one for turning the front wheel, were
used as well as an accelerometer and gyro for measuring the tilting angle.

Before the construction was carried out, a program for simulating the mechanics of
the bicycle with and without automatic control was created. The purpose of the
simulation was to tune the control variables without risking damage to hardware,
and to determine the approximate requirements of parts used in construction of the

After constructing the demonstrator experiments were carried out to fine-tune the
system and determine its feasibility.

Chapter 2


2.1 The Arduino Uno board

The Arduino Uno is an open-source board containing the ATmega328 microcon-

troller. This microcontroller can easily be programmed via the integrated Universal
Serial Bus (USB) connection on the board and the Arduino Software integrated
development environment (IDE). It has 13 digital pins which can be configured as
input or output. Pins 3, 5, 6, 9, 10 and 11 can also be used to output a pulse-width
modulation (PWM) signal. The board also has 6 analog input pins that are capable
of measuring the connected input voltage with a 10-bit resolution [4].

The Uno also has the capability to communicate with other connected devices using
the I2 C bus [4]. The I2 C bus uses two bus lines for communication, these are called
serial data (SDA) and serial clock (SCL). It is possible to connect multiple devices
along these lines by giving each device a unique address [5]. On revision 3 of the
Uno, there are two separate pins for SDA and SCL. However, these are connected
in parallel to the analog pins 4 and 5 respectively. This means that once I2 C is
activated those pins cannot be used for other purposes [4].

One more way the Uno can communicate with other devices is via the serial periph-
eral interface (SPI) protocol. This interface uses 3 lines for communication called
master out slave in (MOSI), master in slave out (MISO) and serial clock (SCK).
One additional line, usually called slave select (SS) or chip select (CS), is also re-
quired for each connected device. On the Uno there are separate pins for the 3
communication lines but these are shared with digital pins 11, 12 and 13. Similar
to the I2 C case, once SPI is activated these pins cannot be used for other purposes


2.2 DC motors

DC motors are controlled by adjusting the voltage supplied to the motor. The
relation between the speed of the motor and supplied voltage is given by the equation

UA = k2 Φω + RA IA , (2.1)

where UA is the supplied voltage, k2 are some constructional parameters specific to

each motor, Φ is the strength of the magnetic field, ω is the rotational speed, RA
is the motor’s internal resistance and IA is the current flowing through the motor.
The torque generated by the motor is proportional to the current:

M = k2 ΦIA . (2.2)

Here, M denotes the torque [7]. Combining equations (2.1), (2.2) and using the
rotational version of Newton’s second law results in the second order ordinary dif-
ferential equation (ODE)

k2 Φ (k2 Φ)2
θ̈ = UA − θ̇ (2.3)

describing the rotation of the motor, where J is the moment of inertia of the motor
axle. As can be seen by studying equation (2.3) closely, supplying a negative voltage
to the motor will accelerate the motor in the opposite direction.

2.3 H-bridges

An H-bridge is a circuit which allows for controlling the direction in which a DC

motor turns. A simplified, very basic version of an H-bridge is illustrated in Figure





Figure 2.1. A simplified H-bridge circuit. Created using Microsoft PowerPoint.

If switches S1 and S4 are the only ones conducting current, the motor will spin
in the normal direction, but if these are turned off and S2 and S3 are turned on,
the motor will spin in the opposite direction. The switching is actually done with
transistors which can be turned on or off by sending a signal [7].

2.4 Potentiometers

A potentiometer is an electrical component consisting of a resistive element, often

an arc, with an adjustable contact called a wiper sliding over it. The component
has three terminals, two connected to either end of the resistive part, and the third
connected to the wiper. By letting a current pass through the component, the
output current can be adjusted manually by adjusting the wiper. This is because
the current will have to travel a longer or shorter distance through the resistive
element depending on the wipers position. As such, the potentiometer can be
seen as two resistors in series, with the wiper position deciding the resistance ratio
between them [8].


Figure 2.2. A sketch of a potentiometer with an arc of resistive material connected

to two terminals, with a third terminal connected to a rotating wiper also in contact
with the resistive arc. Created using Microsoft PowerPoint.

The outer terminals (1) and (2) connected to the resistive element in Figure 2.2
are connected to power and ground respectively when used in applications such
as rotated angle measurements. For these applications, the middle terminal (3) is
connected to the wiper acting as the data port from which voltage readings are
made. Depending on the output voltage, the angle of the wiper, and thus the angle
of the shaft, can be calculated.

2.5 Accelerometers
Accelerometers are electromechanical components that measure the acceleration
that acts on their assigned axis. This means that an accelerometer at rest with an
axis of measurement trained straight up would measure an acceleration of 1G, equal
to the gravitation of the Earth. Note however that the direction of the acceleration
is not the same as the attacking force, but rather the direction of the normal force
due to the attacking one. As such, all measurements need to have their sign switched
if the direction of attacking forces, and consequently acceleration, is required.

In principle the component is constructed as a simple damped mass-spring system,

where the acceleration is calculated from the displacement of the spring. However,
actual implementations of this system vary. A common example is the use of piezo-
electric effects from crystal deformations caused by acceleration. These effects result
in the generation of a voltage [9]. In most modern applications the accelerometer
is a micro electromechanical system (MEMS), that often measures acceleration by


way of calculating the change or difference in capacitance in or between one or more

electrodes when a mass is displaced between them [10].

2.6 Gyroscopes
Traditional gyroscopes are spinning discs whose orientation due to the law of con-
servation of angular momentum are unaffected by any rotation of the mount on
which it sits. Because of this, they can be utilized to determine a change in ori-
entation of, for example, an airplane. In addition to measuring the actual tilt of
the device, a gyroscope can also be employed to measure the rate of rotation. This
can be achieved by restricting the gyroscopes’ freedom of movement , which due to
the Coriolis effect results in a force where the gyro is restricted. By measuring this
force the rate of rotation can then be derived.

In modern smaller scale electronics, the gyroscope usually takes the form of a
MEMS, utilizing a similar, although modified, setup as the accelerometers in the
above section. Instead of using a rotating disk, these MEMS use a vibrating mass
to achieve the same effect [10].

2.7 Complementary filter

Not all sensors are perfect in all situations. Some might work very well in a low
frequency spectra but poorly in high frequency ones, and other sensors may do the
opposite. In order to obtain measurements that are equally valid in all spectra,
a complementary filter may be utilized [11]. This combines the best properties of
two sensors to achieve a better result than either sensor could achieve on their own.
However, there exists a somewhat obvious drawback that two sensors have to be
used instead of only one.

For example, in the case of angular measurements using a gyroscope and an ac-
celerometer, the gyroscope only produces data that is good in the short term. This
is due to the drift in the long term which is caused by the integration of errors,
whilst the accelerometer only produces usable data in the long term, due to the
low-pass filtering it has to go through [12]. Combining these two signals in such
a way that the sum of their respective contribution equals to one, a measurement
that is both fast and drift free is achieved.

2.8 Mechanics of an electric bicycle

In order to understand the problem at hand, and thus enable the creation of a system
for automatic control, a mechanical analysis of the different driving situations of
the bicycle was carried out. The goal of the mechanical analysis was to derive a
differential equation relating the steering angle to the leaning angle of the bicycle.


This differential equation was needed for later use in creating the automatic control
system in charge of balancing the bicycle, and also to analyze the physical limits

The following analysis has been kept fairly simple, meaning a more in-depth anal-
ysis of the system could lead to better results. For example, the whole bicycle is
considered to be rigid, and the self-balancing force originating from the wheels’ ro-
tation has been left out of the analysis. Therefore, their effects have not been taken
into consideration in the derived equations.

2.8.1 Acceleration and braking

When analyzing the bicycle during acceleration and deceleration, a side-view of the
bicycle was utilized when setting up the force equations, as shown in Figure 2.3.
To simplify the process somewhat, the force resulting from air drag was assumed to
act at the centre of mass.

𝑙𝑙𝑏𝑏 𝑙𝑙𝑓𝑓





Figure 2.3. Forces acting on a bicycle during acceleration or braking, as seen from
the side. Created using Microsoft PowerPoint.

Using Newton’s second law,

↑: Nf + Nb − mg = 0 (2.4)

→: FD − FL − 2FR − FB = mÿ (2.5)

G : hg FD + lf NF − 2hg FR − hg FB = 0 (2.6)


where the force of air drag

FL = ρAf Cd ẏ 2 . (2.7)
Here, ρ is the density of air, Af is the frontal area of the bicycle and Cd is the drag
coefficient. A simplified model of the force due to rolling resistance is one where it
is linearly proportional to the normal force with a constant:

FR = CR N (2.8)

where N is the normal force against the ground and CR is the coefficient of rolling

2.8.2 Relating the steering angle to the radius of curvature

While steering at a constant angle, the front and rear wheel and the centre of mass
of the bicycle will trace out their own circles in the ground, as shown in Figure 2.4.

Front wheel track

𝜃𝜃 Rear wheel track
Bicycle CoM track
Bicycle frame
Bicycle wheel
Bicycle centre of mass (CoM)


Figure 2.4. Geometry relating the different tracks of a bicycle. Created using
Microsoft PowerPoint.

Using the geometry in Figure 2.4, it is concluded that

tan (90° − θ) = ⇒ rb = L cot θ, (2.9)

where L = lf + lb is the total length between the ground contact points of the tyres.
The radius of curvature for the bicycle’s centre of mass is now easily calculated


using the Pythagorean theorem,

rg = lb2 + L2 cot2 θ. (2.10)

If rg in equation (2.10) is considered as a function of θ, it is clear that rg always

will be positive. However, if it is desirable that rg also conveys information about
the direction of a turn, equation (2.10) can be rewritten as

lb2 + L2 − lb2 cos2 θ

rg = . (2.11)
sin θ

Now, rg will be negative for negative values of θ, indicating a left turn, and positive
for positive values of θ, indicating a right turn.

2.8.3 Turning and instability

As opposed to the side-way approach of the acceleration and deceleration situation,
a back-view of the bicycle was chosen when analyzing the forces present during
turning and tilting. These are illustrated in Figure 2.5.




𝐹𝐹𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 + 𝐹𝐹𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓

Figure 2.5. Forces acting on a bicycle during a left turn, as seen from behind.
Created using Microsoft PowerPoint.


Using the rotational version of Newton’s second law at the point where the tyre
contacts the ground yields

hg mg sin ϕ + hg FC cos ϕ = JL ϕ̈, (2.12)

where ϕ is the lean angle, JL is the moment of inertia of the bicycle around the
ground contact point and

ẏ 2
FC = −m (2.13)

is the centrifugal force due to the bicycle having a circular motion. The reason for
the negative sign in equation (2.13) is to make sure that the centrifugal force points
in the right direction. Since the bicycle in Figure 2.5 is turning to the left, rg will
be negative because of how the steering angle was defined. The reasoning behind
defining the angles this way is so that positive values on both θ and ϕ means "to
the right". Combining equations (2.11), (2.12) and (2.13) results in

hg mg hg m
ϕ̈ = sin ϕ − q ẏ 2 sin θ cos ϕ. (2.14)
JL JL lb + L2 − lb cos2 θ
2 2

An analysis of the above equations leads to the realization that in order to balance
the bicycle when it is tilting, it needs to turn in the same direction as the tilt. This
will cause a centrifugal force with a magnitude that depends on bicycle speed and
steer angle, pointing in the opposite direction. By choosing the right combination
of steer angle and bicycle speed, the tilting acceleration can be canceled out or

2.9 Automatic control

2.9.1 Balance regulator
For automatic control of the balance, a linear model was chosen to keep the regulator
as simple as possible. The linearization of equation (2.14) was carried out by doing
a Taylor-expansion around the point (ϕ = 0, θ = 0, ẏ = v m/s) with any terms of
higher order than the first derivative being ignored. This resulted in

d2 ϕ hg mg v 2 mhg
≈ T1 (v) = ϕ − θ. (2.15)
dt2 JL JL L

The error of this model is shown in Figure 2.6, where there are large relative errors
for some combinations of ϕ and θ.


Relative linearization error at v = 10 kph (%)

2500 0
200 0 250 30

20 30 4050 0 0
80 150



60 0


60 30
10 05000
5 021761590800000 10

40 2 4300

1 1

1 20

20 20 1
10 10
Phi (deg)


-20 1 10
30 1 1 20
1 1

20 2 0
0 1
-40 340 0

560700000 025

10 1
18910520 10
70605040 30 0

-60 30

90 70




-80 50 20 150
300 2 200
-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80
Theta (deg)

Figure 2.6. Relative error due to linearization for different combinations of lean (ϕ)
and steer angle (θ). Created using MATLAB.

