General Biology
General Biology
General Biology
- The cells are smallest and the fundamental function of life as it is the basic unit
that lives independently and has the potential to exist.
- Most cells are measured between 1 and 100 (um) in diameter.
- Different cells are differing in size, shape and quality for being complex.
- Skeletal muscle cells are usually long, tube-like shape, nucleus are made up of two
or more and located at the peripheral area of cell. More striations appeared inside
the cell that consists of light band and dark band. Skeletal muscle cell is known as
striated voluntary muscle cell that can do a work voluntarily.
- Nerve cells are the fundamental and functioning unit of the entire system in brain.
The star like shaped of the nerve cells can be distinguish from other types of cells.
From the oval structures that located at the center known as cell body, while the
short projection that surrounded are called dendrites, and the long single branch
also known as axon. The nerve cell carries information to the brain vice versa.
- Red blood cells are oval biconcave discs shape and lack of nucleus. Red blood
cells is the most abundance in the entire body but they are small when you
compare from white blood cell. It is also contains a substances known as
Hemoglobin a protein substance to carries oxygen in the blood.
- Common characteristics and properties similar to other cells:
*Composition of the cell membrane
*Metabolic activities that they perform
*Similarity of boundary parts (cell membrane) and complex materials inside.
*Composition of chemicals compounds (organic compound and inorganic
- Botanist, 1831
- Discovered the carrier of the genetic materials call "Nucleus".
- Nucleus is the transmitter, controller of the information and carrier of genes.
- German botanist
- He concluded in his studies about the entire parts of a plant that all plant are made
up of cell.
- Discovered the cells in plant only.
- German zoologist, 1839
- Discovered cell in animals
- All cells originate from other preexisting cells (cell division)
- German physician, 1858
- Justify the creation of new cells were came from other cells.
- "all living cells come from other existing cells and therefore this proof justify that
the creation of new cells were from other living cells.
- The reason why he propose this idea because Spontaneous generation, life is from
non-living matter
The first principle states that a man is made up of trillion of cells in his body,
therefore man do all the
work just because all the cells are totally functional and working. This principle implies
of unity.
The second principle states that, our human body composed of well-organized
group of chemical
compound, from the smallest or simplest chemical compound up to complex, therefore
man has a capacity to perform his life processes in order for him to survive. This
principle implies of functionality.
The third principle states that a single cell can be divide and multiply to produce
two daughter cells the
same as their parent cells. This principle implies of reproducibility.
Parts of Microscope
- Rotating head
- Object lens
- Stage
- Diaphragm
- Base
- Body tube
- Eye piece
- Arm
- coarse focus numb
- Fine focus numb
- Power switch
- Lights source
Cell Wall
- The external boundary outer cell membrane that located in plants only.
- It consist of cellulose structure and other substances that protect the plants from
invading pathogenic organisms as well as to prevent dryness.
2. CYT
- The cytoplasm is one of the major parts of the cell that located outside the nucleus,
inside the cell membrane.
- It composed of a jelly-like substance that filled up in the entire cytoplasm.
- It also contains cytosol, organelles and inclusions.
- Cell expansion, growth, metabolic activities and cell replication are main functions of
- The cytosol is the semi-transparent fluid in which cytoplasmic organelles and particles
are suspended. It is one of the major cellular components that give structural support
and holds the organelles inside the cell.
- 70% of cytoplasm are water
Cytoplasmic Organelles:
- Small rounded dark bodies which composed of ribosomal proteins and
ribonucleic acids.
- The one which connect amino acids together to form long chains of protein.
- Bounded by membrane but they are not membranous in structure.
- Ribosomes are the builders of protein materials and responsible for protein
- They usually floating around the cytoplasm, located in entire cell and some are
found in the rough endoplasmic reticulum.
- A network or interconnected of tubes and flattened sacs, extending in the entire
cytoplasm and channels, membranous tube-like structure known as cisternae.
- Acts as transport vesicles to carry different substances, responsible for
carbohydrates, protein, lipids synthesis, modifies protein materials.
Two Types of Endoplasmic Reticulum:
A. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
- Golgi complex, Golgi bodies
- It is made up stacks of flattened membranous sacs carrying the protein from
rough endoplasmic reticulum to the outside of part of the cell.
- It contains enzymes that responsible to modify protein, packages and secreted
- It is known as the "Power house of the cell".
- This is the location wherein energy produces by synthesis of Adenosine
- Mitochondrion has two layers of membranous sacs, the inside membrane is
enfolds to form cristae and encloses by a matrix.
- A sausage shape like organelle considered as the sites for cellular respiration,
conversion of energy origination from simple sugar and lipid into ATP energy.
- It regulates cellular metabolism.
- Single membranous sac that plays important roles in storage of materials and
water, releasing of cellular waste products, conducts intercellular digestion,
maintaining hydrostatic pressure.
- The vacuole in plants is large that plays a vital role in turgor pressure and serves
as for the storage of water.
- The vacuole in animals is small for the storage of food products.
- Are known as the "scavenger of the cell", membranous bag structure which
contain strong hydrolytic enzymes and use by the cell to digest macromolecules.