Using the linearized model, a simple state space model can be derived using the
following method [13]:

Let the state variables

x1 = ϕ (2.16)

x2 = ϕ̇, (2.17)


x˙1 = ϕ̇ = x2 (2.18)

mhg g mhg v 2
x˙2 = ϕ̈ = x1 − θ, (2.19)


and the matrices for the state space model become

0 1
" #
A= mhg g (2.20)
JL 0

" #
B (v) = mhg v 2 (2.21)
− JL L

h i
C= 1 0 . (2.22)

Now, a feedback-loop is created with

θ = −Lx + ϕref , (2.23)

where x is our state vector, ϕref is the desired lean angle and L is the feedback
vector which will be constructed by choosing the placement of the poles. The poles
of the closed system is given by the eigenvalues of the matrix A − BL and therefore
the poles are the solution to the equation

det (λI − (A − BL)) = 0. (2.24)

Solving this equation yields

mhg v 2 m2 h2g v 4 2 mhg g mhg v 2
λ= l2 ± i − l − − l1 . (2.25)
2JL L 4JL2 L2 2 JL JL L

It can be seen that the real part is given by

mhg v 2
Re(λ) = l2 , (2.26)


l2 = Re(λ). (2.27)
mhg v 2


The imaginary part is given by

mhg g mhg v 2
Im(λ) = −Re(λ)2 − − l1 . (2.28)

Solving for l1 results in

JL L mhg g
l1 = − Im(λ)2 + Re(λ)2 + (2.29)
mhg v 2 JL

and therefore the feedback vector is

h   i
mhg g
L = − mh
2 Im(λ)2 + Re(λ)2 + JL
mhg v 2
Re(λ) , (2.30)

where the 2 poles λ can be chosen and v is the current speed of the bicycle.

2.9.2 Steering motor

To ensure that the bicycle was steering in the intended direction at all times, a
regulator for the steering was also constructed. A state space model was also chosen
for this regulator, as both the steer angle and steer rotational speed were to be
measured directly. Using the same method as in Section 2.9.1 and the differential
equation (2.3) resulted in the matrices and vectors

0 1
" #
AS = (k Φ)2 , (2.31)

" #
BS = (k2 Φ)S , (2.32)

h i
CS = 1 0 , (2.33)

where the subscript S specifies that the variables belong to the motor controlling the
steering. As this regulator is time-invariant, the feedback vector LS was calculated
by usage of MATLAB’s place() function.

2.9.3 Driving motor

Automatic control for the driving motor was also implemented to ensure that the
bicycle maintained the desired speed. For this regulator, a simple proportional
integral (PI) type was chosen, as only the rotational speed of the motor is measured.


2.10 The Runge-Kutta 4-method

Runge-Kutta are a family of methods for approximating ODEs numerically. The
four indicates that it is a fourth order method, meaning that every time the step
size is halved, the error is reduced by a factor of 24 [14]. Given the initial value
problem (IVP)

y 0 = f (t, y)
y (0) = y0

one step using the Runge-Kutta 4 method is given by

yi+1 = yi + (k1 + 2k2 + 2k3 + k4 ) (2.35)

where h is the step size, and

k1 = f (ti , yi ) , (2.36)

h h
k2 = f ti + , yi + k1 , (2.37)
2 2

h h
k3 = f ti + , yi + k2 , (2.38)
2 2

k4 = f (ti + h, yi + hk3 ) . (2.39)

The ODE is approximated by reiterating (2.35).

2.11 Approximating second order ODEs

A second order ODE can be solved by the Runge-Kutta 4 method by rewriting it
as a system of first order ODEs. Given the IVP

y = f (t, y, y )
 00 0

y(0) = y 0 (2.40)

y 0 (0) = y 0




" #
u= , (2.41)


" # " #
du y0 u2
= 00 = = F (u) , (2.42)
dt y f (t, u1 , u2 )

and the new IVP

 dt = "
F (u)
 du

u0 = y 0 (0)

has been given, which can be solved using the Runge-Kutta 4 method.

Chapter 3


A prototype unit was constructed in order to verify the theory and to perform
experiments to answer the research questions.

3.1 Simulation

A simulation was carried out by solving equations (2.14) and (2.3) numerically using
the Runge-Kutta 4 method in MATLAB. One more differential equation was also
solved describing the bicycle’s forward acceleration. The written MATLAB code
can be found in appendix C. The developed regulators were implemented in the
simulation to test them in theory. The simulation was also used to test if different
motors available for purchase would have adequate performance.

Figure 3.1 shows the outcome of different events and bicycle commands. In this
simulation, the bicycle is already up to speed (7 km/h) at t = 0. At t = 1 s, the
bicycle is given the command to turn left by changing the lean angle reference to
−15°. At t = 2 s, randomly distributed disturbing forces are introduced for the
rest of the simulation. These are biased to the left for 3 seconds and to the right
thereafter, creating a simplified model of shifting wind. At t = 3 s, the bicycle is
commanded to increase speed to 12 km/h. At t = 6 s, the bicycle is commanded
to turn to the right. As can be seen in the forces plot, the simulation predicts that
tyres will be a problem as the friction exceeds the limit when the random forces are


Acceleration Speed Position Linearization error

1.5 15 4000


1 3000


Relative error (%)

Acceleration (m/s

Speed (km/h)

y (m)
0.5 2000

0 1000
Reference speed
-0.5 0 0
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 -2 0 2 4 0 2 4 6 8

Time (s) Time (s) x (m) Time (s)


Lean angle
20 Steer angle
Reference steer angle
Reference lean angle
Angles (deg)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Time (s)


15 Friction front tire
Friction rear tire

10 Friction limit front

Force (N)

Friction limit rear

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Time (s)

Figure 3.1. Simulating the bicycle system with different events and bicycle com-
mands. Created using MATLAB.

3.2 Component selection

Using the simulation program, requirements on motor performance were identified.
The steering motor needed to be fast enough to achieve the desired steer angle
quickly, but also have enough torque to accelerate up to speed quickly. The goal
was to find a motor with the right properties to simplify the construction of the
prototype by not requiring gearing. The choice of motor for controlling the steering
assembly fell on Nidec DMN37KA. The motor has a rated power output of 9.2W,
a no-load speed of 4300 rpm and a stall torque of 0.16 Nm. To control the steering
motor, an Olimex BB-VNH3SP30 motor driver was used, due to them being able
to handle the required current to drive the motors.

For the accelerometer and the gyroscope, the GY-521 MPU 6050 breakout board
was chosen, as it combines both components in a small package for a relatively low
price. The MPU 6050 chip also only requires two ports for transferring data from


all six axes, meaning the freed up ports can be used for other purposes. As for
the specific break out board, the GY-521 was chosen due to it having the AD0-pin
included, which makes it possible to change the I2 C address, which is needed in
order to use more than one.

To measure the angle of the front wheel, the potentiometer WAL305 5K from Con-
telec was chosen because of its resolution of 0.3 degrees. The hole in its center was
also large enough for the motor shaft of the steering motor above to fit.

A simple photo micro sensor was used along with a 3D-printed encoder wheel to
measure the velocity of the bicycle.

Finally, the pulley and driving belt were chosen after some simulation and estimation
of the required speeds of the bicycle, which resulted in a desired drive ratio of 4.

3.3 Electronics

In addition to the sensors, motor drivers and the Arduino Uno, two simple circuit
boards were constructed. One power supply board which distributes the power to
all components and one user interface board which has two buttons and five LEDs.
The circuitry for both boards and the wiring of all the electrical components are
available in appendix A.

The power supply board has three 12 V output connectors which supply power
to the motors and nine 5 V output connectors that supply power to the sensors
and the Arduino. The input to the board is 12 V from the battery bank, and an
LM7805 regulates the voltage down to 5 V. On each side of the LM7805 there are
capacitors that help with stability and transient responses. It is the same circuit as
recommended in the data sheet [15], except that a 47 µF capacitor was used on the
input side instead of 33 µF, as there was one readily available during construction.

The interface board was created to be able to turn on or off the program at a given
time. This is done with the two buttons available on the board. The board also
contains five LEDs to be able to receive some sort of feedback, which for example
could be helpful when troubleshooting code.

The mounted electronics on the bicycle is shown in Figure 3.2.


Figure 3.2. Photograph of the box housing the electronics.

3.4 Construction

Once the components needed were identified a prototype was modeled in Solid Edge
ST9. First, the size of the bicycle was decided on by choosing appropriate wheel
sizes, where limitations in the manufacturing process had to be considered. It was
decided that the wheel sizes would be 160 mm in diameter. The modeling then
started with an idea that the batteries should be located in the frame to keep the
center of mass around the middle of the bicycle. Mounts for a box to contain the
electronics were modeled at the top of the frame. Due to size limitations in 3D-
printing, the frame was split into two parts, and the rear part that holds the rear
wheel and driving motor was modeled later.

Focus was then shifted to finishing the steer assembly while considering availability
and price of components such as ball bearings. The result is shown in Figure 3.3,
where the steering DC motor is mounted on top of the steer assembly, held in place
by a cover. The angle sensor (linear potentiometer) that is mounted on the motor
axle is also visible.


Figure 3.3. CAD model of the steer assembly. Created using Solid Edge ST9.

After the steer assembly was finished, the rear part of the the frame was modeled,
shown in Figure 3.4, along with a mount for the driving motor. This mount included
rails so that the driving motor’s position could be adjusted to ensure proper tension
in the timing belt that transfers the torque to the rear axle.

Figure 3.4. CAD model of the rear part of the bicycle. Created using Solid Edge


The completed CAD model is shown in Figure 3.5. For drawings of the 3D-printed
parts and an exploded assembly, refer to appendix B.

Figure 3.5. CAD model of the completed bicycle. Created using Solid Edge ST9.
Rendered in KeyShot 6.3.

All the brown parts and the black electronic box in the figure were 3D-printed on
an Ultimaker 2 with polylactic acid (PLA) as material. The wheels were created
by laser cutting acrylic, and the tyres were simply made by gluing rubber directly
onto the wheels. The torque transfer from the rear axle to the rear wheel is via two
collars glued to each side of the wheel. The same method was used to attach and
fix the pulley and the pulse code wheel to the rear axle. This method was probably
not ideal to create a long lasting or a serious construction, but the decision was
made to decrease model complexity, cost and save time. In all cases the glue used
was cyanoacrylate, usually called "super glue". The final construction is shown in
Figure 3.6.


Figure 3.6. Photograph of the bicycle.

3.5 Experimental setup

In order to ascertain and test the feasibility of the system, a significant amount
of testing was done. To collect data on how the bicycle reacted and ran during
the tests, in addition to simple observations, a micro SD card reader situated on a
breakout board was installed on the Arduino. This was due to the fact that because
the bicycle had to move during testing, data could not be transfered directly to a
computer via a USB cable. Data on PWM levels, angles, accelerations, loop times
and velocities were then written to an SD card in CSV-format for later analysis
in MATLAB. A few of the later test runs were also filmed and analyzed frame by
frame to get a better understanding of what was happening.

To reduce the risk of the demonstrator breaking during testing, mainly from falling
over and/or driving into walls, two thin ropes were fastened to the frame of the
bicycle. One rope was was attached at the front of the bicycle and another at the
back, both seen in Figure 3.6 above. This ensured that the bicycle could be lifted
in the case of danger. A section of code was also added to the Arduino, where one
of the accelerometers was utilized in such a way that a quick pull in the vertical
direction of the bicycle would turn off all motors.

Because of the nature of the chosen way of balancing, the bicycle had to reach a
sufficient velocity before any actual balancing could realistically be performed. The
initial idea was to simply use the above mentioned ropes to keep the bicycle upright
until a hard coded velocity had been reached. However, this particular approach
was harder than initially estimated due to the difficulties with keeping the bicycle
upright while maintaining an appropriate amount of friction against the ground.


To solve this issue, a single support wheel was constructed and installed on the
right outermost part of the rear axle. This wheel was made to be slightly smaller
than the regular wheels, so that when the bicycle reached a sufficient velocity and
balance regulation was initiated, it could drive without the support wheel touching
the ground. The resulting size of the wheel was such that when resting on the
support wheel, the bicycle tilted slightly below 10 degrees.

The experiments were mainly conducted in a corridor with plastic flooring, with a
few test runs being done on stone flooring as well as asphalt.

For the most part, the testing was done in groups of a few test drives at a time,
after which the data was analyzed in MATLAB. Potential problems and areas of
improvement both when it comes to construction and regulator variables were de-
termined. Improvements were implemented on these areas and another group of
tests were conducted. When the Arduino code was finished and most parameters
were tweaked, the support wheel could be removed. The bicycle was then held
upright for approximately one second while it accelerated up to speed, after it was
released to balance on its own.

Chapter 4


The results from the experiments were mixed. On some occasions, the bicycle man-
aged to keep itself balanced. On others it seemed that tyre friction was a limiting
factor. Some times the Arduino locked up, which caused the PWM signals to stop
working. This set the motor speeds to either be fully on or fully off, sometimes
resulting in damage to the bicycle fork.

Figure 4.1 shows a typical run where the bicycle exceeds the frictional limit between
the tyres and the flooring. This was verified by a frame-by-frame analysis of a
recording of the test run. This particular test run was conducted on dusty plastic
flooring. The bicycle was lifted at approximately 1.5 seconds to prevent damage,
hence the increase in speed. The lean angle starts at approximately 8 degrees due
to the fact that this run utilized the support wheel on the right side of the bicycle
until it got up to speed. The steer reference angle was initially -4 degrees, as a
counter measure to the support wheel dragging the bicycle to the right.



Angles (deg) 20

Lean angle
Lean reference
Steer angle
Steer reference
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (s)
Speed (km/h)


Speed reference
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (s)

Figure 4.1. A typical experimental result where the bicycle loses friction. Created
using MATLAB.