- Develop in vesicles
- These are single-membranous organelles that worn-out the damage parts, fuse
with the lysosomes and broken down by nucleic acids and some lipids.
- The digested products can reuse again by the cell for the synthesis of cellular
- The programmed of cell destruction with the use of lysosomal enzymes is
important in the process of cell development.
- It is known as the Cell Coat that located in the outer part of cell membrane of
animal cell, its function for cell recognition and cellular adhesion.
- It is also responsible for tissue organization.
- Are membranous sacs that containing oxidative enzymes for the function of
detoxifying harmful substances.
- It is composed of collective network of protein filamentous, thread-like structure
called microtubules, microfilaments which produce a strong ability to support and
maintain the cell shape.
- It is the fundamental framework of the cytoplasm containing protein filament that
assist for the organelles to move inside.
- Consists id two-membranous layered w/c surrounded the entire nucleus and
serves as the boundary to separates the nuclear materials from the cytoplasm.
- It is containing thread-like materials called chromatin and usually located in a
darker area of the nucleus.
- The nuclear membrane controls the continuous flow of materials inside and
outside the nucleus.
- Nuclear pores
- It is known as the clear sap containing fluid substance that suspended in the
internal part forming the protoplasm of the nucleus also known as Karyoplasm.
- A spherical shape made up of granular structures that found inside the nucleus
containing Ribosomal Nucleic Acid (RNA) which rich of protein materials for
the protein synthesis and carrying hereditary traits.
- Creates ribosomes
- These are long thread stands associated with proteins materials that suddenly
coiled, appear thicker, denser and shorter when cells divide.
- It contains genetic materials known as DNA that embedded inside the
- Are cytoplasmic projection that made of two central and nine pairs of peripheral
microtubules which extend from surface of cell.
- Cover by plasma membranep
- Many single-celled organism use them for propulsion and other function of
flagella for cell locomotion
- Are relatively short projection that extend from the surface of cell and allowing
the materials to move on surface of some tissues in form of waves.
- Prokaryotes means "before the nucleus" or pre means before and karyon means "nucleus.
- They are organism without a cell nucleus.
- They are belonging to the group of unicellular organisms but some are multicellular.
- They evolved first before the eukaryotes.
- All prokaryotes are single celled organisms that are smallest and metabolically diverse forms of
- They are located nearly Earth's entire environment including some of hostile places.
- "true nucleus"
- Eukaryotes are organisms that are consist of free-living cells
- capable to become independent.
- Others also made up of trillion of cells working together as a team or as a unit.
- A eukaryotic cells contain visible organelles.
- Most of the cells in your body are having their nucleus except the red blood cells, they having
nucleus when they newly formed.
- Also organisms in terms of their cells are orderly arranged from simple up to complex
structures by enclosing membranes and at the center of the cell it os bounded by a nucleus.
- All cells are probably the same, however prokaryotic and eukaryotic have important structural
characteristics in which they are differ from one another like the present of nucleus, organelles,
chemical composition of the cell wall, mitochondria and chloroplast.
- Epithelial tissues form the covering of the surfaces of the body located both in internal and
external parts.
- One example is skin found in the uppermost layer of the body which made of epithelial
- There are two groups of epithelial tissue; these are classified base on the cells arrangement
according to layer.
- Epithelial tissue consists of single layer known as Simple epithelium while others
composed of many layers known as stratified epithelium.
Type of Cells Description Location Function
Squamous Cell Thin, scaly-look like, Kidney glomeruli, air sacs, Diffusion
flattened on the surface, fried lining of heart, blood Filtration
egg appearance with rounded vessels, lining of the Secretion
nucleus. vertical body cavities. Protection
Cuboidal Cell Dice shape, square-like shape Kidney tubules, ducts and Secretion
with large and spherical secretory position of small Absorption
nuclei. glands, very surface, egg
cells, sperm cells.
Columnar Cell Taller rather that wide, Digestive tubes, Absorption
column in shape, long and gallbladder excretory Secretion
rectangular shape with oblong ducts, some gland , Reception
or elongated nucleus contain bronchi, uterine tubes, Sensory
goblet cells. uterus, nose ears, tongue.
a. Ciliated Fine hair-like projection Nose, uterus, fallopian Move mucus
columnar Cell tubes, egg cells. and other
across the cell,
ciliary action
b. Pseudostratified False stratification or Ducts of large glands, Filtration,
columnar cell appearance, free surface with ductus difference, trachea, Absorption,
hair-like projection, nuclei throat, mouth Secretion,
seen at different level that Ciliary action
contain goblet cells
- Connective tissues is a kind of tissue that use to connect, bind, holds, and support one part
to another part pf the body.
- This is the most vascularized and widely distributed inside the body.
- It gives the body many functions like supporting the muscles to produce movement,
- The muscle tissues are composed of muscle cells that designed for contraction and
- These can help us to do work.
- The muscle cells are also called muscle fibers.
- Inside the muscle fiber or a muscle cell it consists of sarcoplasm known as the cell
membrane, sarcolemma as the cytoplasm of the muscle cell and the cell boy that containing
nucleus located at the center.