Figure 4.2 below shows data from one of the longest test runs conducted where
the bicycle managed to balance itself. The test was carried out on parquet flooring
without the use of the support wheel. The bicycle was held upright until the balance
regulator was turned on. This was programmed to happen when the speed passes
6 km/h, as can be seen at around the 0.8 second mark in the plot.

Lean angle
40 Lean reference
Angles (deg)

Steer angle
20 Steer reference

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time (s)
8 15
Speed (km/h)

6 Speed
Voltage (V)

Speed reference 10
4 Drive motor voltage


0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time (s)

Figure 4.2. A typical experimental result where the bicycle managed to keep itself
balanced. Created using MATLAB.

Figure 4.3 below is a simulation using the same initial conditions as the experimental
setup used in Figure 4.2 for comparison.

Lean angle
Lean reference
Angles (deg)

Steer angle
Steer reference


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time (s)
10 15
Speed (km/h)

Voltage (V)
5 Speed
Speed reference
Drive motor voltage

0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time (s)

Figure 4.3. Results of simulating the bicycle, matching the initial values of the
experimental run in Figure 4.2. Created using MATLAB.

Chapter 5

Discussion and conclusions

5.1 Discussion

Firstly, the general outcome of testing (focusing on Figure 4.1) will be addressed.
In this figure, the bicycle fell a few moments after the regulator was initiated. After
filming a few cases of this occurring and doing a frame by frame analysis of what
was happening, the most likely cause of this issue was insufficient friction between
the wheels and the ground. In order to straighten itself up from leaning on the
support wheel, the bicycle needed to turn right first so as to create a centrifugal
force to pull the bicycle up. To stop the bicycle from tipping over too much on the
other side, it naturally had to turn left which can also be seen in aforementioned
figure. When examining this and similar cases in the video material, the bicycle
can be seen to continue traveling in whatever direction it was heading prior to the
change in steer angle, solidifying the suspicion that friction is the main problem in
these cases.

The wheels were a challenge to construct in general, not only in terms of trying to
mimic the friction of an actual tire. When laser cutting them from plexiglas, the
rim of the wheels ended up with a slight sloped face, as the laser did not cut through
the entire 5 mm thickness at once. While this might not be a major issue, it might
very well still be a contributing factor to the issues of the system. Another possible
issue with the wheels is the fastening of rubber on them. This rubber fastening
proved to be more difficult than anticipated which resulted in a somewhat uneven
amount of glue being placed around the edge, making the wheels not as smooth as
they ought to be. Another possible reason is that the wheels do not have proper
tires. As such they are not filled with air as actual bicycle tires are, meaning they
do not provide any dampening of vibrations from the ground, but rather transfer
them straight to the rest of the bicycle and consequently the sensors.

Another weak point of the constructed demonstrator, both in terms of vibrations

and overall durability, is the bicycle fork on the front wheel. Because of its thin


design, it flexes upward more than can be considered reasonable due to the weight
of the demonstrator. Not only does this lead to a lot of unnecessary vibrations due
to it flexing back and forth during driving, but it also broke three times during

Despite the wheels not providing any dampening, there were other sources of vibra-
tions. For example, the drive and steering motor contribute to a lot of vibrations,
both of which could have been isolated better. The overall small size of the demon-
strator also contributed to more severe vibrations. This is because any smaller
cavities or bumps in the flooring were much bigger in relation to the demonstrator
as opposed to what would be the case with an actual bicycle. All of these vibrations
combined with general sensor noise led to a need to filter some signals. However,
the signals were still quite noisy even after processing them, which in turn might
have led to increased instability of the bicycle.

Despite the above problems, the bicycle did manage to balance itself sometimes, as
can be seen in test runs such as Figure 4.2. Of course, this particular test was fairly
short, as the bicycle had to be stopped before it crashed into a wall. Regardless,
given the behavior of the system in the graph as well as the observations of how it
looked from the outside, it seems very likely that it would have continued balancing a
fair bit longer, given enough free space to drive on. This points toward the regulator
and the underlying idea being correct. Something that might prove problematic in
the regulator is the spots in the domain with large relative errors visible in Figure
2.6. These unfortunately seem to coincide with the desired lean angles and their
appropriate steer angles. However, because the system won’t stay in any lean/steer
angle configuration for more than a very short moment, these errors should not
have too big of an impact for small values of steer and lean angles. In Figure 3.1,
showing a simulation of the system, the bicycle can be seen passing one of these
spots around the 2 second mark. The error spikes but quickly reduces again.

The biggest issue in determining the feasibility of the constructed system, even if
the above problems are ignored and only the good test runs are considered, is the
unfortunately short distances the bicycle has been allowed to run in. This is in
part another byproduct of the small stature of the demonstrator. As stated earlier,
even relatively small imperfections in the ground had a much bigger impact on the
system than they would have had on an actual real-sized bicycle. Because of this,
the location in which testing could have been conducted became limited, as large
halls with clear floors made of a material with good friction, were hard to come by.
Using a real bicycle for the testing was unfortunately not possible however, because
of the restricted nature of the available budget of around 1000 Swedish crowns. This
budget was slightly exceeded to create this demonstrator.

Other smaller issues that contributed to difficulties in determining the feasibility of

the system include how the electrical components react and work together, as well
as their implementation. As it was not possible to record data straight from the


Arduino via USB during testing, an SD card (as stated in Section 3.5) for data to be
written onto had to be installed. The problem with this particular solution was that
the library needed to write onto the card takes up around 30-40 % of the dynamic
memory of the Arduino Uno. This led to memory issues and possibly instability of
the microcontroller.

Another component that caused problems was the MPU 6050, particularly the one
assigned as the lean angle measurer, which caused the Arduino to freeze fairly
frequently. The reason behind this isn’t entirely clear, but we suspect that it is
caused by disturbances in the data transfer between the Arduino and MPU through
the I2 C bus. This bus is designed primarily for short distance communication only.
The disturbances in question could originate from the PWM signals sent to the
drive motor, whose cables lie close to the communication cables of the MPU.

The final issue that made testing and tweaking of the system difficult was the batter-
ies and their supplied voltage. Because the bicycle in its current state pulls current
straight from the batteries without a voltage regulator in-between, the voltage sup-
plied to the motors changes as the batteries become increasingly drained. Voltage
supply variation affects the speed of the motors, which in turn affects the system
as a whole, and thus, seemingly promising regulator parameters would have to be
changed after a while.

5.2 Conclusion
The system has quite a few issues that makes balancing difficult, mainly the friction
with the ground. This stemmed from bad wheels and a low weight of the system.
The actual regulator however, does seem to work fairly well. This is because when
the bicycle did keep its balance, it seemingly would have continued to do so given
enough space for it to move in. More testing has to be conducted before a more
decisive conclusion can be drawn, preferably done on a larger demonstrator.

5.3 Suggested improvements

In light of the above discussion, it is evident that a lot of things can be done to
improve both the overall performance of the system itself, as well as the overall ease
of testing the system. Following is a few improvements that should be taken into
account, should further testing with a new demonstrator be conducted.

Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, simply using an actual bicycle, or at least
a bigger demonstrator for testing could fix a lot of the bigger problems with the
system. The increased weight of the system would increase its grip with the ground
significantly, potentially eliminating or at least decreasing the risk of the wheels
slipping. Having proper wheels with air-filled tires would not just provide some
well needed damping, but would decrease the system vibrations caused by smaller


surface imperfections. An example of a surface with smaller imperfections is as-

phalt. Another side effect of being able to drive on asphalt is that testing could be
conducted on more or less any empty parking lot, completely removing the issue
of finding a good testing location. The flexing problems of the fork would also be
solved by using a real bicycle, as it would be constructed from a much sturdier
material like steel as compared to the material now used in the demonstrator. Of
course, even if an up-scaling was not done, simply making the fork out of a stiffer
material would solve these flexing problems. However, increasing the size of the
demonstrator comes with some obvious drawbacks, mainly the fact that the motors
would have to be a lot more powerful, and consequently a lot more expensive. As
would the battery pack needed to power these motors.

Electronics wise, the components used in this demonstrator should work fine for the
most part even in an up-scaled model. One exception would be the potentiometer
used for angular readings on the front wheel which would have to be replaced by
a larger version. It is technically possible to use the accelerometer/gyro already
situated on the front wheel to calculate the steer angle, which is something that
was initially tested on this demonstrator. This is not recommended however, as the
implementation of this was prone to a lot of errors on top of having a restricted
domain of allowed steer and lean angles. Some kind of potentiometer or encoder
solution would therefore be preferred. Also, to avoid memory issues in the micro
controller, a board such as the Arduino Mega or a Raspberry Pi would be recom-
mended, even though a Uno does seem to work, albeit barely with the SD library

Regarding the issues with the Arduino freezing due to the MPU, a simple up-
scaling of the system could possibly fix this as well. That is, if the issue is related to
disturbances in the communication due to PWM signals. An upscaling would mean
that the wires could be more easily separated. Otherwise, using shielded cables
could solve these issues.

Lastly in terms of electronics, simply installing a voltage regulator between the

battery pack and the rest of the system to allow for more consistent voltages is a
must, to avoid changes in system behavior due to the batteries becoming drained.

Finally, software wise, there might be room for further optimization in the code.
In its current state however, it has been stripped of most, if not all, unnecessary
processes. Also, a change from the complementary filter to a Kalman filter would
likely help to improve the overall accuracy of the measured lean angle.


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“Gyroscopic stabilization of an unmanned bicycle.” American Automatic Con-
trol Council, June 2014, pp. 4549–4554.

[2] M. Yamakita, A. Utano, and K. Sekiguchi, “Experimental study of automatic

control of bicycle with balancer.” IEEE, October 2006, pp. 5606–5611.

[3] M. Baquero-Suárez, J. Cortés-Romero, J. Arcos-Legarda, and H. Coral-

Enriquez, “A robust two-stage active disturbance rejection control for the stabi-
lization of a riderless bicycle,” Multibody System Dynamics, pp. 1–29, January

[4] “Arduino Uno Rev3,” Accessed: 2018-05-13. [Online]. Available: https:


[5] NXP Semiconductors, “UM10204 I2C-bus specification and user manual,”

Accessed: 2018-05-14. [Online]. Available: https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/

[6] “Arduino - SPI,” Accessed: 2018-05-18. [Online]. Available: https:


[7] H. Johansson, Elektroteknik. Stockholm: Institutionen för maskinkonstruk-

tion, Tekniska högsk., 2006.

[8] “Fundamentals of Potentiometers,” Accessed: 2018-05-19. [Online]. Available:


[9] “Introduction to Accelerometer Measurement,” Accessed: 2018-05-19. [Online].

Available: https://www.omega.com/prodinfo/accelerometers.html

[10] Majid Dadafshar, “Accelerometer and Gyroscopes Sensors: Operation,

Sensing, and Applications,” Accessed: 2018-05-19. [Online]. Available:


[11] W. Higgins, “A comparison of complementary and kalman filtering,” Aerospace

and Electronic Systems, IEEE Transactions on, vol. AES-11, no. 3, pp. 321–
325, May 1975.

[12] Sanghyuk Park, Jonathan How, “MIT Lecture on Comple-

mentary and Kalman filters,” Accessed: 2018-05-19. [On-
line]. Available: https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/aeronautics-and-astronautics/

[13] T. Glad, Reglerteknik : grundläggande teori, 4th ed. Lund: Studentlitteratur,


[14] T. Sauer, Numerical analysis, second edition, pearson new international edi-
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[15] Fairchild Semiconductor, “LM78XX/LM78XXA 3-Terminal 1A Positive

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Driving motor Photomicro-
GY-521 GY-521 SD card
WAL 305 sensor

Appendix A





0 A5



2 A3

Motor B
Motor A
~3 A2 Interface board
Olimex 4 A1
~5 A0
BB-VNH3SP30 ~6 WHITE 100 Ω
100 Ω



7 Vin

12 V out connections
9 5V
RED 150 Ω


Power supply board

5 V out connections
13 GND

Arduino Uno R3



SCL 10 kΩ

47 µF

On/off switch
100 nF
10 kΩ
DC Jack
USB Port

Motor A
Motor B
12 V in connector
GND pins

+5V D-
Electrical circuits and wiring

Steering motor Riderless self-balancing bicycle
Battery bank Electrical circuits and wiring

Created with Microsoft PowerPoint, 2018-05-20


Appendix B

CAD drawings

B.1 Frame



B.2 Rear frame


B.3 Fork


B.4 Drive motor mount


B.5 Drive motor cover


B.6 Steer motor cover


B.7 Pulse code wheel


B.8 Exploded bicycle assembly

Appendix C

MATLAB-code for simulation

1 % MATLAB - code for simulating the bicycle system .

2 %
3 % By : Arthur Gr ö nlund & Christos Tolis
4 % Course : MF133X degree project in mechatronics
5 % University : KTH - Kungliga Tekniska H ö gskolan
6 %
7 % Purpose : This program simulates the bicycle system
8 % to test the performance of the controllers and to evaluate
9 % component requirements . Also used to identify potential
10 % problem areas needing improvement .
11 %
12 % The program is split into three sections ,
13 % 1 - Defines the physical properties of the bicycle and
14 % electronics . Linearizes the differential equation
15 % describing the balance of the system .
16 % 2 - Controller design ( pole placements and parameters )
17 % 3 - Simulates the bicycle and presents the results .
18 %
19 % Last change : 2018 -05 -25
20 %
22 clear ;
23 clc ;
25 % Bicycle constants
26 rho = 1.21; % Density of air
27 A_f = 0.3*0.1/2; % Frontal area of vehicle , approximation
28 C_d = 1.0; % Coefficient of drag , approximation
29 g = 9.82; % Gravitational acceleration
30 L = 0.314; % Distance between front and rear axle , measured
in Solid Edge ST9
31 l_b = 0.1385; % Distance from CoG to rear axle , measured in
Solid Edge ST9
32 l_f = L - l_b ; % Distance from CoG to front axle
33 h_g = 0.1655; % Distance from ground to CoG , measured in Solid
Edge ST9
34 r_d = 0.08; % Wheel radius
35 m_d = 0.119; % Mass of wheel , calculated by Solid Edge ST9
36 J_D = 0.000000060; % Moment of inertia of driving motor axle ,
calculated by Solid Edge ST9
37 % J_B = 1/2* m_d * r_d ^2; % Moment of inertia of rear wheel axle ,
38 J_B = 0.00039; % Moment of inertia of rear wheel axle ,
calculated by Solid Edge ST9
39 J_F = J_B ; % Moment of inertia of front wheel axle
40 % J_S = 1/12* m_d * r_d ^2; % Moment of inertia , steer assembly ,
41 J_S = 0.000232; % Moment of inertia , steer assembly , calculated
by Solid Edge ST9
42 m = 1.6; % Vehicle mass , measured


43 % J_L = 1/3* m * L ^2; % Moment of inertia for leaning angle ,

44 J_L = 0.060; % Moment of inertia for leaning angle ,
calculated by Solid Edge ST9
45 my_d = 0.65; % Friction coefficient tyre / ground ,
46 i_d = 4; % Gearing ratio driving motor axle / rear axle
47 eta = 0.95; % Timing belt efficiency , approximated
48 i_s = 1; % Gearing ratio steering motor axle / steer
50 % Electronic " constants "
51 U_battery = 1.2; % Voltage , one battery
52 R_batteri = 45 e -3; % Resistance , one battery
53 s = 10; % Batteries in series
54 p = 1; % Batteries in parallel
55 U_bank = s * U_battery ; % Total voltage of battery bank
56 R_bank = s * R_batteri ; % Total resistance of battery bank
57 R_FET = 5e -3; % Resistance of FET transistor or H - bridge
59 % Driving motor Nidec DMN37KA
60 M_ND = 0.0245; % Nominal torque of driving
61 I_ND = 1.2; % Nominal current of driving
62 U_ND = 12; % Nominal voltage of driving
63 omega_ND = 3600*2* pi /60; % Nominal angular speed of
driving motor
64 k2phi_D = M_ND / I_ND ; % Motor constant of driving
65 omega_0D = U_ND / k2phi_D ; % No load speed of driving motor
66 M_stallD = M_ND * ( omega_0D / ( omega_0D - omega_ND ) ) ; % Stall torque of driving motor
67 I_stallD = M_stallD / k2phi_D ; % Stall current of driving motor
68 R_AD = U_ND / I_stallD ; % Resistance of driving motor
70 % Steering motor Nidec DMN37KA
71 M_NS = 0.0245; % Nominal torque of driving
72 I_NS = 1.2; % Nominal current of driving
73 U_NS = 12; % Nominal voltage of driving
74 omega_NS = 3600*2* pi /60; % Nominal angular speed of
driving motor
75 k2phi_S = M_NS / I_NS ; % Motor constant of driving
76 omega_0S = U_NS / k2phi_S ; % No load speed of driving motor
77 M_stallS = M_NS * ( omega_0S / ( omega_0S - omega_NS ) ) ; % Stall torque of driving motor
78 I_stallS = M_stallS / k2phi_S ; % Stall current of driving motor
79 R_AS = U_bank / I_stallS ; % Resistance of driving motor
81 % Linearization of Alpha
82 [x , y ] = meshgrid ( - pi /2: pi /128: pi /2 , - pi /2: pi /128: pi /2) ;
84 v_lin = 10/3.6; % For plots
85 v_test = 10/3.6; % For plots
87 % Derived function of phi
88 f2 = @ ( theta , phi , v) m * g ./ J_L .* h_g .* sin ( phi ) - m .* sin ( theta ) ./ ( J_L * sqrt ( l_b ^2 + cos (
theta ) .^2*( L ^2 - l_b ^2) ) ) .* v .^2 .* h_g .* cos ( phi ) ;
89 % Taylor expansion of phi , 1 st order
90 T1 = @ ( theta , phi , v) ( m * g * h_g / J_L .* phi - m .* v .^2.* h_g ./( J_L * L ) .* theta ) ;
92 figure ;
93 mesh ( x *180/ pi , y *180/ pi , f2 (x , y , v_test ) ) ;
94 hold on ;
95 mesh ( x *180/ pi , y *180/ pi , T1 (x , y , v_test ) ) ;
96 title ( ’d ^2 phi / dt ^2 vs linearization ’) ;
97 xlabel ( ’ Theta ’) ;
98 ylabel ( ’ Phi ’) ;
99 zlabel ( ’ Angular acceleration of Phi ’) ;
100 colorbar ;

102 figure ;
103 abs_lin_error = abs ( f2 (x , y , v_test ) - T1 (x , y , v_test ) ) ;
104 rel_lin_error = abs_lin_error ./ abs ( f2 (x , y , v_test ) ) * 100;
105 contour ( x *180/ pi , y *180/ pi , rel_lin_error , ’ Showtext ’ , ’ on ’ , ’ Levellist ’ , [1 10 20 30 40
50 60 70 80 90 100 150 200 250 300]) ;
106 title ([ ’ Relative linearization error at v = ’ num2str (3.6* v_test ) ’ kph (%) ’ ]) ;
107 xlabel ( ’ Theta ( deg ) ’) ;
108 ylabel ( ’ Phi ( deg ) ’) ;
109 zlabel ( ’ Error ’) ;
110 grid on ;
112 % % Controller stuff
113 s = tf ( ’s ’) ;
115 % Cykel
116 A_cykel = [0 , 1;
117 m * g * h_g /( J_L ) , 0];
118 B_cykel = @ ( v ) [0;
119 -m * v ^2* h_g / ( J_L * L ) ];
120 C_cykel = [1 0];
122 PP_Im = 6;
123 PP_Re = -7;
125 L_cykel = @ ( v ) [ - J_L * L /( m * h_g * v ^2) * ( PP_Im ^2 + PP_Re ^2 + h_g * m * g / J_L ) , 2* J_L * L * PP_Re /
( m * h_g * v ^2) ];
126 l0_cykel = @ ( v ) - J_L * L / ( m * h_g * v ^2) * ( PP_Im ^2 + PP_Re ^2) ;
127 sys_cykel_pp = @ ( v ) ss ( A_cykel - B_cykel ( v ) * L_cykel ( v ) , B_cykel ( v ) , C_cykel , 0) *
l0_cykel ( v ) ;
129 v_vec = [5/3.6 7/3.6 9/3.6 10/3.6 15/3.6];
131 figure ;
132 t_cykel = 0:0.01:15;
134 for n = 1: length ( v_vec )
135 [ phi_cykel , t_cykel , x_cykel ] = lsim ( sys_cykel_pp ( v_vec ( n ) ) , 5* pi /180* ones (1 , length
( t_cykel ) ) , t_cykel ) ;
136 info_cykel = stepinfo ( phi_cykel , t_cykel ) ;
138 thet aref_cyk el = zeros ( length ( t_cykel ) , 1) ;
139 for j = 1: length ( theta ref_cyke l )
140 theta ref_cyk el ( j ) = - L_cykel ( v_vec ( n ) ) * x_cykel (j , :) ’ + l0_cykel ( v_vec ( n ) ) ;
141 end
143 subplot (2 , 3 , n ) ;
144 plot ( t_cykel , phi_cykel * 180/ pi ) ;
145 hold on ;
146 plot ( t_cykel , th etaref_ cykel * 180/ pi ) ;
147 title ([ ’ Step response of bike system at v = ’ num2str ( v_vec ( n ) * 3.6) ’ km / h ’ ]) ;
148 grid on ;
149 xlabel ( ’ Time ( s ) ’) ;
150 ylabel ( ’ Angle ( degrees ) ’) ;
151 plot ([ info_cykel . SettlingTime info_cykel . SettlingTime ] , [ info_cykel . SettlingMin
info_cykel . SettlingMax ] , ’k ’) ;
152 text ( info_cykel . PeakTime , info_cykel . Peak * 1.05 * 180/ pi , [ ’ Overshoot : ’ num2str (
info_cykel . Overshoot , 4) ’ % ’ ]) ;
153 text ( info_cykel . RiseTime , 0.5 , [ ’ Rise time : ’ num2str ( info_cykel . RiseTime , 4) ’ s ’ ])
154 text ( info_cykel . SettlingTime , info_cykel . SettlingMin * 180/ pi , [ ’ Settling time (2%) :
’ num2str ( info_cykel . SettlingTime , 4) ’ s ’ ]) ;
155 legend ( ’ Phi ( lean angle ) ’ , ’ Requested theta ( steer angle ) ’ , ’ location ’ , ’ southeast ’)
156 end
158 subplot (2 , 3 , 6) ;
159 pzmap ( sys_cykel_pp ( v_vec (1) ) ) ;
160 title ( ’ Pole placement of bike system ’) ;
162 % Motor , steering
163 A_motor_s = [0 , 1;
164 0 , - i_s ^2* k2phi_S ^2/( J_S * R_AS ) ];
165 B_motor_s = [0;
166 i_s * k2phi_S /( J_S * R_AS ) ];


167 C_motor_s = [1 0];

168 Im_s = 30;
169 Re_s = 40;
170 L_motor_s = place ( A_motor_s , B_motor_s , [( - Re_s + 1 i * Im_s ) ( - Re_s - 1 i * Im_s ) ]) ;
171 sys_mot o r_ s_ pp 0 = ss ( A_motor_s - B_motor_s * L_motor_s , B_motor_s , C_motor_s , 0) ;
172 l0_motor_s = 1 / dcgain ( s ys _ mo to r_ s _p p0 ) ;
173 sys_motor_s_ pp = sy s_ mo t or _s _p p 0 * l0_motor_s ;
175 [ theta_motor_s , t_motor_s , x_motor_s ] = step ( sys_mot or_s_pp ) ;
176 u_motor_s = zeros ( length ( t_motor_s ) , 1) ;
177 for j = 1: length ( u_motor_s )
178 u_motor_s ( j ) = - L_motor_s * x_motor_s (j , :) ’ + l0_motor_s ;
179 end
181 info_mo t or _s _p p = stepinfo ( sys_mo tor_s_pp ) ;
183 figure ;
184 subplot (1 , 2 , 1) ;
185 plot ( t_motor_s , theta_motor_s ) ;
186 hold on ;
187 plot ( t_motor_s , u_motor_s ) ;
188 title ( ’ Steering motor State space model ’) ;
189 grid on ;
190 plot ([ in f o_ mo to r _s _p p . SettlingTime i nf o _m ot or _ s_ pp . SettlingTime ] , [ i nf o _m ot or _ s_ pp .
SettlingMin i nf o_ mo t or _s _p p . SettlingMax ] , ’k ’) ;
191 text ( in fo _ mo to r_ s _p p . PeakTime , i n fo_m ot o r_ s_ pp . Peak * 1.05 , [ ’ Overshoot : ’ num2str (
inf o_ mo t or _s _p p . Overshoot , 4) ’ % ’ ]) ;
192 text ( in fo _ mo to r_ s _p p . RiseTime , 0.5 , [ ’ Rise time : ’ num2str ( in fo _m o to r_ s_ p p . RiseTime , 4)
’ s ’ ]) ;
193 text ( in fo _ mo to r_ s _p p . SettlingTime , i nf o _m ot or _ s_ pp . SettlingMin , [ ’ Settling time (2%) : ’
num2str ( i nf o _m ot or _ s_ pp . SettlingTime , 4) ’ s ’ ]) ;
194 legend ( ’ Theta ’ , ’ Motor voltage ’) ;
196 subplot (1 , 2 , 2) ;
197 pzmap ( sys_m otor_s_p p ) ;
198 title ( ’ Steering motor State space model ’) ;
201 % Motor , drive force
202 Kp = 12;
203 Ki = 6;
204 Kd = 0;
205 G_D = k2phi_D * i_d * eta / ( ( r_d *( m + ( J_D * i_d ^2* eta + J_B + J_F ) / r_d ^2) *( R_bank +
R_AD + R_FET ) ) * s + eta * k2phi_D ^2* i_d ^2/ r_d ) ;
206 F_D = Kp + Ki / s + Kd * s ;
207 sys_motor_d = feedback ( F_D * G_D , 1) ;
208 info_motor_d = stepinfo ( sys_motor_d ) ;
210 [ gammaspeed_motor_d , t_motor_d ] = step ( sys_motor_d ) ;
211 [ u_motor_d , ~] = step ( F_D / (1 + F_D * G_D ) , t_motor_d ) ;
213 figure ;
214 subplot (1 , 2 , 1) ;
215 plot ( t_motor_d , g a m m a s p e e d _ m o t o r _ d ) ;
216 hold on ;
217 plot ( t_motor_d , u_motor_d ) ;
218 title ( ’ Driving motor PID ’) ;
219 grid on ;
220 plot ([ info_motor_d . SettlingTime info_motor_d . SettlingTime ] , [ info_motor_d . SettlingMin
info_motor_d . SettlingMax ] , ’k ’) ;
221 text ( info_motor_d . PeakTime , info_motor_d . Peak * 1.05 , [ ’ Overshoot : ’ num2str (
info_motor_d . Overshoot , 4) ’ % ’ ]) ;
222 text ( info_motor_d . RiseTime , 0.5 , [ ’ Rise time : ’ num2str ( info_motor_d . RiseTime , 4) ’ s ’ ])
223 text ( info_motor_d . SettlingTime , info_motor_d . SettlingMin , [ ’ Settling time (2%) : ’
num2str ( info_motor_d . SettlingTime , 4) ’ s ’ ]) ;
224 legend ( ’ Speed ’ , ’ Motor voltage ’) ;
226 subplot (1 , 2 , 2) ;
227 pzmap ( sys_motor_d ) ;
228 title ( ’ Driving motor PID ’) ;
231 % % Simulation