Cell Type Cell Description Location
Striated/voluntary/skeletal Long cylindrical shape, Bundle forms, Skeletal muscles
muscle cells many nucleus, many striations.
Striated/involuntary/cardiac Short branching shape, have few striations, Heart/cardiac
muscle cells single nucleus/two nucleus muscle
Non- Spindle in shape of cells, one nucleus Visceral/ smooth
striated/involuntary/smooth located at the center, absent of striations muscle tissue
muscle cells
- Nervous tissue consists of two types of cells: conducting cells and supportive cell.
- Conducting cells or we can call it neurons are modified to respond to specific stimuli.
- The stimulation results in which the neuron transmits from one region of the body to
- The ability to respond to stimuli is one of the characteristic of living things and it is also
known as irritability.
- Neurons are classified according to the function and structure.
• Afferent or Sensory neuron
From the functional classification group this is concerned about the direction of the
nerve impulse travels to the CNS, from the CNS to the sensory receptors
• Efferent or Motor neuron
Neurons that carry impulses to the brain to the visceral or muscles and glands.
• Interneurons or Association neurons
Neurons that connect between sensory and motor neurons following the neutral
Structural Classification Group neuron that can be classified according to the number
of neurons
1. Unipolar neuron- Single process emerging from the cell body
2. Bipolar neuron- One dendrites, one axon.
3. Multipolar- Many dendrites, one axon
b. Cytoplasm
- The most functional part of the cell wherein cytoplasmic materials are working together
and consider as the machinery of the entire cytoplasm.
- Each little organ performs a specific task.
- Inside the cytoplasm, there is a present of semi-fluid substance that usually suspended in
the entire environment of the cell.
c. Nucleus
- The control center of a cell.
- It plays the central role in cellular reproduction and in conjunction with the environment;
it directs the metabolic activities of the living cell.
- The entire cell nucleus is protected by nuclear membranous appearance.
- It also regulates the passes of substance that can enter and leave pf the nucleus.
- The present of tiny pores through which protein and other compounds can ass the surface.
- The protoplasm inside the nucleus is called nucleoplasm.
- The chromosomes are threadlike bodies in which they are visible during the cell division.
- Chromosomes bear genes, the basic units of heredity.
Cell Feature Identification Function
Ribosomes Small rounded dark bodies Workbenches of protein material.
Mitochondria Sausage like organelle, elongated, Powerhouse of the cell, builder of
threadlike bodies energy known ATP, for cell cellular
Cytoskeleton Forming the network of Maintain cell shape motility, forms
microtubules, intermediate fibers the internal framework.
and microfilaments
Cell Feature Identification Function
Microtubules Tubular shape that made up of Give structural support cell mobility,
tubulin protein for cellular division
Microfilaments Rod-shape tubules, solid For the movement of cytoplasmic
rounded0like shape that contain organelles, responsible for cell
tubulin protein division, give supports
Intermediate Microscopic thin thread structure, Helps to make the cell to become
filaments hairy-like that made up of protein strong, maintaining the cell shape
Centrioles Pair of rounded tubular bodies Forms spindle fibers during cellular
located behind the nucleus division, for the movement of
cytoplasmic organelles for cell
- As shown in the figure, the interphase consists of subphases. The first subphases is designated
as G1.
- G stands for gap, referring to the gap between cell division and DNA synthesis.
G1, the period before DNA synthesis begins, is characterized by an increase in the supply
of proteins, in the number of cellular organelles particularly mitochondria and
ribosomes, and in the size of the cell.
The second subphase is S(synthetic phase) , characterized mainly by DNA synthesis or
replication. In the S phase, the cell makes another copy of its
Chromosomes, which are composed of the DNA as well as the proteins attached to
them. The identical copies of each chromosome that result from the replication are
called sister chromatids. These sister chromatids remain attached to each other at a
point called centromere
The third subphase is called G2, it spans from the completion of DNA synthesis to the
start of actual cell division. It prepares the cell for chromosomal separation. It is
2. Phases of Mitosis
- The term "mitosis' is derived from the Latin word mito meaning "threads".
- Scientists century ago had seen "threads" within cells so they named the process of "thread
movements" as mitosis. The nuclear material becomes visible as thread like chromosomes
during mitosis. These chromosomes organize at the cell center and then separate moving into
each new cell that is formed. A series of modification is undergone by the nucleus to form
daughter nuclei in the dividing cell. The equal nuclear division called karyokinesis is followed
by the division of the cell body called cytokinesis. The cells which constitute the body or soma
or multicellular organisms multiply by mitosis, hence the process of mitosis is designed as
somatic cell division. Mitosis occurs among cells during embryonic development, growth,
repair of injured tissues and replacement Of worn out tissues, Certain specialized cells like
nerve cells, sperm cells, and red blood cells that have no nuclei lose their power to divide.
- Mitosis is a continuous process. For convenience of description it has been divided into a
serious of phases, namely: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase The combination of
mitosis and cytokinesis makes up the mitotic phase (M phase) of the cell cycle. Each phase
smoothly flows into the next phase. Mitosis is described as a dynamic continuum.