232 % Variables - initial values
233 U_AD = 0.0001; % Voltage over driving motor ( if set to 0 things
break ....)
234 U_AS = 0; % Voltage over steering motor
235 theta_ref = 0; % Desired steering angle
236 FDist = 0; % Disturbing force
237 Cr = 0.004; % Rolling resistance ( set to 0 to not simulate )
238 s i m u l a t e _ p h i _ a c c e l e r a t i o n = 1; % Indicates whether we should simulate falling over
or not
239 s i m u l a t e _ a i r _ r e s i s t a n c e = 1; % Indicates whether we should simulate air
resistance or not
240 s i m u l a t e _ d r i v e _ f o r c e = 1; % Indicates whether we should simulate driving force
241 phi_ref = 0; % Desired lean angle
242 v_ref = 7/3.6; % Desired speed ( m / s )
243 regulat e S t e e ri n g = 0; % Don ’ t regulate steering initially
244 ti meA tt a i n e d S p e e d = 9999999; % Variable for logging the time that the bicycle
attained a certain speed
246 % Functions that remain constant throughout simulation
247 r_g = @ ( theta ) sqrt ( l_b ^2 + cos ( theta ) .^2*( L ^2 - l_b ^2) ) ./ sin ( theta ) ; % Curve
248 F_D = @ ( U_AD , v ) i_d * eta / r_d *( k2phi_D * ( U_AD - k2phi_D * i_d * v / r_d ) / ( R_bank + R_AD +
R_FET ) ) ; % Driving force
249 F_B = 0; %
Braking force
250 F_L = @ ( v ) 1/2* rho * A_f * C_d * v ^2; % Air
251 N_B = @ ( U_AD , v ) l_f / L * m * g + h_g / L * F_D ( U_AD , v ) ; % Normal
force , rear tire
252 N_F = @ ( U_AD , v ) l_b / L * m * g - h_g / L * F_D ( U_AD , v ) ; % Normal
force , front tire
253 F_Rb = @ ( U_AD , v ) sign ( v ) * Cr * N_F ( U_AD , v ) ; %
Rolling resistance , rear tire
254 F_Rf = @ ( U_AD , v ) sign ( v ) * Cr * N_B ( U_AD , v ) ; %
Rolling resistance , front tire
255 F_C = @ (v , theta ) -m * v ^2/ r_g ( theta ) ; %
Centrifugal force
256 F_G = m * g ; %
Gravitational force
258 % Runge - Kutta -4 setup
259 h = 0.015; % Step length Runge - Kutta 4
260 t = 0: h :8; % Simulation time vector
261 s0 = 0; % Initial position
262 v0 = 7/3.6; % Initial speed
263 phi0 = 0; % Initial lean angle
264 omega_phi0 = 0; % Initial lean rotational speed
265 theta0 = 0; % Initial steer angle
266 omega_theta0 = 0; % Initial steer rotational speed
268 U = zeros (6 , length ( t ) ) ; % Allocate memory for the solution
269 U (: , 1) = [ s0 ; v0 ; phi0 ; omega_phi0 ; theta0 ; omega_theta0 ;];
271 % Allocate vectors that store information about the simulation
272 Acceleration = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
273 Speed = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
274 PhiSpeed = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
275 Gamma = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
276 GammaSpeed = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
277 Distance = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
278 Phi = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
279 PhiAcce l er at io n = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
280 Theta = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
281 ThetaSpeed = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
282 Th eta Ac c e l e r a t i o n = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
283 L in e ar i z a t i o n E r r o r = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
284 XPos = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
285 YPos = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
286 Beta = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
287 ForceDriving = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
288 ForceBraking = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
289 ForceDisturb = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
290 ForceAirResi st = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
291 F o r c e R o l l i n g R e s i s t F r o n t = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;


292 F o r c e R o l l i n g R e s i s t R e a r = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;

293 F or c eF r i c t i o n F r o n t = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
294 Fo rce Fr i c t i o n R e a r = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
295 F ri c ti o n L i m i t F r o n t = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
296 Fr ict io n L i m i t R e a r = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
297 V o l t a g e S t e e r i n g M o t o r = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
298 C u r r e n t S t e e r i n g M o t o r = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
299 T o r q u eS t e e r i n g M o t o r = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
300 P ow e rS t e e r i n g M o t o r = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
301 V o l t a ge D r i v i n g M o t o r = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
302 C u r r e nt D r i v i n g M o t o r = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
303 T o r q u e D r i v i n g M o t o r A x l e = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
304 TorqueRearAx le = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
305 Po wer Dr i v i n g M o t o r = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
306 ReferenceThe ta = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
307 ReferencePhi = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
308 ReferenceSpe ed = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
309 SpeedError = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
310 G am m aI n t e g r a l E r r o r = zeros (1 , length ( t ) ) ;
312 for j = 2: length ( t )
313 % Update the functions , in case some parameters have changed
314 F_ff = @ ( U_A , v , theta ) l_b / L * abs ( F_C (v , theta ) - FDist ) ;
315 F_fb = @ ( U_A , v , theta ) sqrt ( l_f / L * ( F_C (v , theta ) - FDist ) ^2 + F_D ( U_A , v ) ^2) ;
316 acceleration = @ ( U_AD , v ) ( s i m u l a t e _ d r i v e _ f o r c e * F_D ( U_AD , v ) -
s i m u l a t e _ a i r _ r e s i s t a n c e * F_L ( v ) - F_Rf ( U_AD , v ) - F_Rb ( U_AD , v ) ) / ...
317 ( m + ( J_D * i_d ^2* eta + J_B + J_F ) / r_d ^2) ;
318 phi _ a c c e l e r a t i on = @ (v , phi , theta ) s i m u l a t e _ p h i _ a c c e l e r a t i o n *( m * g ./ J_L .* h_g * sin ( phi
) - m .* v ^2.* h_g ./( J_L * r_g ( theta ) ) .* cos ( phi ) + FDist / J_L ) ;
320 t he t a _ a c c e l e r a t i o n = @ ( U_A , omega_theta ) i_s * k2phi_S / ( J_S * R_AS ) * U_A - i_s ^2*
k2phi_S ^2/( J_S * R_AS ) * omega_theta ;
322 F = @ ( u ) [ u (2) ; % dy / dt
323 acceleration ( U_AD , u (2) ) ; % d2y / dt2
324 u (4) ; % dphi / dt
325 p h i _ a c c e l e r a ti o n ( u (2) , u (3) , u (5) ) ; % d2phi / dt2
326 u (6) ; % dtheta / dt
327 t h e t a _ a c c e l e r a t i o n ( U_AS , u (6) ) ;]; % d2theta / dt2
329 % The Runge - Kutta -4 iteration
330 un = U (: , ( j - 1) ) ;
331 k1 = F ( un ) ;
332 k2 = F ( un + h /2* k1 ) ;
333 k3 = F ( un + h /2* k2 ) ;
334 k4 = F ( un + h * k3 ) ;
336 U (: , j ) = un + h /6 * ( k1 + 2* k2 + 2* k3 + k4 ) ;
338 % Collect information
339 Distance ( j ) = U (1 , j ) ;
340 Speed ( j ) = U (2 , j ) ;
341 Acceleration ( j ) = acceleration ( U_AD , Speed ( j ) ) ;
342 Gamma ( j ) = U (1 , j ) * i_d / r_d ;
343 GammaSpeed ( j ) = U (2 , j ) * i_d / r_d ;
344 Phi ( j ) = U (3 , j ) ;
345 Theta ( j ) = U (5 , j ) ;
346 PhiSpeed ( j ) = U (4 , j ) ;
347 ThetaSpeed ( j ) = U (6 , j ) ;
348 Phi Ac ce le r at io n ( j ) = p h i _ a c c e l e r a t i o n ( Speed ( j ) , Phi ( j ) , Theta ( j ) ) ;
349 Th e t a A c c e l e r a t i o n ( j ) = t h e t a _ a c c e l e r a t i o n ( U_AS , U (6 , j ) ) ;
350 L in e a r i z a t i o n E r r o r ( j ) = abs ( f2 ( Theta ( j ) , Phi ( j ) , Speed ( j ) ) - T1 ( Theta ( j ) , Phi ( j ) ,
Speed ( j ) ) ) / abs ( f2 ( Theta ( j ) , Phi ( j ) , Speed ( j ) ) ) * 100;
351 ForceDriving ( j ) = F_D ( U_AD , Speed ( j ) ) ;
352 ForceBraking ( j ) = - F_B ;
353 ForceDisturb ( j ) = FDist ;
354 Forc eAirResi st ( j ) = s i m u l a t e _ a i r _ r e s i s t a n c e * F_L ( Speed ( j ) ) ;
355 F o r c e R o l l i n g R e s i s t F r o n t ( j ) = F_Rf ( U_AD , Speed ( j ) ) ;
356 F o r c e R o l l i n g R e s i s t R e a r ( j ) = F_Rb ( U_AD , Speed ( j ) ) ;
357 Beta ( j ) = Beta ( j - 1) + ( Distance ( j ) - Distance ( j - 1) ) / ( sqrt ( l_b ^2 + cos ( Theta ( j )
) .^2*( L ^2 - l_b ^2) ) ./ sin ( Theta ( j ) ) ) ;
358 XPos ( j ) = XPos ( j - 1) + ( Distance ( j ) - Distance ( j - 1) ) * sin ( Beta ( j ) ) ;
359 YPos ( j ) = YPos ( j - 1) + ( Distance ( j ) - Distance ( j - 1) ) * cos ( Beta ( j ) ) ;
360 F or c e F r i c t i o n F r o n t ( j ) = F_ff ( U_AD , Speed ( j ) , Theta ( j ) ) ;

361 Fo r c e F r i c t i o n R e a r ( j ) = F_fb ( U_AD , Speed ( j ) , Theta ( j ) ) ;
362 F ri c t i o n L i m i t F r o n t ( j ) = N_F ( U_AD , Speed ( j ) ) * my_d ;
363 Fr i c t i o n L i m i t R e a r ( j ) = N_B ( U_AD , Speed ( j ) ) * my_d ;
364 V o l t a g e S t e e r i n g M o t o r ( j ) = U_AS ;
365 T o r q u e S t e e r i n g M o t o r ( j ) = i_s * k2phi_S / R_AS * ( U_AS - k2phi_S * ThetaSpeed ( j ) ) ;
366 C u r r e n t S t e e r i n g M o t o r ( j ) = T o r q u e S t e e r i n g M o t o r ( j ) / k2phi_S ;
367 P ow e r S t e e r i n g M o t o r ( j ) = T o r q u e S t e e r i n g M o t o r ( j ) * ThetaSpeed ( j ) ;
368 V o l t a g e D r i v i n g M o t o r ( j ) = U_AD ;
369 Torq ueRearAx le ( j ) = i_d * k2phi_D / R_AD * ( U_AD - k2phi_D * GammaSpeed ( j ) ) ;
370 T o r q u e D r i v i n g M o t o r A x l e ( j ) = k2phi_D / R_AD * ( U_AD - k2phi_D * GammaSpeed ( j ) ) ;
371 C u r r e n t D r i v i n g M o t o r ( j ) = T o r q u e D r i v i n g M o t o r A x l e ( j ) / k2phi_D ;
372 Po w e r D r i v i n g M o t o r ( j ) = T o r q u e D r i v i n g M o t o r A x l e ( j ) * GammaSpeed ( j ) ;
373 Refe renceSpe ed ( j ) = v_ref ;
374 ReferencePhi ( j ) = phi_ref ;
375 Refe renceThe ta ( j ) = theta_ref ;
376 SpeedError ( j ) = v_ref - Speed ( j ) ;
378 % Simulation logic begins here
379 if ( abs ( Phi ( j ) ) > pi /2) % Vehicle fell over
380 FD = 0; % There is no longer a driving force
381 Cr = 1; % Increase the rolling resistance so the vehicle comes
to a halt
382 s i m u l a t e _ p h i _ a c c e l e r a t i o n = 0; % Stop simulating the leaning part
383 U (4 , j ) = 0; % Alpha speed is now zero
384 end
386 % Check if friction was lost
387 % if ( F o r c e F r i c t i o n R e a r ( j ) > N_B ( U_AD , Speed ( j ) ) * my_d ) % Rear wheel traction
was lost
388 % break ;
389 % end
390 % if ( F o r c e F r i c t i o n F r o n t ( j ) > N_F ( U_AD , Speed ( j ) ) * my_d ) % Front wheel traction
was lost
391 % break ;
392 % end
394 % Automatic control begins here
395 delta_t = ( t ( j ) - t ( j - 1) ) ;
397 % Balancing regulator
398 theta_ref = - L_cykel ( Speed ( j ) ) *[ Phi ( j ) ; PhiSpeed ( j ) ] + l0_cykel ( Speed ( j ) ) * phi_ref
399 if theta_ref > 60* pi /180 % Dont request steering angles higher than a set
400 theta_ref = 60* pi /180;
401 elseif theta_ref < -60* pi /180
402 theta_ref = -60* pi /180;
403 end
405 % Steer motor regulator
406 U_AS = - L_motor_s *[ Theta ( j ) ; ThetaSpeed ( j ) ] + l0_motor_s * theta_ref ;
408 % Speed regulator ( cruise control )
409 U_AD = Kp * SpeedError ( j ) + Ki * delta_t * sum ( SpeedError ) + Kd *( SpeedError ( j ) -
SpeedError ( j - 1) ) / delta_t ;
411 if U_AS > 12 % Maximum voltage available for motors is U_bank
412 U_AS = 12;
413 elseif U_AS < -12
414 U_AS = -12;
415 end
416 if U_AD > U_bank
417 U_AD = U_bank ;
418 elseif U_AD < 0
419 U_AD = 0;
420 end
422 % Change some parameters over time
423 if ( t ( j ) > 1)
424 phi_ref = -15* pi /180;
425 end
427 if ( t ( j ) > 6)
428 phi_ref = 15* pi /180;


429 end
431 if ( t ( j ) > 3)
432 v_ref = 12/3.6;
433 end
435 % Introduce some disturbances
436 if ( t ( j ) > 2 && t ( j ) < 5)
437 FDist = -1 + 0.5* rand () ;
438 elseif ( t ( j ) > 5)
439 FDist = 0.5 + rand () ;
440 else
441 FDist = 0;
442 end
444 end
446 % Plot results
447 figure ;
448 subplot (3 , 4 , 1) ;
449 plot (t , Acceleration ) ;
450 title ( ’ Acceleration ’) ;
451 ylabel ( ’ Acceleration ( m / s ^2) ’) ;
452 xlabel ( ’ Time ( s ) ’) ;
453 grid on ;
455 subplot (3 , 4 , 2) ;
456 plot (t , Speed * 3.6) ;
457 hold on ;
458 plot (t , Ref erenceSp eed * 3.6) ;
459 title ( ’ Speed ’) ;
460 xlabel ( ’ Time ( s ) ’) ;
461 ylabel ( ’ Speed ( km / h ) ’) ;
462 legend ( ’ Speed ’ , ’ Reference speed ’ , ’ location ’ , ’ southeast ’) ;
463 grid on ;
465 subplot (3 , 4 , 3) ;
466 line ( XPos , YPos , t ) ;
467 title ( ’ Position ’) ;
468 xlabel ( ’x ( m ) ’) ;
469 ylabel ( ’y ( m ) ’) ;
470 grid on ;
471 axis equal ;
473 subplot (3 , 4 , 4) ;
474 plot (t , L i n e a r i z a t i o n E r r o r ) ;
475 title ( ’ Linearization error ’) ;
476 xlabel ( ’ Time ( s ) ’) ;
477 ylabel ( ’ Relative error (%) ’) ;
478 grid on ;
480 subplot (3 , 4 , [5 6 7 8]) ;
481 plot (t , Phi *180/ pi ) ;
482 hold on ;
483 plot (t , Theta *180/ pi ) ;
484 plot (t , Ref erenceTh eta *180/ pi ) ;
485 plot (t , ReferencePhi *180/ pi ) ;
486 axis ([ t (1) t ( end ) -55 45]) ;
487 title ( ’ Angles ’) ;
488 xlabel ( ’ Time ( s ) ’) ;
489 ylabel ( ’ Angles ( deg ) ’) ;
490 grid on ;
491 legend ( ’ Lean angle ’ , ’ Steer angle ’ , ’ Reference steer angle ’ , ’ Reference lean angle ’ , ’
location ’ , ’ southeast ’) ;
493 subplot (3 , 4 , [9 10 11 12]) ;
494 % plot (t , ForceDriving ) ;
495 hold on ;
496 % plot (t , ForceBraking ) ;
497 plot (t , ForceDisturb , ’ Color ’ , [0 0.7 0]) ;
498 % plot (t , For ceAirRes ist ) ;
499 plot (t , ForceFrictionFront , ’ Color ’ , [0 0.3 0.7]) ;
500 plot (t , ForceFrictionRear , ’ Color ’ , [0.7 0 0]) ;
501 plot (t , FrictionLimitFront , ’ Color ’ , [0 0.3 1]) ;

502 plot (t , FrictionLimitRear , ’ Color ’ , [1 0 0]) ;
503 title ( ’ Forces ’) ;
504 xlabel ( ’ Time ( s ) ’) ;
505 ylabel ( ’ Force ( N ) ’) ;
506 grid on ;
507 legend ( ... % ’ Driving force ’ , ’ Braking force ’ ,
508 ’ Disturbance ’ , ...
509 ’ Friction front tire ’ , ’ Friction rear tire ’ , ...
510 ’ Friction limit front ’ , ’ Friction limit rear ’) ;
513 % Steering motor info
514 figure ;
515 subplot (3 , 3 , 1) ;
516 plot (t , V o l t a g e S t e e r i n g M o t o r ) ;
517 title ( ’ Voltage , Steering Motor ’) ;
518 xlabel ( ’ Time ( s ) ’) ;
519 ylabel ( ’ Voltage ( V ) ’) ;
520 grid on ;
522 subplot (3 , 3 , 4) ;
523 plot (t , C u r r e n t S t e e r i n g M o t o r ) ;
524 title ( ’ Current , Steering Motor ’) ;
525 xlabel ( ’ Time ( s ) ’) ;
526 ylabel ( ’ Current ( A ) ’) ;
527 grid on ;
529 subplot (3 , 3 , 7) ;
530 plot (t , V o l t a g e S t e e r i n g M o t o r .* C u r r e n t S t e e r i n g M o t o r ) ;
531 title ( ’ Electrical Power , Steering Motor ’) ;
532 xlabel ( ’ Time ( s ) ’) ;
533 ylabel ( ’ Power ( W ) ’) ;
534 grid on ;
536 subplot (3 , 3 , 2) ;
537 plot (t , T o r q u e S t e e r i n g M o t o r ) ;
538 title ( ’ Torque , Steering Axle ’) ;
539 xlabel ( ’ Time ( s ) ’) ;
540 ylabel ( ’ Torque ( Nm ) ’) ;
541 grid on ;
544 subplot (3 , 3 , 5) ;
545 plot (t , ThetaSpeed * 60 / (2* pi ) ) ;
546 title ( ’ Angular speed , Steering Axle ’) ;
547 xlabel ( ’ Time ( s ) ’) ;
548 ylabel ( ’ Angular speed ( rpm ) ’) ;
549 grid on ;
551 subplot (3 , 3 , 8) ;
552 plot (t , P o w e r S t e e r i n g M o t o r ) ;
553 title ( ’ Power , Steering Axle ’) ;
554 xlabel ( ’ Time ( s ) ’) ;
555 ylabel ( ’ Power ( W ) ’) ;
556 grid on ;
558 % Driving motor info
559 figure ;
560 subplot (3 , 3 , 1) ;
561 plot (t , V o l t a g e D r i v i n g M o t o r ) ;
562 title ( ’ Voltage , Driving Motor ’) ;
563 xlabel ( ’ Time ( s ) ’) ;
564 ylabel ( ’ Voltage ( V ) ’) ;
565 grid on ;
567 subplot (3 , 3 , 4) ;
568 plot (t , C u r r e n t D r i v i n g M o t o r ) ;
569 title ( ’ Current , Driving Motor ’) ;
570 xlabel ( ’ Time ( s ) ’) ;
571 ylabel ( ’ Current ( A ) ’) ;
572 grid on ;
574 subplot (3 , 3 , 7) ;
575 plot (t , V o l t a g e D r i v i n g M o t o r .* C u r r e n t D r i v i n g M o t o r ) ;


576 title ( ’ Electrical Power , Driving Motor ’) ;

577 xlabel ( ’ Time ( s ) ’) ;
578 ylabel ( ’ Power ( W ) ’) ;
579 grid on ;
581 subplot (3 , 3 , 5) ;
582 plot (t , GammaSpeed * 60/(2* pi ) ) ;
583 title ( ’ Angular speed , Driving Motor Axle ’) ;
584 xlabel ( ’ Time ( s ) ’) ;
585 ylabel ( ’ Angular speed ( rpm ) ’) ;
586 grid on ;
588 subplot (3 , 3 , 8) ;
589 plot (t , P o w e r D r i v i n g M o t o r ) ;
590 title ( ’ Power , Driving Motor Axle ’) ;
591 xlabel ( ’ Time ( s ) ’) ;
592 ylabel ( ’ Power ( W ) ’) ;
593 grid on ;
595 subplot (3 , 3 , 2) ;
596 plot (t , T o r q u e D r i v i n g M o t o r A x l e ) ;
597 title ( ’ Torque , Driving Motor Axle ’) ;
598 xlabel ( ’ Time ( s ) ’) ;
599 ylabel ( ’ Torque ( Nm ) ’) ;
600 grid on ;
602 subplot (3 , 3 , 3) ;
603 plot (t , Tor queRearA xle ) ;
604 title ( ’ Torque , Rear Axle ’) ;
605 xlabel ( ’ Time ( s ) ’) ;
606 ylabel ( ’ Torque ( Nm ) ’) ;
607 grid on ;
609 subplot (3 , 3 , 6) ;
610 plot (t , GammaSpeed * 60/(2* pi ) / i_d ) ;
611 title ( ’ Angular speed , Rear Axle ’) ;
612 xlabel ( ’ Time ( s ) ’) ;
613 ylabel ( ’ Angular speed ( rpm ) ’) ;
614 grid on ;
616 subplot (3 , 3 , 9) ;
617 plot (t , P o w e r D r i v i n g M o t o r ./ ( V o l t a g e D r i v i n g M o t o r .* C u r r e n t D r i v i n g M o t o r ) * 100) ;
618 title ( ’ Efficiency , driving motor ’) ;
619 xlabel ( ’ Time ( s ) ’) ;
620 ylabel ( ’ Efficiency (%) ’) ;
621 grid on ;
623 % Figure that match experiment data figures
624 figure ;
625 subplot (2 , 1 , 1) ;
626 plot (t , Phi *180/ pi , ’b ’) ;
627 hold on ;
628 plot (t , ReferencePhi *180/ pi , ’k ’) ;
629 plot (t , Theta *180/ pi , ’ Color ’ , [0 0.7 0]) ;
630 plot (t , Ref erenceTh eta *180/ pi , ’r ’) ;
631 grid on ;
632 legend ( ’ Lean angle ’ , ’ Lean reference ’ , ’ Steer angle ’ , ’ Steer reference ’ , ’ location ’ , ’
southwest ’) ;
633 xlabel ( ’ Time ( s ) ’) ;
634 ylabel ( ’ Angles ( deg ) ’) ;
635 title ( ’ Angles ’) ;
637 sub2 = subplot (2 , 1 , 2) ;
638 plot (t , Speed *3.6 , ’b ’) ;
639 hold on ;
640 plot (t , Ref erenceSp eed *3.6 , ’r ’) ;
641 grid on ;
642 xlabel ( ’ Time ( s ) ’) ;
643 ylabel ( ’ Speed ( km / h ) ’) ;
644 yyaxis right ;
645 plot (t , VoltageDrivingMotor , ’m ’) ;
646 ylabel ( ’ Voltage ( V ) ’) ;
647 legend ( ’ Speed ’ , ’ Speed reference ’ , ’ Drive motor voltage ’ , ’ location ’ , ’ southeast ’) ;
648 title ( ’ Speed ’) ;

649 sub2 . YAxis (2) . Color = [1 0 1];

Appendix D

Arduino C code

1 /* Arduino Uno C code for the bicycle

2 * Version 3
3 *
4 * By : Arthur Gr ö nlund & Christos Tolis
5 * Course : MF133X degree project in mechatronics
6 * University : KTH - Kungliga Tekniska H ö gskolan
7 *
8 * Purpose : This program controls the bicycle unit and implements
9 * a linearized , time - variant state space controller for automatic
10 * balancing of the bicycle prototype . Also implements automatic control
11 * for the two DC motors .
12 *
13 * When started , red LED will flash every second to indicate that the program
is ready .
14 * Pressing the right button will start the bicycle . The left button ( or
lifting the bicycle )
15 * will shut off the program .
16 *
17 * Hardware used : Arduino Uno Rev3
18 * 2 x MPU6050 accelerometer & gyro sensors
19 * 1 x Angle sensor ( Linear potentiometer )
20 * 1 x custom built pulse code wheel with an optical sensor
21 * 2 x VNH3SP30 motor drivers
22 * 1 x SD - card module connected via ICSP pins
23 *
24 * Version history : version 1 - included usage of all the LED ’s and allowed selection of
25 * different " programs " for different bicycle behaivours .
26 * version 2 - added SD card module for logging data . This meant that 4
27 * the LED ’s could not be used and therefore program
28 * had to be removed . Code now consists of two states : " on "
or " off ".
29 * version 3 - Optimized code for speed . Loop time cut from 15 -25 ms to
6 -10 ms .
30 * Switched SD library from SD . h to SdFat . h
31 *
32 * Last change : 2018 -05 -25
33 *
34 * Compiled with gcc - O2 flag . O3 makes the program slightly too large .
35 *
36 */
38 # include " PinChangeInt . h " // This library helped against encoder bounces
39 # include " Wire . h " // For I2C bus communication
40 # include " I2Cdev . h " // Used by MPU6050 . h
41 # include " MPU6050 . h " // Accelerometer / Gyro library
42 # include " Filters . h " // Library for some generic filters such as
low / high pass
43 # include < SPI .h > // Enables SPI communication , used by SdFat . h


44 # include " SdFat . h " // SD card library , this is slightly lighter

than Arduino ’s SD . h
46 // PIN definitions
47 # define LED_WHITE 13 // Unused due to SD card module using SPI
48 # define LED_BLUE 12 // Unused due to SD card module using SPI
49 # define LED_GREEN 11 // Unused due to SD card module using SPI
50 # define LED_YELLOW 10 // Unused due to SD card module using SPI
51 # define LED_RED 9
52 # define MOTOR_STEER_B 8
53 # define MOTOR_STEER_A 7
54 # define M O TO R_ ST E ER _P WM 6
55 # define MOTOR_DRIVE_B 4
56 # define MOTOR_DRIVE_A 5
57 # define M O TO R_ DR I VE _P WM 3
58 # define S P E E D _ S E N S O R _ I N T E R R U P T 2
59 # define BUTTON_OK A1
60 # define BUTTON_CANCEL A0
61 # define SD_CARD_CS A2
62 # define S T E E R _ A N G L E _ S E N S O R A3
64 // Unit states
65 # define STATE_STARTUP 1
66 # define S T A T E _ P R O G R A M _ R E D 2
68 // Bicycle constants
69 # define g 9.82 // Gravitational acceleration
70 # define L 0.314 // Distance between front and rear axle ,
measured in Solid Edge ST9
71 # define l_b 0.1385 // Distance from CoG to rear axle , measured
in Solid Edge ST9
72 # define l_f 0.1755 // Distance from CoG to front axle
73 # define h_g 0.1655 // Distance from ground to CoG , measured in
Solid Edge ST9
74 # define r_d 0.08 // Wheel radius
75 # define m_d 0.119 // Mass of wheel , calculated by Solid Edge
76 # define J_D 0.000000060 // Moment of inertia of driving motor axle ,
calculated by Solid Edge ST9
77 # define J_B 0.00039 // Moment of inertia of rear wheel axle ,
calculated by Solid Edge ST9
78 # define J_F J_B // Moment of inertia of front wheel axle
79 # define J_S 0.000232 // Moment of inertia , steer assembly ,
calculated by Solid Edge ST9
80 # define m 1.6 // Vehicle mass , measured
81 # define J_L 0.060 // Moment of inertia for leaning angle ,
calculated by Solid Edge ST9
83 // Electronic " constants "
84 # define U_bank 12.0 // Total voltage of battery bank
86 // Controller constants
87 // Balancing controller
88 # define PP_Im 6.0 // Pole placement of balancing controller :
Imaginary part
89 # define PP_Re -7.0 // Pole placement of balancing controller :
Real part
91 // These are constants in the feedback vector for the balancing controller ,
92 // calculate these here so that they don ’t have to be calculated every loop .
93 float L_ cy ke l 1_ fa ct o r = - J_L * L / ( m * h_g ) * ( PP_Im * PP_Im + PP_Re * PP_Re + h_g * m * g / J_L ) ;
94 float L_ cy ke l 2_ fa ct o r = 2* J_L * L * PP_Re / ( m * h_g ) ;
95 float l0 _c yk e l_ fa ct o r = - J_L * L / ( m * h_g ) * ( PP_Im * PP_Im + PP_Re * PP_Re ) ;
97 // Speed controller
98 # define Kp 12 // Speed controller : Proportional constant
99 # define Ki 6 // Speed controller : Integral constant
101 // Steer motor controller
102 // # define L_motor_s1 20.3739 // Steer motor controller - Pole placement :
Im 10 , Re 20
103 // # define L_motor_s2 1.6095 // Steer motor controller - Pole placement :
Im 10 , Re 20

104 // # define L_motor_s1 4 5 . 8 4 1 1 6 6 4 3 5 1 8 3 9 4 3 // Steer motor controller - Pole placement :
Im 15 , Re 30
105 // # define L_motor_s2 2 . 4 2 4 4 4 5 5 4 3 2 0 9 8 1 0 // Steer motor controller - Pole placement :
Im 15 , Re 30
106 // # define L_motor_s1 75.3833 // Steer motor controller - Pole placement :
Im 25 , Re 35
107 // # define L_motor_s2 2.8319 // Steer motor controller - Pole placement :
Im 25 , Re 35
108 # define L_motor_s1 1 0 1 . 8 6 9 2 5 8 7 4 4 8 5 3 2 // Steer motor controller - Pole placement :
Im 30 , Re 40
109 # define L_motor_s2 3 .2 3 9 39 9 61 3 16 8 6 // Steer motor controller - Pole placement :
Im 30 , Re 40
110 # define l0_motor_s L_motor_s1 // Static gain
112 // Other constants
113 # define l e a n _ g y r o _ p e r c e n t a g e 0.98 // Complementary filter setting ,
accelerometer contribution factor will be 1 - l e a n _ g y r o _ p e r c e n t a g e
115 // Data logging ( SD card ) objects
116 SdFat sd ;
117 SdFile dataFile ;
119 // Buffers for converting numerical values to strings when logging to file
120 char vBuffer [9];
121 char v_refBuffer [9];
122 char st e e r A n g l e B u f f e r [9];
123 char s t e e r A n g l e _ r e f B u f f e r [9];
124 char U_ASBuffer [9];
125 char U_ADBuffer [9];
126 char lea nA ng l eB uf fe r [9];
127 char l e a n A n g l e _ r e f B u f f e r [9];
128 char ssxBuffer [9];
129 char lsyBuffer [9];
130 char laxBuffer [9];
131 char lazBuffer [9];
132 char dtBuffer [9];
134 // State variables , initial values
135 float leanAngle = 0; // Lean angle
136 float steerAngle = 0; // Steer angle
137 volatile float v = 0; // Bicycle speed . Needs to be volatile
since it can change unexpectedly due to interrupts , otherwise compiler optimizations
might make wrong assumptions about this variable .
138 float U_AS = 0; // Steer motor voltage
139 float U_AD = 0; // Drive motor voltage
140 float s p e e d E r r o r H i s t o r y = 0; // Accumulative . If this gets very large
the PI - controller will get sluggish , and this might need clearing . ( Aka integral
windup )
141 int state = STATE_STARTUP ; // Current state of the program
142 bool okPressed = false ; // True when OK button is pressed
143 bool cancelPressed = false ; // True when Cancel button is pressed
144 bool re g u l a t e S t e e r i n g = false ; // Determines if steering should be
regulated or not
146 // References , initial values
147 float leanAngle_ref = 0; // Desired lean angle
148 float v_ref = 7/3.6; // Desired bicycle speed
149 float ste erAngle_ ref = 0; // Desired steer angle
151 // Sensor objects
152 MPU6050 leanSensor (0 x69 ) ; // Lean angle sensor
153 MPU6050 steerSensor (0 x68 ) ; // Steer angle sensor , has AD0 set to HIGH .
155 // Filter objects , second argument is cutoff frequency in Hz for one pole filters .
156 FilterOnePole steerR efFilter ( LOWPASS , 5) ; // Filter the steer ref angle cause of
the noise in the gyro data . This will cause a delay in the regulator and the cutoff
should therefore not be set too low .
157 FilterOnePole l i f t D e t e c t i o n F i l t e r ( LOWPASS , 2) ; // Filter for the lift detection code so
the unit doesn ’t shut off due to simple vibrations .
158 FilterOnePole d r i v e M e a s u r e F i l t e r ( LOWPASS , 5) ; // Smooths out speed measurements a bit .
161 // Raw measurement variables from sensors
162 int lean_acc_x , lean_acc_z ;


163 int lean_speed_y ;

164 int steer_speed_x ;
166 // Calibration " constants " - determined at startup
167 int c al i b _ l e a n _ s p e e d _ y ;
168 int c a l i b _ s t e e r _ s p e e d _ x ;
169 int calib_lean_acc_x , c al i b _ l e a n _ a c c _ z ;
171 // SI unit variables for acceleration and angular velocity
172 float lax , laz , lsy , ssx ;
174 // Other
175 unsigned long l a s t T i m e C o d e W h e e l P a s s = 0; // Time of last interrupt signal
from speed sensor .
176 unsigned long t i m e A t t a i n e d S p e e d = 0; // Variable for holding the time
that bicycle attained a certain speed
177 unsigned long lastLoopTime = 0; // Time when last dt ( change in
time ) was calculated
179 // Interrupt service routine ( ISR ) : run every time a change is registered at the pulse
code wheel .
180 void s p e e d C o d e W h e e l P a s s () {
181 float dt = ( float ) ( micros () - l a s t T i m e C o d e W h e e l P a s s ) * 1E -6;
182 l a s t T i m e C o d e W h e e l P a s s = micros () ;
184 v = d r i v e M e a s u r e F i l t e r . input (0.0100530 / dt ) ;
185 }
187 // Flashes red LED every second , for one second
188 void flashRedLED () {
189 if (( millis () / 1000) % 2 == 0) {
190 digitalWrite ( LED_RED , HIGH ) ;
191 }
192 else {
193 digitalWrite ( LED_RED , LOW ) ;
194 }
195 }
197 // Balacing controller
198 float calcTheta_ref ( float phi , float phiSpeed , float phi_ref ) {
199 float v2 = v * v ;
200 float L_cykel1 = L _ cy ke l1 _ fa ct or / v2 ;
201 float L_cykel2 = L _ cy ke l2 _ fa ct or / v2 ;
202 float l0_cykel = l 0 _c yk el _ fa ct or / v2 ;
204 float theta_ref = - L_cykel1 * phi - L_cykel2 * phiSpeed + l0_cykel * phi_ref ; //
Balancing controller , feedback loop
206 // Don ’t request larger angles than 50 deg (0.872664 rad )
207 if ( theta_ref > 0.872664)
208 theta_ref = 0.872664;
209 else if ( theta_ref < -0.872664)
210 theta_ref = -0.872664;
212 return theta_ref ;
213 }
215 // Steer controller
216 float calcU_AS ( float theta , float thetaSpeed , float theta_ref ) {
217 float U_AS = - L_motor_s1 * theta - L_motor_s2 * thetaSpeed + l0_motor_s * theta_ref ; //
Steer motor controller , feedback loop
219 if ( U_AS > U_bank ) // Makes sure the regulator doesn ’t request higher voltages
than the battery bank can provide .
220 U_AS = U_bank ;
221 else if ( U_AS < - U_bank )
222 U_AS = - U_bank ;
224 return U_AS ;
225 }
227 // Speed controller
228 float calcU_AD ( float dt ) {
229 float speedError = v_ref - v ;

230 sp eed E r r o r H i s t o r y += speedError ;
231 float U_AD = Kp * speedError + Ki * dt * s p e e d E r r o r H i s t o r y ;
233 if ( U_AD > U_bank ) // Makes sure the regulator doesn ’t request higher voltages
than the battery bank can provide .
234 U_AD = U_bank ;
235 else if ( U_AD < 0)
236 U_AD = 0;
238 return U_AD ;
239 }
241 // Creates a new file on the SD card , with increasing trailing numbers in the file name .
242 void createFile () {
243 int filenumber = 1;
244 char filename [9];
246 strcpy ( filename , " 1. csv " ) ;
247 while ( sd . exists ( filename ) ) {
248 filenumber += 1;
249 itoa ( filenumber , filename , 10) ;
250 strcat ( filename , " . csv " ) ;
251 }
253 dataFile . open (( const char *) filename , O_CREAT | O_WRITE ) ;
254 }
256 void co l l e c t S e n s o r D a t a () {
257 int trashMemory ; // Dummy variable
258 leanSensor . getMotion6 (& lean_acc_x , & trashMemory , & lean_acc_z , & trashMemory , &
lean_speed_y , & trashMemory ) ; // This was slightly faster than getting the values
separately .
259 steer_speed_x = steerSensor . getRotationX () ;
261 steerAngle = - ( float ) ( analogRead ( S T E E R _ A N G L E _ S E N S O R ) - 504) * 0.00579503;
263 // Convert to SI units and switch direction on steer angular velocity ( it is mounted "
upside down ")
264 lax = (( float ) lean_acc_x + c a l i b _l e a n _ a c c _ x ) * 0.000599365;
265 laz = (( float ) lean_acc_z + c a l i b _l e a n _ a c c _ z ) * 0.000599365;
266 lsy = (( float ) lean_speed_y + c a l i b _ l e a n _ s p e e d _ y ) * 1.33231 E -4;
267 ssx = - (( float ) steer_speed_x + c a l i b _ s t e e r _ s p e e d _ x ) * 0.00106526;
268 }
270 void calcLeanAngle ( float dt ) {
271 float leanAngleAcc = - atan2 ( lax , laz ) ; // Lean angle according to accelerometer
272 float l e a n A n g l e G y r C h a n g e = lsy * dt ; // Change in lean angle according to gyro
273 leanAngle = l e a n _ g y r o _ p e r c e n t a g e *( leanAngle + l e a n A n g l e G y r C h a n g e ) + (1 -
l e a n _ g y r o _ p e r c e n t a g e ) * leanAngleAcc ; // Complementary Filter
274 }
276 void logData ( float dt ) {
277 // Convert floats to C strings
278 dtostrf (v , 8 , 3 , vBuffer ) ;
279 dtostrf ( v_ref , 8 , 3 , v_refBuffer ) ;
280 dtostrf ( steerAngle , 8 , 3 , s t e e r A n g l e B u f f e r ) ;
281 dtostrf ( steerAngle_ref , 8 , 3 , s t e e r A n g l e _ r e f B u f f e r ) ;
282 dtostrf ( U_AS , 8 , 3 , U_ASBuffer ) ;
283 dtostrf ( U_AD , 8 , 3 , U_ADBuffer ) ;
284 dtostrf ( leanAngle , 8 , 3 , le a nA ng le B uf fe r ) ;
285 dtostrf ( leanAngle_ref , 8 , 3 , l e a n A n g l e _ r e f B u f f e r ) ;
286 dtostrf ( ssx , 8 , 3 , ssxBuffer ) ;
287 dtostrf ( lsy , 8 , 3 , lsyBuffer ) ;
288 dtostrf ( lax , 8 , 3 , laxBuffer ) ;
289 dtostrf ( laz , 8 , 3 , lazBuffer ) ;
290 dtostrf ( dt , 8 , 3 , dtBuffer ) ;
292 // File structure : [v , v_ref , leanAngle , leanAngle_ref , steerAngle , steerAngle_ref ,
U_AS , U_AD , ssx , lsy , lax , laz , dt ]
293 dataFile . print ( vBuffer ) ; dataFile . print ( " ," ) ; dataFile . print ( v_refBuffer ) ; dataFile .
print ( " ," ) ; dataFile . print ( l ea nA ng l eB uf fe r ) ; dataFile . print ( " ," ) ; dataFile . print (
l e a n A n g l e _ r e f B u f f e r ) ; dataFile . print ( " ," ) ;
294 dataFile . print ( s t e e rA n g l e B u f f e r ) ; dataFile . print ( " ," ) ; dataFile . print (
s t e e r A n g l e _ r e f B u f f e r ) ; dataFile . print ( " ," ) ; dataFile . print ( U_ASBuffer ) ; dataFile .


print ( " ," ) ; dataFile . print ( U_ADBuffer ) ; dataFile . print ( " ," ) ;
295 dataFile . print ( ssxBuffer ) ; dataFile . print ( " ," ) ; dataFile . print ( lsyBuffer ) ; dataFile .
print ( " ," ) ; dataFile . print ( laxBuffer ) ; dataFile . print ( " ," ) ; dataFile . print (
lazBuffer ) ; dataFile . print ( " ," ) ;
296 dataFile . print ( dtBuffer ) ;
298 dataFile . println ( " " ) ;
300 /* One could do the logging by letting the sd library convert the floats , such as :
301 *
302 * dataFile . print (v , 3) ; dataFile . print (" ,") ; dataFile . print ( v_ref , 3) ; dataFile .
print (" ,") ; dataFile . print ( leanAngle , 3) ; dataFile . print (" ,") ; dataFile . print (
leanAngle_ref , 3) ; dataFile . print (" ,") ;
303 * dataFile . print ( steerAngle , 3) ; dataFile . print (" ,") ; dataFile . print ( steerAngle_ref ,
3) ; dataFile . print (" ,") ; dataFile . print ( U_AS , 3) ; dataFile . print (" ,") ; dataFile .
print ( U_AD , 3) ; dataFile . print (" ,") ;
304 * dataFile . print ( ssx , 3) ; dataFile . print (" ,") ; dataFile . print ( lsy , 3) ; dataFile .
print (" ,") ; dataFile . print ( lax , 3) ; dataFile . print (" ,") ; dataFile . print ( laz , 3) ;
dataFile . print (" ,") ; dataFile . print ( dt , 3) ;
305 * dataFile . println ("") ;
306 *
307 * This method might save some RAM ( since the buffers / char arrays aren ’t needed ) , but
takes about 4 -5 ms longer to execute .
308 */
309 }
311 // System setup , run once when unit is turned on .
312 void setup () {
313 // Pin c onfigura tions
314 pinMode ( LED_RED , OUTPUT ) ;
315 pinMode ( MOTOR_DRIVE_A , OUTPUT ) ;
316 pinMode ( MOTOR_DRIVE_B , OUTPUT ) ;
317 pinMode ( MOTOR_DRIVE_PWM , OUTPUT ) ;
318 pinMode ( MOTOR_STEER_A , OUTPUT ) ;
319 pinMode ( MOTOR_STEER_B , OUTPUT ) ;
320 pinMode ( MOTOR_STEER_PWM , OUTPUT ) ;
323 pinMode ( BUTTON_OK , INPUT ) ;
324 pinMode ( BUTTON_CANCEL , INPUT ) ;
326 // Join I2C bus
327 Wire . begin () ;
329 // Initialize MPU6050 sensors
330 leanSensor . initialize () ;
331 steerSensor . initialize () ;
333 // Configure sensors
334 leanSensor . setDLPFMode (4) ; // Activates the internal lowpass filter :
Cutoffs at 20 Hz , 8.3 ms delay .
335 steerSensor . setDLPFMode (4) ;
336 steerSensor . s e t F u l l S c a l e G y r o R a n g e (3) ; // Uses the full range of the gyroscope for
steering , 0 - 2000 deg / s .
338 // Test connections to sensors , if successful light up LED for half a second .
339 if ( leanSensor . testCo nnection () && steerSensor . tes tConnect ion () ) ;{
340 digitalWrite ( LED_RED , HIGH ) ;
341 }
342 delay (500) ;
343 digitalWrite ( LED_RED , LOW ) ;
345 if (! sd . begin ( SD_CARD_CS , SD_SCK_MHZ (50) ) ) {
346 sd . initErrorHalt () ;
347 }
349 // Attach interrupt function to speed sensor pin
350 PCintPort :: a tt a ch In te r ru pt ( SPEED_SENSOR_INTERRUPT , speedCodeWheelPass , CHANGE ) ;
352 // Calibrate gyros and a ccelerom eters .
353 lean_acc_x = leanSensor . g e t A c c e l e r a t i o nX () ;
354 lean_acc_z = leanSensor . g e t A c c e l e r a t i o nZ () ;
355 lean_speed_y = leanSensor . getRotationY () ;
356 steer_speed_x = steerSensor . getRotationX () ;

358 c al ib _ l e a n _ s p e e d _ y = 0 - lean_speed_y ;
359 c a l i b _ s t e e r _ s p e e d _ x = 0 - steer_speed_x ;
360 calib _ l e a n _ ac c _ x = 0 - lean_acc_x ; // Calibration without support wheel ( unit
should be straight up and not moving )
361 calib _ l e a n _ ac c _ z = 16384 - lean_acc_z ; // Calibration without support wheel ( unit
should be straight up and not moving )
362 // cali b _ l e a n _ a c c _ x = -2394 - lean_acc_x ; // Calibration with support wheel
363 // cali b _ l e a n _ a c c _ z = 16209 - lean_acc_z ; // Calibration with support wheel
364 }
366 // Main loop when unit was just started or a program was shut off
367 // Flashes red LED every second
368 void loopStartup () {
369 // Check any input from buttons
370 bool okValue = digitalRead ( BUTTON_OK ) ;
372 if ( okValue == HIGH )
373 okPressed = 1;
374 else if ( okValue == LOW && okPressed ) {
375 okPressed = 0;
376 sp e e d E r r o r H i s t o r y = 0;
377 v = 0;
379 createFile () ;
381 state = S T A T E _ P R O G R A M _ R E D ;
382 }
384 // LED indications
385 flashRedLED () ;
387 co lle c t S e n s o r D a t a () ;
389 // Calculate change in time
390 unsigned long now = micros () ;
391 float dt = ( now - lastLoopTime ) * 1E -6;
392 lastLoopTime = now ;
394 calcLeanAngle ( dt ) ;
396 // Automatic Control
397 // steerA ngle_ref = calcTheta_ref ( leanAngle , lsy , leanAngle_ref ) ;
398 // U_AS = calcU_AS ( steerAngle , ssx , steer Angle_re f ) ;
399 // U_AD = calcU_AD ( dt ) ;
401 // Turn off motors
402 digitalWrite ( MOTOR_DRIVE_A , LOW ) ;
403 digitalWrite ( MOTOR_DRIVE_B , LOW ) ;
404 analogWrite ( MOTOR_DRIVE_PWM , 0) ;
405 digitalWrite ( MOTOR_STEER_A , LOW ) ;
406 digitalWrite ( MOTOR_STEER_B , LOW ) ;
407 analogWrite ( MOTOR_STEER_PWM , 0) ;
408 }
410 void loopProg ramRed () {
411 // If user pressed cancel button , turn off the program
412 bool cancelValue = digitalRead ( BUTTON_CANCEL ) ;
414 if ( cancelValue == HIGH )
415 cancelPressed = 1;
416 else if ( cancelValue == LOW && cancelPressed ) {
417 cancelPressed = 0;
418 dataFile . close () ;
419 reg u l a t e S t e e r i ng = false ;
420 state = STATE_STARTUP ;
422 return ;
423 }
425 // LED indications
426 digitalWrite ( LED_RED , HIGH ) ;
428 co lle c t S e n s o r D a t a () ;


430 // Detect if unit was lifted up and stop program if that ’s the case
431 if ( l i f t D e t e c t i o n F i l t e r . input ( laz ) > 11.5) {
432 dataFile . close () ;
433 reg u l a t e S t e e r i ng = false ;
434 state = STATE_STARTUP ;
436 return ;
437 }
439 // Calculate change in time
440 unsigned long now = micros () ;
441 float dt = ( now - lastLoopTime ) * 1E -6;
442 lastLoopTime = now ;
444 calcLeanAngle ( dt ) ;
446 // Automatic Control
447 steer Angle_re f = calcTheta_ref ( leanAngle , lsy , leanAngle_ref ) ;
449 // With support wheel :
450 // Only regulate the steering when the bicycle has attained the desired speed .
451 // Otherwise steer slightly to the left to keep as straight as possible .
453 if ( r e g u l a t e S t e e r i n g ) {
454 // if ( now > t i m e A t t a i n e d S p e e d + 1000)
455 // leanAngle_ref = -0.174532; // -10 deg
456 }
457 else {
458 stee rAngle_r ef = 0;
460 if ( v > 1.6667) { // 6 km / h
461 r e g u l a t e S t e e r in g = true ;
462 t i m e A t t a i n e d S p e e d = micros () ;
463 }
464 }
466 steer Angle_re f = ste erRefFil ter . input ( steerAng le_ref ) ;
468 U_AS = calcU_AS ( steerAngle , ssx , st eerAngle _ref ) ;
469 U_AD = calcU_AD ( dt ) ;
471 // Send PWM signals to motor drivers
472 digitalWrite ( MOTOR_DRIVE_A , HIGH ) ;
473 digitalWrite ( MOTOR_DRIVE_B , LOW ) ;
474 analogWrite ( MOTOR_DRIVE_PWM , map ( U_AD , 0 , 12 , 0 , 255) ) ;
476 if ( U_AS < 0) {
477 U_AS = map ( abs ( U_AS ) , 0 , 12 , 2 , 12) ;
478 digitalWrite ( MOTOR_STEER_A , HIGH ) ;
479 digitalWrite ( MOTOR_STEER_B , LOW ) ;
480 analogWrite ( MOTOR_STEER_PWM , map ( abs ( U_AS ) , 0 , 12 , 24 , 255) ) ;
481 }
482 else {
483 U_AS = - map ( abs ( U_AS ) , 0 , 12 , 2 , 12) ;
484 digitalWrite ( MOTOR_STEER_A , LOW ) ;
485 digitalWrite ( MOTOR_STEER_B , HIGH ) ;
486 analogWrite ( MOTOR_STEER_PWM , map ( abs ( U_AS ) , 0 , 12 , 24 , 255) ) ;
487 }
489 // Log data to SD card
490 logData ( dt ) ;
491 }
493 // Arduino main loop - selects appropriate loop depending on which state unit is in
494 void loop () {
495 switch ( state ) {
496 case STATE_STARTUP :
497 loopStartup () ;
498 break ;
499 case S T A T E _ P R O G R A M _ R E D :
500 loop ProgramR ed () ;
501 break ;
502 }

503 }

TRITA-ITM-EX 2018:58


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